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What is the nicest thing someone did or said to you in GW2?

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I can't recall anything significant (will add if I remember) but I'd like to add to the thread that the two random times someone has stopped to compliment my character's look has stuck with me for years. Makes me wanna return the favor now haha

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I had been playing the game for about 1 month, was on my first character (a Ranger), and was trying to get up to a vista point. Everyone around me kept swapping to their springer and jumping up, but I didn't have any mounts as yet, as I wanted to finish the core game first before getting them.


As I ran back and forth, trying to figure out where the 'starting point' was to get up to this vista, I got a whisper from a player who had just completed it via bunny, asking if I was trying to get to the vista. When I replied affirmatively, he showed me how to reach it on foot. I can't remember which Vista it was, but I believe it is in the Charr lands, and you had to walk quite a distance, and go up, and over, and there were several jumping points, many of which I missed, but the player waited patiently for me to make my way back.


It was then that I knew this game was going to be different than other MMOs, largely because of its community.


And while many people want to post to the contrary on these forums, almost 18 months later I remain convinced that GW2 has one of / the best MMO community around.


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I was trying to get the dive master achievement completed, and a very nice person helped me get both the not-so-secret dive and the jumping puzzle completed. (If that person is reading this, remember "old people FTW!" and "we're young where it counts" :) )


That is only one of many times where people have helped me in the game.

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The first one was a mesmer which helped me to complete the chalice of tears jumping puzzle.


The second one, when i got the Staff Nevermore, a crowd of players gathered around me in the mystic forge and transformed themselves into diferent kinds of birds, and congratulated me.... i kind of cried that time.

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> @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> The first one was a mesmer which helped me to complete the chalice of tears jumping puzzle.


> The second one, when i got the Staff Nevermore, a crowd of players gathered around me in the mystic forge and transformed themselves into diferent kinds of birds, and congratulated me.... i kind of cried that time.


Nevermore is my favorite Legendary. It wasn't my first, but it was the hardest won.

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One of the Living Story maps, almost half a year ago. A legendary boss, probably a meta-event with a time-limit. It was a large group of random players, few really had CC skills in their skillbars. We also had a lot of people downed during the fight. The aggressive players kept complaining and shouting during the entire event, while I tried to explain the event mechanics and encourage people to use their CC skills and how to see what skills can cc at all. It was a close call, but we failed. The achievement-hunters were fully enraged, blamed everyone to be idiots and a lot of more toxic insults. So I just said thanks for trying to everyone who did the event, praised them for the impressively good performance at the end and promised that the next try will be a success for sure. - I am not a fan of those noisy grumpy people. We almost made it, it just took a while for most of the players to get going. Blaming and insulting people is one way to increase performance, but not mine.


Map chat was empty after that, I assumed the usual: everyone just left/ignored it. I was already happy none of the grumpy guys responded. They sometimes feel the urge to start an argument with me - to vent their frustration. However a few minutes later, I received a nice mail

![](https://i.imgur.com/1ED8pPs.jpg "")


This was the nicest response I ever received from a random player.


I got contacted by several people who read the forums, but do not have a forum account. These have been very interesting and motivating conversations, with people I have never met ingame at all. Thank you for the mails & whispers!

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When I was brand new. Someone from the guild bought myself and my fiance the Bastian Permanent Pass. :-) It was so nice we were instantly hooked. Even thought we spent $150-$200 each to get started. We pretty much bought everything at the checkout screen.

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I tried to pug the wing 7 raid on Tuesday. I’ve never been there before I can’t really do a raiding schedule. We were able to down the wind and earth boss. The raid leader explained the mechanics to me over whisper and said I did a good job.


I was doing ranked spvp and we were winning by a lot. I thought the other teams reaper was really good and said despite being down by 1 player that they were doing a great job. They were actually kind of confused and said it was weird to get a complement in pvp.

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I'm happy to say there's been too many to share them all, from people rushing in to help me with a difficult fight or going out of their way to rez me, to contributing gold and items towards my first legendary (so many logs!) or even buying me items I was trying to save up for, and of course taking the time to answer my stupid questions. But two in particular stand out.


The first one was not long after launch, when I first attempted to complete the Dreamdark Enclave jumping puzzle. I got all the way up to the top, to that tricky jump onto an angled mushroom just below the exit...and missed and fell. Far enough to die but only about 1/2 way down that wall - below the 'path' in a horrible tangle of branches. I was trying to bring myself to start over from the waypoint, when a total stranger climbed down - losing some of their own progress through the puzzle and risking killing themselves - just to resurrect me so I could carry on from that point instead of the waypoint. The fact that they were willing to put themselves out like that, even in a game, was amazing to me.


And then there's 'Team Llama'. Back in 2014 a PvP tournament was announced where one of the prizes was the newly released mini llama. I love llamas, they're one of my favourite animals, and I also collect mini pets so I absolutely had to have it. There was just one problem: I had **never** played PvP in GW2 before and now I had something like 2 weeks to form a team, enter and win at least 1 round (luckily the llama was a participation prize). Who would even be mad enough to agree to help? My guild of course. Amazingly finding 4 people to agree to humiliate themselves alongside me was the easy part, and within about 2 days I had a team. We 'practiced' - flailing around in matches as a group, in pairs or solo until the big day. I'd love to say it was like an underdog story in a movie and we went on to win, or at least play impressively, but the truth is we got through our first match by blind luck because the other team didn't show up then got utterly crushed in the second.


I know mini llamas are a lot more common and easy to get now, but it's still one of my favourite minis because I remember what I went through to get it, and what my friends were kind enough to do to help me with my crazy obsession. :)

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I vented about the leather cost in Divinity's Reach back when leather got stupid expensive. It was just one quick frustrated vent because I was so close to finishing my first set of ascended armor and they had just added patches to armor crafting setting me way back. Another player whispered me asking how much I needed and sent me that exact amount. I was floored by that and have never forgotten it. Thanks again if you're reading this.

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I typed up a post once, briefly ranting about how difficult the final boss fight at the end of HoT is - how I could *not* stay in the air without getting hit by a boulder due to lag (I'd be on the other side of the arena and it would still hit me). But I resolved to keep going, eventually. Surely I'd get it *one* of those times, right?

The next day, I logged onto GW2, waiting for a friend. Thirty seconds after I logged on, someone whispered me and said "Hey, I saw your post on the forums - want me to help with that final fight?"

I was so touched that someone I didn't even know would see another person having a hard time and immediately offer to help...it was so sweet. :blush: While I have yet to finish that fight (waiting on a new computer...), I'll always remember someone being willing to drop everything and help a total stranger out.

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I've had countless random kindnesses done, and been grateful for each and every one. The start of it, though, wasn't from a random person, it was a semi-guildmate who a mere week or two after game launch crafted me four 18 slot silk bags. The gold cost of the runes hasn't changed in all these years. Nowadays, trivial for many, but in the first weeks of the game? Wow! I had no idea at the time, it was a while before I was skilled up to make bags myself and learned what it cost. This was so early that nine gold was a precursor cost, and just about as hard to acquire as today's amount is.


I still have those four bags on a character, and have made a point of paying it forward many times over the years, giving the gift of bag space to new players who can't yet acquire it for themselves.

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I'm copping out a little like some of the other posters - I've found the GW2 community to be pretty excellent and talkative. There's rarely a dull moment when I play and I've had plenty of good chats in LA hanging around the Mystic Toilet.


If I had to pick one though, I did get a guild invite after I plus oned on a fractal run with 4 players from the same guild. We had a good laugh, and after I played a wee prank on one of the players who had never done the fractal before - by convincing them they had to run back up the boulders of fire section on the molten shaman fractal to collect a sceptre we forgot (he died), the guild leader thought it was so funny that she threw me an invite.

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There have been so many that I can't just mention one. Though there is one outstanding, recurring act of kindness and community that I love. That's [PINK] and the other mesmers who provide portals at any jps that show up in the dailies. As an old, slow guy I'm lousy at jumping puzzles so I very much rely on those mesmers and yes, I remember to send them a note of gratitude with a tip. A couple of other notable incidents also involved jps. Once I was trying to figure out how to do the Wall Breach jp and was failing miserably at it. A passing player noticed my efforts and stopped to show me how to do the puzzle step by step. I would miss a jump and fall, having to go back to try again and this player stuck with me the whole time, through all my fumbles, till I finally completed the puzzle. It still touches my heart to remember that.


The other incident involving a jp was with the dive point at the Not So Secret puzzle. I had completed all the other dives but that one. It sat there undone for months till one day I was in Gendarren Fields for a Joko invasion when a mesmer announced in chat that they were at the Not So Secret jp and would portal up anyone who needed it. I asked if they could get me to the dive point and they graciously agreed. I've seen trolling and toxicity in the game but there are also some very good people playing too.



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> @"FortyNothing.8327" said:

> Someone randomly sent me 30 gold and said, "It looks like you're new. Here's a little something to get you started"


Something similar happened to me. I was on a very low level alt, standing near the bank in Divinity's Reach and someone sent me a 'new player care package' with 10 gold, some dyes and an 18 slot bag. I sent it back and explained I wasn't actually new, but it was a really nice thing for them to do.

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