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Are there things that felt disturbing/uncomfortable/disgusting in GW2?

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> @"DietPepsi.4371" said:

> I remember being quite creeped out by some of the Charr dialogue in the Black Citadel. There's a few NPCs hitting on eachother in rather questionable manners, and I believe even the suggestion of non-consensual ...stuff.


> I guess it's meant to enforce the idea that Charr Legion culture is somewhat barbaric.


> On a semi-related note, kudos to the writers for still trying to write a world that is somewhat dark while maintaining a T rating.




I mean charr don't traditionally mate for love or sex, they just kinda do what they need to do and move on, then leave their cubs in a fahrar.

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Aside from the stuff already mentioned in this thread, one of the things that did make me both curious and disgusted (although I appreciated the lore involved) was the reveal of a brothel existing in Founder's Flagon inn (which is familiar to many of us as one of the potential guild trek locations) in Ebonhawke. It's not the existence of a brothel itself that is troublesome to me (as it makes sense that such would exist in Tyria) but the shady way that business is conducted by what seems to be an exploitative asura pimp. If you explore that Ebonhawke inn thoroughly, you eventually find yourself in a room with the asura pimp [Jok](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jok) (yes, I love the irony of his name being reminiscent of a certain undead desert king) and what seem to be human and norn prostitutes called [Kristina](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kristina) and [susanah](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Susanah) with the norn being drunk (or possibly even drugged?) to be more amicable to customers:


> **Jok:** Hey! This is a private party! Scram!

> **Player:** What's the occasion?

> **Jok:** As if I'm going to explain why... to you.

> **Player:** Please?

> **Jok:** I'm raking in the dough thanks to these two lovely employees. Things were getting rough with deadlines, but they came to me with brilliance. We changed our product line, and now no one can compete!

> **Player:** Fascinating.

> **Jok:** Yes, I'm sure it is fascinating for you. And now that I've told you all I'm going to tell, beat it!


> **Kristina:** It's nice to be appreciated every once in a while.

> **Player:** People don't take you seriously?

> **Kristina:** I've worked at a number of places over the years, and none ever treated me to a private party for work I'd done. I'm glad Jok decided to open up shop here in Ebonhawke.

> **Player:** It looks like he's taking good care of you both.


> **Susanah:** Who would have know that such small drinks could have so much flavor. They're so sweet. (hiccup)

> **Player:** Have you been drinking a lot?

> **Susanah:** No...(hiccup)...yes.

> **Player:** I thought as much.


It takes a moment to put two and two together as initially these conversation seem innocent enough to the uninitiated until you realize the truth from the context and comparing the written lines and ambient dialogue with one another. I've got to say I appreciate the devs responsible for adding this darker twist to Ebonhawke and showing the shadier side of business (as we never really know how legal prostitution is in Central Tyria...or elsewhere on the world of Tyria, really) and how e.g. asura are profiting from having beautiful women of different races in their services even though the devs had to do so in roundabout ways due to the game's rating. It may be disgusting to some, but it helps add depth to the worldbuilding and give Ebonhawke more of a unique spin when it's already a pretty complex place to live in given its rich history. :)

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> The two main, prominent relationships in the game are actually kinda disturbing.


> Faolain/Caithe is absolutely an abuser/victim relationship and was uncomfortable to watch. I want to blame Caithe for not wising up sooner, for not being honest about her situation, but it feels unfair given how those kinds of relationship dynamics work in real life. The writing feels one part Idiot Plot and one part true to life, so it ends up being well done *because* it was uncomfortable.


> Meanwhile, Kasjory was out of the blue, forced, and pandering. There wasn't sufficient build-up during Season 1, and during Season 2, they were inappropriately doe-eyed during cutscenes, dragging out already-unskippable content even more. When player backlash hit, then the writing for them teetered into relationship strife (thus what I mean by pandering) and then an emotional break that never really recovered. The whole awkwardness of it weighed down story writing for years.


......I typed up a huge rant about why this is so spot-on, and it came across as just petty, so... I AGREE. ;) *Especially* about Kasmeer and Marjory...ugh.


One thing I will say, though, is that Caithe's whole character just feels...gross. She's meant to be looked upon as this tragic figure with a dark, horrible past - and with the revelation about Wynne, she absolutely is. However, *before* I knew about that, her entire character felt like it could be summed up as "My ex-girlfriend was a horrible evil meanie-pants and so now I am sad." I kept thinking that Faolain left her only a few years back, so the emotional wounds are still fresh...and then come to find out, no, Faolain left her *over twenty years ago*.

And Caithe didn't come to terms with it until roughly Heart of Thorns - about twenty-five years later, give or take a year or so.

...wow. Yeah. Way to portray a strong character with a dark past: a pitiful, pathetic creature who wallows in despair and agony while hypocritically berating everybody else for being stuck in the past.

[facepalm] I never had sympathy for Caithe, and that realization didn't help. If there had been some hint that Faolain was only a tiny *part* of why Caithe is the tragic figure she's meant to be, that would have been better - but it didn't feel like there was, until the very end of Season Two with Wynne. *That* carries weight. Caithe's relationship with Faolain...doesn't.

(Now, to be fair, I haven't played past Heart of Thorns - I don't know if Caithe's character improves later on. So take my criticism with a grain of salt. :) [And no spoilers, please!])

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Ignigknawt.7869" said:

> > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > > @"Ignigknawt.7869" said:

> > > > The renown heart in Wayfarer Foothills where you kill the mother dolyaks and and capture their babies.

> > >

> > > You do know you're supposed to capture them without killing the mothers don't you? Before you say it can't be done, let me assure you it most certainly can.

> >

> > You're still taking her babies though, that doesn't make it much better lol.


> Agreed


> It is easier when you kill the mom, and there is absolutely no in-game penalty for killing the mom, so I don't know how it can be assumed that you are 'supposed' to do it without killing the mom. (Yeah, I usually try to anyway.)


At one time, it's no longer available(that I'm aware of and I wasn't even trying to get it) and I'm not even sure it's in the historical category an Achievement for doing it without killing any of the Dolyaks. Also the event description used to tell you that, but that was changed too.

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> @"Tuchanka.5148" said:

> Maybe this is just something that bugs me but, the nameless NPC Pact Soldiers in Dragonfall using Maguuma HoT dialogues if you talk to them multiple times. Still not trusting Sylvari...while facing an ED that just fell through the mists into the ocean. Yes of course the Sylvari are your main problem right now.... e.e

> This is just immersion breaking....an oversight and/or just lazy :(


Lol. While it probably _was_ laziness... at the same time, it's almost clever and realistic. Reminds me of current politics. Ignoring the huge problems facing everyone, some dude is still bringing up some irrelevant issue long in the past, about some regular person and their ethnicity/religion/sexuality/gender etc.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Windu The Forbidden One.6045" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > > The instance where we took Caithe's place and committed her heinous crimes for her, absolving her of any guilt for her actions, taking on that burden ourselves. This was the moment where I stopped caring about the story, the characters, etc. I was so disgusted with the writing that GW2 stopped being an RPG for me and became just a combat simulator.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > You’re not taking on the blame for her - you just view the memories, she still did it all herself

> > >

> > > I am required to control her actions during this period.

> >

> > Because that's simply how quests like that work in many video games. WoW en ESO have plenty of flashback quests where you see past events through the eyes of another, and you also play through those past events yourself, because if your character was controlled by the game and all you had to do is watch it would be boring. Quests need to be played, not looked at.

> >

> > Just because you controlled Caithe during the flashback doesn't make it any less of a flashback and our characters certainly aren't guilty of her mistakes, because that would be utterly ridiculous.

> >

> > And as for needing to repair your armor, yet another case of "gameplay mechanics" / "lore" segration. Our characters always come back at a nearby waypoint after dying, that also does not mean we are immortal, it simply means we never died lorewise, despite the fact that gameplay wise we did die.

> >

> >

> >

> >


> I disagree.


> A true flashback sequence, where it is not my character, would not involve my character making the decisions regarding specific actions from moment to moment within the scene. it would be a cut-scene if my character was only observing.


> As to the armor repair, in game, in character, my armor was damaged. Something that could not happen if I was merely observing another's experiences.


> I do agree that it was utterly ridiculous for the writers to require our characters to commit, not observe, Caithe's horrific deeds.



> > @"Ignigknawt.7869" said:


> > You are aware those instances were meant to be flashbacks, right? Just because the players took control of her doesn't mean she didn't do it, we were literally reliving her memories.


> We were in control. Not she.

> Game mechanics reinforce this fact.

> A flashback would be a cut-scene, not a requirement that we commit her deeds.



Lorewise your characters never made those decisions, caithe did.

Wether you agree or not, this is simply the way developers of many MMOs have chosen to design flashback quests and it doesn't change the fact that our character is **not** guilty of anything that happened in this flashback.


" in character, my armor was damaged. Something that could not happen if I was merely observing another's experiences."


I came back from death at a nearby waypoint after getting killed, something that could not happen if I was not immortal.

I did the same story missions multiple times, something that could not happen if I was not a time traveller.

See where I'm going with this? Game mechanics are segrated from the lore or nothing in this game (or any mmo for that matter) would make sense.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > the lack of quests, when playing this game for over 7 years and only having hearts i start longing for quests, even fetch quests are better than this boring chore.


> Hearts aren't the quests in this game, dynamic events are. There are plenty of escort and fetch dynamic events. Why concern yourself with the hearts if they're such a chore? Particularly because events can fill in most of them without you even trying to do them.


and DE's are not supposed to be the quests in the game, that's the big problem here.

there is no such thing as quests in GW2, hearts are not worth even using anymore and DE's are not made to support the kind of story quests do, that's why GW2 feels so empty.

we need quests, i seriously don't care if they are the boring kind, a good story can make the most boring quest meaningful.

it's up to the story writers to fill gaps, lately this game has more gaps than a collapsing mountain.

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I like this thread. Nearly every negative creature / dialog event listed here had the exact opposite effect on me. I find the story to be a little hum drum at times, and some of the more morally bereft moments are a joy to behold.


As for negative moments for *me*, basically any time any NPC speaks who isn't Canach or Rytlock. That goes double for Taimi.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > the lack of quests, when playing this game for over 7 years and only having hearts i start longing for quests, even fetch quests are better than this boring chore.

> >

> > Hearts aren't the quests in this game, dynamic events are. There are plenty of escort and fetch dynamic events. Why concern yourself with the hearts if they're such a chore? Particularly because events can fill in most of them without you even trying to do them.


> and DE's are not supposed to be the quests in the game, that's the big problem here.

> there is no such thing as quests in GW2, hearts are not worth even using anymore and DE's are not made to support the kind of story quests do, that's why GW2 feels so empty.

> we need quests, i seriously don't care if they are the boring kind, a good story can make the most boring quest meaningful.

> it's up to the story writers to fill gaps, lately this game has more gaps than a collapsing mountain.


> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > the lack of quests, when playing this game for over 7 years and only having hearts i start longing for quests, even fetch quests are better than this boring chore.

> >

> > Hearts aren't the quests in this game, dynamic events are. There are plenty of escort and fetch dynamic events. Why concern yourself with the hearts if they're such a chore? Particularly because events can fill in most of them without you even trying to do them.


> and DE's are not supposed to be the quests in the game, that's the big problem here.

> there is no such thing as quests in GW2, hearts are not worth even using anymore and DE's are not made to support the kind of story quests do, that's why GW2 feels so empty.

> we need quests, i seriously don't care if they are the boring kind, a good story can make the most boring quest meaningful.

> it's up to the story writers to fill gaps, lately this game has more gaps than a collapsing mountain.


Actually the DEs are exactly quests in the game. I'm not sure how you think otherwise and even the devs said it in the lead up to the game lauching.


Average game. Walk up to NPC. Read a wall of text most people skip. Walk to a star by following an arrow. Pick up what you need or kill what you need or escort or defend the person you need to. Walk back to the NPC. Get another wall of text and a reward. That's a quest. It might be a kill ten rats quest. Better quest chain and tell a story, but they're all still quests. There are, in most games, I think it's five types of quests. Kill, defend, escort, collect, discover. That's it. That's what a quest is. Maybe what you're missing is puzzle, I don't know. but that's what quests are.


So you're saying if a guy says kill 10 ogres and you kill 10 and there are still 40 left and they never do anything whether you kill them or not. well that's a quest. Here, you have a quest that you enter without talking to an NPC, but it still has a goal. Kill, escort, defend, collect or discover. The difference is you don't necessarily have an arrow to a star, you're following something going on in the world. You don't necessarily have a number of 10 to kill because sometimes you have to break morale and that bar scales with the number of people. It's still a quest. Events in this game fill the role the quests do in other games.


Longer more involved story lines come from collections which are ALSO a form a quest, but saying DEs are not quests is just ridiculous, considering the devs have said they're quests. They even compared them early on to quests when they said you need roughly five times the number of events as you do quests to do the same job. Saying they're not quests without offering evidence of them not being quests is pointless.


Comparison. In Prophecies, there were 203 quests. That's it. That included stuff like the simple class quests. Like carrying the honeycomb under the bridge. You can look up Prophecies in the Guild Wars wiki and it will tell you, there are 203 quests. There were also 25 story missions. That's it. That was the content of Prophecies. You can compare that with the 1500 plus dynamic events this game launched with.


Want a longer story. Dragonstand is a giant quest chain that tells a story. It's almost more like a quest web since it's not completely linear. There are many quest chains in the game, some of which are pre=events for world bosses. Saying they're not quests doesn't make them not quests.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > Have there been any story lines, dialogue, events, random little details, skills, sound effects or something else that made you feel discomfort or disgust?

> >

> > What comes to my mind is this piece of dialogue:

> >

> > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: We can cover this land in fire. We shall see the citadels alight!

> > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: All shall bow. All shall have the truth burned into them.

> > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: We shall rise and cleanse this world of the weak and unfaithful.

> > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: Oh, woman playing soldier. We have a space in the breeding farms for your insolence. Surrender and atone!

> > Legionnaire Vesta Scorchpath: Not now. Not ever. Besides, we have a message for you.

> > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: Speak before I burn your tongues away.


> Political correctness gone overboard. I'm sorry but if you're offended by anything in a video game you need to step back and get help. I'm sick and tired of every want to be PC warrior screwing with my life and my fun because they spend their time trying to find something to complain about. This game is rated, if you didn't want to see or experience these things then maybe you should have read up about it, and if you're a long time player; shame on you for attention grabbing!


Agreed. But I can forgive people that just want to vent online on a forum. It's all water off a duck's back.


My problem is when people pretending to be offended by something not meant to offend (like a video game) will virtue signal and pander to the whims and emotions of the pearl clutching online justice brigade but turn a blind eye to their hypocritical virtues that cause actual harm. Something like the OP's post would be happening right now irl and their virtues would facilitate it because we should accept every lie, crook and thief that invades our homes unimpeded.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > > Have there been any story lines, dialogue, events, random little details, skills, sound effects or something else that made you feel discomfort or disgust?

> > >

> > > What comes to my mind is this piece of dialogue:

> > >

> > > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: We can cover this land in fire. We shall see the citadels alight!

> > > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: All shall bow. All shall have the truth burned into them.

> > > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: We shall rise and cleanse this world of the weak and unfaithful.

> > > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: Oh, woman playing soldier. We have a space in the breeding farms for your insolence. Surrender and atone!

> > > Legionnaire Vesta Scorchpath: Not now. Not ever. Besides, we have a message for you.

> > > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: Speak before I burn your tongues away.

> >

> > Political correctness gone overboard. I'm sorry but if you're offended by anything in a video game you need to step back and get help. I'm sick and tired of every want to be PC warrior screwing with my life and my fun because they spend their time trying to find something to complain about. This game is rated, if you didn't want to see or experience these things then maybe you should have read up about it, and if you're a long time player; shame on you for attention grabbing!


> Its funny, cause nowhere in that post does they say the word offended.


> You can be disgusted by the thought of something without being offended by it, its not a bad thing either. In my RP sessions ive seen or done things that have made me feel disgusted or angry, its -normal- to feel things when exposed to ideas that -are- awful. Breeding farms? JFC if it was found somebody was running one in real life id be disgusted!! Offended though? No.




Loosely related words. While neither "disgust" or "offend" are used to define or describe the other, they share other synonyms like annoy, displease, anger.

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There is one scene in the game that felt disturbing to me. Not because of its intended content, but because of the way it was structured. In the Gates of Maguuma chapter of LWS2 there's a mission called Fallen Hopes. In it, you encounter a dying Zephyrite, and this dialogue follows:


Morning: Please. I'm here. Help me.

Kasmeer Meade: This one's alive but hurt badly.

Marjory Delaqua: You're going to be okay. My friends and I will get you out of here.

Morning: F-f-forget about me. The Master of Peace is in danger. Someone has to go find him and protect him.

Marjory Delaqua: The Master of Peace? Your leader? Where is he? Why is he in danger?

Morning: I don't...know why. But the sylvari is trying to kill him. Please...

Marjory Delaqua: Hey. Hey! Stay with me. Ahh...damn. She's dead.

Kasmeer Meade: I hate to speak ill of the dead, but that Zephyrite was lying.

Marjory Delaqua: About what?

Kasmeer Meade: Don't get me wrong. She was very afraid for the Master of Peace. But when she said she didn't know why he was in danger...I could tell. She was lying.

Marjory Delaqua: Why would she lie? Are you sure?

Kasmeer Meade: Absolutely. It was in her posture and in her eyes. She didn't give us the whole truth.

Marjory Delaqua: I believe you. Let's press on and see if we can find any more answers.


Note that Morning is the name of a person. If you've lived a little, you can probably see the part that's... off. A dying person decides in her desperate pleas of help to whatever stranger walks by that she is going to lie about one extremely specific and obtuse detail. Just because. This is done to establish that Kasmeer has preternatural lie-detector abilities, because apparently there is no better way to shove a lying person into the grander story. This wasn't some grand secret being kept, either. The only thing she didn't say was that the master had the egg, and this didn't even require a lie. She could've just been vague and said stuff like "He wants its power" or something like that.


The point that rubs me the wrong way is that _people don't do this._ There's a reason why deathbed testimonies are given higher regard in court. A person on the brink of death has no more reason to lie. As their life flashes before their eyes and the weight of their mortality squeezes the soul from their body, they tell the truth, because they have no vanity left. If I were to compare other fictional examples of this trope:




>"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. "


It's like whomever was writing the story never realized that this part was way off base on a fundamental human level.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:


> Note that Morning is the name of a person. If you've lived a little, you can probably see the part that's... off. A dying person decides in her desperate pleas of help to whatever stranger walks by that she is going to lie about one extremely specific and obtuse detail. Just because. This is done to establish that Kasmeer has preternatural lie-detector abilities, because apparently there is no better way to shove a lying person into the grander story. This wasn't some grand secret being kept, either. The only thing she didn't say was that the master had the egg, and this didn't even require a lie. She could've just been vague and said stuff like "He wants its power" or something like that.


> The point that rubs me the wrong way is that _people don't do this._ There's a reason why deathbed testimonies are given higher regard in court. A person on the brink of death has no more reason to lie. As their life flashes before their eyes and the weight of their mortality squeezes the soul from their body, they tell the truth, because they have no vanity left.


And I would have to disagree. If the egg is supposed to be this big secret (and considering what it is I think that it certainly is "some grand secret") then of course Morning would lie about it. She would have absolutely no reason to tell a bunch of strangers about it.

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> @"Rattengeist.8165" said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forbidden_Vault


> This is a hidden chamber near the Bone Palace in The Desolation. You can only enter it via a small event chain. It's a ..... "cozy" ..... place with lots of blankets and pillows as well as seperate rooms. In the middle stands a statue of Joko striking a.. well.. "sexy" pose. Inside this room are different male and female NPCs: Humans, ogres, harpies and a choya. As you talk to them you find out that this place is where Joko keeps his harem. All these NPCs are betrothed to Joko. Their dialogues are unsettling (obviously, no one there is really happy but they are glad they can "serve him") and the one with the disturbing dialogue is....... the female choya.

> She hides in a tiny seperate room. If you approach her, a human female will say "Leave her alone, she is shy and rarely speaks". If you talk to the choya she will only say "..." and you dialogue option is "Oh no.."


i had no idea joko was a pansexual intespecist =O

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> @"Elspereth.1280" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:


> > Note that Morning is the name of a person. If you've lived a little, you can probably see the part that's... off. A dying person decides in her desperate pleas of help to whatever stranger walks by that she is going to lie about one extremely specific and obtuse detail. Just because. This is done to establish that Kasmeer has preternatural lie-detector abilities, because apparently there is no better way to shove a lying person into the grander story. This wasn't some grand secret being kept, either. The only thing she didn't say was that the master had the egg, and this didn't even require a lie. She could've just been vague and said stuff like "He wants its power" or something like that.

> >

> > The point that rubs me the wrong way is that _people don't do this._ There's a reason why deathbed testimonies are given higher regard in court. A person on the brink of death has no more reason to lie. As their life flashes before their eyes and the weight of their mortality squeezes the soul from their body, they tell the truth, because they have no vanity left.


> And I would have to disagree. If the egg is supposed to be this big secret (and considering what it is I think that it certainly is "some grand secret") then of course Morning would lie about it. She would have absolutely no reason to tell a bunch of strangers about it.


We're not strangers. We'd been to the Zephyrite Sanctum many times at that point.

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What disgusts me is all the cute crap shoveled into the game. There is too much of it, too many sparkles and no way for me to turn it off why? Well it's easy. They believe if I see the sparkly skin, or the cat ears or the cute little neko outfit ill be more inclined to buy it... Rather it turns me off from the game because between the hello-kitty solve everything through friendship story and the cosmetic drivel given for the sake of appeasing people who require a safe space I realize "Not even the devs, who created this world care about it. So why should I?"


now If I could turn it off and choose not the see it~ Fine. But give me the option to choose not to endure it; Let me turn off everyone else's models and appearances other than mine, so I don't need to view the filth. I don't see why making an option to "Toggle to turn off all outfits for you." Or "This slider can turn down effects of outfits/legendaries ect FOR YOU". It effects no one but me and is for my personal preference, but forcing everyone to look at and see the disco-ball sparkly babies just.... bleck. ( Might also help with performance who knows?)

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> What disgusts me is all the cute kitten shoveled into the game. There is too much of it, too many sparkles and no way for me to turn it off why? Well it's easy. They believe if I see the sparkly skin, or the cat ears or the cute little neko outfit ill be more inclined to buy it... Rather it turns me off from the game because between the hello-kitty solve everything through friendship story and the cosmetic drivel given for the sake of appeasing people who require a safe space I realize "Not even the devs, who created this world care about it. So why should I?"


> now If I could turn it off and choose not the see it~ Fine. But give me the option to choose not to endure it; Let me turn off everyone else's models and appearances other than mine, so I don't need to view the filth. I don't see why making an option to "Toggle to turn off all outfits for you." Or "This slider can turn down effects of outfits/legendaries ect FOR YOU". It effects no one but me and is for my personal preference, but forcing everyone to look at and see the disco-ball sparkly babies just.... bleck. ( Might also help with performance who knows?)


If it turns you off the game, maybe turn off the game.... instead of complaining in multiple forum threads about the same thing as if your opinion is the only one that matters.

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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > What disgusts me is all the cute kitten shoveled into the game. There is too much of it, too many sparkles and no way for me to turn it off why? Well it's easy. They believe if I see the sparkly skin, or the cat ears or the cute little neko outfit ill be more inclined to buy it... Rather it turns me off from the game because between the hello-kitty solve everything through friendship story and the cosmetic drivel given for the sake of appeasing people who require a safe space I realize "Not even the devs, who created this world care about it. So why should I?"

> >

> > now If I could turn it off and choose not the see it~ Fine. But give me the option to choose not to endure it; Let me turn off everyone else's models and appearances other than mine, so I don't need to view the filth. I don't see why making an option to "Toggle to turn off all outfits for you." Or "This slider can turn down effects of outfits/legendaries ect FOR YOU". It effects no one but me and is for my personal preference, but forcing everyone to look at and see the disco-ball sparkly babies just.... bleck. ( Might also help with performance who knows?)


> If it turns you off the game, maybe turn off the game.... instead of complaining in multiple forum threads about the same thing as if your opinion is the only one that matters.


Why not, the rest of the community does it? Besides it was on topic, its not as if Im stating it out of the blue as if its not something that doesn't relate to the topic. Im sorry you dislike my opinion sadly Like everyone else Im allowed to have one and since Im not directly coming at anyone; Being rude or even harmful there is little you can do about it. I suggest blocking/ignoring me it works wonders and perhaps would save you from the minor rants I do. I do it from a place of love for the game, not out of malicious intent.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > What disgusts me is all the cute kitten shoveled into the game. There is too much of it, too many sparkles and no way for me to turn it off why? Well it's easy. They believe if I see the sparkly skin, or the cat ears or the cute little neko outfit ill be more inclined to buy it... Rather it turns me off from the game because between the hello-kitty solve everything through friendship story and the cosmetic drivel given for the sake of appeasing people who require a safe space I realize "Not even the devs, who created this world care about it. So why should I?"

> > >

> > > now If I could turn it off and choose not the see it~ Fine. But give me the option to choose not to endure it; Let me turn off everyone else's models and appearances other than mine, so I don't need to view the filth. I don't see why making an option to "Toggle to turn off all outfits for you." Or "This slider can turn down effects of outfits/legendaries ect FOR YOU". It effects no one but me and is for my personal preference, but forcing everyone to look at and see the disco-ball sparkly babies just.... bleck. ( Might also help with performance who knows?)

> >

> > If it turns you off the game, maybe turn off the game.... instead of complaining in multiple forum threads about the same thing as if your opinion is the only one that matters.


> Why not, the rest of the community does it? Besides it was on topic, its not as if Im stating it out of the blue as if its not something that doesn't relate to the topic. Im sorry you dislike my opinion sadly Like everyone else Im allowed to have one and since Im not directly coming at anyone; Being rude or even harmful there is little you can do about it. I suggest blocking/ignoring me it works wonders and perhaps would save you from the minor rants I do. I do it from a place of love for the game, not out of malicious intent.


Sorry but it is really not on topic. This thread's purpose is to gather in-game events, dialogue, story moments and other world building details that make you feel discomfort or disgust.

It is not a negativity thread. I might not have explained the purpose of the thread properly, but there you have it.

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