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Are there things that felt disturbing/uncomfortable/disgusting in GW2?

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > Have there been any story lines, dialogue, events, random little details, skills, sound effects or something else that made you feel discomfort or disgust?

> >

> > What comes to my mind is this piece of dialogue:

> >

> > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: We can cover this land in fire. We shall see the citadels alight!

> > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: All shall bow. All shall have the truth burned into them.

> > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: We shall rise and cleanse this world of the weak and unfaithful.

> > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: Oh, woman playing soldier. We have a space in the breeding farms for your insolence. Surrender and atone!

> > Legionnaire Vesta Scorchpath: Not now. Not ever. Besides, we have a message for you.

> > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: Speak before I burn your tongues away.


> Political correctness gone overboard. I'm sorry but if you're offended by anything in a video game you need to step back and get help. I'm sick and tired of every want to be PC warrior screwing with my life and my fun because they spend their time trying to find something to complain about. This game is rated, if you didn't want to see or experience these things then maybe you should have read up about it, and if you're a long time player; shame on you for attention grabbing!


You must have misunderstood the starting post, then. I am not here to complain at all, and I am not looking for political correctness. I am looking for people listing out what they found disturbing or discomfortable - I never stated that it was a bad thing for the game doing so. In fact I find it very interesting and cool.

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Looking for things or opinions that are uncomfortable is a dangerous game. People can be disgusted and uncomfortable in many ways, justified in one's mind or not, it is subjective and sometimes charged with dangerous intent. Being disgusted generally goes hand in hand with offended so your question / topic may just well be disgusting and uncomfortable, :)

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> Looking for things or opinions that are uncomfortable is a dangerous game. People can be disgusted and uncomfortable in many ways, justified in one's mind or not, it is subjective and sometimes charged with dangerous intent. Being disgusted generally goes hand in hand with offended so your question / topic may just well be disgusting and uncomfortable, :)


It's just a harmless thread. I do not know why you are trying to turn it into something that it's not. I specificly stated things found in the game world, like story lines and such.

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I replay the Human storyline a lot. One thing I noticed in the "commoner" story is that lieutenant Francis has different lines depending on whether you help the orphanage or the hospital. When he helps the hospital, he clearly states "We got all the people out, sir, but so far we haven't found any–". When at the orphanage, he stands infront of a baracaded door saying "By the gods! Get those people clear! The whole building's coming down!!"


There's little to no indication that he was able to get anyone out of the orphanage.


If I didn't know any better, Francis baracaded the doors and left the priestesses and children to cook.

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Definitely Tahlkora:


Having always had her in my GW1 party as a monk and watching her development during Nightfall, seeing her after Joko had her blinded, her tongue cut off, and put on the brink of death for eternity was definitely one of the most jarring thing I've seen in GW2.


At least Koss got a decently positive ending :)

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> @"Poormany.4507" said:

> Definitely Tahlkora:


> Having always had her in my GW1 party as a monk and watching her development during Nightfall, seeing her after Joko had her blinded, her tongue cut off, and put on the brink of death for eternity was definitely one of the most jarring thing I've seen in GW2.



Agreed. I'd actually forgotten about that whole bit, but I definitely remember it now.


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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > > Have there been any story lines, dialogue, events, random little details, skills, sound effects or something else that made you feel discomfort or disgust?

> > >

> > > What comes to my mind is this piece of dialogue:

> > >

> > > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: We can cover this land in fire. We shall see the citadels alight!

> > > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: All shall bow. All shall have the truth burned into them.

> > > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: We shall rise and cleanse this world of the weak and unfaithful.

> > > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: Oh, woman playing soldier. We have a space in the breeding farms for your insolence. Surrender and atone!

> > > Legionnaire Vesta Scorchpath: Not now. Not ever. Besides, we have a message for you.

> > > Champion Drakin Cinderspire: Speak before I burn your tongues away.

> >

> > Political correctness gone overboard. I'm sorry but if you're offended by anything in a video game you need to step back and get help. I'm sick and tired of every want to be PC warrior screwing with my life and my fun because they spend their time trying to find something to complain about. This game is rated, if you didn't want to see or experience these things then maybe you should have read up about it, and if you're a long time player; shame on you for attention grabbing!


> Its funny, cause nowhere in that post does they say the word offended.


> You can be disgusted by the thought of something without being offended by it, its not a bad thing either. In my RP sessions ive seen or done things that have made me feel disgusted or angry, its -normal- to feel things when exposed to ideas that -are- awful. Breeding farms? JFC if it was found somebody was running one in real life id be disgusted!! Offended though? No.



Thank you. It's frustrating how so many ppl seem so eager to be offended these days :/


If a narrative never makes you feel uncomfortable it's a bad narrative, either bc it has failed to engage you or bc it's too bland to challenge you . . .


I'm sure there are a lot of examples but the first thing OP made me think of is how much patricide there is in the charr personal story . . .


> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> I replay the Human storyline a lot. One thing I noticed in the "commoner" story is that lieutenant Francis has different lines depending on whether you help the orphanage or the hospital. When he helps the hospital, he clearly states "We got all the people out, sir, but so far we haven't found any–". When at the orphanage, he stands infront of a baracaded door saying "By the gods! Get those people clear! The whole building's coming down!!"


> There's little to no indication that he was able to get anyone out of the orphanage.


> If I didn't know any better, Francis baracaded the doors and left the priestesses and children to cook.


I didn't remember the exact dialogue but I knew there was a reason I always pick the orphans on my human keyruns :p


There is another part of one of the human personal stories where you have to choose between saving your friend or saving dr's water supply. If you choose your friend there is some npc dialogue later on about how some ppl died from the poisoned water. Other than that there are several stories where the npcs try to make you feel guilty about choosing the greater good over helping or being loyal to some individual. I always feel like shouting at them "That's why they call it the greater good ! ! ! "

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If anything this game isn't disturbing or disgusting enough. Doesn't even deserve its softest of all T ratings really. Can someone make a Brutal Gw2 mod pl0x?


> @"Irreverent.3594" said:

> Cats. GW2 has weirdest looking cats in history of MMO cats. Their faces... oh no one is staring at me right now... i... i think they are up to

Got nothing on Low Detail chicken portraits.


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> @"AnakinJeakin.1604" said:

> When the "bash the dragon" song plays without the words and the only thing that plays in my head is "In the Navy" by the Village People


Lol. I thought it was just me. I spent most of that festival with "In the Navy" stuck in my head.

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Oh dear. omg... okay, I have one:


> @"In a quiet corner of Fireheart Rise..."


> **Shaman Shoba**: Oook ook oook! Be mine! Ahhk ahhk! Love you like warm mud!

> **Harpy Matriarch**: Rawk! Funny wingless male. I claim you! I will pluck every hair from your back.

> **Shaman Shoba**: I'm yours! Ook ook. Fly away with me! I am shaman to your shrine. Oo oo ook!

> **Harpy Matriarch**: Fledglings! Rawk! Come here! Come see! Mama has a shaman!



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This is a hidden chamber near the Bone Palace in The Desolation. You can only enter it via a small event chain. It's a ..... "cozy" ..... place with lots of blankets and pillows as well as seperate rooms. In the middle stands a statue of Joko striking a.. well.. "sexy" pose. Inside this room are different male and female NPCs: Humans, ogres, harpies and a choya. As you talk to them you find out that this place is where Joko keeps his harem. All these NPCs are betrothed to Joko. Their dialogues are unsettling (obviously, no one there is really happy but they are glad they can "serve him") and the one with the disturbing dialogue is....... the female choya.

She hides in a tiny seperate room. If you approach her, a human female will say "Leave her alone, she is shy and rarely speaks". If you talk to the choya she will only say "..." and you dialogue option is "Oh no.."

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> @"Drakz.7051" said:

> Probably how crappy they treat Caithe and for the length of time (Even though she acted on good reason) compared to when Rytlock unleashes a god onto the planet and he is forgiven in 2 seconds.


Caithe committed actual crimes and then withheld information that might have have prevented genocide. Rytlock was trying to escape the mists and made a mistake. And he didn't seem to have realized the magnitude of the error until later, whereas Caithe always knew she was doing wrong.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> The instance where we took Caithe's place and committed her heinous crimes for her, absolving her of any guilt for her actions, taking on that burden ourselves. This was the moment where I stopped caring about the story, the characters, etc. I was so disgusted with the writing that GW2 stopped being an RPG for me and became just a combat simulator.


You are aware those instances were meant to be flashbacks, right? Just because the players took control of her doesn't mean she didn't do it, we were literally reliving her memories.

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