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Event saturation

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I've been thinking about this for a while now (since before this event started) and I suspect the problem for some people is there's no way to tell when you're "done". There is no limit to how many champions you can kill or how many bonus boxes you can get and since the contents are random you could keep going for far longer than the event and never get all the good drops.


That's different to things like the Festival of the Four Winds (or any GW2 festival) where relatively few of the rewards are random and there's achievements with defined end points. Of course you can keep playing the festival activities after that, but it still gives a definite end point when you've done everything (or everything you're interested in).


The reason I've been thinking about this for a while is the Elder Scrolls Online forum is frequently full of topics like this or people complaining about feeling overwhelmed and burned out by festivals whereas that never seems to be a problem for GW2 players and I could't understand why, especially knowing there's a fair bit of cross-over in the playerbases for both games. And I think it's because ESO's festivals are _all_ like this. With the exception of the Christmas event which has 5 or 6 unique quests it's always "this type of boss/quest awards double loot" or "XP boost and double drops in this map" - like this champion farm. And like this event there's never a point when you're done, you've got everything you can get from the event and know doing any more will just be repeating what you've already done (especially since the content is all repeating stuff which is always in the game).


Which I suspect leads to a problem where people just keep going because they feel like they have to make the most of it while it's available, and never get 'told' to stop...so they don't and end up burned out and resenting the game.


Unfortunately I suspect the only solution is to either avoid events like that (or add some sort of achievement/prompt to say you've done your bit and can stop if you want) or for players to learn the hard way. I burned myself out farming the Labyrinth the year Mini Gwynefryrdd was released, and then didn't play for 2 weeks and barely did anything the 2 weeks after that because I was so sick of it, and that stopped me going through that again. But that's not a good approach.

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There's no denying that anet has abandoned competitive game modes, if you just look at this image you can see world pops over a 2 week period.




I just find it hilarious that while we starve for any content, pve players complain about too much.


That i know of 11 complete guilds of people have quit the game in the last 3 months for other games due to lack of content.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I've been thinking about this for a while now (since before this event started) and I suspect the problem for some people is there's no way to tell when you're "done". There is no limit to how many champions you can kill or how many bonus boxes you can get and since the contents are random you could keep going for far longer than the event and never get all the good drops.


> That's different to things like the Festival of the Four Winds (or any GW2 festival) where relatively few of the rewards are random and there's achievements with defined end points. Of course you can keep playing the festival activities after that, but it still gives a definite end point when you've done everything (or everything you're interested in).


> The reason I've been thinking about this for a while is the Elder Scrolls Online forum is frequently full of topics like this or people complaining about feeling overwhelmed and burned out by festivals whereas that never seems to be a problem for GW2 players and I could't understand why, especially knowing there's a fair bit of cross-over in the playerbases for both games. And I think it's because ESO's festivals are _all_ like this. With the exception of the Christmas event which has 5 or 6 unique quests it's always "this type of boss/quest awards double loot" or "XP boost and double drops in this map" - like this champion farm. And like this event there's never a point when you're done, you've got everything you can get from the event and know doing any more will just be repeating what you've already done (especially since the content is all repeating stuff which is always in the game).


> Which I suspect leads to a problem where people just keep going because they feel like they have to make the most of it while it's available, and never get 'told' to stop...so they don't and end up burned out and resenting the game.


> Unfortunately I suspect the only solution is to either avoid events like that (or add some sort of achievement/prompt to say you've done your bit and can stop if you want) or for players to learn the hard way. I burned myself out farming the Labyrinth the year Mini Gwynefryrdd was released, and then didn't play for 2 weeks and barely did anything the 2 weeks after that because I was so sick of it, and that stopped me going through that again. But that's not a good approach.


A good point, you could call the comunity goals as "end point" of the event but it is not. If you choose to end the event when the 5th tier is reached a lot of players would complain that it *happened too fast* and they couldn't enjoy because lack of time (just like what happened with the mystic forge donation events, the frist one about donating mithril ingots ended in lesser than 2 days after start iirc and we got a lot of complains in the forums). If you limit the number of chests players can acquire per day they will complain that you "should let them play".


Players will complain no matter what, having moderation in what you play to avoid burnout is something you have to worry about, Anet may develop a content thinking about how players should play but this oftenly will not work (e.g. Istan that was farmed as hell until anet said it shouldn't be played that way and nerfed it hard).

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Part of the purpose of these events seems to be to drive traffic to older content that's required for some collections and achievements. This specific one makes it easier to find a large enough group of people to complete the Justice of the Blade, Conservation of Magic, and Anomalous Occurrences achievements, as well as collection drops from the Orr Temple events. I think the rewards are pretty well balanced to be enough of a draw to serve that purpose while not being so large as to make it possible to fall behind if we choose to do something else instead. It's nice to have the option, but these don't feel obligatory to me, especially since they're easy enough to accidentally participate in over the course of a week to get the community rewards, and it's great for "Oh, I need to do something with the Mighty Oouo for this collection and kill half a dozen champ krait for that one."

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World Boss Rush wasn't bad actually, every 15 mins for the unique weapons we crafted with the materials from those special nodes... this Champion event does bring people together but the rewards are extremly underwhelming - I personally feel more motivated to fight a champion just for the fun of it instead of fighting them for an extra irrelevant reward. I'll just get one mark I guess to get credit for the whole thing and forget about it.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> Usually they want a lot of player activity in times of launching new expansion or a "big thing". When HoT came out it was at the same time as the Haloween event.


launching HoT at Halloween was a huge mistake, many players ignored HoT till the festival was over and Anet didn't like that so they hit the labyrinth with DR.


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