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Global chat

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Here goes an out of the box idea.


Map chat too silent? Anet make a Global Game Chat channel, that chat room where any player anywhere in the game can type in.


If it gets too busy, just make it a slow chat where people need to wait 10 seconds before typing in again. Most probably not needed as the game is very silent in all map chats most of the time.




Same as the LFG tool but more human.

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Sure, as long as I can turn it off.


I can't imagine having a chat channel with wider reach would inspire people to have more interesting conversations, it would be all the same stuff you get in map chat, just all lumped in together.


I prefer guild chat for interesting conversations - smaller groups but it's the same people all the time so it's easier to get to know each other and move past the 'small talk with strangers' or 'internet chat room' phase and have actual discussions.

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> @"neoteo.3975" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > It's not so funny. It was called the 'Megaphone' or something, and it was resoundingly disapproved by the playerbase. And, not for the cost.


> Is this true? I thought it was a joke


Such a thing exist(ed) in other games, don't know about GW2, but I all cases it was much more annoying than useful.

If it can be turned off, ok, but still a waste of development capacity in my view.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"neoteo.3975" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > It's not so funny. It was called the 'Megaphone' or something, and it was resoundingly disapproved by the playerbase. And, not for the cost.

> >

> > Is this true? I thought it was a joke


> Such a thing exist(ed) in other games, don't know about GW2, but I all cases it was much more annoying than useful.

> If it can be turned off, ok, but still a waste of development capacity in my view.


Chat room doesn't require that much development time.


I see a big improvement in the chances of someone replying to my questions, I'm also looking for experiment different guilds, if that room end up a guild invite spam, for me that is already big win.


Those who hate spam can turn it off like any other chat channel.

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Sure but let add a few restrictions to prevent Spam.

Must be lv 80 to use global chat.

Must complete personal story to use Global Chat in core maps.

Must complete HoT story for use in HoT maps.

Must complete PoF story for use in PoF maps.

Each message will cost 10gems.

Guild recruitment's will cost 50 gems and can only be posted every 30 mins.


basically it would be a waste of resources as I feel many of the players would have it muted or turned off.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> Sure but let add a few restrictions to prevent Spam.

> Must be lv 80 to use global chat.

> Must complete personal story to use Global Chat in core maps.

> Must complete HoT story for use in HoT maps.

> Must complete PoF story for use in PoF maps.

> Each message will cost 10gems.

> Guild recruitment's will cost 50 gems and can only be posted every 30 mins.


> basically it would be a waste of resources as I feel many of the players would have it muted or turned off.


id have it muted or turned off almost instantly.

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The only time I've seen chat be dead is if I'm playing off-hours (for NA) and on a traditionally quiet map. I could not imagine the chaos that would be chat in a city, meta map, SW map, event map, world boss map, starter map, etc. if a game-wide chat was added.


I want to say one of the reasons why the megaphone was scrapped before release was because they realized how easily that could be abused (don't quote me on that—it was not my main focus in beta). It doesn't matter if you limit people to one response every 10 seconds if you have a couple dozen people actively in it with tens of thousands of people who could jump in if they wanted. A gem restriction doesn't do much in a game where people plot down a thousand or more gold to buy infusions the annoy other players and who sit around in a hub for hours at a time bugging people in chat.


Just look at WvW team chat to get an idea of what would happen. I'd say at least 50% of the time /t is completely unrelated to what's going on and it's a mix of insults, jokes, and guild messages. It also goes a mile a minute. There's a reason why a lot of WvW players turn /t off.


It's not a hard no for me, but I would turn it off and would prefer resources be put into something else. There's already guild, party, and squad chat if you want to talk to a bunch of people anywhere in Tyria, do we really need yet another one that is fully public and so easily abused?

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Yep, I'd turn it off immediately too. I've yet to play an MMO where global chat didn't turn into a wretched hive of scum and villainy :#


Regional/local/whatever channels are all I need to do all the communicating I want - helping out folks with questions, keeping tabs on event chatter, randomly quoting lines from "Bohemian Rhapsody"...

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"neoteo.3975" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > It's not so funny. It was called the 'Megaphone' or something, and it was resoundingly disapproved by the playerbase. And, not for the cost.

> >

> > Is this true? I thought it was a joke


> Such a thing exist(ed) in other games, don't know about GW2, but I all cases it was much more annoying than useful.

> If it can be turned off, ok, but still a waste of development capacity in my view.


yeah, also ppl must dont understimate rich guys enraged, i remember a mmo where a guy bought tons of these item just to chat flame war/bullying ppl the entire day.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"kratan.4619" said:

> > It would be filled with recruitment and all the chat in Lion's Arch. There would not be much useful information coming out of it.

> And that's the problem with world chat. Everyone would turn it off due to the SPAM, so why bother to implement it?


Exactly. There are plenty of chat-happy places in the game already. Keep map chat focused on the stuff in the specific map. No need for a global channel.

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