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The feel of being rewarded.

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As long as Arenanet does not rebalance the crafting requirements which increase the need for materials and therefore make a lot of materials worth something again on the tradepost it doesn't matter if they change the reward system when the whole market is worthless and only the rarest items are available to the richest people. the inventory full of crap loot is one thing, having all general loot be worth nothing noteworthy is even more depressing and less rewarding.

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I understand the point Blood Red Arachnid was making by not wanting people to pile up in one spot farming specific mobs....It sure would be nice, though, if you fought a particularly tough mob (maybe an elite that you saw along the way) it had a chance of dropping something worth the time. As things are now, the likelihood is so small people avoid fighting mobs at all costs as they only slow you down and give nothing in exchange.

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The rewards are simply not good enough, this has been mentioned for YEARS.. this is not an *entitled* thing, give me moar for free.

Been playing for 3 years and have done (like many of you and then some) many events and meta specifically, but at no point I was WOAHH this is cool, and there is so much more arena-net can add to the *loot* table in general.

With meta's you sometimes get that 1g exotic or that stupid orichalcum ring recipe you have received for a million times.

Just do DS, and really milk that map, get the pods, events all of it.. at the end open everything.. besides the Amalgamated Gem and some Ectoplasm Globs I sometimes think what just happened.

Where did the *loot* go after opening all those purple boxes and bags, globby gloop, broken fang, spikes, broken lockpick, some wood and ore that I have a ton of already, what's going on?.


Have a lot of map currencies and very little to spend it on (there are mini's - endless tonics and novelties but I don't care for that), and what karma I have I spend on Obsidians.


Just an example, there is an achievement called *Exotic Hunter* where there are several Exotics worth 30-40g.. why are these not in the loot table map wide?.

I could buy the last 5 exotics, but that means I have to burn 200g for the achievement, I didn't actually achieve anything besides paying for it so I am not gonna do it.

There are also many Dye's worth 5g to 50g, put that in the loot map wide even if it's very RARE drop.


Same goes for Exotic weapons and armor, many many of them worth 10 to 100+ gold.. just put it in the rewards (world bosses, or just random monster drop).. why not ?.

It's so not rewarding doing a e.g Tequatl and get that 10 silver SPOON, again.. not saying a 50g exotic should be rewarded every time, but c'mon!


The whole idea (exciting) for me personally is when I go play a map for a few hours, there IS a probability that I get something nice.. it can take a week or a month or even 3 months.. at least I would KNOW there are some really nice item's (in gold terms 50-150g worth or *xxxxxx* whatever you want to put there) on the map.


Now I KNOW the best you can get is a 20 silver recipe or a 2g exotic, maybe that's why I for the most of the time just farm wood and ore.. I really like most of the maps, there is just no reason for me to play them much or do events.


This has been on my mind for years now, sorry if it's seems like a rant.. i like this game or else i would have walked away at least a year ago, but loot can be *better* or improved in any way arena-net see fit, just improve it, cheers.

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I personally don't mind it that much. The fact that we have a material storage, unidentified gear stacks, and I don't have to play the lottery against my supposed teammates just to get a piece of gear I need makes the reward system in this game infinitely better. Is junk necessary? Not really, but I think it's there because theoretically if you have more magic find it's possible for you to get, say, a piece of gear instead of the junk item. We already get pure coin as drops. Not a perfect system but it's really not that big of a deal.

I'll agree that materials are a bit ridiculous with the quantity you get and need for things, but I'll still take it over the loot in other games. Especially since those other games also tend to dumb a bunch of random junk in my inventory that's just as annoying.

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> @"Image.8630" said:

> What bugs me the most is the items that have no value at all. Cant sell em, cant use em, cant even give em away. On a regular base I delete stacks of Airship Oil, Auric dust and the likes.


I agree those are very annoying, though I feel like the issue with them is just that they don't really have many uses, so they build up. If you could do more things with them it would probably be better.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> It sounds to me like people are playing for all the wrong reasons...shouldn't you be playing the game because you enjoy it and get fun out of it and not for the rewards? The rewards being a bonus to the fun.


There are numerous reasons I play GW2 or any game. Fun is #1. But since there are rewards it would be nice if there was less to no junk.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> It sounds to me like people are playing for all the wrong reasons...shouldn't you be playing the game because you enjoy it and get fun out of it and not for the rewards? The rewards being a bonus to the fun.


It's an MMO, not tetris. People like to earn things and work to achieve goals.

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> @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> One of the major problems in Guild wars 2, in my opinion, is that I rarely feel rewarded. The people I've gotten to play this game over the years have expressed to me the same thing before they quit.


> When you play GW2, your bags are filled with an assortment of dirt, rocks, broken gizmos, salvage folly, and useless junk that only takes your time to clear out of your bag and manage. These things could be replaced with a few silver instead. We as players are here to experience the game, the art, the story, the gameplay, PVP, WVW, Fractals, Dungeons (RIP), etc. We don't want to spend our time looking at our massive inventories and clearing them out, just for the sake of not having full bags. You don't actually make very much money to warrant the time, but it's something the game forces you to do because of the design choices made.


> The second thing is the in-game currency loot boxes (and cash shop for that matter...) You have to buy SO many to get anything worth any value its ridiculous. I recently watched a youtube video that popped up on my feed showing me a guy opening 25 THOUSAND Zephyrite boxes, He spent 4 THOUSAND gold and got back 800g in rewards. Now we all realize that it shouldnt be 1:1, but in no fair system should it be around a 20% ROI.


> Please find/make a better system, for the sake of your own game and the people that are trying to enjoy it.


> TL;DR: I wish the loot system wouldn't inundate me with junk worth a few silver, just replace all that junk with a few silver.






If you want gold,you gotta spend INSANE amount of time doing events and open world killing.


Either SW or HoT meta events.All that requires time,and not everyone has time playing exactly during meta events.That's why you have gem purchase,and as long that exists in this game,do not expect to see any loot/drop increase.


You could play trading post pvp,but that takes gold and time invested as well.You can purchase item today just to sell it in 2 months to see any profit at all,which doesn't work at all if you need gold asap.

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It's kinda funny, because it feels like green UnID loot now feels like the new junk item. You can barely sell them on the trading post, they mostly spawn green junk that you're going to vendor anyway, so it's easier just to go straight to vendoring them. I don't feel rewarded for it, and the materials it would give just don't make much difference.

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I hate these bags in boxes in chests ...

5 clicks to fill garbage into your inv. Auto-unpack them all.


I also hate these armors/weapons you can neither salvage nor sell, just sell. Give me an option to auto-delete them.


Salvage-all was an improvement, but why do I have to trigger it manually? Store my choice of applying this kit to these items and apply it automatically.


Why do I have to click all these chests on the right? put them in my inv and process them as above.


Why all these manual consumption of things going into your wallet, auto-drink them


Instead of all this keep-you-busy-clicking-in-your-inv: offer me a summary sheet, totaling what i got since I last looked at it.

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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> The rewards are simply not good enough, this has been mentioned for YEARS.. this is not an *entitled* thing, give me moar for free.

> Been playing for 3 years and have done (like many of you and then some) many events and meta specifically, but at no point I was WOAHH this is cool, and there is so much more arena-net can add to the *loot* table in general.

> With meta's you sometimes get that 1g exotic or that stupid orichalcum ring recipe you have received for a million times.

> Just do DS, and really milk that map, get the pods, events all of it.. at the end open everything.. besides the Amalgamated Gem and some Ectoplasm Globs I sometimes think what just happened.

> Where did the *loot* go after opening all those purple boxes and bags, globby gloop, broken fang, spikes, broken lockpick, some wood and ore that I have a ton of already, what's going on?.


> Have a lot of map currencies and very little to spend it on (there are mini's - endless tonics and novelties but I don't care for that), and what karma I have I spend on Obsidians.


> Just an example, there is an achievement called *Exotic Hunter* where there are several Exotics worth 30-40g.. why are these not in the loot table map wide?.

> I could buy the last 5 exotics, but that means I have to burn 200g for the achievement, I didn't actually achieve anything besides paying for it so I am not gonna do it.

> There are also many Dye's worth 5g to 50g, put that in the loot map wide even if it's very RARE drop.


> Same goes for Exotic weapons and armor, many many of them worth 10 to 100+ gold.. just put it in the rewards (world bosses, or just random monster drop).. why not ?.

> It's so not rewarding doing a e.g Tequatl and get that 10 silver SPOON, again.. not saying a 50g exotic should be rewarded every time, but c'mon!


> The whole idea (exciting) for me personally is when I go play a map for a few hours, there IS a probability that I get something nice.. it can take a week or a month or even 3 months.. at least I would KNOW there are some really nice item's (in gold terms 50-150g worth or *xxxxxx* whatever you want to put there) on the map.


> Now I KNOW the best you can get is a 20 silver recipe or a 2g exotic, maybe that's why I for the most of the time just farm wood and ore.. I really like most of the maps, there is just no reason for me to play them much or do events.


> This has been on my mind for years now, sorry if it's seems like a rant.. i like this game or else i would have walked away at least a year ago, but loot can be *better* or improved in any way arena-net see fit, just improve it, cheers.


You seem to not understand how the economy works.


All those "Exotic Hunter" weapons actually are on the loot table. They are just very rare. The fact that they are rare is why they still have value. Same with precursers. Everyone gets excited when they get a precurser as a drop. They have value because they are very rare.


ANYTHING that's on any loot table has to be extremely rare in order to ever hold it's value. If not, it will become just another junk drop.

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > It sounds to me like people are playing for all the wrong reasons...shouldn't you be playing the game because you enjoy it and get fun out of it and not for the rewards? The rewards being a bonus to the fun.


> Rewards, in the form of loot, are part of the core gameplay experience of pretty much every MMOrpg, or even plain MMO. Actually, rewards are part of the core experience in single player RPGs too. We can go even further back and see rewards being a core aspect of PnP DnD, the grandaddy of this genre of video games.


> Taking all that into account, I don't see how one who considers rewards/loot a very important aspect of this game, is playing it wrong.


I realize that loot/rewards are part of the core game play...however, I've never let that stop me from playing any game, regardless of genre. I long ago decided the most important factor in any game I played was whether or not I was having fun playing that game, didn't matter what I received as a reward. Do I get excitement out of receiving a highly valued reward, sure, but it doesn't mean I have to get one...if I get one, I get one, if I don't, I don't and that's in any game I play...I much prefer to have fun and enjoy myself than worry about whether or not the drops/rewards I get are worth anything...I have no problem trashing virtual goods I got as a reward.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> I started skimming answers after awhile, but I think you guys are missing the point. The reason why it is that the game (or rather, parts of it) don't feel rewarding isn't because of some monetary scheme. It is because of the Play How I Want philosophy. When GW2 was being made, there were several things that they were trying to avoid. I don't have sources for these, because it was seven years ago and I don't document everything like a psychopath, but there were some things that Anet specifically designed against:


> Having to grind the same enemy for a specific drop

> Making one and only one part of the game rewarding

> Clustering all of the players into one spot

> Forcing players to move forward through the maps as they leveled up

> Rewarding only particular playstyles

> "FU;GM" mentality with events and enemies

> Hostility toward other player's presence



It is funny when that gets listed explicitly because all those problems are still around except maybe for the moving forward through maps thing.

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> @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > The rewards are simply not good enough, this has been mentioned for YEARS.. this is not an *entitled* thing, give me moar for free.

> > Been playing for 3 years and have done (like many of you and then some) many events and meta specifically, but at no point I was WOAHH this is cool, and there is so much more arena-net can add to the *loot* table in general.

> > With meta's you sometimes get that 1g exotic or that stupid orichalcum ring recipe you have received for a million times.

> > Just do DS, and really milk that map, get the pods, events all of it.. at the end open everything.. besides the Amalgamated Gem and some Ectoplasm Globs I sometimes think what just happened.

> > Where did the *loot* go after opening all those purple boxes and bags, globby gloop, broken fang, spikes, broken lockpick, some wood and ore that I have a ton of already, what's going on?.

> >

> > Have a lot of map currencies and very little to spend it on (there are mini's - endless tonics and novelties but I don't care for that), and what karma I have I spend on Obsidians.

> >

> > Just an example, there is an achievement called *Exotic Hunter* where there are several Exotics worth 30-40g.. why are these not in the loot table map wide?.

> > I could buy the last 5 exotics, but that means I have to burn 200g for the achievement, I didn't actually achieve anything besides paying for it so I am not gonna do it.

> > There are also many Dye's worth 5g to 50g, put that in the loot map wide even if it's very RARE drop.

> >

> > Same goes for Exotic weapons and armor, many many of them worth 10 to 100+ gold.. just put it in the rewards (world bosses, or just random monster drop).. why not ?.

> > It's so not rewarding doing a e.g Tequatl and get that 10 silver SPOON, again.. not saying a 50g exotic should be rewarded every time, but c'mon!

> >

> > The whole idea (exciting) for me personally is when I go play a map for a few hours, there IS a probability that I get something nice.. it can take a week or a month or even 3 months.. at least I would KNOW there are some really nice item's (in gold terms 50-150g worth or *xxxxxx* whatever you want to put there) on the map.

> >

> > Now I KNOW the best you can get is a 20 silver recipe or a 2g exotic, maybe that's why I for the most of the time just farm wood and ore.. I really like most of the maps, there is just no reason for me to play them much or do events.

> >

> > This has been on my mind for years now, sorry if it's seems like a rant.. i like this game or else i would have walked away at least a year ago, but loot can be *better* or improved in any way arena-net see fit, just improve it, cheers.


> You seem to not understand how the economy works.


> All those "Exotic Hunter" weapons actually are on the loot table. They are just very rare. The fact that they are rare is why they still have value. Same with precursers. Everyone gets excited when they get a precurser as a drop. They have value because they are very rare.


> ANYTHING that's on any loot table has to be extremely rare in order to ever hold it's value. If not, it will become just another junk drop.


You are completely missing the point, 3 years I play and never did I get a precursor or anything that worth more then 5-10 gold, rare is fine but I think it's just a bit TO rare.

How many more years do I have to run around and get those 5 weapons for Exotic hunter? tell me, or a precursor for that matter.

If they didn't drop in 3+ years I am confident they won't drop in the next 1-2-3 years.


But this isn't really about that, there is just not enough stuff/items in *loot* that makes it worth while.. if I play on a daily basis for 2-3 hours several maps, DS, AB, SW.. in a month time you would at least expect a nice drop, but no nothing.. just worthless stuff and maybe an exotic worth 2 gold.. that is what my post was about.


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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > > The rewards are simply not good enough, this has been mentioned for YEARS.. this is not an *entitled* thing, give me moar for free.

> > > Been playing for 3 years and have done (like many of you and then some) many events and meta specifically, but at no point I was WOAHH this is cool, and there is so much more arena-net can add to the *loot* table in general.

> > > With meta's you sometimes get that 1g exotic or that stupid orichalcum ring recipe you have received for a million times.

> > > Just do DS, and really milk that map, get the pods, events all of it.. at the end open everything.. besides the Amalgamated Gem and some Ectoplasm Globs I sometimes think what just happened.

> > > Where did the *loot* go after opening all those purple boxes and bags, globby gloop, broken fang, spikes, broken lockpick, some wood and ore that I have a ton of already, what's going on?.

> > >

> > > Have a lot of map currencies and very little to spend it on (there are mini's - endless tonics and novelties but I don't care for that), and what karma I have I spend on Obsidians.

> > >

> > > Just an example, there is an achievement called *Exotic Hunter* where there are several Exotics worth 30-40g.. why are these not in the loot table map wide?.

> > > I could buy the last 5 exotics, but that means I have to burn 200g for the achievement, I didn't actually achieve anything besides paying for it so I am not gonna do it.

> > > There are also many Dye's worth 5g to 50g, put that in the loot map wide even if it's very RARE drop.

> > >

> > > Same goes for Exotic weapons and armor, many many of them worth 10 to 100+ gold.. just put it in the rewards (world bosses, or just random monster drop).. why not ?.

> > > It's so not rewarding doing a e.g Tequatl and get that 10 silver SPOON, again.. not saying a 50g exotic should be rewarded every time, but c'mon!

> > >

> > > The whole idea (exciting) for me personally is when I go play a map for a few hours, there IS a probability that I get something nice.. it can take a week or a month or even 3 months.. at least I would KNOW there are some really nice item's (in gold terms 50-150g worth or *xxxxxx* whatever you want to put there) on the map.

> > >

> > > Now I KNOW the best you can get is a 20 silver recipe or a 2g exotic, maybe that's why I for the most of the time just farm wood and ore.. I really like most of the maps, there is just no reason for me to play them much or do events.

> > >

> > > This has been on my mind for years now, sorry if it's seems like a rant.. i like this game or else i would have walked away at least a year ago, but loot can be *better* or improved in any way arena-net see fit, just improve it, cheers.

> >

> > You seem to not understand how the economy works.

> >

> > All those "Exotic Hunter" weapons actually are on the loot table. They are just very rare. The fact that they are rare is why they still have value. Same with precursers. Everyone gets excited when they get a precurser as a drop. They have value because they are very rare.

> >

> > ANYTHING that's on any loot table has to be extremely rare in order to ever hold it's value. If not, it will become just another junk drop.


> You are completely missing the point, 3 years I play and never did I get a precursor or anything that worth more then 5-10 gold, rare is fine but I think it's just a bit TO rare.

> How many more years do I have to run around and get those 5 weapons for Exotic hunter? tell me, or a precursor for that matter.

> If they didn't drop in 3+ years I am confident they won't drop in the next 1-2-3 years.


> But this isn't really about that, there is just not enough stuff/items in *loot* that makes it worth while.. if I play on a daily basis for 2-3 hours several maps, DS, AB, SW.. in a month time you would at least expect a nice drop, but no nothing.. just worthless stuff and maybe an exotic worth 2 gold.. that is what my post was about.



If nice things dropped more frequently, wouldn’t that make them closer to being worthless? People want more rewarding content except that if they got that, they’d farm the kitten out of it until it wasn’t rewarding anymore.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Not having unique skins, gizmos and other things drop in game from specific bosses, even in story instances, is what this game is missing in terms of replay value.


It really is, one of the core things of playing mmos is trying for that item drop. But they do that because they need to sell in the shop, so having cool things drop in the game would lessen the shop revenue. Honestly F2P/B2P has been a double edged sword, sure people dont want to pay anything after buying a game. But in reality they are paying whether they buy in the shop, or have lack of ingame content to satisfy them, they are still paying a price. I wonder how much people spend a year on game shops? Do they realize that its probably cheaper to pay a sub? I have played for 7 months in that time i spent around 100 bucks real life cash on the shop, and i still didnt get the things i wanted., at that rate it will cost me more than a sub fee game in a years time.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > > > The rewards are simply not good enough, this has been mentioned for YEARS.. this is not an *entitled* thing, give me moar for free.

> > > > Been playing for 3 years and have done (like many of you and then some) many events and meta specifically, but at no point I was WOAHH this is cool, and there is so much more arena-net can add to the *loot* table in general.

> > > > With meta's you sometimes get that 1g exotic or that stupid orichalcum ring recipe you have received for a million times.

> > > > Just do DS, and really milk that map, get the pods, events all of it.. at the end open everything.. besides the Amalgamated Gem and some Ectoplasm Globs I sometimes think what just happened.

> > > > Where did the *loot* go after opening all those purple boxes and bags, globby gloop, broken fang, spikes, broken lockpick, some wood and ore that I have a ton of already, what's going on?.

> > > >

> > > > Have a lot of map currencies and very little to spend it on (there are mini's - endless tonics and novelties but I don't care for that), and what karma I have I spend on Obsidians.

> > > >

> > > > Just an example, there is an achievement called *Exotic Hunter* where there are several Exotics worth 30-40g.. why are these not in the loot table map wide?.

> > > > I could buy the last 5 exotics, but that means I have to burn 200g for the achievement, I didn't actually achieve anything besides paying for it so I am not gonna do it.

> > > > There are also many Dye's worth 5g to 50g, put that in the loot map wide even if it's very RARE drop.

> > > >

> > > > Same goes for Exotic weapons and armor, many many of them worth 10 to 100+ gold.. just put it in the rewards (world bosses, or just random monster drop).. why not ?.

> > > > It's so not rewarding doing a e.g Tequatl and get that 10 silver SPOON, again.. not saying a 50g exotic should be rewarded every time, but c'mon!

> > > >

> > > > The whole idea (exciting) for me personally is when I go play a map for a few hours, there IS a probability that I get something nice.. it can take a week or a month or even 3 months.. at least I would KNOW there are some really nice item's (in gold terms 50-150g worth or *xxxxxx* whatever you want to put there) on the map.

> > > >

> > > > Now I KNOW the best you can get is a 20 silver recipe or a 2g exotic, maybe that's why I for the most of the time just farm wood and ore.. I really like most of the maps, there is just no reason for me to play them much or do events.

> > > >

> > > > This has been on my mind for years now, sorry if it's seems like a rant.. i like this game or else i would have walked away at least a year ago, but loot can be *better* or improved in any way arena-net see fit, just improve it, cheers.

> > >

> > > You seem to not understand how the economy works.

> > >

> > > All those "Exotic Hunter" weapons actually are on the loot table. They are just very rare. The fact that they are rare is why they still have value. Same with precursers. Everyone gets excited when they get a precurser as a drop. They have value because they are very rare.

> > >

> > > ANYTHING that's on any loot table has to be extremely rare in order to ever hold it's value. If not, it will become just another junk drop.

> >

> > You are completely missing the point, 3 years I play and never did I get a precursor or anything that worth more then 5-10 gold, rare is fine but I think it's just a bit TO rare.

> > How many more years do I have to run around and get those 5 weapons for Exotic hunter? tell me, or a precursor for that matter.

> > If they didn't drop in 3+ years I am confident they won't drop in the next 1-2-3 years.

> >

> > But this isn't really about that, there is just not enough stuff/items in *loot* that makes it worth while.. if I play on a daily basis for 2-3 hours several maps, DS, AB, SW.. in a month time you would at least expect a nice drop, but no nothing.. just worthless stuff and maybe an exotic worth 2 gold.. that is what my post was about.

> >


> If nice things dropped more frequently, wouldn’t that make them closer to being worthless? People want more rewarding content except that if they got that, they’d farm the kitten out of it until it wasn’t rewarding anymore.


I get what you say but I think no, there are no *nice* things atm.. we could argue *hey we got chack egg, queen bee or precursors* etc.. but we all know the chance of getting that is the same as getting hit by an asteroid.

I get that arenanet needs to balance things out, but if people want to farm and end up with 50k gold at the end of the year, good for them and it only means they play the game and do events - metas - fractals etc.

POF maps - Istan and several others have low players for a while now, and I think this has to do with rewards.. correct me if i'm wrong.



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I couldn't agree more.


I think the problem is that they would have to majorly rework crafting in order to do this.


They may also have to do vertical gear progression in order to keep coming up with rewards, which I would loathe. That would be a hard balance to strike, imho.

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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > > > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > > > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > > > > The rewards are simply not good enough, this has been mentioned for YEARS.. this is not an *entitled* thing, give me moar for free.

> > > > > Been playing for 3 years and have done (like many of you and then some) many events and meta specifically, but at no point I was WOAHH this is cool, and there is so much more arena-net can add to the *loot* table in general.

> > > > > With meta's you sometimes get that 1g exotic or that stupid orichalcum ring recipe you have received for a million times.

> > > > > Just do DS, and really milk that map, get the pods, events all of it.. at the end open everything.. besides the Amalgamated Gem and some Ectoplasm Globs I sometimes think what just happened.

> > > > > Where did the *loot* go after opening all those purple boxes and bags, globby gloop, broken fang, spikes, broken lockpick, some wood and ore that I have a ton of already, what's going on?.

> > > > >

> > > > > Have a lot of map currencies and very little to spend it on (there are mini's - endless tonics and novelties but I don't care for that), and what karma I have I spend on Obsidians.

> > > > >

> > > > > Just an example, there is an achievement called *Exotic Hunter* where there are several Exotics worth 30-40g.. why are these not in the loot table map wide?.

> > > > > I could buy the last 5 exotics, but that means I have to burn 200g for the achievement, I didn't actually achieve anything besides paying for it so I am not gonna do it.

> > > > > There are also many Dye's worth 5g to 50g, put that in the loot map wide even if it's very RARE drop.

> > > > >

> > > > > Same goes for Exotic weapons and armor, many many of them worth 10 to 100+ gold.. just put it in the rewards (world bosses, or just random monster drop).. why not ?.

> > > > > It's so not rewarding doing a e.g Tequatl and get that 10 silver SPOON, again.. not saying a 50g exotic should be rewarded every time, but c'mon!

> > > > >

> > > > > The whole idea (exciting) for me personally is when I go play a map for a few hours, there IS a probability that I get something nice.. it can take a week or a month or even 3 months.. at least I would KNOW there are some really nice item's (in gold terms 50-150g worth or *xxxxxx* whatever you want to put there) on the map.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now I KNOW the best you can get is a 20 silver recipe or a 2g exotic, maybe that's why I for the most of the time just farm wood and ore.. I really like most of the maps, there is just no reason for me to play them much or do events.

> > > > >

> > > > > This has been on my mind for years now, sorry if it's seems like a rant.. i like this game or else i would have walked away at least a year ago, but loot can be *better* or improved in any way arena-net see fit, just improve it, cheers.

> > > >

> > > > You seem to not understand how the economy works.

> > > >

> > > > All those "Exotic Hunter" weapons actually are on the loot table. They are just very rare. The fact that they are rare is why they still have value. Same with precursers. Everyone gets excited when they get a precurser as a drop. They have value because they are very rare.

> > > >

> > > > ANYTHING that's on any loot table has to be extremely rare in order to ever hold it's value. If not, it will become just another junk drop.

> > >

> > > You are completely missing the point, 3 years I play and never did I get a precursor or anything that worth more then 5-10 gold, rare is fine but I think it's just a bit TO rare.

> > > How many more years do I have to run around and get those 5 weapons for Exotic hunter? tell me, or a precursor for that matter.

> > > If they didn't drop in 3+ years I am confident they won't drop in the next 1-2-3 years.

> > >

> > > But this isn't really about that, there is just not enough stuff/items in *loot* that makes it worth while.. if I play on a daily basis for 2-3 hours several maps, DS, AB, SW.. in a month time you would at least expect a nice drop, but no nothing.. just worthless stuff and maybe an exotic worth 2 gold.. that is what my post was about.

> > >

> >

> > If nice things dropped more frequently, wouldn’t that make them closer to being worthless? People want more rewarding content except that if they got that, they’d farm the kitten out of it until it wasn’t rewarding anymore.


> I get what you say but I think no, there are no *nice* things atm.. we could argue *hey we got chack egg, queen bee or precursors* etc.. but we all know the chance of getting that is the same as getting hit by an asteroid.

> I get that arenanet needs to balance things out, but if people want to farm and end up with 50k gold at the end of the year, good for them and it only means they play the game and do events - metas - fractals etc.

> POF maps - Istan and several others have low players for a while now, and I think this has to do with rewards.. correct me if i'm wrong.




Depends where the threshold of *nice* begins according to you. If anything dropped at the frequency that you’d feel adequately rewarded, it’d quickly become less rewarding once other players obtained the same.


Aside from the Istan nerfs, areas are likely underpopulated due to the festivals and special events. The new map is also currently the better farm.

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With a 20 slot oiled bag it doesn't really bother me much. Having been around when the Southsun stuff was live I can also say that having the direct gold drop isn't all that interesting either. While that was running you could get either a large Magic Fine or Gold Find buff. I think it was something like 500%.


As for the rare drops ... getting them is nice of course but no where are exciting as people make them out to be.

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