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Stop looking at the negative, start looking at the positive?


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Yes there are some issues, though the community only looks at what ArenaNet does negativity.

There is really never any positive feedback from the community. Lets all start collaborating together - ArenaNet you need to be more transparent about what you are planning to do and we'll try contribute in a more positive manner.

We as a community need to give more constructive feedback with our opinions, and not target the balance team saying they have no idea what they are doing.


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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Yes there are some issues, though the community only looks at what ArenaNet does negativity.

> There is really never any positive feedback from the community. Lets all start collaborating together - ArenaNet you need to be more transparent about what you are planning to do and we'll try contribute in a more positive manner.

> We as a community need to give more constructive feedback with our opinions, and not target the balance team saying they have no idea what they are doing.



They need the criticism. In fact its what most games need, and you can tell the difference between how well games do between those that listen to their communities, within reason obviously, to those that don't. ANet is an example of the latter.


The reason you see so much of it, so frequently, and why it turns more negative is because *it doesn't get listened to*. There have been issues, for years now, with things beyond just PvP/WvW (both of which have a plethora of problems) that just look like they are ignored and no feedback in the community gets heeded.


It took them *2 years* to finally rework Berserker, and they turned it into a one trick pony build.

It took them *2 years* to finally address Sic'Em Soulbeast damage, and all they did was make it so that instead of hitting for 23k they hit for about 17k.


ANet consistently just sort of shreds the balance of the game and those issues just go completely ignored for periods of time that are far longer than is warranted, or expected, of a video game company of what people believed ANet *used to* be. They are not that company anymore, sadly. GW2 is a far cry from what GW1 was, not just in terms of mechanics but in terms of how much effort and care they have put into the game in the long term...and I'm not sure if it has to do with upper management or just negligence...


We have already had it confirmed that GW2 had not been a focus for the company as there were *many* employees who had been moved to other projects, projects that are now discontinued, yet the sorry state of everything still remains.

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Its hard to give positive/constructive feedback when the game is designed around pve. There are fundamental issues with the game regarding pvp that wont be addressed, and more issues develop over time leaving players feeling negative and frustrated at the lack of progress. There are still things pvp does well, but they have been there from the start and are now overlooked.

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I can appreciate the combat system at the very least. Gw2 has one of the very best compared to every other MMO, and that's what drew people in. I think that especially showed early on, but gradually fell off as balance slacked.


Game balance is without a doubt, the single largest source of negativity on the forums. It shouldn't surprise anyone when the only thing people agree on the matter is that the game is poorly balanced in general.


When it comes to issues we could collectively argue against, like aspects of sPvP being fundamentally broken(Ranked being the first to come to mind) nobody really cares. Balance has completely stole the spotlight from issues that we could come together as a community to try and reform. Improving the experience for everyone involved rather than just people playing a handful of classes would be a great way to boost positivity imo.

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I would like to be positive I really would.


But it’s been years stuck in the same game type, with the same re-occurring status quo of issues, the face of the situation may change; but the underlying problematic contexts have remained the same as it has since 2012.


Only real positivity left is me saying “at least it’s not as bad as prior years or metas” but that really lacks any substance.


Combat systems and such already got it’s praise for good feeling, immersive active combat. But that's old hat, and the problems are with what they chose to structure their systems around, they have to fix it; and for years they haven’t.

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> @"vyncius.6105" said:

> its not negativity, its criticism. If they cant take it and fix it, its not our problen. We will just leave the game.


We went past that point years ago. At this point, atleast the PvP crowd is just plain toxic.

And it's not just a vocal minority here because that vocal minority has been shouting so hard for years now that the silent majority left. So now we have a vocal majority that's disillusioned and uncaring of what ANet does about it.


Fact of the matter is that toxicness feeds ANets passivity on the issue. Why fix something if the main part of the people effected by the change don't even care?

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > its not negativity, its criticism. If they cant take it and fix it, its not our problen. We will just leave the game.


> We went past that point years ago. At this point, atleast the PvP crowd is just plain toxic.

> And it's not just a vocal minority here because that vocal minority has been shouting so hard for years now that the silent majority left. So now we have a vocal majority that's disillusioned and uncaring of what ANet does about it.


> Fact of the matter is that toxicness feeds ANets passivity on the issue. Why fix something if the main part of the people effected by the change don't even care?


People wouldn't complain if they didn't care though...



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What possitives? I mean really the only thing left is the general combat system being awesome. That and the fact that there is no other mmo with equally good combat system is what hold few ppl back of quitting pvp/wvw in GW2. The current condi meta is one of the most unfun we had since long, ppl wintrade or troll for fun in lot of matches. Or ppl are so bad at the game still get in your plat 3 games, that is not fun for anyone and make ppl who still care for pvp more and more toxic. Matchmaking is artificial and clunky as crazy (and that is not only because of the low playerbase it is also because Anet broke the matchmaker in s2 and never could fully fix it). Lb has more and more to do with luck aside from being carried by very braindead metabuilds than with skill. Titles are worthless the old just as the new ones.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> What possitives? I mean really the only thing left is the general combat system being awesome. That and the fact that there is no other mmo with equally good combat system is what hold few ppl back of quitting pvp/wvw in GW2.


^ this.

sPvP is just unfun at this point. The lack of care from Anet killed ESL and by openly showing how little they actually care about the game mode, I think they started to drive away a lot of people a long time ago.

Additionally the solo/duo Q is like the worst thing we can have. A lot of people just hate the idea of joining a full team of solo players while the enemy has a duo. And without a (separate!) full team Q, the only meaningful full team content being ATs with 6h in between just doesn't give any incentive for forming guilds or whatever.

WvW and PvE would be probably dead as well if you restrict raids to 2 man squads max and the rest has to be random.

Balance is pretty much also non-existent and I think this is actually the biggest problem. There have always been several broken builds that were just extremely unfun to play against and while those broken builds often persisted for several balance patches, a lot of fun and already not-really-viable builds were killed off completely.

Anet just doesn't really has a clue about their game.

It's really a shame because GW1 was fantastic. PvP was pretty much always fun, even tho we had absolutely ridiculously broken team-builds but it somehow just worked. The time to kill was probably near perfect. Fights were not lame stalemates for ages (like in FF14 for example) nor did you get bursted down within a second by 95% of the builds (like it is at the moment). And Anet wasn't afraid of completely splitting skills between game modes which helped balancing a lot I guess.. Like there were literally over a thousand skills in the game and you could combine almost every single one into one build and it still somehow worked. I don't know what prevents them from doing the same in GW2.. Guess to keep it casual-friendly so they don't have to remember anything special and can just hop between game modes without using their brain.

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there is nothing for vets players form my pov. You master some classes for pvp wvw and expansion brings stuff like mirage where even if you play for the first time you gonna be great. We are in stage where skill

If content isn't atleast little bit challanging, players will remain bad, then will complain, and then we get stuff like yolospam, mirage, rampage etc.

Do challanging content -> veterans will stay and new ones will learn atleast something more then press 1 1 1 -> all modes will be in better state.

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Most of the people quitting had their build nerfed.


I’ve never felt that my build had to stay 100% static and never tried to play someone else’s idea of a meta build. Why? Because playstyles are different and the meta didn’t reflect my play style, or how I have fun.


So I am fairly positive. CI Mirage is a “new” (not really) condi build that is hard for some builds and compositions to fight against. But it’s not a team fighter and that makes it possible to fight. Contrary to popular forum opinion Mirage has been nerfed a number of times already and likely will be again in the future as more “trade off” patches are implemented.


As to population, only Anet can speak to population levels and what people are playing. If you have a lot of mirages in games both sides likely have them. Visual spam aside facing a mesmer in a team game is usually an advantage for the side that learns to focus gank the mesmer.

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Hey Anet, sorry for all the salt. I actually think your games really fun to play. I love the combat system and class diversity. Looking forward to what you guys do next.


Don't listen to the rest of the people in this thread, they will always complain about everything no matter what. But I'm sure you already know that ?


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There's a wide world of PvE out there that this game is made for. Tons of low and high end content for people to enjoy in small or large groups. Beating your head against PvP for years when you know you don't like it is just foolish. Deal with it for a few months, get your fancy wings and legendary armor, then put it away and enjoy the other 95% of the game instead of complaining about Anet not balancing your 5% of content.

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> @"Aaron Forestman.4758" said:

> There's a wide world of PvE out there that this game is made for. Tons of low and high end content for people to enjoy in small or large groups. Beating your head against PvP for years when you know you don't like it is just foolish. Deal with it for a few months, get your fancy wings and legendary armor, then put it away and enjoy the other 95% of the game instead of complaining about Anet not balancing your 5% of content.


Except that is them ignoring an entire subset of players which is never an okay thing, *especially* when ANet had such great PvP content in GW1. Not to mention even the PvE isn't even all that great. Sure there isn't a gear treadmill, which I guess people play this game to avoid it, but that doesn't make the PvE all that great. Open World isn't even remotely challenging, dungeons have been abandoned, Fractals are only worthwhile so long as your dailies aren't already completed, and GW2 Raids are the weakest when compared to Raids from other games.


ANet needs the criticism on this front, on all these fronts honestly, and I wouldn't blame people for getting just a little bit frustrated when there are others in the game that will just write off the criticism and say "Just stop complaining, *I* don't share your opinions so therefore its irrelevant and you're being ridiculous. Just play this *other content* that you're not interested in."

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Build needs and balancing isnt not the reason why im taking another brake....its the lack of game modes...doing the same 5v5 conquest 3point cicle jerk for the past 7 years makes me feel like im really waisting my life in gw2. We need new game modes new automated tournaments. Back in gw1 there were 3 tournaments aday and i dont ever remeber then braking/bugging ever. 2v2s, 3v3s, 12gv12g needs to happen. If anyone who has commented on this thread defended the state of gw2 pvp, you probably never played gw1 or was never really into it as we pvpers are into it.


Besides what do pvers have to compain about. They get it all new maps, new story, events, the developers deveopment time.

What do pvpers get? One new map every 2 years thats hated cuz we dont want maps we want game modes. No new development at all for 7 years like game modes and choices. Instead were given the BARE minimum. 1 game mode, and a half as-sed 5v5 ladder system for 7 years since day 1. Nothing has changed for pvp in 7 years is my point. While pve get new shit every 3-6 months.. So please stop defended pve, and relize that you get all the attention.


Sry i got no positivity for a 7 year old game., that has less development and growth then a rotting corpse.

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> @"Aaron Forestman.4758" said:

> There's a wide world of PvE out there that this game is made for. Tons of low and high end content for people to enjoy in small or large groups. Beating your head against PvP for years when you know you don't like it is just foolish. Deal with it for a few months, get your fancy wings and legendary armor, then put it away and enjoy the other 95% of the game instead of complaining about Anet not balancing your 5% of content.


Oh so open world, the one and done storylines and the raids (Which are not great?) Are what we are supposed to do. Ok well what if you've done all that and then some and you're tired of it. What if the PvE is not better than other games, its just another form of grind for differing items its not like this is different than other mmo-rps. It is still a theme-park alongside WoW, it still has gimmicky collections kind of like ESO. The difference those game has is pvp and their variants of RVR are actually cared for and maintained.How would you feel if PvE was a mess and someone just told you "Oh just pvp, the pve sucks why bother. Just use it to level and then pvp and do nothing else?" Especially if you weren't into it? You'd leave.


Guild wars 2 also sold itself as a competitive PvP based game and had E-sports years ago, and had its end-game be that and dungeons both of which got gutted and abandoned, and WvW just has been left since HoT. So no its not like the game was always 100% designed for PvE otherwise we wouldn't have the combat engine we have now, which was designed to have smooth reactive quick-time tab targeted combat for PVP/RvR which was what guild wars 1 somewhat had. We don't even have guild battles, or alliance battles and guild don't even matter. So no... you're wrong and if you don't believe you are than its simply "I don't care about these game modes, so no one should play how I play or don't play." which makes you part of the problem unfortunately. (The lore for guild wars 2 when compared to how the first game handled it is kinda.... not as good.)

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> We as a community need to give more constructive feedback with our opinions,


"We" already did, you think all the negatives are just trolling? Some yes but most are just, you know, "giving constructive feedback with their opinions", and when people "constructive feedback" are mostly negative, something is wrong.

But let me give positive: I like WvW legendary armor, Dragon Bash......................................................give me more time to think.

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