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Time to start this debate

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Im absolutely not tired of reading threads people comparing Gw2 vs wow or why wow has more viewers on twitch than gw2. This discussion needs to start. Im making this thread to keep this discussion running forever!

Which GAME is the better GAME??


I don't wanna to hear about player base nonsense. Of course its a ANet game. If GW1 isnt a ANet game it would be dead by now.


Also no payment/subscription method reason why i play Guild wars 2. Like dude. Get a basement. Then you can play any game you want.


This discussion Is about which Game is the better GAME .


Time To start This Debateand keep it updated!

Guild Wars 2

World of Warcraft


But we all know who the real winner is. GW1

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WoW at the moment is quite possibly the worst it's ever been.

GW2 at the moment is quite possibly the best it's ever been.


Yea GW2 is a much better game right now in every aspect except raids.


Ironically, WoW ilhas been suffering from a lack of endgame content these days, while gw2 now has so much endgame content it could make any new player's head explode.

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Gw2 is currently #1 best mmo right now.

-Endgame contents everywhere.

-Better Graphics.

-Game update every week.

-Better Raids, Dungeons, Fractal

-Questing levelling system not boring

-Combat system

-Friendly community

-Awesome Mounts


There is so much do to in Gw2


world of warcraft

-Boring levelling system

-Cartoonish Characters

-Flying mounts messing the game

-no one plays pvp/battlegrounds takes 10 minutes to get into one

-boring dungeons

-raid is too hard

-race locked proffesions

-you can die underwater

in conclusion world of warcraft suck. vanilla wow will suck too. levelling is hard in vanilla wow. dungeons are hard. you do raids to get endgame gear then theres nothing else to do. lol also it takes 4 hours to reach level 10 in vanilla wow lol. vanilla wow is for nostalgia not for fun. lol

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It is simply POINTLESS to compare the two, one follows the basic idea of RPG and linear progression (WOW) the other follows the casual game idea and horizontal progression (GW2). Those two simple words have a lot of meaning and compile two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ways of gameplay, not even the roles of the saint trinity (tank,dps,healer) exist here in a coherent way to make comparisons. Just go play whichever you want, or maybe both who said you can only play one MMORPG?


![](https://i.imgur.com/rl4YiAI.gif "")



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> @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

> WoW at the moment is quite possibly the worst it's ever been.

> GW2 at the moment is quite possibly the best it's ever been.


> Yea GW2 is a much better game right now in every aspect except raids.


Kinda subjective on both, for me gw2 rn is one full of delays on lw updates and poor support oon everything else.


Bfa id garbo but its argueable if its worse than Wod.


> Ironically, WoW ilhas been suffering from a lack of endgame content these days, while gw2 now has so much endgame content it could make any new player's head explode.



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Asking on GW2 forum which game is better LULW.

Also asking same forum why low view count on twitch doesn't matter for GW2 while other MMOs have equally boring parts of the game and yet people still watch them. But yeah, let's pretend like GW2 is special and view count on streaming service website doesn't indicate anything (:

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RuneScape (OSRS) is the best MMO, people just don't consider it because it's point and click. It's the only MMO that does everything right. Quests on point, PvP on point, PvE on point, Esports on point, players vote for updates, can AFK chill and do other things, there are raids and hardcore content.... yeah. Nothing else comes close.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:


> Kinda subjective on both, for me gw2 rn is one full of delays on lw updates and poor support oon everything else.



I guess it is subjective. But imo, since no content expect season 1 is irrelevant, it all compounds. So yea the game is in a bit of a waiting period right now, but personally I've got alot to catch up on so for me that's kinda a good thing.

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> @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:


> > Kinda subjective on both, for me gw2 rn is one full of delays on lw updates and poor support oon everything else.

> >


> I guess it is subjective. But imo, since no content expect season 1 is irrelevant, it all compounds. So yea the game is in a bit of a waiting period right now, but personally I've got alot to catch up on so for me that's kinda a good thing.


I mean, that can be said for wow to an extend, older content is farmed every week by players for its loot, mounts, titles etc.

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> @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> X is obviously better than X because X has this while X doesn't but X has something that we haven't seen in X before so X is not as good as X but still good, imo.


Ultramex's post is obviously best because the name ends with the X that is the thing that X has (which X doesn't, and we haven't seen in X).

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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:



> Im absolutely not tired of reading threads people comparing Gw2 vs wow or why wow has more viewers on twitch than gw2. This discussion needs to start. Im making this thread to keep this discussion running forever!

> Which GAME is the better GAME??


> I don't wanna to hear about player base nonsense. Of course its a ANet game. If GW1 isnt a ANet game it would be dead by now.


> Also no payment/subscription method reason why i play Guild wars 2. Like dude. Get a basement. Then you can play any game you want.


> This discussion Is about which Game is the better GAME .


> Time To start This Debateand keep it updated!

> Guild Wars 2

> World of Warcraft


> But we all know who the real winner is.**GW1**




**'Never change your originality for the sake of others.

Because no one can play role better than you.

So continue being yourself.'**


**'You Are The Best'**


**'You Deserve The Best'**


**-Thank You-**






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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:


> Time To start This Debateand keep it updated!

> Guild Wars 2

> World of Warcraft


Why so narrow-minded? Let's make it:


Guild Wars 2

World of Warcraft

Civilization 6


or since you included GW1 and WoW has been around forever:


Guild Wars 2

World of Warcraft

Wizardry 8

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Most people who play either game really don't care which is "better". IMO GW1 was the suck out of the three, played through the story when it came out, that took about two weeks of after work play, then had no idea what to do after that and gave away my account to a friend who wanted to try it. Played WoW for a couple years, it was ok, just too group based for me. GW2 has been the most fun out of the three mentioned for me.

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Both of them are offering something the other one can't offer, still my choice is GW2 as per this reasons

- Mount in this game are 100% better then the one in WOW which only purpose it to fly

- The account bound achievement, money, bank, deposit material are a blessing for people that have many alts. You will say wow also have them but please remember that you get the achievement only if you kill all of them from the list were in GW2, all your characters are making this progress.

- Leveling tome which helps you make new alts fast.

- Daily log in and anniversary package for your character which is a good think, since you will receive the mail and can't miss them. In wow if you miss the anniversary it gone forever

- Armor and weapons which don't get old with new patch or expansion. I still have my ascendant gear before HOT. Was afraid that all that gold was gone for nothing since i get used to have a green item in next expansion better then a purple one but they never raise level of character. Not to mention that they give you possibility to change your stats which is not available in wow, also the weapons and armor are account bound so you can give them to your other characters.

- Waypoints which are 1000% better then flying path in Wow. I mean, i use to loose 5-10 minute when i needed to go to some location since they remove the portals. Don't forget they remove the ability to fly with gold. Now you need to grind one big achievement in order to fly.

- Elite specialization and the weapon skills which improve your class. They don't take one spells and give to the other. I speak about you Demon Hunter, took the spell of my warlock and now i can't enjoy that class anymore

- Autoloot which is the best in this game, you can sit near the corpse you have your loot. No need to push a macro in order to receive it.

- You can receive mail from anywere and send without problems

- Tranding post, you can sell or buy items from anywhere in the world. You just need to talk with NPC after finish to take your gold or item. Not to mention, that any of your character can do it.


This are the thinks that i consider the best in Gw2 compare with Wow, it my personal opinion, any other person will have different reason and can disagree with me.

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> @"Azraeil.7013" said:

> Both of them are offering something the other one can't offer, still my choice is GW2 as per this reasons

> - Mount in this game are 100% better then the one in WOW which only purpose it to fly

> - The account bound achievement, money, bank, deposit material are a blessing for people that have many alts. You will say wow also have them but please remember that you get the achievement only if you kill all of them from the list were in GW2, all your characters are making this progress.

> - Leveling tome which helps you make new alts fast.

> - Daily log in and anniversary package for your character which is a good think, since you will receive the mail and can't miss them. In wow if you miss the anniversary it gone forever

> - Armor and weapons which don't get old with new patch or expansion. I still have my ascendant gear before HOT. Was afraid that all that gold was gone for nothing since i get used to have a green item in next expansion better then a purple one but they never raise level of character. Not to mention that they give you possibility to change your stats which is not available in wow, also the weapons and armor are account bound so you can give them to your other characters.

> - Waypoints which are 1000% better then flying path in Wow. I mean, i use to loose 5-10 minute when i needed to go to some location since they remove the portals. Don't forget they remove the ability to fly with gold. Now you need to grind one big achievement in order to fly.

> - Elite specialization and the weapon skills which improve your class. They don't take one spells and give to the other. I speak about you Demon Hunter, took the spell of my warlock and now i can't enjoy that class anymore

> - Autoloot which is the best in this game, you can sit near the corpse you have your loot. No need to push a macro in order to receive it.

> - You can receive mail from anywere and send without problems

> - Tranding post, you can sell or buy items from anywhere in the world. You just need to talk with NPC after finish to take your gold or item. Not to mention, that any of your character can do it.


> This are the thinks that i consider the best in Gw2 compare with Wow, it my personal opinion, any other person will have different reason and can disagree with me.


not to mention this vote has absolutely nothing to do with GW2.....

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GW2 has action camera, WoW only has tab-targeting. Also, WoW is designed to be a stand-and-press-buttons game which feels very boring and passive to play. GW2 has active dodging.


Not to mention all the other awesome shit like not having your gear become worthless every expansion and basically having to grind it back, having actual mounts, the business model, being able to buy gems with gold etc. etc.


People just play WoW because it's the biggest and they always have. WoW comes from a time where MMOs were basically glorified chatrooms.

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