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Just so the devrlopers know....

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There are PLENTY of players who have no trouble doing jumping puzzles, and I'm happy for them, but there are a few of us handicapped or just plain uncoordinated players who can't do them. No problem, unless game progression depends on that ability. The necessity to be able to jump properly in order to finish Season 4 and progress to a griffin mount is unfair to some disabled players who cannot that ability. I'm not crying, GW2 has lots of good content but it does signal the endgame eventuality to this player.

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Have you tried asking for help? This game is full of mostly-friendly players with access to Portals (or Portal Devices) who specifically enjoy helping players with physical difficulty, lower skill level, (or who just plain don't feel like doing it) skip over difficult jumping challenges like those. Even if not, if you hang/wander around a Puzzle or objective long enough, someone will open a Portal for someone else. As long as you don't dally, you can use it too.


Oh, and when you get to the Skyscale Collection, do remember about [Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treats](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recipe:_Extra-Pungent_Skyscale_Treat "Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treats"), a craftable item which allows the player to effectively "skip" one Jumping Puzzle each.

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If you go to Sandswept Isles, and do the 2nd heart, you can get a "Prototype Position Rewinder", and it makes everything a dozen times easier since you can reset your position every 30 seconds no matter how many mistakes you make.. far less frustrating.


And luckily portals are now more abundant since they gave them to Thieves.

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> @"PoopdeckPappy.8734" said:

> There are PLENTY of players who have no trouble doing jumping puzzles, and I'm happy for them, but there are a few of us handicapped or just plain uncoordinated players who can't do them. No problem, unless game progression depends on that ability. The necessity to be able to jump properly in order to finish Season 4 and progress to a griffin mount is unfair to some disabled players who cannot that ability. I'm not crying, GW2 has lots of good content but it does signal the endgame eventuality to this player.


I am with you on this. If it were not for the Extra-Pungent Skyscale treats I would not have my Skyscale...which would be a shame because I am loving it.


And having the treats allows the people who love hard jumping puzzles have their diabolical puzzles, and also gives the clutzes of this game have a way of completing them.


Win Win?


I think they need to have these treats in the Gem store :)



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Don't forget this is a multiplayer game - it's not intended for anyone to be able to complete everything alone, no matter the reason. If there's something you can't do on your own, including a place you can't get to, ask your friends, guild or people in the map for help.


In this case for example mesmers, necromancers and (just recently) thieves all have skills which can teleport another player to a specific location. And people in this game are generally pretty friendly and willing to help out, especially with things they know other players have trouble with. For example whenever there's a jumping puzzle as one of the daily achievements you'll generally find mesmers there offering portals to the end for anyone who can't (or simply doesn't want to) complete it themselves. They set up portals whenever the skill recharges and they're available for anyone to use, no questions asked.


> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> If you go to Sandswept Isles, and do the 2nd heart, you can get a "Prototype Position Rewinder", and it makes everything a dozen times easier since you can reset your position every 30 seconds no matter how many mistakes you make.. far less frustrating.


> **And luckily portals are now more abundant since they gave them to Thieves.**


I totally forgot about that! Someone the other day was asking for a portal inside Chaos Crystal Cavern (the [PINK] guild were there, but they were teleporting people from outside) and I said I couldn't help because I wasn't on my mesmer, but I was on my thief and I completely forgot he has a portal skill too now.


Since I normally do jumping puzzles on that character I'll have to remember that.

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> @"PoopdeckPappy.8734" said:

> There are PLENTY of players who have no trouble doing jumping puzzles, and I'm happy for them, but there are a few of us handicapped or just plain uncoordinated players who can't do them. No problem, unless game progression depends on that ability. The necessity to be able to jump properly in order to finish Season 4 and progress to a griffin mount is unfair to some disabled players who cannot that ability. I'm not crying, GW2 has lots of good content but it does signal the endgame eventuality to this player.


I don't think there is any need to finish Living World Season 4 to acquire a Griffon Mount, as many acquired said Mount before Season 4 was ever released.


I'm not sure what Jumping Puzzles are required to complete the Living World Season 4 Story arc, but Story Episodes are party-friendly, so one can always invite others to help.


Good luck.

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> @"PoopdeckPappy.8734" said:

> I apologize for not being more specific with my discontent. The "Outrun Kralkatorrik" instance in Season 4 was what I was referring to. Cheers, and thanks to all for your input!


Oh, yeah that bit is tricky even for someone used to jumping in GW2. Here's a few tips:

1. There's a few points where the path changes direction, there are hints in the game for which way to go but I had to do it by getting it wrong, dying and then remembering for next time.

2. There's also a few points where there is no more path and you have to wait for it to appear before you can continue, again it might be a matter of trial and error.

3. Towards the end there are some seemingly impossible jumps, but the gravity goes weird at that point (if you've ever been to Mistlock Sanctuary it's the same as there). You'll drift down instead of falling and can jump much higher and further than normal, so for those bits you pretty much just launch yourself in the direction of the platform and hope for the best.

4. You mentioned you're working on getting the griffon - if you're willing to wait and do the story instance after unlocking the griffon it's much easier than on the raptor.

5. If all else fails do it with someone else, I think only 1 player has to reach the end for the whole group to get credit.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"PoopdeckPappy.8734" said:

> > I apologize for not being more specific with my discontent. The "Outrun Kralkatorrik" instance in Season 4 was what I was referring to. Cheers, and thanks to all for your input!


> (snip)

> 5. If all else fails do it with someone else, I think only 1 player has to reach the end for the whole group to get credit.

That is correct. Ask a friend, guildie, or if all else fails ask in map chat for someone (preferably with a griffon and/or good at this kind of gameplay) who would join you in your instance. If they get through that part in time, then you will complete the instance, even if you are defeated along the way.


Fun fact: On my second character through this instance I joined a friend hoping for a carry, since the instance had cost me a lot of time and nerves to succeed on my first (solo) playthrough (before I realized it's much easier on griffon than raptor). In the end I was the one to finish the instance for both of us, while the friend that did it easily with his first character totally failed this time :) .

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"PoopdeckPappy.8734" said:

> > I apologize for not being more specific with my discontent. The "Outrun Kralkatorrik" instance in Season 4 was what I was referring to. Cheers, and thanks to all for your input!


> How does that particular story part stop you getting a griffon mount.. curious, much I am.


It doesn't. I think they're confusing Griffon with Skyscale. You don't even have to complete it to get to Chapter Six of Season 4, if you don't want to, as far as I know.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"PoopdeckPappy.8734" said:

> > > I apologize for not being more specific with my discontent. The "Outrun Kralkatorrik" instance in Season 4 was what I was referring to. Cheers, and thanks to all for your input!

> >

> > (snip)

> > 5. If all else fails do it with someone else, I think only 1 player has to reach the end for the whole group to get credit.

> That is correct. Ask a friend, guildie, or if all else fails ask in map chat for someone (preferably with a griffon and/or good at this kind of gameplay) who would join you in your instance. If they get through that part in time, then you will complete the instance, even if you are defeated along the way.


> Fun fact: On my second character through this instance I joined a friend hoping for a carry, since the instance had cost me a lot of time and nerves to succeed on my first (solo) playthrough (before I realized it's much easier on griffon than raptor). In the end I was the one to finish the instance for both of us, while the friend that did it easily with his first character totally failed this time :) .


That happens to me a lot. I enjoy jumping puzzles but it takes a lot of practice for me to be any good at them and it's never reliable. There's some which I know off by heart and some days I can do the entire thing on the first try without really thinking about it, then I'll go to do it another time and I just cannot get it right. It's not even a specific jump (although there's some where I always fall at the same point), I'll just keep messing up at different points throughout until I finally get it right.


(That's one reason I avoid using mounts a lot of the time, I know if I'm not getting that extra practice finding paths and getting through them it would take me forever to do a puzzle when I need to.)

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