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Icebrood Saga NEEDS Quaggans!

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Jormag is the ** biggest ** threat to quaggans, seeing as they live in water. He can easily freeze their villages, and turn the villagers into icebrood. We've seen them take a stand against their enemies before, but this is the dragon that should be within their best interest to cull.


I know the main focus here is Norn and Charr, but we've not seen any serious focus on quaggans since personal story.


The quaggans need this. They need to take revenge on Jormag for all the _Bad Ice_ he's spread across their homes, and for all the quaggans he's turned to icebrood.


Let the quaggans fight!

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Once again, "need" is a little strong, but it does make logical sense to have Icebrood Quaggans as part of Jormag's army. Though the stories seem to focus primarily on the Charr and Norn perspectives (specifically Rytlock's and Braham's), there is no indication the other ice-corrupted races will be ignored. In fact, they very specifically make a point in the trailer to show a dead Claw of Koda and a Kodan iceberg ship under attack, implying they too will play a not-insignificant role.


We'll have to see when fighting them in force who and/or what decides to show up.

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