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NA WvW is in freefall


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> mega servers and world links were made to address EMPTY maps. they are not the reason why anything is failing.


Links keep putting empty servers in same side facing blobby servers, imo it kinda feels a thing to enforce big vs medium vs small....

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > mega servers and world links were made to address EMPTY maps. they are not the reason why anything is failing.


> Links keep putting empty servers in same side facing blobby servers, imo it kinda feels a thing to enforce big vs medium vs small....


the fact is wvw was failing before links. thus the cause is not links.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > mega servers and world links were made to address EMPTY maps. they are not the reason why anything is failing.

> >

> > Links keep putting empty servers in same side facing blobby servers, imo it kinda feels a thing to enforce big vs medium vs small....


> the fact is wvw was failing before links. thus the cause is not links.


Good point :/


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Food is vastly more important than population balance in WvW. Money is made on the gem store and transfers are the only way to monetize WvW - so the folks chasing the current bandwagon make at least a little money for them. Going to alliances means they've watch the population dwindle enough that the money from transfers is insufficient to keep the current model.

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"I want Firebrands and scourges. If your not Firebrand or Scourge, I don' want you."

"Ranger's? Ranger's just plain suck."

"Did any of YOU people figure out what you all did wrong?"

"(screaming in discord at the highest decibal it can carry) I CAN'T CARRY YOU ALL BY MYSELF! I NEED YOU ON ME! WHERE WERE YOU WHERE WERE YOU WHERE WERE YOU, YOU WERE OFF IN AFRICA!"

"Pugs are the worst thing that happened to wvw…"

"Guys, I don't want to fight Blackgate anymore...lets just go down to t2 or even t3...."


I'm sorry, you said....North America is in freefall.....

If North America is in free fall, I would be blaming the commanders. Because all of those comments above have been stated at least once, or a variation of that...by the North American Commanders themselves. Nobody wants to follow a commander that berates the troops, when it is the fault of the commander himself for picking the wrong place and the wrong time to battle. Especially if that commander knows that they are outclassed and outgunned and thinks just his presence alone is going to win the day. Part of the problem of people quitting WvW, isn't because it's a grind...it's because the commanders no longer want to PPT and win. There's no point to playing WvW if the commander doesn't want to attempt to win, or show at the very least he's interested in winning. We had 5 commanders that all left JQ...that no longer wanted to win. They wanted to go to a lower tier..."and have fun". Which translated as..."Our guild is underpowered against this other server, but we're overpowered against all those tiers below us...so lets go to a lower tier and dominate that. <---


There's a problem with that thinking...you dominate a lower tier, you go back into the higher tier.... So your nothing more than a drowning man that bobs back up to the surface to get a lung full of air, before he starts sinking again. Is that clear enough of why NA is free falling. When your commanders want to be nothing more than the drowning man, bobbing up to the surface of tier 1, but wanting to put his head underwater because the krill are easier to dominate?

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:


>Part of the problem of people quitting WvW, isn't because it's a grind...it's because the commanders no longer want to PPT and win. There's no point to playing WvW if the commander doesn't want to attempt to win, or show at the very least he's interested in winning.


What happens when you "PPT and win?"


Absolutely nothing.


Other than you might go up a tier, unless you're already in T1. The question should be why would any commander with a sane mind PvD for no good reason whatsoever.


This is WvW, where, like Whose Line Is It Anyway, the points don't matter. There hasn't been a reason to PPT for years.


WvW isn't a grind. There's just less fights. And less fight guilds. And less and less reasons for fight guilds and commanders to log in. And anyone that isn't in Africa knows this. Don't be in Africa. B)

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At least 4 guilds THAT I KNOW OF have quit this week after this joke of an announcement.

Another guild is likely to quit this week after they have their meeting.

These were sizeable guilds 15-30+ in size.

I honestly think its over for wvw this time.


Im not sure anything can stop this exodus of players and guilds at this point...


No matter what updates come out in the future, pulling players back into the game is much much harder than keeping them playing the game.


gg Anet and rip wvw.



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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> It's a matter of server pride. No, you don't get anything extra in it. You might thump your chest and go "We conquered again". Why? Did you specifically want something...extra? :) I didn't really are for anything extra. It just feels good...to win.


I'm all for server pride AND server **loyalty**.

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> "I want Firebrands and scourges. If your not Firebrand or Scourge, I don' want you."

> "Ranger's? Ranger's just plain suck."

> "Did any of YOU people figure out what you all did wrong?"

> "(screaming in discord at the highest decibal it can carry) I CAN'T CARRY YOU ALL BY MYSELF! I NEED YOU ON ME! WHERE WERE YOU WHERE WERE YOU WHERE WERE YOU, YOU WERE OFF IN AFRICA!"

> "Pugs are the worst thing that happened to wvw…"

> "Guys, I don't want to fight Blackgate anymore...lets just go down to t2 or even t3...."


> I'm sorry, you said....North America is in freefall.....

> If North America is in free fall, I would be blaming the commanders. Because all of those comments above have been stated at least once, or a variation of that...by the North American Commanders themselves. Nobody wants to follow a commander that berates the troops, when it is the fault of the commander himself for picking the wrong place and the wrong time to battle. Especially if that commander knows that they are outclassed and outgunned and thinks just his presence alone is going to win the day. Part of the problem of people quitting WvW, isn't because it's a grind...it's because the commanders no longer want to PPT and win. There's no point to playing WvW if the commander doesn't want to attempt to win, or show at the very least he's interested in winning. We had 5 commanders that all left JQ...that no longer wanted to win. They wanted to go to a lower tier..."and have fun". Which translated as..."Our guild is underpowered against this other server, but we're overpowered against all those tiers below us...so lets go to a lower tier and dominate that. <---


> There's a problem with that thinking...you dominate a lower tier, you go back into the higher tier.... So your nothing more than a drowning man that bobs back up to the surface to get a lung full of air, before he starts sinking again. Is that clear enough of why NA is free falling. When your commanders want to be nothing more than the drowning man, bobbing up to the surface of tier 1, but wanting to put his head underwater because the krill are easier to dominate?


You've essentially described every single "fight guild".


They apparently want to fight, but nope, they run if the numbers are even semi-even. An example: when facing BG, "hey you're blobbing", ok, the squad gets closed off at 20, and the commander runs a hidden tag to keep the group small. What do the "fight" guild and their coattail guild of a combined 50 do "cough ded & joy cough" run. Run back to the tower, then swap maps (I happened to swap to the map they jumped to), and what do I see, they jumped on a pug group of about 10. There is an example of GW2's fight guilds that complain of blobbing; this is what actually happens. No interesting in fighting, just want to "farm" pugs.


So you are in fact very correct KeyOrion, because what these guilds tend to do. They continually server hop, avoid actual fights, often run hidden or tagless (so those coming into WvW may think there is no group), pillage servers, then end up in T4. Yet people blame the blobbiness in T1, yet turn a blind eye to the constant server hopping and fight avoidance until they cab blob down pugs. But of course the pug populations are all but gone because of the server hopping of these guilds, nobody to recruit, and barely anyone to fight. Then we see messages on the forums like "WvW is dead" hmmmmmmm I wonder why. They then end up back in T1 where numbers are even, then suddenly vanish again.. go figure. Alliances aren't going to fix this behavior either.

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> At least 4 guilds THAT I KNOW OF have quit this week after this joke of an announcement.

> Another guild is likely to quit this week after they have their meeting.

> These were sizeable guilds 15-30+ in size.

> I honestly think its over for wvw this time.


> Im not sure anything can stop this exodus of players and guilds at this point...


> No matter what updates come out in the future, pulling players back into the game is much much harder than keeping them playing the game.


> gg Anet and rip wvw.




and they will come back one week after quitting. give me a break. you cant "quit" gw2 unless they make it a pay to play game..

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > At least 4 guilds THAT I KNOW OF have quit this week after this joke of an announcement.

> > Another guild is likely to quit this week after they have their meeting.

> > These were sizeable guilds 15-30+ in size.

> > I honestly think its over for wvw this time.

> >

> > Im not sure anything can stop this exodus of players and guilds at this point...

> >

> > No matter what updates come out in the future, pulling players back into the game is much much harder than keeping them playing the game.

> >

> > gg Anet and rip wvw.

> >

> >


> What guilds what server? More info would be appreciated. I mean they already left for good right so no harm.


We are facing FA this week and it looks like its just dead there. Haven't seen RED in like 2 weeks now... DIE had their last raid few days ago. I believe Fire/PYRO leaving as well? Not sure about KnT but haven't seen them around this week yet. I was told KEK was also done.

Also I think from FC its PMA and SIN no longer play?


I do hope I'm wrong, but nonetheless, wvw is becoming a ghost town even in T2...


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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > > At least 4 guilds THAT I KNOW OF have quit this week after this joke of an announcement.

> > > Another guild is likely to quit this week after they have their meeting.

> > > These were sizeable guilds 15-30+ in size.

> > > I honestly think its over for wvw this time.

> > >

> > > Im not sure anything can stop this exodus of players and guilds at this point...

> > >

> > > No matter what updates come out in the future, pulling players back into the game is much much harder than keeping them playing the game.

> > >

> > > gg Anet and rip wvw.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > What guilds what server? More info would be appreciated. I mean they already left for good right so no harm.


> We are facing FA this week and it looks like its just dead there. Haven't seen RED in like 2 weeks now... DIE had their last raid few days ago. I believe Fire/PYRO leaving as well? Not sure about KnT but haven't seen them around this week yet. I was told KEK was also done.

> Also I think from FC its PMA and SIN no longer play?


> I do hope I'm wrong, but nonetheless, wvw is becoming a ghost town even in T2...



Same here. It's quite sad really. Even in Blackgate, we usually get 60-70 on discord during NA prime. Now we can barely get 30. Our OCX is non-existent and SEA is 1/2 the size. EU we are lucky to get 10 players on discord. That's why we have such low ppt now.


You know that it's bad when the server used as the "full server" benchmark loses this many people.

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > > At least 4 guilds THAT I KNOW OF have quit this week after this joke of an announcement.

> > > Another guild is likely to quit this week after they have their meeting.

> > > These were sizeable guilds 15-30+ in size.

> > > I honestly think its over for wvw this time.

> > >

> > > Im not sure anything can stop this exodus of players and guilds at this point...

> > >

> > > No matter what updates come out in the future, pulling players back into the game is much much harder than keeping them playing the game.

> > >

> > > gg Anet and rip wvw.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > What guilds what server? More info would be appreciated. I mean they already left for good right so no harm.


> We are facing FA this week and it looks like its just dead there. Haven't seen RED in like 2 weeks now... DIE had their last raid few days ago. I believe Fire/PYRO leaving as well? Not sure about KnT but haven't seen them around this week yet. I was told KEK was also done.

> Also I think from FC its PMA and SIN no longer play?


> I do hope I'm wrong, but nonetheless, wvw is becoming a ghost town even in T2...



DIE didn't have their last raid. One of our drivers _lead_ their last raid. (and we didn't raid yesterday because people voted not to cause of the holiday) But we are down to our last driver and it's up to Sam if he wants to raid on the days he can. But 3 months from now when there are no more organized guilds to fight who knows.

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > > > At least 4 guilds THAT I KNOW OF have quit this week after this joke of an announcement.

> > > > Another guild is likely to quit this week after they have their meeting.

> > > > These were sizeable guilds 15-30+ in size.

> > > > I honestly think its over for wvw this time.

> > > >

> > > > Im not sure anything can stop this exodus of players and guilds at this point...

> > > >

> > > > No matter what updates come out in the future, pulling players back into the game is much much harder than keeping them playing the game.

> > > >

> > > > gg Anet and rip wvw.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > What guilds what server? More info would be appreciated. I mean they already left for good right so no harm.

> >

> > We are facing FA this week and it looks like its just dead there. Haven't seen RED in like 2 weeks now... DIE had their last raid few days ago. I believe Fire/PYRO leaving as well? Not sure about KnT but haven't seen them around this week yet. I was told KEK was also done.

> > Also I think from FC its PMA and SIN no longer play?

> >

> > I do hope I'm wrong, but nonetheless, wvw is becoming a ghost town even in T2...

> >


> Same here. It's quite sad really. Even in Blackgate, we usually get 60-70 on discord during NA prime. Now we can barely get 30. Our OCX is non-existent and SEA is 1/2 the size. EU we are lucky to get 10 players on discord. That's why we have such low ppt now.


> You know that it's bad when the server used as the "full server" benchmark loses this many people.


Your half sized SEA still a map blob to me.


In anycase, it is true that overall the population is dropping and the impact is much more obvious outside bg. Many existing SEA guilds fielding less and less, some of them also believe their guilds will soon die. Yet, bandwagoning is still going on and continue to kill what's remain of the game. All I can say to all the bandwagoners out there is you will have no one to fight eventually, very little gonna stay around to fight outnumbered, especially with such game balance. Keep bandwagoning and kill the game.


As for anet, keep being passive and kill the game.

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To those that have left WvW, where are they going? WoW/ESO's version or are they going single player games. That's one of things, there are upcoming games that have WvW style gameplay but aren't there yet. If I was ANet that would be what I was more concerned with since it a pretty tight market for this type of game mode currently.

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