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[Merged] Feedback about today's Icebrood Saga announcement

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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> I don't even log in for that LW stuff. I only do it if my wife really wants to. And after she quit because of "No love for wvw in a year" it's hard for me to log in at all. And now they make a two day countdown stream on twitch for another living story?


> Come on, really? No, thanks.

> Dear Anet, you have the mmorpg with the potentially best open world realm vs. realm game on this whole mmorpg market and all you do is stuffing resources in 2 hour pve story content which is released every few month instead?

> Sorry, can't help to ask "What's wrong with you?"



Perfect summary

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> @"Mechanix.9315" said:

> But why? You guys never promote any event, your marketing was non-existant for all these years, and suddenly all this HYPE, the 3 days countdown, and etc etc etc


This neatly sums up Anet's no win situation right there:


If they don't drum up publicity they get endless complaints about staying silent and not communicating and not doing any marketing for their stuff and the game with die because they can't get the word out yadda yadda yadda


If they do make a minimum effort with an event such as this where they state what they want to talk about people are immediately jumping on the hype train letting the community's collective hopes and dreams get the better of them and of course in the end everyone is disappointed and complaints about over hype.


Damned if you don't, damned if you do.

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> @"Kallist.5917" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > Why is it an insult to veterans? not a tall. Look at Wow, they began to give older expansions for free so you dont have buy a zillion expacks to get up to par. Should we whining about that too?

> >

> > It's entitlement. Someone is getting something that someone else didn't get so they're upset. Where were all of the "I'm disappointed!" threads when the expansions went on sale? Nowhere.


> I have a Guildie who JUST bought the expansions 2 nights ago. Tell me. Are they Entitled to be upset that Anet gave no hint to this change? Are they entitled to be upset that they just dropped $120 on content that is now set to be free very soon?


They can get their stuff refunded if they send in a ticket.

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Short of offering every player a new car I don't think this crowd can be pleased. Even then they will cry about make and model. I'm excited about the new content and will reserve judgement for when I play it. For a game I play in my spare time that requires minimal cost from me this has been and will continue to be awesome. Keep crying if you want to guys but this game is here to stay for a while (one more "saga" at least) and I'm thrilled.

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Arenanet simply has too many "social PR wnb marketing organizators" and too little actual developer workers producing results. Artist production is great, keep it.


Horrible random marketing.


And 0 online presence, youtube, twitch or memes. Nothing no useful communication to players.

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Other than the results not meeting the hype the announcement followed what ANeT said they would be doing for the foreseeable future. Living World is how they said they would be going instead of expansion.


On the positive side:

1. We got more Living World - which I love. That will include new maps, items, metas, skins.

2. We are finally getting Build Templates. As a Raider and a WvWer this will be one of the best things to come out of the updates.

3. More achievement points - I have to scrounge for every point I can get as someone who has played since GW2 Beta.


On the Negative side:

1. It was hyped as if there would be an expansion or something. Expectations were dashed.

2. WvW didn't get much loving. There was a passing mention of world balancing and such, but WvW players wanted something about Alliances mentioned. But this was not an event about WvW and I knew as such.

3. Too much merchandising talk.

4. The free stuff for HoT veterans was small in comparison to what we paid. Not expecting all my money back, but a glider and a BL skin aren't much compensation.


That's my two cents.

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Disgusting, most of my friends already abandoned game because of no new (really new) stuff in the game. Just more location with meta events to grind and more and more crazyest grindfest achievements (WoW like) to sink our time.

Housing system (kuz we already have working guildhalls)? - Nah!

New classes/elite specs? - Nah, we have enough already!

Mercs/hero system from GW1? - Nah, "there is MMO so cooperate with other people..." bla-bla-bla

New countryes people asked about? - Nah, who care about Cantha when we can play more norns and charrs?

If we can't get housing, can we get atleast new hall of monuments to put there our legendary, mount, minies collection? - Nah, who care about this cosmetic stuff? Oh yes about cosmetic, you can buy more skins for your character, armor, weapon and mounts in the game store!


Do you want truth? TeSO hase a housing system, and you know what? Bethesda making crazy monyes by this housyng system. There is alot of hypocritical people who telling us they're no need housing system, no need for a place to show their trophyes, but same hypocriticans from TESO just fall in love with their ingame houses, decorating it, placing boss'es trophyes from raids and dungeons and buying alot of cash store decorations for it.

But TESO still an awfull game in core stuff, and this is a tragedy what THEY have so mutch good game mechanics, but such an awesome game as GW2 hasn't and making a shift with a content what already exists and doesn't want to evolute, offering us more and more already existing and bothered content in new decorations: more rat pit maps with meta event/achievements grind and some mediocre skins (because all of good skins are closed behinde gem store and gambling chests).

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The biggest issue... it was way overhyped but both anet and inevitably by the community.

There needed to be more communication and clarification that the this will be purely about lw5 or saga or w.e you wanna it.

The way it was announced and hyped led many to believe that anet will talk about the future of other content such as wvw, pvp, pve raids etc. when in reality it was purely about lw5. This is the main problem and frankly it should have been addressed earlier.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> Sorry anet, you can say we expected too much but we were not the ones that said this was so important, gave a month+ notice, had a nearly-hour event scheduled for a theatre, etc.


> Unfortunately this announcement will be judged by what we knew in advance, which was the above.


To be honest they struggled to actually keep the event going as long as it did.. feel bad for those who might of travelled for it.

Sure it's nice we finally get to know where the next LS is heading.. we kind already guessed that a month ago imo.

It's kinda nice we see charr and norn get some lore defining content, but the real issue is where are all those things that have been "coming soon" for like a year now.. build templates, though not playable content will at least give players a new toy to play with for a few hours, alongside a little bit of LS time.. but where is Alliances, where is the meaty expansion type content that LS was going to start including, where is the PvP meat for those in that side of the game, if you blinked and scratched your ears you missed it.

10 man strikes might be something we can look forward to but it does really sound more like instanced 10 man bounties.. heck might as well resurrect dungeons now imo.


But for me the real disappointment was that there just wasn't much to talk about and what was there was so obviously nowhere near ready to begin talking about and as ever.. no idea when anything but the short stopgap time stretcher Prologue will land.


As for the vet pack.. nice touch this time round when considering the backlash that occurred when Hot launched... only downside for some is that the selection of items will likely already be unlocked .. just old gemstore stuff and an old themed glider that few vets will find time to use now we have all the mounts on offer, but at least they have offered something.. ooh and the T-Shirt (i like that personally)


Giving HoT away for free.. I don't think that is anything to complain about, it's a standard practice when content reaches the age old tipping point and it could actually help revitalise some of that content for a whiles at least.


But all in all... just a pretty poorly pushed out overhyped announcement offering little substance and seemingly a lot of disappointment... this could of been a livestream back at HQ or actually just a forum/reddit text vid announcement, the theatre was just way off mark imo, but for those that went, I hope you enjoyed it as best you could.

Oh and who was that MoS... Awful is all I have to say about that.

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> @"Thalimae.3406" said:

> > @"Mechanix.9315" said:

> > But why? You guys never promote any event, your marketing was non-existant for all these years, and suddenly all this HYPE, the 3 days countdown, and etc etc etc


> This neatly sums up Anet's no win situation right there:


> If they don't drum up publicity they get endless complaints about staying silent and not communicating and not doing any marketing for their stuff and the game with die because they can't get the word out yadda yadda yadda


> If they do make a minimum effort with an event such as this where they state what they want to talk about people are immediately jumping on the hype train letting the community's collective hopes and dreams get the better of them and of course in the end everyone is disappointed and complaints about over hype.


> Damned if you don't, damned if you do.


Your really only 'damned if you do' if you do it poorly. They are doing it very poorly right now.


Just think if they had added player housing, can you imagine the number of 'for sale' signs that would be lining the garden plots right now?

Pretty soon they will be adding a pay day loan service in the middle of DR.

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If lw alone carries the game forward and every other bit of content doesnt matter thats cool, if not, please, do speak to us about the other parts of the game (like fractals, raids, wvw and pvp).


Edit: forgot, since this was only about the lw stuff (specifically the story stuff)(ignoring that you mentioned expansion stuff in lw moving forward)


What did all the merch have to do with the icebrood saga?

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Wow, so much negativity.


Well, I'm excited...maybe I'm too casual, I don't know, but I have loads of content to play and often have difficulty keeping up with releases. (despite playimg from the beginning)


I didn't expect anything bigger than LW5.


The hype was clearly to attract new players..and that's a good thing. That is needed too.

Veterans set themselves up for disappointment with this.


I'm really excited about the new "easier raids", whatever they were called. And build saving! And exploring Charr lore, yes please. can't wait.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> If you didn't like the look of what they showed then yes, you should fear for the future because clearly you're not interested in playing it.


> Is this the whole "gamers are entitled" thing again? Because I feel like that's what many of these posts will have me believe. Yes, this **is** enough, this is all they announced because that's all that's on the table. We don't know what will come after this. There CAN be more legendaries, there CAN be new weapons. They can decide to roll that in a different format, like how they released the last raid a few weeks after the episode. If you take off that lense of unrealistic expectations this WAS big. We know the new enemy, we know about the map and the story, what our mastery will be. The fact previous masteries will continue to be relevant... that's huge. People looked at this like it was a 100% guarantee for another expansion, but it wasn't. It was "Living world season 5 announcement", which shouldn't be a surprise to anybody.


Why is it "gamers entitlement".

Everyone who is invested in playing GW2 has the right to put forth their own thoughts and opinions on todays live theatre and yes those opinions might not be the cup of tea you, me or ANET were expecting from it.. but that is not about gamer entitlement.

One of the issues this game has right now, imo, is that we have no idea of where this game is heading and what we can expect longer term to keep us invested.. heck we still have no idea when the game will be getting things announced many, many moons ago.

As for rolling in a different format.. you think releasing a raid a few weeks after a content patch is a new format.. I call that not having the raid ready for the patch and playing catch up quite frankly.

But again.. none of this is about entitlement it's about players wanting a reason to stay invested in the game.. a game that is multi faceted and, which up till now shows very little support outside of LS or gemstore and this event whilst aimed primarily at LS did nothing to give anything to those players seeking clarity on the game.. we don't even have a clue when the ACTUAL LS will commence, only a prologue, which kinda shouts out "we are nowhere near ready so put together something to stretch out the timescales a bit more.. heck Mad King and Wintersday will likely of come and gone again before we see something more concrete.

We kinda knew a month ago who the new enemy was, but it was done to keep players hyped during summer slow downs and todays theatre event was just way over the top for what it actually had to deliver out to us.

Sure some might still think expacs are a thing for GW2.. but many more of us already heeded those words many months back.. expac type content included in LS.. wel, where is it, what is it and please don't tell me 10-man instanced bounties are expac content otherwise bring back dungeons.

But again - this is not about entitlement its about players wanting some genuinely meaty reasons to keep being invested... and for many this simply hasn't delivered and they have every right to voice that as long as it's done within the forum codes of conduct.

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Why have a presentation in a theater, no matter the content they are announcing, if half of the things they are announcing have already been said in blog posts or aren’t even ready yet? It just doesn’t make sense. Lmao It seems the only reason for this was to push merchandise and announce that heart of thorns is included in path of fire.



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If Anet announced stuff that people were actually interested in playing long term such as:


1. Cantha

2. Deep Sea Dragon

3. New elite specs

4. New gamemodes - ques for 2v2 and 3v3 in PvP along with a Battle Royale mode (WvW roaming without the zergs)

5. Player housing (I personally don't care about this, but I hear other people love it)

6. AND a new living world season


The event and the hype Anet built would've grown even bigger and snowballed afterwards. However, if they under-deliver and laser-focus on casual content that PvPers/WvWers/Raiders/FotM players do not enjoy because they are uninterested/feel it is slow-paced and boring... then yes, people will have an issue with being ignored for the umpteenth time. The statistics are also probably skewed with Anet thinking that a large amount of people very much enjoy the Living World story when in reality, the numbers would be different if they didn't continue to lock skins and mounts behind the same content over and over and over and over again.

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And they didn’t even have a q&a probably because they knew people would be asking questions they didn’t want to answer. Still strange though. Spend that money on renting a theater just to push merchandise and talk about story for a few minutes? And the only new feature mentioned being strike missions that just sound like instance bounties. But no talk of the reward or examples of mechanics or anything? And a vague hint at a new mastery with no details? Is anything other than the prologue actually finished? And 4 teams? Haven’t they always had at least three teams? Oh? It’s a saga now? Not a season? Cool, but how is that different?


Idk. This would have been better as a blog post.

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