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Teapot Quitting? Is this the beginning of the end?

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> @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

> > @"Goettel.4389" said:


> >

> > And yet, we're still all here, including you :-)


> I read the forums more then i play lol.. Came back for the dragon bash weps I'm done now


Can I haz stuff? ;-)

Seriously though, sucks if you're not having fun in-game. I still do, even if it's far from perfect (like anything else).

It might be a tired cliché at this point but yeah: free to play & little vertical progression means you can quit and come back, as I have several times.

Like any other 'social' internet thing, streaming attracts probably 10% of players. A 'professional gamer' moving on to more views says just as much about those watching streams of people gaming (which I still find a bit WTF) as about the game 'being streamed'. I doubt it's as big a deal as that 10% makes it out to be, and frankly: I don't care that any 'streamer' moves on anywhere.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> I doubt that 80% of the GW2 player-base has ever watched a streamer. Supposedly, forum posters are a tiny minority, and not all of us watch streamers. I've watched 1 or 2 WP videos on YT, but have no interest to either find or watch someone nattering live as they play. Maybe that means I'm not a "true gamer."


Not being a "true gamer" is perfectly fine, since GW2 is not a real game (as was revealed in another thread).

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MMORPGs are kinda bad for streaming as the PVE content people care about watching is mainly some story and successful raid kills and from what Kitty's been testing, Youtube is the big thing when it comes to GW2 videos. Especially "let's play story"-videos also work way better as VoD than stream as like with any series, you want to be able to stop the video if needed and come back to continue watching at your own leisure.

And when it comes to video views, Kitty's personally currently getting more views with way fewer videos uploaded than before her 1/2 year content drought when she was upping more than video a day. So GW2 seems far from dead. (Though raids are, a bit).

And besides, like some OP anime character said in some anime, "there's nothing more boring than watching someone play an MMORPG" (if you can play it yourself).

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We've had numerous topics about GW2 and streaming sites before and the conclusion is always the same - this isn't the kind of game where it's fun to sit and watch someone else play. Combat is too fast paced, with too many things that aren't obvious when you're just watching (like traits which trigger under certain conditions) and a lot of stuff which is difficult to see in big groups. Add on the fact that it's a relatively casual game so there's very little content anyone would need to watch because they aren't able to play it themselves and there's very little appeal there. (I also get the impression that it attracts an older audience who aren't as interested in the idea of streaming and 'influences' in general - bearing in mind I'm counting myself in that and I'm only 35, so not very old in general terms but old enough that I'm considered less of a priority for marketers.)


A few people are able to attract attention with niche topics like deep dives into lore, but I doubt the majority of GW2 players even know (or care) that those streams exist, never mind watching them. If you go by the number of people watching streams then GW2 has never been a big success and has "died" numerous times over the years.


On a related note can we please stop acting like any MMO which isn't top of whichever measurement is under discussion has failed. I don't know of any other situation where people use that logic. No one says basketball is a "dead" sport just because football has more viewers on average, or even because it makes more money. Or that only the single most successful TV show being aired right now is actually successful and all the rest have failed if they don't get as many viewers. We've known since the days when Ultima Online, Runescape and Everquest were the 'big 3' that it's possible for multiple different MMOs to coexist by appealing to different audiences, even if one attracts more players than another. No GW2 isn't the most successful MMO out there, but that doesn't mean it's failed or failing or otherwise doomed. There are enough potential players out there to maintain multiple games, even if each of us only plays 1 at a time.


> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> If steams are your measurement then surely it was "the beginning of the end" when Teldo quit who used to get around 1k viewers every stream and he quit years ago. Teapot usually gets about the same as Koroshi used to get for roaming about WvW...


> Also you should take ESO streams with a big pinch of salt, the three biggest streamers there (Fengrush, Alcast, Fextralife) all get most of their "viewers" from having their streams embedded on websites.


> Also really who cares about streams, they are only really successful for esports and the odd other very rare game does decently with them, beyond that they don't matter.


Also a lot of "viewers" on ESO streams aren't watching it at all. ESO gives away crown crates (equivalent to black lion keys) to people who watch streams of the game, so a lot of people will log in to a participating stream then minimise the browser (or log in on a phone/tablet and turn the screen off) and just let it run for a while - they qualify for the promotion and get free stuff, the stream gets artificially inflated numbers but no one is actually watching and there's no engagement beyond logging in.


Their official forum is full of threads with players advising each other on how to set it up so you can guarantee you get the rewards and never have to see the stream at all.

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> @"bbop.9706" said:

> > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > > > > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > > > Asmongold was hosting 30,000+ playing WoW .

> > > >

> > > > That's the real reason Teapot left. He wants to Grow his Stream.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > absolutely. he derserves better imo.

> >

> > Yes, convincing you guys GW2 is bad because he wants more viewers in WoW is very deserving of our sympathy.


> Teapot is full of praise for gw2 in most areas. He's a hardcore raider stuck in a casual game.


> But the fact is he provides valuable and high quality content for our community.


> No one brings the community together the entertaining way he does and if that goes, quality goes down, interest in a game that has already crested its wave goes down, the community seek new communities..


I prefer to play the game rather than watch someone else on a stream doing it for me... good luck playing a relaunch of an already dated game.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > > > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > > > > > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > > > > Asmongold was hosting 30,000+ playing WoW .

> > > > >

> > > > > That's the real reason Teapot left. He wants to Grow his Stream.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > absolutely. he derserves better imo.

> > >

> > > Yes, convincing you guys GW2 is bad because he wants more viewers in WoW is very deserving of our sympathy.

> >

> > Teapot is full of praise for gw2 in most areas. He's a hardcore raider stuck in a casual game.

> >

> > But the fact is he provides valuable and high quality content for our community.

> >

> > No one brings the community together the entertaining way he does and if that goes, quality goes down, interest in a game that has already crested its wave goes down, the community seek new communities..


> I prefer to play the game rather than watch someone else on a stream doing it for me... good luck playing a relaunch of an already dated game.


"good luck _watching someone_ playing a relaunch of an already dated game."


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > > > > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > > > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > > > > > > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > > > > > > Asmongold was hosting 30,000+ playing WoW .

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That's the real reason Teapot left. He wants to Grow his Stream.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > absolutely. he derserves better imo.

> > > >

> > > > Yes, convincing you guys GW2 is bad because he wants more viewers in WoW is very deserving of our sympathy.

> > >

> > > Teapot is full of praise for gw2 in most areas. He's a hardcore raider stuck in a casual game.

> > >

> > > But the fact is he provides valuable and high quality content for our community.

> > >

> > > No one brings the community together the entertaining way he does and if that goes, quality goes down, interest in a game that has already crested its wave goes down, the community seek new communities..

> >

> > I prefer to play the game rather than watch someone else on a stream doing it for me... good luck playing a relaunch of an already dated game.


> "good luck _watching someone_ playing a relaunch of an already dated game."

> FTFY ;)


Ah but if I was a gambling man I would hedge the OP will be moving over to WoWCraptastic to follow the "streamer god"... for want of a better term :) )

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Oh look, the fifth thread about GW2 being dead this week.


> WP pulls 200 to 300 viewers on his casual morning streams for over a month now, just to put it a bit into perspective. GW2 isn't as big as WoW and it's even more of a niche on Twitch. This says nothing. If you think the LW episodes this season were bad your expectations are seriously off, maybe you didn't care enough to actually get into them, but you just make it sound like your "loyalty" was suffering through for no reason. Just go, be free.


> It's not like memepot wasn't thinking about doing something else for a long time already or anything.


It's a dying game man, just embrace it. This is the path every mmo takes and is longer for some than others. Twitch is usually the best indication of a game's popularity and life outside of fighting games, which has a strong competitive scene (gw2 has literally almost 0 competitive esports scene).


But you really don't even need to look at twitch to understand it. It's noticeable in the game in all game modes including raids now which I would say has the highest surge of population out of wvw, pvp and pve.


Try not to look at the fact that it's dying as a negative or immediately take and go into a defensive stance. It's natural for MMO's so just accept that aspect of it.


Also, we now live in a gaming era where Twitch actually does market the game for you and give it exposure, this is a fact... Honestly, I don't think gw2 even has the money to properly market this game themselves to newcomers. Twitch is honestly their only avenue for the most part outside of word of mouth marketing from current players (which is declining). So Twitch streamers for gw2 is actually really beneficial to them, losing a top streamer in their category is quite big. They don't get partnership deals for nothing, it's marketing.


I will say they should add AFK progression mechanics to the game to help with dropping of population. It works for BDO but that is a different type of progression all together so not sure it would work here.

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the game is being update periodically. there is always players in every zone. new players are in starter zones where i mentor. my big indicator is nerdslayer youtube video commentator. he has not created a death of game video yet. it takes lot of bad things to make him to do that. the sky is not falling.

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>Twitch is usually the best indication of a game's popularity and life outside of fighting games, which has a strong competitive scene (gw2 has literally almost 0 competitive esports scene).


Any source to convince me that the Twitch viewers constitute more than (or even close to) 10% of active GW2 accounts?

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So many people busy posting how they don't care.


It's a pity to see Teapot follow so many other content creators and leave the game but it's really not a surprise. The content just isn't there for these kind of gamers. Teapot loves the gameplay but the challenge and the kind of community that that challenge can build just isn't there. One raid a year (that can be cleared in an evening) just isn't enough.

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> @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

> I knew this game was dying when youtubers like yishis(thief/engi) and that iamlegion( best necro videos ever) quit back in like 2016. They cared about the game.. Made excellent videos indeth specially iamlegion. And yet suggestions fell to death ears and changes/nerfs drove them out the game...


> Theres other youtubers but those two stuck with me the most

> Heck ive quit multiple times due to thief nerfs.. Im on osrs nowadays because of gw2 "balance"


GW2 is simply NOT a game you're supposed to take seriously, theres no need for YouTubers to make comprehensive strategy guides.

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Oh no, a streamer is . . yeah I can't even finish the sarcasm here.

Didn't care about him before, won't care about him when he goes to play . . *15 year old content* that will never grow. Can't complain about GW2's content if *that* is what he's going back to.

I'd care if it were people who did something *useful* for the game. Dulfy's absence is far more touching, that_shaman does more to build actual hype for me. And for as much as I don't care for WP or ArcDPS, lore hounds and top-end folks rely on them a lot more.

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The end is the beginning. Who cares. Him, her or whoever leaving is of no concern if you enjoy the game. Idc about twitch numbers. Instead of watching twitch perhaps they should do something more with thier lives like idk mingle with real people and have fun doing so, like brazil did. I like teapots guides but his teatime is just a weekly bashfest that i had to quit watching because like gw2 lacks new content. And fyi most gw2 players have no idea who he even is.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> Oh no, a streamer is . . yeah I can't even finish the sarcasm here.

> Didn't care about him before, won't care about him when he goes to play . . *15 year old content* that will never grow. Can't complain about GW2's content if *that* is what he's going back to.

> I'd care if it were people who did something *useful* for the game. Dulfy's absence is far more touching, that_shaman does more to build actual hype for me. And for as much as I don't care for WP or ArcDPS, lore hounds and top-end folks rely on them a lot more.


we still have Tekkit... ahem. and dont forget Ayinmaiden.... oh wait, shes playing city of heroes now.. doh!

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