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NA WvW is in freefall


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Y'all will be back when they make the grand announcement at the live event on Aug 30th!

> You'll see!

> You'll be back!

> You'll be sorry for leaving so early!


> *muffles laughter*



I guess we'll see if it can compete with a 15-year-old MMO re-release. If it can't.. well.. at least there's open world PvP in that one..

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Y'all will be back when they make the grand announcement at the live event on Aug 30th!

> > You'll see!

> > You'll be back!

> > You'll be sorry for leaving so early!

> >

> > *muffles laughter*

> >


> I guess we'll see if it can compete with a 15-year-old MMO re-release. If it can't.. well.. at least there's open world PvP in that one..

Where every fight is balanced and no one is ever ganked, I'm sure of it.


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Alliances won't fix anything. It was a pipe dream to give people hope to keep playing. End of.


At this point, it would do nothing more than what guilds looking for fights have already been doing. Dropping up and down tiers to get better content.


Pug drivers are quitting. Fight guilds leaving. Soon it will be nothing more than zergs of noobs running builds of the month trying to pick anything they can get in range of, and banging on doors.


Content is dead.

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> @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

> Alliances won't fix anything. It was a pipe dream to give people hope to keep playing. End of.


> At this point, it would do nothing more than what guilds looking for fights have already been doing. Dropping up and down tiers to get better content.


> Pug drivers are quitting. Fight guilds leaving. Soon it will be nothing more than zergs of noobs running builds of the month trying to pick anything they can get in range of, and banging on doors.


> Content is dead.


**'Vision without action is daydream. Action without vision is nightmare'**



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We tried man... Played the game for years without anything done to wvw. From skill balance based on anything but wvw, alliances taking 2 + years, mounts getting put in the game without being able to be cc'd(more tools to run away from fights) and no rewards. Anet blew it and wasted a potential great game mode by ignoring it lol

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You know ... if the elitist competitive players actually would all leave, the less skilled players would actually find challenges in fights again. Who knows, within a few months WvW might find a new balance in servers and fights. I wouldn't be so overly worried and overly negative; the game is changing, and it probably needs to keep changing.


I keep hearing that WvW is dead since I started playing the game, and I have to say that I've never had this much fun with any game before. And I play mostly WvW these days.


_Edited: As some players seem to understand the beginning of my post as in "would the elitists just leave already", I feel the need to clarify. That is *not* what I am saying. I am just talking about the outcome of what would happen, if they all decided to take that path. All I am trying to say is, if that happened, the game would change, we would find a new baseline. Change itself is nothing to fear. I am asking no one to leave._

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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> You know ... **if the elitist competitive players actually would all leave,** the less skilled players would actually find challenges in fights again. Who knows, within a few months WvW might find a new balance in servers and fights. I wouldn't be so overly worried and overly negative; the game is changing, and it probably needs to keep changing.


> I keep hearing that WvW is dead since I started playing the game, and I have to say that I've never had this much fun with any game before. And I play mostly WvW these days.


Let me ask you few questions;



what are the attitudes behind elitists?

what are the mentality of elitists?

Does Guild Wars 2 gaming culture promotes healthy competition?

Does Guild Wars 2 gaming culture promotes Toxic Elitism?


Lastly, In the past 7 years to the present...how has Guild Wars 2 designs, mechanics and balancing tackle Toxic Elitism?


-Until than, have a nice day--







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Yeah I’ve been noticing roughly the same. Guilds having half their members switch to other games or just quitting outright, commander after commander after commander deciding they’re bored of wvw, servers being split up into a million pieces (I did not think it could get any worse but it did).


I left t1/t2 because after a year of it I decided it was kind of stupid and I didn’t care who won the matchups anymore. Now I’m bored of t3/T4 because NOBODY IS ONLINE and if I can’t get a fight OR ppt because as soon as I log off everything I worked for is immediately taken .. why even play this game man?!

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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> You know ... if the elitist competitive players actually would all leave, the less skilled players would actually find challenges in fights again. Who knows, within a few months WvW might find a new balance in servers and fights. I wouldn't be so overly worried and overly negative; the game is changing, and it probably needs to keep changing.


> I keep hearing that WvW is dead since I started playing the game, and I have to say that I've never had this much fun with any game before. And I play mostly WvW these days.


That’s a bit like taking away swords in a sword fight and asking everyone to use sticks. Just remove all the people who know what they’re actually doing and let us faceroll our keyboards on DPS tempest cause meta builds are for ‘’’’toxic elitists’’’’ how does that sound like it’s better ?


Nothing personal but I think you just don’t see the scope of the problem and hold resentments toward players that have had longer to get used to playing the game well. Just because people have taken the time to get good at something doesn’t mean they aren’t entitled to playing the same game you are. There is a reason the term ‘toxic casual’ is far more common than ‘toxic elitist’.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> > You know ... **if the elitist competitive players actually would all leave,** the less skilled players would actually find challenges in fights again. Who knows, within a few months WvW might find a new balance in servers and fights. I wouldn't be so overly worried and overly negative; the game is changing, and it probably needs to keep changing.

> >

> > I keep hearing that WvW is dead since I started playing the game, and I have to say that I've never had this much fun with any game before. And I play mostly WvW these days.


> Let me ask you few questions;



> what are the attitudes behind elitists?

> what are the mentality of elitists?

> Does Guild Wars 2 gaming culture promotes healthy competition?

> Does Guild Wars 2 gaming culture promotes Toxic Elitism?


> Lastly, In the past 7 years to the present...how has Guild Wars 2 designs, mechanics and balancing tackle Toxic Elitism?


> -Until than, have a nice day--








Not sure that's the point. I have people in my guild who pretty much do nothing but WvW, and they're not saying it's dead like this guy is. So they're having fun and obviously doing something different. The organized zerg guild is definitely on the decline, but I'm still fighting when I go into WvW. The experience the OP wants may or may not be dying, but WvW isn't dying for some people They're having fun, having fights, getting stuff done. Not sure why it's dead if people are still doing that.

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I know, I should not bite, but here we go. Please note, that my answers are highly subjective and by no means backed up by facts or statistical analysis.


> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> what are the attitudes behind elitists?

> what are the mentality of elitists?


I know a few players and guilds, where people play highly competitive, try to work to get better, try to help others get better. I am not sure, I would call these people elitists.

What I would call elitist are people of the mindset I'd summarize as:

Gid gud or GTFO.

That is not helpful, IMO. It might work for some people, but for me and I would guess (and I have to guess since I did not do statistical analysis and research) for quite some players an open mindset is more helpful.

I was shocked when I was first confronted with the "meta is life, meta is life" mindset and its consequences. Being kicked from zergs, even being borderline insulted did do nothing for me even wanting to improve myself, considering different class- and build-options.


It took people like a certain (in)famous Gandara PPT night-time commander to make me see the benefit of certain builds.


> Does Guild Wars 2 gaming culture promotes healthy competition?


I am not sure. The only game-mode I play, which is somewhat competitive is WvW, but even this game mode I mostly value and view as a cooperative game mode, not a competitive one.

That said, there could be better / more structures in place to support the competition between servers. I feel like many hings are out of our control when playing: If you have 70+ man zergs where we bring 50 man-zergs into the game, there's not that much you can do. If the enemies are bad, you can of course achieve wins, but if both zergs are somewhat competent, size matters a lot more than skill. Maybe that's what you are aiming at with your question?

Changes to the underlying mechanics would be huge, though. I am not sure any solution can be designed and implemented short-term, even coming up with a concept to deal with these issues could be costly, and if not that many people play WvW, it might not be worth the invest.

Also if you implement measures to counter imbalances there's the risk of people viewing that as "now we can laze about; the players which perform worse are boosted by the game anyway", so special care has to be taken with such measures if the aim is to promote a healthy competition!


> Does Guild Wars 2 gaming culture promotes Toxic Elitism


As most of GW2 content is centered around cooperative gameplay and it does quite a good job at that, I''ll have to voice a clear NO on this one. There are some exceptions, where I have seen salty / toxic behavior. When certain hard world bosses fail, there always seem to be a few thickheads trying to ruin the whole experience, especially for the commander. I would not pin that on the game, though. It's just certain people being certain people.

I've seen some salt and even toxic behavior in raids, while training with random pugs. Enough salt indeed to keep me away from the game mode. But does the game promote such behavior? Surely not. I don't see a single element in the game, which would reward people for behaving that way.

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