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Small pvp arena in towns?


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> @"neoteo.3975" said:

> Why not a small pvp arena in lians arch, where other people can watch.


Just like in other threads like this, I have said, that having some sort of open 1vs1 field would be great.


In the previous game I played, it worked like this: you could send someone a spar invitation, accepting it would enable you two to fight against each other. No-one dies, the loosing one when health is down is "exhausted" for few seconds, and spar is over. In that game, there is a checkbox if you accept spar invitations. Just like here, if someone starts pressing, you block the person and you will never heard her/him again. I know people who don't like PvP at all are bit afraid, but it worked pretty well in the game I played. We had sparring circles outside the town at late hours, when action at the official PvP region was settled. Those were "unofficial", people just asked at server channel if there is people willing to gather some specific point for spars. In that game, those sparring circles were the reason I ended up playing PvP, otherwise I would never met the people and learned that side of the game.


I really think that for living PvP community, an official area with controlled 1vs1 with spectators (all the others around) would be great. It could be specific area or something, but it would eventually gather PvPers together, of course mocking each other, but also share tips and get new ones involved. The whole idea would be that none of the spectators could interfere the duel (by making damage or by healing). Yes, we have all vs all arenas at PvP side, we have unofficial sparring circles at WvW side, but we lack place to go dueling, learning, matching,a place to check if someone is really as good as s/he boasts. One area for PvP rules, one for WvW rules.

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Well, if it's really about "fun" in towns and "fun" does not equal to griefing, then the costume brawl is the way to go, as suggested by someone before.

That's really just for fun, no player is caught AFK or minding their own business and even watching might be kind of fun for other players.

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> @"neoteo.3975" said:

> > @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > We have guild hall arenas, though. You can invite people who are not in your guild, so problem solved?


> More or less, actually the idea was to bring fun to towns, but forget it.


But not for the majority of players. You wanted to gank unsuspecting players....how is that even fun?

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There’s been a lot of requests for dueling/open world PvP being added. However these conflict with the underlying structure of the PvE maps. To add true dueling/open world PvP would require a substantial cost in dev time and development money. My guess is most PvE players don’t want any type of PvP added to PvE and doing so would detract value from the PvE experience for them. It’s not unexpected that they’ll object to that and object to spending resources on adding something to PvE they don’t want instead of spending those resources adding things to PvE they do want.


Edit: one thing PvP players say is that it could be set up to be optional and that therefore it wouldn’t impact PvE. Let’s put the shoe on the other foot. Let’s say PvE players are posting to ask for PvE to be added to sPvP and to WvW and ask that the PvE players be green to the PvP players. (We will assume that all ways to grief PvP/WvW have been fixed). Would sPvP or WvW players want PvE players on their maps and arenas doing PvE things even if they don’t interact with the PvP players in any way? My guess is it’s a big no. And it’s the same for PvE. PvE players don’t want PvP on the PvE maps even if they don’t interact with PvE players because PvE players know that it will detract from PvE and that realistically you can’t remove all the ways these players can grief the other players and events, no matter how hard you try.


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You know, the thing that gets me is having played on WoW PvP servers, and why I've developed such a hatred of it, was simply because everyone's definition is different. My definition is 1v1 and whoever wins, wins and the loser to the fight can either run away or try again. Just a Lancelot HA-HA and everyone goes about whatever they were doing before someone decided to beat someone else's face in. However, most of the people I played with in a guild had the definition as corpse camp the person until they log off in frustration. Kill every single NPC in town so no one can turn in a quest to the point that the only way to level up was to either grind dungeons or battlegrounds or they quit the server. Which is why PvP servers on WoW like Sargeras where Alliance outnumber Horde 10:1 to the point the players themselves made a PvP server into a PvE one simply because of Red=Dead. Horde got tired of not being able to enjoy the game as originally intended and moved to other servers or quit.


Then there's the balance issues. Even taking a glance at the forum says so and so is OP and why you nerf this, etc because you can't truly separate a profession's pve elements from its pvp elements without affecting one or the other. I remember being so frustrated when they nerfed guardian druids making them one of the worst tanks to have in a dungeon because they were too strong in PvP but couldn't separate the elements out. And for GW2, Deadeye is a good example of what was good for pve was not good for pvp and vice versa alone with a few other professions who do well in pvp but lack being sustainable in pve.


So yeah, as stated by others and whatnot, everyone's definition is different, hence why most people stay away from pvp. If an event like this happened where I'd be ganked (cause your version of pvp of killing afk players isn't what I consider pvp) just because I was in my inventory salvaging items after a crafting spree in Divinity's Reach, I'd simply not log on for the entirety of the event. Then someone would be on here complaining that the pvp event was a fail event as they had no one to kill.



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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> There was a comment earlier about arenas. Here is what they said about that


> >[in 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/695146/#Comment_695146)


> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > I'm not against 1v1 dueling, with restrictions to areas. But as other's noted, to do this right requires a lot of work. (Specified duel areas, a way to change the skill ruleset used based on an area rather than a whole map, etc.

> >

> > We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.


> So, they feel that players already have places to duel: PvP custom arenas, guild PvP arenas, and WvW if they are on opposing maps. Because of the resources it would take in addition to all the other things that they are already doing and that people also want, more dueling sites are not likely to be added.


There is also the FFA area in the PvP lobby.

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OP hasn't thought this through. Allowing pvp to happen against non-consenting players would quickly kill this game.


Even in games where world pvp is part of the game, there is a separation between pve and pvp players. And there is a way for pvp characters to work together without killing each other.


Lots of work to make those happen and I doubt Anet would ever prioritize this over new pve-oriented content.

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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> > @"neoteo.3975" said:

> > Why not a small pvp arena in lians arch, where other people can watch.


> Just like in other threads like this, I have said, that having some sort of open 1vs1 field would be great.


> In the previous game I played, it worked like this: you could send someone a spar invitation, accepting it would enable you two to fight against each other. No-one dies, the loosing one when health is down is "exhausted" for few seconds, and spar is over. In that game, there is a checkbox if you accept spar invitations. Just like here, if someone starts pressing, you block the person and you will never heard her/him again. I know people who don't like PvP at all are bit afraid, but it worked pretty well in the game I played. We had sparring circles outside the town at late hours, when action at the official PvP region was settled. Those were "unofficial", people just asked at server channel if there is people willing to gather some specific point for spars. In that game, those sparring circles were the reason I ended up playing PvP, otherwise I would never met the people and learned that side of the game.


> I really think that for living PvP community, an official area with controlled 1vs1 with spectators (all the others around) would be great. It could be specific area or something, but it would eventually gather PvPers together, of course mocking each other, but also share tips and get new ones involved. The whole idea would be that none of the spectators could interfere the duel (by making damage or by healing). Yes, we have all vs all arenas at PvP side, we have unofficial sparring circles at WvW side, but we lack place to go dueling, learning, matching,a place to check if someone is really as good as s/he boasts. One area for PvP rules, one for WvW rules.


I wouldn't mind that, with one important change: I'd like there to be designated duelling areas and places where it's not allowed.


Elder Scrolls Online has pretty much exactly that system and it's really annoying because people will start fights inside the bank, on top of crafting stations and pretty much anywhere else they can make absolutely sure they're going to be in the way of as many people as possible. Ok the attacks don't do any damage to you, but it's still disruptive for everyone else, and pretty much says that they think their need for attention is more important than anyone else's desire to get on with what they're trying to do.


GW2 already has numerous locations which would be ideal for this - like The Bane in the Black Citadel, the Fighting Pit in Gendarran Fields, the Butcher's Yard in Diessa Plateau etc. The problem, as someone said above, is the amount of work required to implement it. (And the fact that some people, like the OP, apparently don't want duelling, they want ganking, where your "opponent" doesn't get a chance to fight back.)

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Edited (organized) your post a bit for replying, if you don't mind.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Elder Scrolls Online has pretty much exactly that system and it's really annoying because people will start fights inside the bank, on top of crafting stations and pretty much anywhere else they can make absolutely sure they're going to be in the way of as many people as possible. Ok the attacks don't do any damage to you, but it's still disruptive for everyone else, and pretty much says that they think their need for attention is more important than anyone else's desire to get on with what they're trying to do.


Yes, that is the unfortunate side effect from generic sparring feature.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I wouldn't mind that, with one important change: I'd like there to be designated duelling areas and places where it's not allowed. GW2 already has numerous locations which would be ideal for this - like The Bane in the Black Citadel, the Fighting Pit in Gendarran Fields, the Butcher's Yard in Diessa Plateau etc. (And the fact that some people, like the OP, apparently don't want duelling, they want ganking, where your "opponent" doesn't get a chance to fight back.)


I would also vote an easily accessible area where you can do 1vs1 fights. I put the emphasis on the 1vs1 part - no-one else should be able to interfere to fights by damage or heals, because, you know, there are always people wanting to ruin the fight for various reasons: just disliking spars, just for their own amusement, because they don't like the other or both persons going to fight etc etc.


The mechanics would be close similar to e.g. Queen's Gauntlet. There, all outside the fight see both sides as green (friendly), but the one taking the fight sees the opponent red (and vice versa, I think). I have seen something similar in landscape mobs, but can't remember where (that is, mob can be attacked and is attacking only one player).


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> The problem, as someone said above, is the amount of work required to implement it.


All companies have bounded resources to develop their product, true. That's why they need to priorize the work, and this priorization is mostly done by estimating incomes. That is true.


I would note companies making MMOs about the importance of PvP for their product. There are two main reasons: (1) at PvP side, players create the content by their interaction (which in general should be higher importance for any MMO), and (2) players committed to the game will play PvP (more or less, usually less, but anyways play that mode, too) and PvP players tend to commit to the game, which means steady player base and income for the company. Loose your PvPers, and you will eventually loose your players.


Many companies tend to underestimate the importance of the PvP side for their game, because they look for direct numbers generated by PvE side (e.g. how big percentile of player base is active at PvP front, how much people spend money to PvP front). But what is many times missed is that in this kinds of game it is pretty hard NOT to play PvE at all, even if your real ambitions would be at PvP side. In GW2, yes, you can go sPvP without any PvE, but that holds not true for WvW. These games think that PvP is just side dish catered for small number of people - maybe yes, but as we see from gw2efficiency, all more challenging activities requiring some commitment is for small number of people. You just should go to figure how much this smaller fraction makes your income, and especially - how much it affects to other less committed players to come and stay in the game to make your income.


In the previous game I played, both PvP and more challenging PvE (raids and instance challenges) were usually crowded by exactly same "usual suspects" - it was really rare to meet a raider without any PvP experience and vice versa. I see the same here, too. It is quite rare that someone doing T4 fractals do not do raids, WvW and/or sPvP in any form. Furthermore, some numbers do not tell the whole truth. If ANet takes a look to my player profile, they would think that I am not interested in PvP. If I have been inactive at that front for a while, it really does not mean I would not like PvP at all. I would gladly increase the amount spent at PvP front if it would be bit improved (or I find right players to form more consistent groups to go further).

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> @"neoteo.3975" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > Why? People go to towns for a space space. If you want to be annoying to people go to WVW and kill people as much as you want.

> >

> > If I am concentrating on crafting something the LAST thing I need is for someone to kill me for 'fun'.


> Haha true, maybe only allow pvp when someone is not interacting with NPC.


> The why is just for fun and also to give more purpose to towns, could also be arenas in towns instead of the whole town.


I certainly do not consider that happening in towns 'fun'. If you do there is already an opt-in place for that: PVP and WVW, I am not sure why you need to do it in towns too.

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> @"Zacchary.6183" said:

> How about Duel Invitations? You invite someone to duel (assuming they have not blocked you or duel requests in general) and upon accepting you two become hostile to each other until one is defeated. Then they revive. That way, people who couldn't be bothered can continue playing in peace.


I would also suggest having the option blocked by default so newbs do not get ganked because they do not know what is going on.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"neoteo.3975" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > Why? People go to towns for a space space. If you want to be annoying to people go to WVW and kill people as much as you want.

> > >

> > > If I am concentrating on crafting something the LAST thing I need is for someone to kill me for 'fun'.

> >

> > Haha true, maybe only allow pvp when someone is not interacting with NPC.

> >

> > The why is just for fun and also to give more purpose to towns, could also be arenas in towns instead of the whole town.


> I certainly do not consider that happening in towns 'fun'. If you do there is already an opt-in place for that: PVP and WVW, I am not sure why you need to do it in towns too.


From what I understand that's because they don't want this feature to PVP with other players. They want to PVP with an audience, they want to show off their pro PVP skills in front of others. It's why in other games that allow sparring, spars happen around other players, near banks and so on. If they simply wanted to 1vs1 someone, they'd do it with the many options given by the game, but with all those options they won't be able to show off their leet skillz.

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