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Cooking 500 on the table - coming on Aug. 27th


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How will they implement legendary food then? (Should this come some time in the future.) With the ability to switch stats - and same stats height as ascended - this would not be possible for consumable 1 time stuff. Makes no sense when you'd just produce tons of the ascended food you need. But maybe there'll be a universal recipe not too much more expensive. So you could have one stack of 250 that allowed freely to choose. (Then again this would be too much hassle every time when consuming to manually choose a stats buff.)


Making legendary food and making it unlimited (as special thingy - instead of stat change ability the armor and other thigns have) would devalue all other food items. (Not needed anymore then once you get your food.)


I guess ascended will be max tier here. Or legendary even better/higher (and a different philosophy as compared to gear where it has same stats as ascended).


Maybe when they make the veteran mob rush or the normal mob rush or the ambient creatures (with white name) rush ... by that time we will know more and more stuff gets added. :D


Still have no ascended stuff but as my main char took cook as one of the first crafting professions I'm happy and I might level a bit towards 500 every now and then.

I guess all ascended food also will be account bound (but might make exotic food cheaper ... or even more expensive? if resources are more requested cause of ascended and prices for everythign go up).

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it sounds like another loooooooooong winded collection with so so achievement pts for each of the master cook npcs in each home cities with time gated mat crafting (i.e. oven) n hard to drop food mats (u know, like 1/50 chance drops) from killing all or some world bosses, or maybe food mats to find in those annoying jumping puzzles.

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On topic, I doubt I'll get much use out of Ascended cooking especially if the leveling and recipes cost as much as I suspect they will. I'll probably level my crafting to 500 just to do it but I hope they're not just using it as a massive materials sink.


If everything's a feast then it probably _will_ be a massive materials sink.


Also, I don't want _everything_ to be a feast.


Also, are they resetting our discoveries so we can level up cooking through discovery like they did when they updated the other crafting disciplines to 500?

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Anyone who says "power creep" doesn't know how to read. Its likely going to be the same stat values, just an extra banner like buff added. Lets hope it relies on obsidian refinement materials rather than ecto refinement. No one wants to spend 4 gold on a buff item that lasts only an hour. No one wants currently wants to spend on anything that costs more than 30 silver as is.

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> @"korasukage.9315" said:

> This sounds pretty awesome! The only reservation that I have is that, like other other food, it's only a 1 time use item. Does this mean that we, as cooks, have to constantly farm additional items to craft the ascended food or is it more akin to having a timer or CD associated with it.


I'm afraid it won't be a CD solution but the usual mechanic. It might last a little longer, but I prefer using Primers with cheap food than investing expensive materials into "ascended" food. We'll see, though. The article states that the food will have an extra buff, so it might not even have a longer duration to it.


> @"tomaxamot.2683" said:

> it sounds like another loooooooooong winded collection with so so achievement pts for each of the master cook npcs in each home cities with time gated mat crafting (i.e. oven) n hard to drop food mats (u know, like 1/50 chance drops) from killing all or some world bosses, or maybe food mats to find in those annoying jumping puzzles.


Oh, come on. Finally another fun activity of questing and you're complaining. Really?

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Well i'm looking forward to it, seems the community were listened too when they said leveling crafts were boring.

Just hope they don't bow down to any nerfs like the skyscale.

As a crafter this kind of content suits me, well until they finally give me Cantha.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Well i'm looking forward to it, seems the community were listened too when they said leveling crafts were boring.

> Just hope they don't bow down to any nerfs like the skyscale.

> As a crafter this kind of content suits me, well until they finally give me Cantha.


What do cantha have to do with being a crafter?

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Food is just a crutch and no one has ever rage whispered anyone saying they won a fight because of their food or lost a meta because they didn't eat their food either. It most surely will not add any power creep to pvp. Also if it requires tons of bloodstone dust and obsidian shards I have stacks on top of stacks of that crap maybe I'll be able to get rid of most of it if it does.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > As a crafter this kind of content suits me, well until they finally give me Cantha.

> What do cantha have to do with being a crafter?


Dami didn't claim it had anything to do with it. Read the sentence again.


> @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> yeah kill WvW more with more stupid over powered bufffood :-/


Sure, WvW's no.1 problem is "overpowered buff food", not bad profession balancing or the lack of map cycles or ...

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I find it interesting that they are doing a live stream showing the new cooking *before* it's patched into the game. This suggests to me that perhaps all tradeable mats needed for it will be new to the game as well, since they're normally cagey about revealing market-affecting information in advance.


Or maybe they figure it'll be a temporary spike and over time the supply will even out again as will the prices.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:



> > @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > yeah kill WvW more with more stupid over powered bufffood :-/


> Sure, WvW's no.1 problem is "overpowered buff food", not bad profession balancing or the lack of map cycles or ...


bla bla..


i never said its the problem nr1.

but all we NOT need is more power in this game




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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> I wonder what's the point of ascended food.


Does these food give stronger buff? Like instead of giving +100, they give +120 or they have up to +4, +5 attributes?

If not, yah, what's the point?


If yes, well, another excuse reason for ANet to nerf professions more when 'cannot adept' players start to complain about power creeps.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> I find it interesting that they are doing a live stream showing the new cooking *before* it's patched into the game. This suggests to me that perhaps all tradeable mats needed for it will be new to the game as well, since they're normally cagey about revealing market-affecting information in advance.


I've been suspecting this too. Ever since they sold us up to 8 stacks of mat storage, the value of items stores has been systematically reduced due to a new map currency with every map.


Remember when you had to save up to get ascended gear, then the game gave it away for 6 months and finally added marks to mitigate the damage (too late).


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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > I wonder what's the point of ascended food.


> Does these food give stronger buff? Like instead of giving +100, they give +120 or they have up to +4, +5 attributes?

> If not, yah, what's the point?


> If yes, well, another excuse reason for ANet to nerf professions more when 'cannot adept' players start to complain about power creeps.


From what the page said it will be a feast instead of single use so whole squad can use it and it will add other buffs like karma, wvw exp, gold etc.

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> @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > > yeah kill WvW more with more stupid over powered bufffood :-/

> > Sure, WvW's no.1 problem is "overpowered buff food", not bad profession balancing or the lack of map cycles or ...


> bla bla..


> i never said its the problem nr1.

> but all we NOT need is more power in this game


Blah blah yourself. Nowhere does it say that the food would lead to a rapid increase of power. It says that you will get one additional buff:


"Ascended food provides a primary stat, a secondary stat, and a passive or triggered effect. But that’s not all—you’ll also gain bonuses to experience points, karma, magic find, gold find, and World vs. World experience points."

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