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The new PvP meta - whine till a class is deleted.

Kylden Ar.3724

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So, this happened --


[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83741/chaotic-interruption-temporarily-disabled-in-pvp](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83741/chaotic-interruption-temporarily-disabled-in-pvp "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83741/chaotic-interruption-temporarily-disabled-in-pvp")


Competitive is pretty much dead to me. Disable **AN ENTIRE TRAIT** for 3 months because it's too hard to just add an internal cooldown?


Which as I'm not interested in grinding in PvE, and there's no LS for a while, guess I am kinda done with the game for the most part for a quarter. Got a boss blitz event tonight with the guild alliance, assuming that can keep me interested for more than an hour, then guess I will come back for about 3 hours when LS5E1 hits.



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/shrug Hope it reduces the whining and moves some fotm players on.


Main thing to take away from this is it sadly seems like it just isn't possible within their process to make changes whenever they like - everything more than little fixes has to be extremely deliberate and put as part of the big patches only.


It's difficult for me to understand why this has to be the case - would be nice if they could explain why they can't for example implement changes for one or two things every week or so, but whatever, I accept (read: resign myself to) this is how their process works.


Edit - they should really delete pvp for good now, just focus on pve and wvw only. Can't believe Im saying this having loved pvp in the past (mostly pre hot). But reality is gw2 never going to be anything other than casual in terms of gameplay so really ought to give up trying to half heartedly keep any kind of dedicated "competitive" (lol) pvp going when it died a long time ago.

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Interestingly in the announcement he mentioned one of the reasons for not being able to get this changed until the next balance update is because it would involve changes to multiple traits.


I can't work out what that could be referring to aside from CI, unless the change they have in mind also requires supplementary changes to take into account knock on effects. Can't be anything on mirage line specifically as nothing interacts with CI, it's kind of standalone in application, same as mantra.

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I don't main Mesmer and I'll tell you what... this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen from a development team. Yes, the trait needed to be nerfed... but to DISABLE it which will ultimately give an entire class fewer options in a COMPETITIVE game mode is stupid.


Also, there is NO indication in the game that the trait is disabled!


Very few people come to the forums and a whole group of people will still be running the trait, unknowingly putting themselves at a huge disadvantage.


Who signs off on these ideas? I am starting to believe that AreaNet really doesn't give a damn about PvP anymore... it's a shame.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Interestingly in the announcement he mentioned one of the reasons for not being able to get this changed until the next balance update is because it would involve changes to multiple traits.


> I can't work out what that could be referring to aside from CI, unless the change they have in mind also requires supplementary changes to take into account knock on effects. Can't be anything on mirage line specifically as nothing interacts with CI, it's kind of standalone in application, same as mantra.


Well it depends on how much faith you have.


If you have a lot of faith it could mean they've identified that the build has a lot of issues like:

Mirage cloak removing all downsides of cast times.

Infinite horizon offering some crazy damage scaling.

Ambush skills are kinda strong in a vacuum for little trade off (I know Pyro not when compared to something like holoforge) -These 3 have been problems in the past btw.

Chaos storm on heal may be giving a tad more CC than needed.

That CI might need the immob reducing to 1s but interrupt traits at their core are meant to be skillful.

That maybe buffing Mantra of Distraction out of the wazoo since 3 months before HoT till now was a mistake.


If you have no faith:

Nerf CI into the floor, no boons, just chill or cripple or blind.

Nerf Chaos storm on heal to be 1 pulse.

Nerf Deceptive Evasion because clones.

Nerf Staff trait because it's always picked.


Pick your poison, I know what my money would be on.


Edit: The shocking thing to me was seeing it referred to as "degenerate play". That's not the kind of professionalism I'd expect from a company, let alone a representative of the company that enabled this despite many warnings by their community for over 2 years that lowering cool downs was a bad idea.

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GW2 PvP has always been thrown into the hospice ever since it's not promoted anymore.

It's maintenance mode unless something happens, which I would be hard pressed to hope for.


It's ok though we'll just move on, either immediately or after a period of time.

You can still play something like this if you like the Mirage playstyle: [staffless Illusions](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAnf7anELDlphtpBGMDMMjlXDDNAkTOClVgeT0wf/VAPgA-jJRHABA8EA+uMgAnEg02fAA "Staffless Illusions") or just swap CI to Bountiful Illusions. Or go back to old Sage Axe.

Stay if you like the class, or if you're a FOTM player looking for powerful builds, move onto other pastures like Holo or whatnot if you want to. There's no implication in there about what kind of person you are.

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I'm more or less fine with it, only because it's so strong and doesn't really take much effort.

However, I find it funny that only mesmer would ever be treated this way. Any other class that over performs that lacks counter play would get a free pass.


Nice to see that good ol Dev bias still omnipresent.

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So anet shot Chrono in the face in PvP and now mirage just got its knee caps blown off in PvP. What's the point of going Mesmer for anything any more? I vote to delete the profession, it's pretty useless now :)


(kidding btw,, but it seriously needs an entire rework from the ground up)

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> /shrug Hope it reduces the whining and moves some fotm players on.


> Main thing to take away from this is it sadly seems like it just isn't possible within their process to make changes whenever they like - everything more than little fixes has to be extremely deliberate and put as part of the big patches only.


> It's difficult for me to understand why this has to be the case - would be nice if they could explain why they can't for example implement changes for one or two things every week or so, but whatever, I accept (read: resign myself to) this is how their process works.


> Edit - they should really delete pvp for good now, just focus on pve and wvw only. Can't believe Im saying this having loved pvp in the past (mostly pre hot). But reality is gw2 never going to be anything other than casual in terms of gameplay so really ought to give up trying to half heartedly keep any kind of dedicated "competitive" (lol) pvp going when it died a long time ago.


One of the big reasons for the slow changes is the limitations in the game engine to make quick fixes

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> @"SilentSam.1589" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > /shrug Hope it reduces the whining and moves some fotm players on.

> >

> > Main thing to take away from this is it sadly seems like it just isn't possible within their process to make changes whenever they like - everything more than little fixes has to be extremely deliberate and put as part of the big patches only.

> >

> > It's difficult for me to understand why this has to be the case - would be nice if they could explain why they can't for example implement changes for one or two things every week or so, but whatever, I accept (read: resign myself to) this is how their process works.

> >

> > Edit - they should really delete pvp for good now, just focus on pve and wvw only. Can't believe Im saying this having loved pvp in the past (mostly pre hot). But reality is gw2 never going to be anything other than casual in terms of gameplay so really ought to give up trying to half heartedly keep any kind of dedicated "competitive" (lol) pvp going when it died a long time ago.


> One of the big reasons for the slow changes is the limitations in the game engine to make quick fixes


That's ridiculous. There's no game engine limitations to changing things quickly. Hotfixes like this even illustrate the fact that if they want to do things quickly, they can. The reason that every balance change takes ages is because critical thinking is painful for the balance team, so they have to do it in manageable portions.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Interestingly in the announcement he mentioned one of the reasons for not being able to get this changed until the next balance update is because it would involve changes to multiple traits.

> >

> > I can't work out what that could be referring to aside from CI, unless the change they have in mind also requires supplementary changes to take into account knock on effects. Can't be anything on mirage line specifically as nothing interacts with CI, it's kind of standalone in application, same as mantra.


> Well it depends on how much faith you have.


> If you have a lot of faith it could mean they've identified that the build has a lot of issues like:

> Mirage cloak removing all downsides of cast times.

> Infinite horizon offering some crazy damage scaling.

> Ambush skills are kinda strong in a vacuum for little trade off (I know Pyro not when compared to something like holoforge) -These 3 have been problems in the past btw.

> Chaos storm on heal may be giving a tad more CC than needed.

> That CI might need the immob reducing to 1s but interrupt traits at their core are meant to be skillful.

> That maybe buffing Mantra of Distraction out of the wazoo since 3 months before HoT till now was a mistake.


> If you have no faith:

> Nerf CI into the floor, no boons, just chill or cripple or blind.

> Nerf Chaos storm on heal to be 1 pulse.

> Nerf Deceptive Evasion because clones.

> Nerf Staff trait because it's always picked.


> Pick your poison, I know what my money would be on.


> Edit: The shocking thing to me was seeing it referred to as "degenerate play". That's not the kind of professionalism I'd expect from a company, let alone a representative of the company that enabled this despite many warnings by their community for over 2 years that lowering cool downs was a bad idea.


I think it's clear taking one of those options for granted given all the past evidence. Suppose there's always hope, but is highly unlikely. :/


> @"SilentSam.1589" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > /shrug Hope it reduces the whining and moves some fotm players on.

> >

> > Main thing to take away from this is it sadly seems like it just isn't possible within their process to make changes whenever they like - everything more than little fixes has to be extremely deliberate and put as part of the big patches only.

> >

> > It's difficult for me to understand why this has to be the case - would be nice if they could explain why they can't for example implement changes for one or two things every week or so, but whatever, I accept (read: resign myself to) this is how their process works.

> >

> > Edit - they should really delete pvp for good now, just focus on pve and wvw only. Can't believe Im saying this having loved pvp in the past (mostly pre hot). But reality is gw2 never going to be anything other than casual in terms of gameplay so really ought to give up trying to half heartedly keep any kind of dedicated "competitive" (lol) pvp going when it died a long time ago.


> One of the big reasons for the slow changes is the limitations in the game engine to make quick fixes


Would be nice to know why this is the case, if it is possible to be understood by us public/non-professionals.


Eg if deciding Csplit now needed it's cooldowm lowered from 105 seconds to eg 75 seconds - wouldn't that just be a number change in a few places? Or is it something in the process of updating the game that puts restrictions on how often it can be done? Honestly trying to understand here.

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There really needs to be a note in the tooltip to let players know that CI no longer functions in PvP at the very least. That should have came with the change instead of players finding out something isn't working in game from the forums. This would also be less of an issue after the season ended.

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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> While at it, can they also disable EM? xD


HAHAHAHA, yeah excellent point.


Anet please also disable Elusive Mind for being a handicap - don't want to confuse new players taking it thinking it might be beneficial when it's an objectively bad choice for all builds.

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