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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > You should make this poll one a more general gaming/ mmorpg forum. It's pointless to ask this here.

> >

> > > @"Rendalmj.3152" said:

> > > - Also no payment/subricption method reason why i play Guild wars 2. Like dude. Get a job. Then you can play any game you want.

> >

> > You are saying that only people without a job play games without subscriptions?????


> i think i get what op is trying to say is for example you have a job. you eat 3 times a day. breakfast lunch and dinner. save lunch money for one day so you can buy 1 month of subscription. thats what i did when i was playing wow


Also a bunch of ppl apparently spend money on gems monthly some spend around 10 bucks, others more, for those ppl a sub based mmo would make so much more sense.

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What a surprise, GW2 is leading. As to cost it is not the price as much, I do not like game subscriptions at all, wow could charge a penny a year and I would still have a problem with it. Charge whatever you think your game is worth and let that be the end of it. I want to feel free to play as much or as little as I want.

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I prefer Guild Wars 2. I play GW2.


That said, World of Warcraft is the better game simply because people are actually playing it. They aren't talking about playing it. Or talking about wanting to play it. Or hoping their friends will come back to play it again after some dubious and over-hyped, yet-to-be-delivered announcement is made in the near future. They're playing it now. Their game modes aren't flagging. They're being regularly updated. The players aren't being money grubbed into the ground by a regular torrent of useless, Gem store rubbish while at the same time being given the silent treatment and being held at arm's length with 'Soon™,' for things that other games take for granted- such as class/profession balance.


Even if you make it a sub versus non-sub debate, per head you could argue that GW2 players spend more money on this game than Wow players do via subscription. But there isn't much to show for it by comparison here. Why is that? In every way that matters GW2 is a game that screams developer neglect- that they just aren't there, or the money isn't allocated where it should be, or that whomever is at the top just doesn't give a toss. That might be true. It might not be true but you'll never know it because it takes an act of god or a round of layoffs -whichever one's the worst on any given day- to even get any sort of communication out of the people behind the curtain and that's just sad.

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GW2 is flexible and forgiving enough to fit into my life, not the other way around. I've dipped in and out of WoW, but it's not compatible with the other demands and interests in my life.


Ergo, on the basis that the better game is the one you can play and enjoy, it's GW2 for me.



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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> > Some people like nutella with ketchup,


> Do they though? Does anyone, anywhere really like that? (And if so what's wrong with them?)




A girl I knew back in school loved it for some reason... But yeah, people like different things.

I absolutely hate lemon + chokolate as ice cream flavor combination even though almost everyone I know loves it so I kinda understand both sides although I admit that ketchup + nutella combination is especially ridiculous :)

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Dear OP,

i don't even know what to say.

So you go to a GW2 Forum and ask who is better, GW2 or WOW........ brilliant.

Who would have thought that GW2 got more votes. While we are at it, we could also go to Manchester United Fans and ask, what's better: Soccer or Basketball.


You didn't even ask the more important question first: GW1 vs GW2

After this has been done, there is no need anymore to ask is GW2 is better than WoW.




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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> Dear OP,

> i don't even know what to say.

> So you go to a GW2 Forum and ask who is better, GW2 or WOW........ brilliant.

> Who would have thought that GW2 got more votes. While we are at it, we could also go to Manchester United Fans and ask, what's better: Soccer or Basketball.


> You didn't even ask the more important question first: GW1 vs GW2

> After this has been done, there is no need anymore to ask is GW2 is better than WoW.





I think that's his point, there are so many WoW posts and WoW references, you'd be forgiven for thinking it's a WoW classic forum. Which to be fair is Very frustrating.

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