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Ah, the good old title god walking amongst mere mortals, it was literally what it meant

I played gw1 for years and years and years and if I remember correctly you had to have 5 maxed out titles to achieve the title and I think I had maxed 3. The tasks at hand to achieve max title was asking a hefty, unhealthy amount of time being spent on the game ... and I assure I played plenty unhealthy


I have been noticing quite alot of players with this epic title walking around town recently (compared to 5-6 years ago when I played gw2 and quit barely anyone had it) and it has got me wondering did anet lower the requirements for this title? Or is it just people have gone back and finished it off?


If nothing has changed then... hats off to y'all who have achieved it. But If it has changed or lowered I am quite interested to go back and do this

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Nothing has changed


- there were always tons of people with it running around since launch. Certainly more than now when there were more gw1 vets. It is likely you just didn’t notice as much, but I can assure you it was extremely common.


- titles aren’t particularly great 7 years on. Gwamn is an achievement and there isn’t much comparable in gw2, so seeing it is no surprise when people want to show off in a game which has very little to show an achievement for.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Nothing has changed


> - there were always tons of people with it running around since launch. Certainly more than now when there were more gw1 vets. It is likely you just didn’t notice as much, but I can assure you it was extremely common.


> - titles aren’t particularly great 7 years on. Gwamn is an achievement and there isn’t much comparable in gw2, so seeing it is no surprise when people want to show off in a game which has very little to show an achievement for.


Thanks for clarifying, and if that's the case then I certainly did not pay attention

Titles are worth what you think they are worth and I guess gwamm was just something to show off that you are a gw1 vet.

Kinda makes me wish I had tied my self down longer to finish it off when I was younger

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> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> The tasks at hand to achieve max title was asking a hefty, unhealthy amount of time being spent on the game ... and I assure I played plenty unhealthy

Well, the tasks at hand were actually fun. I happily made about 5 GWAMMs over 2 GW1 accounts. An unhealthy amount of time? Not that much. It was entertaining, especially vanquishing, and it simply included playing the game very thoroughly.


If I compare this to GW2 with its achievement system, I only see grind and repetitive play in GW2. Much less fun, if at all. I quit GW2 for that a year ago. In contrast to that, I start GW1 from time to time to see it again, and I have to hold myself back from just finishing another GWAMM. I played GW1 about as long as GW2 (both about 5 years). I stopped playing GW1 with good feelings because I've seen it all, and I stopped playing GW2 with bad feelings because I was exhausted.

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> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> The tasks at hand to achieve max title was asking a hefty, unhealthy amount of time being spent on the game ... and I assure I played plenty unhealthy

I dunno. If you work a bit at each one, as time permits, without letting the skritt-side of your brain distract you (and yes, SHINIES are tempting us everywhere), it doesn't necessarily require more time than anything else. Just dedication and focus.


> I have been noticing quite alot of players with this epic title walking around town recently (compared to 5-6 years ago when I played gw2 and quit barely anyone had it)

I have no idea what that means. How many people did you count 5 years ago with the title? How many people did you count with other titles? How many did you count last week? What about last month?


Confirmation bias affects our perceptions significantly. We tend to see what's on our mind, sometimes. If you ran into 3 GWaMM holders last week, you're likely to think, "interesting, that seems like a lot" and then start watching for them, without remembering that you used to see 1-2 every week before that... because, who remembers 1-2 of anything?


> and it has got me wondering did anet lower the requirements for this title? Or is it just people have gone back and finished it off?

Ignoring confirmation bias, ANet hasn't made any recent changes.


However, there are thing that they changed ages ago and there are things that have changed for GW2 that would make it somewhat more likely to see more GWaMM:

* A lot of titles are individually easier to obtain, via various bonus events and "consume all" sorts of changes. The drunk title, for example, was made far, far easier some time ago.

* There's a lot of recent nostalgia for GW1, due to call backs in GW2 stories.

* ANet recently made the game available in a bundle for a discount compared to retail stores.

* Some veterans feeling a content dearth have gone back (or started) GW1, whether to remind themselves of the story or for nostalgia, or just something to do.


> I am quite interested to go back and do this

Do it. Focus on just one or two more titles at a time. You'll make progress, even if you don't necessarily finish this week or this month or even this year.


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There have been a couple of changes since the old days, mostly on three achievements. The drinking title is much easier to get because you don't have to time your drinks. The Defender of Ascalon Title is easier to get because you don't have to death level, you can just do dailies in pre until you get it, and the survivor title is a bit easier to get because you only have to get X amount of experience in a row without dying. You can still get it if you die, you just have to start counting experience over. You don't have to remake and level the character over.

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One way to get the survivor title is to finish a bunch of [[storybooks]](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Storybook) (which you fill up by doing Missions and Dungeons) then turning them all in at once (going to each NPC that takes them). Each Storybook is worth a fair amount of XP. You can repeat Missions or Dungeons to fill up enough books to get all the XP you need for the title.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

> > Gwamm isn't 5 maxed titles, it's 30.

> >

> > 5 is kind of a big deal.


> dont you need 40 max titles for gw1's GWAMM to be carried over to GW2?


> would love to have the time to go back to grind them out, checking my HoM I only got 13, but still got so much things to do in GW2


You need 40 titles to max the HOM for that part. GWAMM requires 30 titles to be maxed.

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The Hall of Monuments is independent of the GWAMM title. You can have GWAMM without any of the monuments even started. Although you need the Eye of the North expansion where the HOM is located, otherwise you don't have enough titles available for GWAMM.

In addition to that, for GWAMM only maxed titles count. But for filling the HOM, it is enough for some titles to reach some lower rank in between to be able to put them on the honor monument. There are also some achievements you can put onto the honor monument but never count for GWAMM, for example all of the one-shot achievements without ingame title for beating sorrows's funace, underworld etc. Many people going for the honor monument are ignoring these, although these are the most quickest, obtainable in 1 or 2 evenings only, while most of the others are weeks and months of gameplay.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > TD;DR thread, kitten is "GWAMM"?


> God Walking Among Mere Mortals is a title you can get in GW1 after completing some tasks that require an insane amount of boring grind. You can pass that title to GW2, if you link your two accounts.


Thanks, not too bothered by titles TBH. But I get the lowered bar might/will turn people off.

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I have noticed the more players with these title as well. Now I bought GW1 complete edition and added it to my very old account which I made at release of GW1. (It had only 1 char and about 20 hours played and I stopped early in prophecy campaign because always gotten killed in some mission. And henchmen not too helpful.)


Having about 40 hours or so on my "new first char" and going for pre-searing level 20 first title there. Tons of deaths ... but doesn't matter. I'm glad there is no stupid mechanics like having to restart the whole char (delete and restart) and to get survivor. (There seem to be "storybooks" to make it easy - just a grind without risk instead of grind with more risk.)


Now I think the sales on GW1 (advertised on web page and launcher of GW2) and guides to these titles ... can explain the more people with GWAMM. I for myself probably go for lore reasons for 3 chars - each one playing the normal campaigns (in order they got released, then EotN). Then for 30/50 in Hall of Monuments (for the main rewards), then for 50/50 (other titles and achievement points) and GWAMM lowest priority.


Will take some work but I don't play every day and not in an overly grindy way (I'd start to hate the game then). For example only doing daily quests for exp in pre-searing atm. Not manually grinding mobs.


Since I get the first char directly to level 20 and main first campaign (prophecies) is considered worst or less entertaining (so I have hard - especially at beginning) I guess I'll have an easier time finishing it first and having a level 20 char when the real campaign actually starts. (Not those troubles I had back then ages ago when I tried GW1 at release.)


From what I have seen maxim HoM is easier than GWAMM cause it gets "statues" which are also from other sources than titles. (And not all titles need to be maxed.) And some titles are very grindy (the one with luck and bad luck while opening chests or so?) but with getting Defender of Ascalon only a few should be very annoying to grind. And some can be "bought" (buying items to use for festival, sweet tooth and drinker title) - but I guess will require communication with other players. (No trade post.)


Referring to this guide: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kind_of_a_Big_Deal#Guide_to_maxing_titles

Where they list 30 easy titles - not even counting Defender of Ascalon (where you can omit the one that seems grindiest if you get Defender of Ascalon). I'll exactly do that ... probably not going for party animal. (According to the guide of the 30 they mention it seems the items are harder to obtain/grind. Probably more expensive when trying to buy from others.)




But yeah: Still sales on GW1 + guides to maxing titles and players playing it for lore/story and while they are at it going for titles ... might etxplain more GWAMM in GW2.

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Please don't do the Defender of Ascalon if you just got GW1. It's the stupidest (sorry) title in whole GW1 and probably only something for someone who plays GW1 as his only game, did all in GW1 that exists and is really, really totally bored. Honestly, I made 50 points in the HOM and 46 titles on display in the Hall of Monuments where only 40 are required for full points, but I never bothered to even start that title. It's in no way a requirement for anything. On the other hand, party animal is much more easy to obtain. There is still something like trading in Kamadan. Why don't you just start out of the tutorial and play GW1 as it is meant to play? It's really fun this way. You always have the choice to create a new character some time in the future and do the title later.


By the way, in case you or anyone else needs or wants some minipets for the Hall of Monuments, just ask - so many of them accumulated in the past years, I would be glad to give them away (for free of course).

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > TD;DR thread, kitten is "GWAMM"?


> God Walking Among Mere Mortals is a title you can get in GW1 after completing some tasks that require an insane amount of boring grind. You can pass that title to GW2, if you link your two accounts.


If you loved GW1 like I did it was no grind at all. I would have had 2 x GWAMM if that was possible that is how much I liked that game :)

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