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The large disparity in gold per hour compared to other game modes.


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plus wvw is chill, and this is cool

on wvw there is no requement non stop farm something, like 'click machine', there are possible play in chill mode, and don't be someone who have nervous eye tick after 3 hours farm.

And after success tower/camp and good fight we (me) have time go some snack ant take drink from ice, or go wc, and don't worry that you will be removed from map ..

So this is not can be compared with some hard work instance gold per h farm or etc.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Is spvp doable by afking and participating every 10 mins for one minute? Probably not. Now, dont get me wrong, here. Wvw is my main mode, plenty of hours in this. But rewards have been waaaay worse. At least we have legendary armor. The easiest to craft.

> Edit: to answer your question 'why would anyone play wvw over pve', the answer is : cause they enjoy the mode. You can only clear T4 fractals so many times before getting bored out of your mind.


Using Your logic: if someone prefer pve over wvw, should the gold be taken away from him, becouse he enjoy it?

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Is spvp doable by afking and participating every 10 mins for one minute? Probably not. Now, dont get me wrong, here. Wvw is my main mode, plenty of hours in this. But rewards have been waaaay worse. At least we have legendary armor. The easiest to craft.

> > Edit: to answer your question 'why would anyone play wvw over pve', the answer is : cause they enjoy the mode. You can only clear T4 fractals so many times before getting bored out of your mind.


> Using Your logic: if someone prefer pve over wvw, should the gold be taken away from him, becouse he enjoy it?


I would answer with the logic that gw2 was, is and will be a pve-centric game, both reward wise and content wise. Even there, not all rewards are the same: raids and fractals (instanced, hard content which the majority doesnt play) have most rewards (leggy armor, asc boxes, liquid gold, skins) whereas only a few things like sw yield more gold. Sw is mindnumbingly, utterly boring btw. Dunno if you ever did it. Thats why, personally, I believe that wvw is a bit unique with rewards in the way that I can make leggy armor while playing the mode i like without having to out of my preferred way of playing (pvers have to enter raiding, good luck if u wanna get leggy armor), getting exotic armors with FULLY selectable stats while simply playing the mode, LS3 and ls4 map currencies while simply playing the mode, and those mist-warped pack which have a 5% of ascended materials (personal research). All this while playing what i like, be it blobbing/roaming/havoc. And you can do all this SEMIAFK. Cap a camp, repair something, kill someone once every 10 minutes.

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In every game there is always the preferred way to make gold. This game heavily rewards the PvE side of things and not so much the PvP side of things. We all know that. There are not to many good arguments against it.


I am one of those people that like all the different game modes in this game so its not a giant deal for me. What grinds my gears at times is that when you know that there is a better / more lucrative way to spend your time you start to get pulled more in the direction toward the greater reward. Even if you really like what your doing. I set short term and long term goals for myself and gold almost always helps speed up the process on achieving those goals.


I only have so much time I can play so using my time efficiently always plays a factor in what I decide to do each time I hop on. It would be really nice if there was a way for all game modes to be close to giving the same amount of rewards. I don't have a idea oh how that would look like. I would just like to not have to "feel" like I should be doing something else other than what I am doing at that moment.


I know this is heavily opinion based but I feel like I am not the only people in this boat. My current dilemma is I want to go after the legendary trinket / ring but I don't want to leave WvW. The reward I desire can not be obtained on where I want to spend my time currently so I am torn.

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Talked with a dev about this. One suggestion I had was to make it centered around badges of honor. Badges drop from a few places but the best is by killing other players. Exactly how it should be. This mode is about being the best in a PvP setting on a large scale. It takes effort from everyone. From the roamers and scouts all the way up to the commanders and drivers of guilds. Badges of honor is a solid way for them to balance rewards. You can AFK and get some, but its not enough for anyone to really bother with. They could easily change/balance it too. In typical Anet fashion, just add a vendor in spawn with new rewards. 5 badges = tier 1-6 bag of mats. 10 badges for t7 mats. 15 badges for a champ box with random gear + rare, 20 badges for a few rares, etc. This would be better and easier than worrying about balancing the already in place reward tracks or balancing a new one. Once the server restructure is in place, they could even go as far as adding a giant lootable chest in the middle of T3 structures. Just take the same model from the grub or world bosses and fill it with badges, rare gear, liquid gold, and some random mats. The only way the chest spawns is if the structure was T3 to prevent karma training...not that karma training is rewarding anyways.

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This is an issue to be addressed alongside making Skirmish scoring relevant.


Right now a player earns mostly the same whether they sit in Stonemist repairing walls than if they help take a whole map in 2 hours.


That's what needs to change. Making skirmish scoring relevant, and encouraging players to spread and win the skirmish matches, rather than a more passive or stacking gameplay.


Maybe there should be some sort of local 'supply route' meta-events, for protecting an entire supply route from camps to a tower or keep.


Or some sort of bounty system that sends groups of different sizes to different locations, for some groups to defend, and for other to attack, and all happening at the same time, so people just don't zerg them one by one, to encourage players to split and spread, and sending players to clash with each other.

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Does nobody remember when EotM was released with better rewards than both Queensdale champ farm and regular WvW? When you were actively flamed in map chat for daring to fight or try defending stuff because it disrupted the karma train? Because if you make rewards too "good" in WvW, that's what you'll get. Trust me, it's better the way it is now.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> Does nobody remember when EotM was released with better rewards than both Queensdale champ farm and regular WvW? When you were actively flamed in map chat for daring to fight or try defending stuff because it disrupted the karma train? Because if you make rewards too "good" in WvW, that's what you'll get. Trust me, it's better the way it is now.


I remember getting together 5-6 friends and wiping 30-40 man zergs of uplevels in EotM, it was insanely fun. But yeah, you're right, EotM is much better the way it is now... completely empty.

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> @"Waffler.1257" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > Does nobody remember when EotM was released with better rewards than both Queensdale champ farm and regular WvW? When you were actively flamed in map chat for daring to fight or try defending stuff because it disrupted the karma train? Because if you make rewards too "good" in WvW, that's what you'll get. Trust me, it's better the way it is now.


> I remember getting together 5-6 friends and wiping 30-40 man zergs of uplevels in EotM, it was insanely fun. But yeah, you're right, EotM is much better the way it is now... completely empty.


Reading comprehension fail.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"Waffler.1257" said:

> > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > Does nobody remember when EotM was released with better rewards than both Queensdale champ farm and regular WvW? When you were actively flamed in map chat for daring to fight or try defending stuff because it disrupted the karma train? Because if you make rewards too "good" in WvW, that's what you'll get. Trust me, it's better the way it is now.

> >

> > I remember getting together 5-6 friends and wiping 30-40 man zergs of uplevels in EotM, it was insanely fun. But yeah, you're right, EotM is much better the way it is now... completely empty.


> Reading comprehension fail.


What scares me is.... he may truly want that..


Large groups of people with poorly equipped players running from obj to obj with little to no coordination, just sitting ducks. So that way someone can do a video of wiping three to four times their number, pat themselves on the back like they did a great job, and watch progressively more people leave because of toxic people that kill Zergs taking their fun..

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> Does nobody remember when EotM was released with better rewards than both Queensdale champ farm and regular WvW? When you were actively flamed in map chat for daring to fight or try defending stuff because it disrupted the karma train? Because if you make rewards too "good" in WvW, that's what you'll get. Trust me, it's better the way it is now.


Oh yea, when people actually played it.


I mean there's also the bit about EOTM being a terrible map not being conductive to fights and winning being pointless so the only point of it was to level alts and farm. The problem with Queensdale was because giving max level players incentive to disrupt a level 1 zone is fundamentally a stupid idea and MMO players freaking about nothing, which happens a lot.


> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:


> Large groups of people with poorly equipped players running from obj to obj with little to no coordination, just sitting ducks. So that way someone can do a video of wiping three to four times their number, pat themselves on the back like they did a great job, and watch progressively more people leave because of toxic people that kill Zergs taking their fun..


But that's been happening since the beginning of WvW. People who come in here to grind legendary crap have not cared about being killed as long as they get their final reward. Many romanticize the beginning years of WvW about zergbusting many times their number.... yea, back in 2012 and 2013 when people didn't know how to play or even know what traits are and googling for builds just came up with people just as clueless. And even now I could take "fight montage #67" off Youtube and it's probably about farming some casual guilds or disorganized groups. Sure, it's banal, and mostly to impress the noobs, but this is a game, not some kind of sport.


Truth of the matter is there are a lot of casual guilds/groups that have their fun by busting karma trains/pugs. Because without that, what is there? They just end up on the bottom of the chain and resort to cannibalism. Eventually they become the ones that get farmed, and ded game I guess.

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Out of all the problems wvw has, I don't think rewards is one of them. As I recall, it was much worse back then when reward tracks didn't exist. People were also charged for armor repairs, which pretty much just gobbled their coffers. PPT, of course, is time-gated by the RI on the champs and the chests are still...eh...This is why reward tracks were added, because you literally played wvw at a loss. As others have said, you basically had to farm pve just to break even.


Also, rewards can at times mask deeper problems. spvp has a plethora of rewards but it's STILL a shitfest.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > @"Waffler.1257" said:

> > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > Does nobody remember when EotM was released with better rewards than both Queensdale champ farm and regular WvW? When you were actively flamed in map chat for daring to fight or try defending stuff because it disrupted the karma train? Because if you make rewards too "good" in WvW, that's what you'll get. Trust me, it's better the way it is now.

> > >

> > > I remember getting together 5-6 friends and wiping 30-40 man zergs of uplevels in EotM, it was insanely fun. But yeah, you're right, EotM is much better the way it is now... completely empty.

> >

> > Reading comprehension fail.


> What scares me is.... he may truly want that..


> Large groups of people with poorly equipped players running from obj to obj with little to no coordination, just sitting ducks. So that way someone can do a video of wiping three to four times their number, pat themselves on the back like they did a great job, and watch progressively more people leave because of toxic people that kill Zergs taking their fun..


Ah yes, the classic PvPing in a PvP zone is toxic argument, it never gets old.

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> @"Waffler.1257" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > @"Waffler.1257" said:

> > > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > > Does nobody remember when EotM was released with better rewards than both Queensdale champ farm and regular WvW? When you were actively flamed in map chat for daring to fight or try defending stuff because it disrupted the karma train? Because if you make rewards too "good" in WvW, that's what you'll get. Trust me, it's better the way it is now.

> > > >

> > > > I remember getting together 5-6 friends and wiping 30-40 man zergs of uplevels in EotM, it was insanely fun. But yeah, you're right, EotM is much better the way it is now... completely empty.

> > >

> > > Reading comprehension fail.

> >

> > What scares me is.... he may truly want that..

> >

> > Large groups of people with poorly equipped players running from obj to obj with little to no coordination, just sitting ducks. So that way someone can do a video of wiping three to four times their number, pat themselves on the back like they did a great job, and watch progressively more people leave because of toxic people that kill Zergs taking their fun..


> Ah yes, the classic PvPing in a PvP zone is toxic argument, it never gets old.


Lol. Yes because that was what I said. Heh.


I guess you missed the whole EOTM piece in this thread.


But yeah.. reading comprehension is a great life skill.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Waffler.1257" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > > @"Waffler.1257" said:

> > > > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > > > Does nobody remember when EotM was released with better rewards than both Queensdale champ farm and regular WvW? When you were actively flamed in map chat for daring to fight or try defending stuff because it disrupted the karma train? Because if you make rewards too "good" in WvW, that's what you'll get. Trust me, it's better the way it is now.

> > > > >

> > > > > I remember getting together 5-6 friends and wiping 30-40 man zergs of uplevels in EotM, it was insanely fun. But yeah, you're right, EotM is much better the way it is now... completely empty.

> > > >

> > > > Reading comprehension fail.

> > >

> > > What scares me is.... he may truly want that..

> > >

> > > Large groups of people with poorly equipped players running from obj to obj with little to no coordination, just sitting ducks. So that way someone can do a video of wiping three to four times their number, pat themselves on the back like they did a great job, and watch progressively more people leave because of toxic people that kill Zergs taking their fun..

> >

> > Ah yes, the classic PvPing in a PvP zone is toxic argument, it never gets old.


> Lol. Yes because that was what I said. Heh.

Yep. It was. Heh.



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