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half of top 10 NA pvp leaderboards is 1 person, sorry ppl ranked 11-15ish who should of got rewards

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same for whoever should have gotten rank 3 and even those slightly away from rank 25, 100, and top 250 tho more alts take up those spots.


the problem may not be the player(s) but maybe the leaderboard/reward system itself or just population, but either way it's not healthy for what little competitive side the game has left.


I dont have 120 games this season so getting a reward doesn't matter as much to me, but imagining any live competition where one person can take reward money from being 1st place and 3rd place and etc etc. is pretty sad and discouraging for everyone else who worked hard and actually "made it" without being recognized and rewards taken away. Doesn't matter if it's only a title.


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The main issue of this post is the fact that rewards arent being distributed to the same number of human beings it should be.


top 100 should be 100 different players


imagine your at work and your pay is taken away and given to your boss because he is a higher position, people saying stuff like people need to get better are missing the point

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One solution for example maybe give that one person and all his accounts the titles but still reward the rest till the appropriate number of different players are met.


It should be fine so long as people and their alts are only theirs to play.


Then anet can punish anyone and which ever accounts (if not all their accounts) if they account share or sell accounts since it's against TOS rules anyways.

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Personally I think your ranked account should be tied to a phone number. You can have as many accounts as you want, but if they all authenticate back to the same phone number then they all are the same ranked account.


I don't care about people getting multiple leader board spots, but it will prevent people on alts tanking rating so they can boost their buddies account when they duo with them.

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> Personally I think your ranked account should be tied to a phone number. You can have as many accounts as you want, but if they all authenticate back to the same phone number then they all are the same ranked account.


> I don't care about people getting multiple leader board spots, but it will prevent people on alts tanking rating so they can boost their buddies account when they duo with them.

You can have more than 1 phone number you know.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > Personally I think your ranked account should be tied to a phone number. You can have as many accounts as you want, but if they all authenticate back to the same phone number then they all are the same ranked account.

> >

> > I don't care about people getting multiple leader board spots, but it will prevent people on alts tanking rating so they can boost their buddies account when they duo with them.

> You can have more than 1 phone number you know.



It would significantly reduce the number of "unique" accounts in ranked. Ten free e-mail accounts vs. a 10 phone plans is a big difference in effort to setup and maintain.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Well, as long as they got their rating legitmtely, there's no foul there.


there IS a faul there, people dont get their rewards becouse someone hugs all the spots.

+ making new accouns means people like that play in low rankings ( smurfing ) ruining game for others including new players.

people like that should be perma banned, removed from the game, play on the rank you belong and dont ruin fun from others.


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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> I actually think it's hilarious that someone would do that. And i even have more respect for them because they can.


> If u dont like it then get better at the game than them and it won't matter how many alt accounts they have.


If u dont see the unfair opportunities or lack there of that youve and the rest of the top 10 have created then its really is time to quit gw2. Like why play a game where the best of the best have created a win trading escapade where they trade off play times so they can play aginst lower teir people and not each other....also they duo q with a way lower rank so they get placed in easier games. Why bother giving those people fun with your time on the line. I rather not play this game then perpetuate the cycle.

Ill come back when theres more games modes so i can diversify my time and not meet/ play anyone in the top 10.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> It would be fantastic if free to play accounts were banned from rank.


> I don't mind if someone who paid for an expansion several times is up there multiple times though. Im envious of that person with enough time and money to dedicate themselves to that.


... you’re joking right? Don’t see that as a valid reason to lock f2p people out of ranked as a whole.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> I actually think it's hilarious that someone would do that. And i even have more respect for them because they can.


> If u dont like it then get better at the game than them and it won't matter how many alt accounts they have.


I don't think you understand man


The alt accounts are used to manipulate games so the main accounts can climb without worry.


Duoq+1 solo on an alt. All three in comms. Only accept games that pop for all 3 of you at the same time.


If alt is on the enemy team they can throw making the game a 4v5


If alt is on your team you try hard with 3 in comms. If the game is a loss, alt logs so the main accounts don't lose rating.


Skill has nothing to do with it. Ever see a core ele or mes in a p2 game? Guess which team wins or how that match was rigged.

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F2P should never be in a competitive setting in any game. Its asking abuse/bots/macros/ect. No one cares if their f2p account with nothing on it is banned. They just make another. I thought games figured this out in like 2000, but apparently here we are nearly 20 years later dealing with this same exact problem. Come on Anet.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > I actually think it's hilarious that someone would do that. And i even have more respect for them because they can.

> >

> > If u dont like it then get better at the game than them and it won't matter how many alt accounts they have.


> I don't think you understand man


> The alt accounts are used to manipulate games so the main accounts can climb without worry.


> Duoq+1 solo on an alt. All three in comms. Only accept games that pop for all 3 of you at the same time.


> If alt is on the enemy team they can throw making the game a 4v5


> If alt is on your team you try hard with 3 in comms. If the game is a loss, alt logs so the main accounts don't lose rating.


> Skill has nothing to do with it. Ever see a core ele or mes in a p2 game? Guess which team wins or how that match was rigged.


If that theory is true then yeah, for sure its all kitten, but how much of that is overyhped? I've played games with all of the players in the top 10 and they are lightyears ahead of everyone else in skill.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > also they duo q with a way lower rank so they get placed in easier games.


> Matchmaking uses the higher duo's rating when placing them in matches.


> For example, a legend and bronze que together. Matchmaking will use the legend's rating.


That is just a myth, and I don't know why it is. Convenience maybe?


There's nothing to suggest a DuoQ of great rank disparity uses the higher rated player's rank. Actually the fact that the higher rated player gains so little is a good indicator of the exact opposite, since rank gain/loss is tied to the rank of other players in your game.

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