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Spending Money Is Supporting The Game

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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> I see my guildmates and alot of people are saying they have problem spending too much money on the game. No, there is no such thing spending too much real life money on the game. If you spend your money example buy gems.. You are helping/supporting the game. Your money will be used to update the game, make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins and so many more new content for the game. So dont feel bad whenever you feel like spending real money.


OMG. Skins is the best content! Skin is so important! I want to look pretty and show off mah pixel character and make people jealous! Anet, please give me more skin releases so I can get more achievement points aswell! Its da endgame content!!


P.S. Your comment made me laugh. Better to spend on booze n pizza instead of fake pixels!

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Here I am concerned we won't get Elite specs and that they will discontinue tons of content like they did dungeons. Why would I spend any money when Im worried that the game will continue to be stripped down rather than built up? I couldn't care less about balance anymore, its been proven time and again they can't do it so I want new elite specs to fit the new Saga.


I didn't like any of the specs of PoF so for me it was just "Cool, Guess Ill keep doing what I've been doing." New ways to play is important, otherwise doing content the same way you did all the content is just more one time content? I replay things a lot and I have been trying to give this game the benefit of putting aside my own biases, but so far I really dislike a lot of the class design right now. Id like some new toys, maybe new designs that I could get behind and really sink my teeth into.... But I highly doubt that would happen or ever will happen again.


Until it does my wallet is closed.

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> @"googel.3278" said:

> > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > I see my guildmates and alot of people are saying they have problem spending too much money on the game. No, there is no such thing spending too much real life money on the game. If you spend your money example buy gems.. You are helping/supporting the game. Your money will be used to update the game, make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins and so many more new content for the game. So dont feel bad whenever you feel like spending real money.


> OMG. Skins is the best content! Skin is so important! I want to look pretty and show off mah pixel character and make people jealous! Anet, please give me more skin releases so I can get more achievement points aswell! Its da endgame content!!


> P.S. Your comment made me laugh. Better to spend on booze n pizza instead of fake pixels!


Its aight man whatever you say. Atleast im having fun, you dont have to mock or tell me whats better for me to do in game. I do what i want, if i buy something i like its my money its not yours. I hope i dont hurt you when i spend my money

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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> I see my guildmates and alot of people are saying they have problem spending too much money on the game. No, there is no such thing spending too much real life money on the game. If you spend your money example buy gems.. You are helping/supporting the game. Your money will be used to update the game, make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins and so many more new content for the game. So dont feel bad whenever you feel like spending real money.


Yes, the game needs to stay alive but the point initially was buy it once, get content. Now it's just a skin buying F2P game that has all of the negative aspects of a MT-based F2P title and undermines those who put tons of effort into earning cosmetics. I've put a lot of money into the game but there comes a point where it has to stop on my end. I don't solely play GW2 so I don't feel like dropping cash on gems all the time for skins that totally make in-game content look like utter garbage meanwhile all the half decent looking stuff that can be earned in-game cost an absolute fortune in gold or in time (usually both).


I understand people love this game and I enjoy it very much myself, mainly for the events in the maps (not particularly meta events). So yes, there is such thing as spending too much real life money in the game. People's love for the game doesn't dictate other peoples opinions on how they should or should not spend their money. And also, using money they've gotten from players to make skins (tat) that are sold back to them at ridiculous cost allows them to just keep the cycle ticking over for a narrow band of people, all the while those not willing to put in any money get naff in-game cosmetics. If we're paying for skins and other nonsense for actual content creation, where is it? All I'm seeing is an endless stream of gem store utilities/trinkets and skins. Why isn't some of this adding content for everyone, paying or not? An expansion or a new season shouldn't mean that new weapons and armour skins aren't added elsewhere save for those few select places. There's a serious lack of new armours and weapons in-game considering the amount of time that has elapsed (save for Mist Shard, which I was very surprised to see didn't require Everest levels of grind to unlock). As someone who drops a reasonable amount into the game, I'd be more happy having more content available to everyone, paying or not and not put behind a monumental grind wall. Every single aspect of in-game items has an excessive grind. I'm all for grind, we should all work for our rewards, but why must absolutely every item, every quest, every speck have to follow the same plan? Yes, skins and account upgrades do pay for all this stuff but a ton of effort is wasted on creating more skins, with a huge amount of those being solely Black Lion (fake RNG - skewed %) morally devoid loot boxes.


I've bought quite a few skins, keys, mounts, account upgrades and after I buy some Skyscale skins (because I have zero yet due to the tedious grind of unlocking yet another mount) I'm not buying anything else for at least another year. Why? I've spent a small fortunate already. Now whatever comprises a small fortune for you or anybody else is obviously subjective but I feel like I've already spent enough and in doing so I have to make do with, frankly, poor in-game cosmetic content (with all the decent stuff hidden behind a huge wall), a gazillion bugs that have never been fixed in the core content of the game, slow content updates and the constant nerfing of unidentified bag drops and ecto to prevent farming and encourage people to migrate to newer maps.


People shouldn't feel bad if they are happy to spend money on the game and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but those who say they feel they have a problem spending too much on the game obviously have an underlying worry about doing so and it likely stems from the fact that underneath, they feel uneasy dumping huge amounts of money into the game when it hasn't really changed much over the years. It's a gold sink and a time sink with charm and it's that charm that keeps me playing. That and the awesome xVx guild I joined a few months back.


Final note: I've been thinking for a few years actually about how I feel that the sheer amount of variety, game modes, mechanics and such, has made the game so complicated and time consuming for developers to get ahold on and design new content for that they can't possibly please every person in every aspect of the game, whether that be Open World / PVE, Fractals, Dungeons, PvP or WvW. This makes people angry and people leave.



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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > @"googel.3278" said:

> > > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > > I see my guildmates and alot of people are saying they have problem spending too much money on the game. No, there is no such thing spending too much real life money on the game. If you spend your money example buy gems.. You are helping/supporting the game. Your money will be used to update the game, make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins and so many more new content for the game. So dont feel bad whenever you feel like spending real money.

> >

> > OMG. Skins is the best content! Skin is so important! I want to look pretty and show off mah pixel character and make people jealous! Anet, please give me more skin releases so I can get more achievement points aswell! Its da endgame content!!

> >

> > P.S. Your comment made me laugh. Better to spend on booze n pizza instead of fake pixels!


> Its aight man whatever you say. Atleast im having fun, you dont have to mock or tell me whats better for me to do in game. I do what i want, if i buy something i like its my money its not yours. I hope i dont hurt you when i spend my money


helping a dead game that pushes cosmetics and ignoring other aspects, i think its funny. where can i see you showing off your pixels?


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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> First of all the game isnt dead. Cosmetics are part of the game thats why legendary weapons exist. Ignoring other aspects? No they just announced there will be build templates, lw5 , alliance for wvw, and tournaments for spvp.


We don't even know when episode 1 will be released.

We only know that the prologue will be released on the 17th and it's most likely nothing more than some Charr festival.

We might see some new cosmetics that'll be available that will be up on the Gem Store, maybe a steampunk guitar axe (or mace, possibly hammer) skin.



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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> No they think the current state of the game isnt worth supporting, i dont think its worth supporting and im perfectly fine paying for expansions.


> Im not gonna buy gemstore skins so they can in turn go and make more of them, sell me content and ill buy it.


Just quit the game until Icebrood Saga is done, then buy the whole season in the gem store and binge it. There you go.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > No they think the current state of the game isnt worth supporting, i dont think its worth supporting and im perfectly fine paying for expansions.

> >

> > Im not gonna buy gemstore skins so they can in turn go and make more of them, sell me content and ill buy it.


> Just quit the game until Icebrood Saga is done, then buy the whole season in the gem store and binge it. There you go.


Its free content tho, and besides, why would I pay for smth in a game I would not have touched in over 2 years?

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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> I see my guildmates and alot of people are saying they have problem spending too much money on the game. No, there is no such thing spending too much real life money on the game. If you spend your money example buy gems.. You are helping/supporting the game.

Exactly. If you want to support the way the game is right now (like, for example, Anet not working on Expac, and not communicating with players), then yes, please, do spend money in gemshop. I'm sure Anet will be glad they won't need to make so much content as before to get your money now.



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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > How is that money used to update the game? They barely do anything since HoT, HoT was sold for €60 and yet we only got half of what was promised, PoF looks empty content-wise. Barely anything we ask for gets in the game. They took 7+ years to implement templates... what for? when majority of the people who asked for it don't play anymore... it's a bit too late.

> > the money used to give content, living world, weekly game balance, new maps new elite specs , mounts. I disagree with the people who ''dont play anymore" , they either took a month of two break or playing invisible so they can continue playing while you believing they quit the game

> > > As for what you listed, SKINS ARE NOT content, you don't play a skin, however you'll use it to play the same old content you've been playing for 7 years ... and those skins probably took a day to make and selling it for €20, which..for that €20 you can buy some other game where you can spend hundreds of hours in, in some even thousands of hours...

> > I disagree. Skins are content too. Skins motivate you to play the game and have fun. 99% people make legendary weapons so they can have the skin because not everyone can have that legendary skin. store skins... same thing. people will go out of there way to get skins so they can be different from other people

> > > The fact that you couldn't even list any real content other than "make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins" means you know there's nothing... saying "etc" or "many more" just means you can't think of anything else to say.

> > What can i say i like skins..

> >


> Hah... new elite specs... people are fuming at Anet for NOT giving them specs. You're so out of touch. And also... what is WEEKLY game balance...we're lucky if we get proper balance patch 2-3 times a year.

> Still skins are not content, you just said they "motivate" you to play content. Skins are skins...you don't play a skin.


Skins are not playable content, but they are, by definition of the word, content.

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no more :3

7 Years

- no dungeons rework ( 7 years )

- no sab 2-3 4years?? change color wepons :3

- No 100+ fractal and Fractal Mastery (4 Years ? )

- Always bring new map without content, I'm not interested in event

- I feel sad seeing empty maps no content no old player

- No Underwater

- No WvW reworks

- PvP To much afk for AGS

- I love raids very much but now Lİ bi does not work

- I waited so long add new stats gear, sigil, rune only drops raids, Dungeons, WvW Event...

- moreeee moreeee GL :3

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> @"lordalucard.8096" said:

> no more :3

> 7 Years

> - no dungeons rework ( 7 years )

> - no sab 2-3 4years?? change color wepons :3

> - No 100+ fractal and Fractal Mastery (4 Years ? )

> - Always bring new map without content, I'm not interested in event

> - I feel sad seeing empty maps no content no old player

> - No Underwater

> - No WvW reworks

> - PvP To much afk for AGS

> - I love raids very much but now Lİ bi does not work

> - I waited so long add new stats gear, sigil, rune only drops raids, Dungeons, WvW Event...

> - moreeee moreeee GL :3


What is Li bi?

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"greenblue.7104" said:

> > I'm all for transmutation's being infinite.


> I change my armours skins so rarely (because there barely are any I like) that they practically are close to infinite for me.


I've bought three outfits. One of them I regret. I don't have enough skin's yet.

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c'mon, at least make them earn your money

why buy skins for a game that no longer shows proof of longevity?

I love(d) the game too but the ANET now is not the same ANET from old.

Don't buy in the 'hope' of things getting better. Actually wait for it to get better, 'then' reward them for it with all the hard-earned money you want.


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People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.


Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.


> Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.


I Disagree. Interacting with people in the internet isnt worth my time if i want to support a game. You are wrong but thats your opinion so yeah.

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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > People seem to think the only way they can support Anet is by delving into their pockets. I don't think this is the case; the time you spend interacting with other players is just as valuable as the occasional 10 dollar note. It's difficult, after all, to play fractals, pvp or wvw on your own.

> >

> > Time, after all, is a valuable commodity. Unlike money, we can never get it back.


> I Disagree. Interacting with people in the internet isnt worth my time if i want to support a game. You are wrong but thats your opinion so yeah.


having a playerbase log in and make the game look alive is a valueable meteic to them.

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