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Would you craft 24+ slot storage bags if:

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> There has been talk about the cost of 24-, 28-, and 32-slot bags. Others are upset that the 24- and 28-slot bags are character-bound. They did see the light and change the status of the 32-slot bags to Account-Bound.


> Should there be another change?

I don't think they "saw the light." Near as we can tell, it was a bug. After fixing it, they made it possible for people to replace 32-slot bags with character binding to those with account binding.



Further: is there any player who likes 24- and 28-slot bags being character bound? I think it's a safe assumption that there are no _strong_ objections to changing the binding from soul- to account-.



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I don't like the idea of paying 120g to craft a bag with 12 more slots than the 20 slot I already have.


Just to put things in perspective, that's the cost of a mount adoption license....for a bag with 12 more slots... I suppose you need to do something with your gold, but as I still find reasons to buy gems, I'd rather keep stockpiling my gold and live with smaller bags.

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(x) other: I'll use 32-slotbags anyways since I'm running short of inventory space every single time.


I really hate to clean up my inventory & bank space. Unidentified gear and salvageable runes are nice, but as long we get 1000's of different bag types I will always run out of space. Even though the cost of the bags is ridiculous it's still worth it.

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> @"CeNedro.7560" said:

> I'm running short of inventory space every single time.

How is that even possible these days? With shared inventory, infinite salvage kits, deposit all, and most gear stacking in unID bags... what is it that's filling up your inventory?


And: are you satisfied with this state of affairs? Would you be interested in tips/tools that would help you manage inventory differently?


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None of the above.


1) mess up the alignment of the inventory window

2) in the case of the 32 slot bag, the price per slot is worse than buying an additional inventory slot and an additional 20 slot bag, why would I pay more for less? This also means that the other two only makes sense if you never intend to upgrade to 32 slots

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I still play core game without expansions and I have 8 chars - each for one class. Most of the alts (char 2 to 8) have only the base amount of bag slots unlocked and the 20 slot starter backpack + i think 14-16 slots. Then again I have a few bank tab expansions (not many) and try to store most of the unique/gem stuff that can be won/earned (black lion keys + chests, bank access, repair canister, revive orb) on my main.


So there is more need for inventore space. Other chars are just fine while the main has a few 20 slots earned from events back in 2013 (karka thingy bag) ... and it is getting full now. But I have lots of stuff that clutters the inventory. Banners from boss rush event. WvW stuff (siege blueprints). A 2nd set of gear with different stats. I guess with a bit of optimizing this could be solved. And/or increasing all the bags to 20 slot bags (some are not 20 yet) or buying 1 or 2 more bag slots. (Really ... some stuff is unneeded and it is still hard for me to delete it or sell it. Then again other stuff you earn regularly. So best to plan in some space. I might buy tools and salvage kits for gems that have infinite use like someone mentioned above. Especially when I soon get some shared inventore slots where certain stuff might be placed then.)


Edit: But I'm sure at one point I might still try to get at least 1 of the hugest bag for my main at least.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"CeNedro.7560" said:

> > I'm running short of inventory space every single time.

> How is that even possible these days? With shared inventory, infinite salvage kits, deposit all, and most gear stacking in unID bags... what is it that's filling up your inventory?


> And: are you satisfied with this state of affairs? Would you be interested in tips/tools that would help you manage inventory differently?



I think the point is really that it's a huge QoL boon if you don't have to manage your inventory at all most of the time.

One of the most annoying things I find myself doing is to basically Deposit materials after every node I farmed, sometimes even just when standing around, simply because I used to be so low on inventory slots with all 18-slots that it went into a bad and annoying habit. Since I only have 9 character slots but run a lot of different builds on some of my characters, I also happen to have 5 differents sets of armor and 4 different sets of trinkets on my engineer as an example (that's 49 slots gone already), add to that several varying foods and enhancements for the respective builds with budget variants (another 20 slots) so even with some bag expansion slots I'm still occasionally ending up with a full inventory and have missed one or the other fractal chest because of that. Add to that stuff like CC and stealth consumables, spare gathering tools because the character doesn't have perms, 1 Black Lion Salvage kit, Ascended Salvage Kit as its one character I mainly run fractals with, leftover Piles of Silky Sand because I absolutely cannot be arsed to toss that everytime and I'm not going to sacrifice a Shared slot for that, 3 or 4 different trophy items that I'll bring to the appropriate heart NPC at some point because I apparently collected enough of it to almost instafinish a heart, some collection items that I'd need to bring somewhere (current offenders are Rodgort I and Ad Infinitum II collection), potions of PvP Rewards that I'm saving up for doing cheap double click dailies or when I desperately need a specific Reward Track, 2 gizmos and suddenly I'm being left with like 50 empty slots and these definitely fill.

I also salvage a lot more often and consume luck a lot more often than anyone should reasonably do.

It's the result of being inventory starved for too long and I hate it.


I am currently using 3 24-slot bags on one of my characters and what annoys me most is that you cannot upgrade them to 28-slot bags if the character they are soulbound to doesn't know the according crafting discipline. Luckily it still works for that one character but as long as that limit is in place I don't see myself crafting any further 24-slot bags. If they were changed to Account Bound I would definitely consider to craft some more as some replacement bags on characters that still run some 15/18 slot bags.

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The main reason I don't have 32 slot bags is because I don't think I need them. I've only ever bought 1 extra bag slot and most of my characters don't even have 20 slot bags. I did start making the Olmakhan Bandolier, just because I made progress in the collection while playing in Sandswept Isles and got as far as the 28 slot one. I'm planning to finish it at some point but I'm not in any rush.


My main character normally starts out with 20-30 slots filled (out of 126) and my others have much less, usually less than 10 items in their inventories (those being food/utility consumables, spare weapons and their Hero's Band if they're above level 80) so it's pretty rare that my inventory gets completely filled, especially now we have unidentified gear. In fact it usually only happens when I don't think before selecting 'use all' on my unidentified gear and fill my inventory with it, but that means it's at a time when I'm already clearing it out so it's not a problem.


I guess I would be more inclined to make bigger bags if they were cheaper, because at some point it would hit that level where it's cheap enough that I may as well do it even if I don't really need them...but apparently they'd have to be even cheaper than 20 slot bags are now, so that doesn't seem likely.

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I'll craft them once they're cheaper. I don't care if they're soulbound, accountbound or not bound at all. They're just way too expensive compared to the amount of space you get. For the price of one 32 slot bag, you can get a bag slot expansion (naturally depending a bit on the price of gems). So, instead of 32 slots, you can get 40.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> To be honest, 18 slot bags are fine for me as they are low cost from wvw, although I use 20+ slots if they are cheap (ie achievement/quest ones)


> I wouldn't really waste gold on making a 24 though. I;d just buy more bag slots


I am the same on this.


Most of my characters use 18 slot bags, the only 32 slot I have is one I got from a quest (LW4) and the only time I invested in 20 slot bags was when I had a lot of gold to burn through.


18 slot bags are 2g each.. 20 slots are 10g each..

Is an extra 8 bag slots worth an additional 32g?..

If you ask me I have to say.. Hell no XD

Four18 slot bags cost less than a single 20 slot bag.. it's obvious which is better value there, the 20 slot bag is a blatant ripoff for the gold required imo.

I don't know the requirements to make the 24 slot + bags but I expect they are not worth it.

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I mean, I'd make 24-32 slot packs if you couldn't take the same liquid gold cost, convert it into gems, and buy a new bag slot + a 20 slot bag...



> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > To be honest, 18 slot bags are fine for me as they are low cost from wvw, although I use 20+ slots if they are cheap (ie achievement/quest ones)

> >

> > I wouldn't really waste gold on making a 24 though. I;d just buy more bag slots


> I am the same on this.


> Most of my characters use 18 slot bags, the only 32 slot I have is one I got from a quest (LW4) and the only time I invested in 20 slot bags was when I had a lot of gold to burn through.


> 18 slot bags are 2g each.. 20 slots are 10g each..

> Is an extra 8 bag slots worth an additional 32g?..

> If you ask me I have to say.. Hell no XD

> Four18 slot bags cost less than a single 20 slot bag.. it's obvious which is better value there, the 20 slot bag is a blatant ripoff for the gold required imo.

> I don't know the requirements to make the 24 slot + bags but I expect they are not worth it.


Why not use 20 slot uncommon bags from fractals? They cost a poultry 150 fractal tokens each, affordable even if you only run the occasional T2.



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It all depends on if you are carrying multiple gear sets around, multiple runes/sigils, slaying potions, various consumables, and gizmos. If you are then the extra space is nice to have to limit trips to the vendor/TP window to clear inventory.


As someone who does have several full bags of weapons, runes, sigils, slaying potions, and consumables I appreciate the 24 slot bags that I made. Would I craft the 32 slot bags? Maybe? I could see that need if I mained an ele or ranger and needed several full sets of gear or different builds. But I main warrior, so my inventory is full of axes, swords, maces, warhorns and whatnot. Not like I need another stat set.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Why not use 20 slot uncommon bags from fractals? They cost a poultry 150 fractal tokens each, affordable even if you only run the occasional T2.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/20_Slot_Fractal_Uncommon_Equipment_Box


I really don't like those bags (thankfully, as my personal fractal level is 14, I think...) I prefer 3 types: standard, hidden and equipment. All my characters have at least one of each, and the fourth is generally an oiled version (collects all junk items)


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I don't have a use for 24, 28 or 32. the free 32 bag was a nice bonus, but i don't buy anything larger than 18 slot- i consider the extra gold for the 20 slot too much for 2 extra slots, and that's not much gold at all even.


That said I do think the 24 and 28 should be account bound anyway at minimum, i understand not selling them because they are tied to collections but i wouldn't be fussed if they could be sold either.

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I'm just fine with 18 and 20 slot bags. I have one mule char for various stuff. He is getting full though and if I will need more space I'll just buy another character slot and pack it with 18 slots.

They would need to reduce the price of 20+ bags significantly to be worth it for me. The prices are so absurd it is better to just make another character if you need more space for different gear (and less of a hassle to change build without build templates).

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