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How to know about devs or get any answer. I mean. They post a pot announcing the changes on balance path, community advise Anet about this is NOT a good patch. Anet brings patch alive... But there isn't any voice from anet explaying or answering community about it.


The balance patch alive and the forums are burning, not a single word from devs, not from community manager... I mean, guys, devs, you know how important communication is, yes?


so... anyone knows WHY anet didn't answer and WHY they are planning to do with that kind of updates?

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A complete topic title would be a good start. I clicked on this expecting it to be you asking for help with something in-game and I suspect anyone from Anet would do the same and ignore it, assuming other players will be able to answer.


Other than that your answer is that the patch happened. They announced what the changes would be in advance and there's no way they couldn't have known that players would discuss it and agree amongst themselves which changes are good or bad and what should be done instead. If they wanted to act on any of that feedback they would have - so the final version of the patch which was released is your answer: Those are the changes Anet think are best right now.


They did also put little intros in each section of the patch notes explaining why they made those changes. Do you really think it would make any difference if they said the same things on the forum as well? Is there any way they can word their thinking that will get everyone to accept it? Or are people going to complain no matter what, like they do following every balance patch I've ever seen for any game.

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> @"judgebeo.3976" said:

> Know about devs or get any answer. I mean. They post a pot announcing the changes on balance path, community advise Anet about this is NOT a good patch. Anet brings patch alive... But there isn't any voice from anet explaying or answering community about it.


> The balance patch alive and the forums are burning, not a single word from devs, not from community manager... I mean, guys, devs, you know how important communication is, yes?


> so... anyone knows WHY anet didn't answer and WHY they are planning to do with that kind of updates?


Because devs are busy developing, as they should be. You should be happy!

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> @"judgebeo.3976" said:

> Know about devs or get any answer. I mean. They post a pot announcing the changes on balance path, community advise Anet about this is NOT a good patch. Anet brings patch alive... But there isn't any voice from anet explaying or answering community about it.


> The balance patch alive and the forums are burning, not a single word from devs, not from community manager... I mean, guys, devs, you know how important communication is, yes?


> so... anyone knows WHY anet didn't answer and WHY they are planning to do with that kind of updates?


Basically, //any// change to professions will get a lot of negative feedback, especially before the update, since people tend to assume the worst, but also immediately after the update when people find that their old builds no longer work the same. In time new builds will evolve which lets the professions have a role - might be the same, might be somewhat different.


If Anet were to listen to these "advises" from the community, there would basically be no profession/balance updates, ever.

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People are currently a little overconfident, when it comes to "feedback" on the forums or reddit. A few weeks ago we had a guy here who tried to enforce a change on something, because he collected 50 (?) Thumbs Up in a thread. The forums are read by a lot of people. Only a very tiny group of them really has a working forum-account. Of this special group an even smaller percentage shows some activity in terms of spending Helpfuls & Thumbs Up. A small group of those has enough courage and need for admiration to write comments in threads. A fraction of this group creates Threads and Polls on their own.


On the other hand, there is a large group of players who just plays the game and has never visited either the official forums or reddit at all.

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Now I don't do a ton of PvP, but I feel like a lot of the changes were to address complaints about the classes. They made some of those changes. Now the people that were playing the things that got nerfed are complaining. No surprise.

I play crap like Sic Em Soulbeast and agreed it needed to be nerfed. Did they fix everything? No, but expecting that would be foolish.

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> @"judgebeo.3976" said:

> Know about devs or get any answer. I mean. They post a pot announcing the changes on balance path, community advise Anet about this is NOT a good patch. Anet brings patch alive... But there isn't any voice from anet explaying or answering community about it.


> The balance patch alive and the forums are burning, not a single word from devs, not from community manager... I mean, guys, devs, you know how important communication is, yes?


> so... anyone knows WHY anet didn't answer and WHY they are planning to do with that kind of updates?


Why do you think that Anet is waiting for feedback for balance changes? I am serious. Anet is not looking for feedback, does read feedback or give a flying fuck about feedback, as far as I can tell. It is done more is damage absorption. Releasing the changes ahead of time reduced the impact, compared of the changes being released on the patch day. That is all.


> @"Dami.5046" said:

> How can anyone play a class and agree it should be nerfed?




I do not necessarily agree. I am a guardian main, and I think FB needs to be nerfed. I even advocated for specific nerfs before. Other players do consider nerfs to their class, when necessary. Granted, the majority do not.

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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > @"judgebeo.3976" said:

> > Know about devs or get any answer. I mean. They post a pot announcing the changes on balance path, community advise Anet about this is NOT a good patch. Anet brings patch alive... But there isn't any voice from anet explaying or answering community about it.

> >

> > The balance patch alive and the forums are burning, not a single word from devs, not from community manager... I mean, guys, devs, you know how important communication is, yes?

> >

> > so... anyone knows WHY anet didn't answer and WHY they are planning to do with that kind of updates?


> Because devs are busy developing, as they should be. You should be happy!


Good lord no.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> How can anyone play a class and agree it should be nerfed?


I can think of a few reasons. Because you don't want the game to be stupidly easy, but you've found a build which means it currently is, would be one obvious reason.


But also because you want the game to be balanced overall, so it's fun for everyone and not just those playing the currently OP profession/s, or because you don't want to one day find your favourite is no longer the OP profession and because you, and people like you, fought against balance changes before the developers are now unwilling to fix the problem.


Or if none of that seems believable to you how about because in PvP/WvW other people can, and will, use the OP build/s against you and that makes the game stupidly hard instead and it's no longer fun?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > How can anyone play a class and agree it should be nerfed?


> I can think of a few reasons. Because you don't want the game to be stupidly easy, but you've found a build which means it currently is, would be one obvious reason.


> But also because you want the game to be balanced overall, so it's fun for everyone and not just those playing the currently OP profession/s, or because you don't want to one day find your favourite is no longer the OP profession and because you, and people like you, fought against balance changes before the developers are now unwilling to fix the problem.


> Or if none of that seems believable to you how about because in PvP/WvW other people can, and will, use the OP build/s against you and that makes the game stupidly hard instead and it's no longer fun?


Nah. More like said someone doesn't play the class and is trolling. Yeah said it. In an idea world people might care.

And I said might.

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