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NA WvW is in freefall


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As someone who has been commanding since beginning of 2013 and still doing it, heres what really has been killing the game over the years:


Horrible balance patches and complete incompetence from anet devs to keep the game mode stable and balanced.

You cant have your employees in the balance team if none of them playing the WvW mode to the fullest, that includes commanding or if you dont want to do that, then atleast follow the players who command to see whats going on.


Atleast the horrible pirateship trash meta is gone for now and melee gameplay mode is doable in some form. Now if anet could do something about the power damage being way too strong (looking at classes who can 1-2 shot players), which players have been complaining about for a long time now, then that would be great.

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4 days into the current matchup, 3 of the 9 matchups(NA + EU) are actually competitive with all 3 servers being close in score, the other 6 are not. This is not likely to change in the next 3 days of the matchups. With 1up 1 down, next week is likely to have less competition in each matchup.


If matchups themselves are not competitive, can you expect your AVERAGE battles in those matchups to be competitive? If your average battles are not competitive, how long can you be entertained in a day's worth of playing? If your average player is not entertained, they are not likely to put much time into the mode, and the less players we have in the mode in general the less potential fun through competition we are likely to have.


WvW needs some nudges to adjust overall scoring....again. Much like coverage should not be the deciding factor in most matchups, neither should having the largest zerg, or farming the most pugs for that k/d ratio.

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EU is pretty populated, but here most servers haven't embraced the "stack all to one realm meta" and servers still fight even when they lost a fight before. On NA there is always that "We lost a fight, we better log off before someone says we are bad" attitude instead of "how can we improve our gameplay so this doesn't happen all day".


In the end it comes down to: It's a great game mode and the players destroyed it by transfering to the fotm (ez mode) servers and stacking BG in season 2/3 until today.


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> @"solemn.9608" said:

> Now I’m bored of t3/T4 because NOBODY IS ONLINE and if I can’t get a fight OR ppt because as soon as I log off everything I worked for is immediately taken .. why even play this game man?!

Wait so you had to *work* when you where online, ie you are facing opposition, then everything gets taken when you log, ie your server is facing opposition... Yet nobody is online.


Something is kitty here.

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> If you check the latest populations, we have only 2 full servers and 1 very high. rest are high and medium. It may be too late at this point...


This big change is a bit suspicious. (Until recently, there were more servers full) maybe they changed the methods of statistics. Which determines which server is full.

Like NA had 6 or 8 full, now only 2.



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> @"TheIceman.1039" said:

> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > If you check the latest populations, we have only 2 full servers and 1 very high. rest are high and medium. It may be too late at this point...


> This big change is a bit suspicious. (Until recently, there were more servers full) maybe they changed the methods of statistics. Which determines which server is full.

> Like NA had 6 or 8 full, now only 2.






Look at activity. FA is first NA server and they are ranked 10th overall followed by SF at rank 13 and DB at rank 16 and then the rest of the NA servers follow.

NA servers activity overall is just very low.

And it reflects in game. In T2, over this last week we barely had anything to fight. It is usually the same one FA group to fight.

Not only that, between my server and our host server, two guilds have left the game to play something else. The population status reflects that as well since both out servers dropped from very high to high one after the other over the last 2 weeks.

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tbh its mostly the players fault. yes, there are zergy servers and off hours shenanigans. the locust swarm and whatnot. i think the biggest factor to players leaving is cuz most pug/ server zerglings are **lazy** and want to get carried. they don't play meta builds, don't push, don't even get on comms. what do you expect? when a zerg loses a fight still no one wants to get coordinated, so the zerg will either try again and fail or pvdoor. then ppl log off.


get off your ass and contribute to the team.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> tbh its mostly the players fault. yes, there are zergy servers and off hours shenanigans. the locust swarm and whatnot. i think the biggest factor to players leaving is cuz most pug/ server zerglings are **lazy** and want to get carried. they don't play meta builds, don't push, don't even get on comms. what do you expect? when a zerg loses a fight still no one wants to get coordinated, so the zerg will either try again and fail or pvdoor. then ppl log off.


> get off your kitten and contribute to the team.


Blasphemy I tell you.. Blasphemy..,

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"solemn.9608" said:

> > Now I’m bored of t3/T4 because NOBODY IS ONLINE and if I can’t get a fight OR ppt because as soon as I log off everything I worked for is immediately taken .. why even play this game man?!

> Wait so you had to *work* when you where online, ie you are facing opposition, then everything gets taken when you log, ie your server is facing opposition... Yet nobody is online.


> Something is kitty here.

OH YEAH, clearly I meant that very literally and that absolutely nobody is online, it definitely wasn't just an exaggeration in order to make a point that there aren't enough people active in t3/t4 in non-na timezones.


You got me.


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> @"solemn.9608" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"solemn.9608" said:

> > > Now I’m bored of t3/T4 because NOBODY IS ONLINE and if I can’t get a fight OR ppt because as soon as I log off everything I worked for is immediately taken .. why even play this game man?!

> > Wait so you had to *work* when you where online, ie you are facing opposition, then everything gets taken when you log, ie your server is facing opposition... Yet nobody is online.

> >

> > Something is kitty here.

> OH YEAH, clearly I meant that very literally and that absolutely nobody is online, it definitely wasn't just an exaggeration in order to make a point that there aren't enough people active in t3/t4 in non-na timezones.


> You got me.



You gotta watch those skritt, always after the shinies.

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ANet abandoned a majority of what they described in their manifesto starting from HoT. It's been on a sharp decline since. It was just not noticed much because the servers were merged, so populations seemed higher than they were.


It goes to show the significance of good game design that people can get on board with. When you have a winning formula, you stick to it.

Regardless of how stupid their more recent ideas, ANet will not revert what's hurt the mode/game in general.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> tbh its mostly the players fault. yes, there are zergy servers and off hours shenanigans. the locust swarm and whatnot. i think the biggest factor to players leaving is cuz most pug/ server zerglings are **lazy** and want to get carried. they don't play meta builds, don't push, don't even get on comms. what do you expect? when a zerg loses a fight still no one wants to get coordinated, so the zerg will either try again and fail or pvdoor. then ppl log off.


> get off your kitten and contribute to the team.


Nonsense. Most of what's involved is squarely ANet's fault.


They've designed professions/elite specs to prevent a healthy metagame. They're unwilling to make changes to underperformers and unwilling to hard nerf over-performers because of PvE. They isolated and removed small group efficacy from the equation. They punished new/free players with the expansion content/unlocks with WvW mastery mattering so much while in combat. They removed skill expression where applicable, removed most forms of tradeoffs in most builds, and went against their manifesto all the way to the point of reducing visual clarity in gameplay, so far to an extreme as to literally make that an elite spec mechanic.


Almost every update since HoT has systematically dismantled some of the integrity of this game's PvP modes, and nearly none of the important features/QoL stuff asked for since launch has been added. They refuse to redact terrible additions/features. They ignore the community and major players, and favor PvE streamer feedback for the mode more than WvW leadership.


We're just seeing private squads... almost 7 years later.


I'm usually willing to point out how aspects of games are bad due to their respective communities. GW2's PvP/WvW scenes failed solely because of ANet's poor decision-making and blatant unwillingness to allow it to flourish.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > snips


> a lot of what you say is true. however, ultimately its on the players to use what they have. I can't tell you how many times pugs just fail cuz they either can't or refuse to do the bare minimum. that's on them and no one else.


It isn't a matter of succeed or fail.


When the game stops being fun, there's nobody left playing. A significant number of people not playing seriously do it because they'd rather try and subsequently lose while getting silly or enjoying themselves rather than play the same tired builds that aren't even fun to play running into the same tired builds that aren't even fun to play against.


The matchups are horrendously stale and what's dominant isn't fun for a majority of players. Small scale is basically pointless with all the buffs to ktraining in recent years and active nerfs to smaller groups. People will play what they want, or just not play. It's definitely why my guild and I stopped altogether. At this point, if I log in, it's because it's to play a random lowbie in PvE with my girlfriend because she has no interest in PvP. I think we're like... level 11.


There's just no appeal to PvP here. At all.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > tbh its mostly the players fault. yes, there are zergy servers and off hours shenanigans. the locust swarm and whatnot. i think the biggest factor to players leaving is cuz most pug/ server zerglings are **lazy** and want to get carried. they don't play meta builds, don't push, don't even get on comms. what do you expect? when a zerg loses a fight still no one wants to get coordinated, so the zerg will either try again and fail or pvdoor. then ppl log off.

> >

> > get off your kitten and contribute to the team.


> Nonsense. Most of what's involved is squarely ANet's fault.


> They've designed professions/elite specs to prevent a healthy metagame. They're unwilling to make changes to underperformers and unwilling to hard nerf over-performers because of PvE. They isolated and removed small group efficacy from the equation. They punished new/free players with the expansion content/unlocks with WvW mastery mattering so much while in combat. They removed skill expression where applicable, removed most forms of tradeoffs in most builds, and went against their manifesto all the way to the point of reducing visual clarity in gameplay, so far to an extreme as to literally make that an elite spec mechanic.


> Almost every update since HoT has systematically dismantled some of the integrity of this game's PvP modes, and nearly none of the important features/QoL stuff asked for since launch has been added. They refuse to redact terrible additions/features. They ignore the community and major players, and favor PvE streamer feedback for the mode more than WvW leadership.


> We're just seeing private squads... almost 7 years later.


> I'm usually willing to point out how aspects of games are bad due to their respective communities. GW2's PvP/WvW scenes failed solely because of ANet's poor decision-making and blatant unwillingness to allow it to flourish.


I fully agree that the base problems are all because of ANET.


But the differences between NA and EU highlight what can happen when a group of selfish players overstack a server to the point where everyone just leaves the game.


BG players have destroyed NA WvW. They are the festering boil that everyone avoids. When you get a group of people together who all think it's ok to cheat and game the system then bad things always happen. BG players gamed the system so much that they have tipped the scale to the point it isn't fixable. At least in EU there is still some competition.


Many of us have given up on NA. If I play WvW at all it's on my EU alt account. A whole lot of my friends are doing the same. NA is dead. BG killed it.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > tbh its mostly the players fault. yes, there are zergy servers and off hours shenanigans. the locust swarm and whatnot. i think the biggest factor to players leaving is cuz most pug/ server zerglings are **lazy** and want to get carried. they don't play meta builds, don't push, don't even get on comms. what do you expect? when a zerg loses a fight still no one wants to get coordinated, so the zerg will either try again and fail or pvdoor. then ppl log off.

> > >

> > > get off your kitten and contribute to the team.

> >

> > Nonsense. Most of what's involved is squarely ANet's fault.

> >

> > They've designed professions/elite specs to prevent a healthy metagame. They're unwilling to make changes to underperformers and unwilling to hard nerf over-performers because of PvE. They isolated and removed small group efficacy from the equation. They punished new/free players with the expansion content/unlocks with WvW mastery mattering so much while in combat. They removed skill expression where applicable, removed most forms of tradeoffs in most builds, and went against their manifesto all the way to the point of reducing visual clarity in gameplay, so far to an extreme as to literally make that an elite spec mechanic.

> >

> > Almost every update since HoT has systematically dismantled some of the integrity of this game's PvP modes, and nearly none of the important features/QoL stuff asked for since launch has been added. They refuse to redact terrible additions/features. They ignore the community and major players, and favor PvE streamer feedback for the mode more than WvW leadership.

> >

> > We're just seeing private squads... almost 7 years later.

> >

> > I'm usually willing to point out how aspects of games are bad due to their respective communities. GW2's PvP/WvW scenes failed solely because of ANet's poor decision-making and blatant unwillingness to allow it to flourish.


> I fully agree that the base problems are all because of ANET.


> But the differences between NA and EU highlight what can happen when a group of selfish players overstack a server to the point where everyone just leaves the game.


> BG players have destroyed NA WvW. They are the festering boil that everyone avoids. When you get a group of people who all think it's ok to cheat and game the system then bad things always happen.


I don't think it's cheating or gaming the system. I think it's that all the players that care about winning transferred to one server. The rest of the servers don't care about the score and don't want to play the game that way.


Like, having been linked with BG in the past, I know there are players on that server that literally sit in keeps and towers 24/7 and scout. That's all they do. They either enjoy it or consider it a worthwhile activity to spend their game time on. That .. really isn't a thing on the other servers. Most players would be bored out of their minds and you wouldn't be able to convince anyone to care about a keep/tower or ppt in general enough to do it. And yet .. BG does. It unquestionably helps them win.


BG is just playing a different game than everyone else. They're playing to win the match and everyone else is playing to have some fun fights with their squad.

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Lol. They didn't call BG HiberGate for nothing.


BG cheated and gamed the system over and over and over to get so overstacked that they killed NA WvW. They perfected the tactic and BRAGGED about it. The players on BG are all at fault for this. None of them deserve any sort of excuse.


I suspect most of BG are actually PvE players. They must be, they love PvD so much. And now that everyone is leaving NA, BG can do what they like most. Kill doors without opposition.

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Two big issues people have with their various servers (mostly all of them) is:

Why is nobody in comms? Can we not get organized?

Why didn't anyone respond to this t3 tower....I posted it in /t chat for 10minutes?


BG does these things...that is a big reason people enjoy playing there...it is just less frustrating.


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