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Still no mention of zojja?


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I mean, it's been what? how many years?

We had a party to celebrate that norn woman's death, but we still haven't ever had to time to visit a member of destiny's edge who has been in coma since the end of HoT.

Like, really, what is keeping us?

How can the player character be so busy to never visit a guild member who has done so much to impact the war against the elder dragons?


To be honest, this long time is becoming quite disrespectful, and insulting even.

If we don't get an update on Zojja, ever, are we to assume she's abandonded?



> ![Zojja](https://i.imgur.com/wkd8Pe6.png "")

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> I mean, it's been what? how many years?

> We had a party to celebrate that norn woman's death, but we still haven't ever had to time to visit a member of destiny's edge who has been in coma since the end of HoT.

> Like, really, what is keeping us?

> How can the player character be so busy to never visit a guild member who has done so much to impact the war against the elder dragons?


> To be honest, this long time is becoming quite disrespectful, and insulting even.

> If we don't get an update on Zojja, ever, are we to assume she's abandonded?


She currently resides in your citadel in WvW. That’s why no one hears about her.

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Hot was Sylvari focussed,

PoF was Human focussed

the IS (oh this sounds bad) will be Charr and Norn focussed.

I don't expect Zojja to come back soon. They however said that they wanted to bring her back in living story 4, but because Taimi is Ill there would have been 2 Asura female protaganists that are not in their optimal state..

If Zojja comes back i think it will be in whatever comes after IS.

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> @"Random Wax Orc.7695" said:

> Zojja was gravely injured in HoT. When she returns she may not be the Asura we remember. Just perhaps, she might even be voiced by Wil Wheaton instead of Felicia Day.


All in if she is not available and more so if he does it in a voice that imitates her narration. 'Sorry my vocal cords were injured during the ordeal.' It could work.

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There was a (technical) explanation of her absence in the recent [Q&A with the Narrative Team](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1007220/#Comment_1007220 "Q&A with the Narrative Team") :

>> Are we gonna see Zojja again in the future season? Don't know if it's a matter of Felicia Day's availability, but we haven't heard from her since the beginning of Season 3, and it's really glaring that she wasn't even mentioned in War Eternal, when she deserved to be in the final fight with Kralkatorrik just as much as Caithe, Rytlock and Logan, if not even more so (not to mention missing out on Snaff's ghost)

> **Tom says:**

> We’ve addressed this before, but, to recap: we’d love to be able to bring Zojja back into the story at a moment where it made sense (not sure “War Eternal” was the best place, since we had so many characters in that that we couldn’t even give some of them dialogue, and, anyway, she’s got a pretty serious health issue that would have to be dealt with first). The practical challenge is that we’d have to have the material to record written a lot farther ahead of time than our production cycle currently allows for (we write and record the cinematics an episode ahead of time because of the length of time it takes to make them, but we’d probably have to have to have Zojja’s scenes written at least six months in advance in order to give sufficient flexibility in when they’d get recorded). We’ve discussed it at length and it could happen, but it’s challenging.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

> > This is what happens when you can't attract your voice actors back.


> Which is something i don't care about.

> Get a different voice actor, then. Happens all the time.


> And in this case it can even be explained, trauma can change a person's voice


That doesn't explain Rox. Like its reverse Trauma since shes really getting into the olmakhan life. "I woke up one day and now I sound like someone doing an impression of me".


People don't appreciate how hard it is to back fill actors in an existing role, without it coming off as a total asspull. Its discriminatory as hell, but there is clear merit to a Disney Park hiring practice, where you have to look like the LAST GIRL that played that character you're auditioning for. So you can imagine its hard enough to find someone that remotely resembles a character.... but you also have to be fairly close in appearance to the person you're replacing, so the kids don't immediately realize whats happening. And kids are pretty sharp when it comes to things like this.


Voice acting has a similar problem, but made a thousand times worse by the fact that the pool of talent is small to begin with..... and much of that talent has very distinct signatures that are not easy to replicate. Even up and comers have this line where they are mostly indistinct early in their careers, and eventually does or develop something that all their past and future works are compared to. A hand full are talented enough to reach Chameleon status (the equivalent of what Gary Oldman does in movies), but its insanely rare.


This is much bigger problem then people realize. Both Rox and Glint's voice changes were immediately noticeable, and made worse by the fact that the current actors sound strained trying to be "close enough", while still trying to retain a natural sound. The writers have an easy out with Zojja, since "Golem Vessels" have basically been a thing since the game's launch, and the distortion can mask some of discrepancy. .... But its still hampered heavily by the fact that Felicia Day's voice has a very distinct pitch that bleeds through distortion, the same way Debbi's voice does with Taimi. They'd have to do something convoluted, like time shifted reverb or non-natural speech flow, to cover it up. Option B is a Text to speech approach with a completely different voice actor, but you lose Day's A-class arrogant snark.


Frankly its often better to phase out characters then to replace the actors within a given continuity. And given the general audience's current obsession with Consistency, once the find something they like (or at least don't hate), trying to continue characters by swapping in new actors would have to have vastly superior results to have a real chance of acceptance. In long form stories, like the ones this game is now leaning on, casting is as important as good writing. And given Anet's history of inconsistently fulfilling both in their post launch story arcs, that crap shoot in overall quality has repeatedly been point of contention every release cycle. The Heightened frustration comes from the fact that we know they're capable of real gems in their story telling; but they're painfully scattered among plot holes, pacing issues, editing mistakes, misfires in viewer direction, and the general disconnect between Player and Commander. Case in point.... many people during the Balth fight in the POF finale, didn't realize Kralk was there for most of the battle. On the other hand, Joko's "save the world from you" speech was absolutely pitch perfect by having all the advantages of cut scene; and represents something we all wish would be the trending norm, rather then a one off out of left field.


Doing something just for the sake of filling in, and not giving the attention and care needed to make it good, is arguably worse then letting it sit in limbo for eternity. Modern day audiences, gamers and movie goers alike, have a very delicate relationship with Expectations. And the similarities between the 2 groups reveals mountains of examples that garner both positive and negative responses. Trying to understand what drives these is what creates that conflict between the media's value as art, and the value as product. Taking that for granted, and assuming something better then nothing, is whats lead to many of the decisions that shaped pop culture into the volatile power keg it is today.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

> > > This is what happens when you can't attract your voice actors back.

> >

> > Which is something i don't care about.

> > Get a different voice actor, then. Happens all the time.

> >

> > And in this case it can even be explained, trauma can change a person's voice


> That doesn't explain Rox. Like its reverse Trauma since shes really getting into the olmakhan life. "I woke up one day and now I sound like someone doing an impression of me".


> People don't appreciate how hard it is to back fill actors in an existing role, without it coming off as a total asspull. Its discriminatory as hell, but there is clear merit to a Disney Park hiring practice, where you have to look like the LAST GIRL that played that character you're auditioning for. So you can imagine its hard enough to find someone that remotely resembles a character.... but you also have to be fairly close in appearance to the person you're replacing, so the kids don't immediately realize whats happening. And kids are pretty sharp when it comes to things like this.


> Voice acting has a similar problem, but made a thousand times worse by the fact that the pool of talent is small to begin with..... and much of that talent has very distinct signatures that are not easy to replicate. Even up and comers have this line where they are mostly indistinct early in their careers, and eventually does or develop something that all their past and future works are compared to. A hand full are talented enough to reach Chameleon status (the equivalent of what Gary Oldman does in movies), but its insanely rare.


> This is much bigger problem then people realize. Both Rox and Glint's voice changes were immediately noticeable, and made worse by the fact that the current actors sound strained trying to be "close enough", while still trying to retain a natural sound. The writers have an easy out with Zojja, since "Golem Vessels" have basically been a thing since the game's launch, and the distortion can mask some of discrepancy. .... But its still hampered heavily by the fact that Felicia Day's voice has a very distinct pitch that bleeds through distortion, the same way Debbi's voice does with Taimi. They'd have to do something convoluted, like time shifted reverb or non-natural speech flow, to cover it up. Option B is a Text to speech approach with a completely different voice actor, but you lose Day's A-class arrogant snark.


> Frankly its often better to phase out characters then to replace the actors within a given continuity. And given the general audience's current obsession with Consistency, once the find something they like (or at least don't hate), trying to continue characters by swapping in new actors would have to have vastly superior results to have a real chance of acceptance. In long form stories, like the ones this game is now leaning on, casting is as important as good writing. And given Anet's history of inconsistently fulfilling both in their post launch story arcs, that kitten shoot in overall quality has repeatedly been point of contention every release cycle. The Heightened frustration comes from the fact that we know they're capable of real gems in their story telling; but they're painfully scattered among plot holes, pacing issues, editing mistakes, misfires in viewer direction, and the general disconnect between Player and Commander. Case in point.... many people during the Balth fight in the POF finale, didn't realize Kralk was there for most of the battle. On the other hand, Joko's "save the world from you" speech was absolutely pitch perfect by having all the advantages of cut scene; and represents something we all wish would be the trending norm, rather then a one off out of left field.


> Doing something just for the sake of filling in, and not giving the attention and care needed to make it good, is arguably worse then letting it sit in limbo for eternity. Modern day audiences, gamers and movie goers alike, have a very delicate relationship with Expectations. And the similarities between the 2 groups reveals mountains of examples that garner both positive and negative responses. Trying to understand what drives these is what creates that conflict between the media's value as art, and the value as product. Taking that for granted, and assuming something better then nothing, is whats lead to many of the decisions that shaped pop culture into the volatile power keg it is today.


I get what you mean, and i agree _in those instances_ because their voices changed unwarranted.

But as i said, with Zojja there's a lorefriendly explanation. Thusly, a lot of people would be.. or should be.. okay with it. It's not ideal, but as you said, ideal is a luxury good with voice actors

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But if they want us to be invested in the story and so the characters just dropping one and doing no follow on sucks. I am sure shes not been the only one that just dropped out of the story after having them along in our guild or been in trailers tugging at our emotions to follow the story than suddenly gone. There is ingame mail, other characters talking about them, external of game stories could be used. Other ways not being tied to the actor to tell us whats going on. Why should I care about the people in the next story going on when they might be dropped a few eps along without follow on?

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Eh, they've changed the player voice for Male and Female Charr. I was saddened but I got over it. They changed the voice of Rox, I got over it. etc etc.

Should be no real reason to get a new voice actor for Zojja. (Unless there is some contract locked between the current, unavailable voice actor.) You could easily blame injury on Zojja for voice change.

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Not sure I will ever get over the fact that Zojja didn’t get to help take down Kralkatorrik.


They even brought Eir and *Snaff* back from the void, and *they* for some reason weren’t important enough to be included in the final battle against Kralk.


That was their moment for a satisfying reunion and redemptive moment. Even if Zojja showed up hooked up to a breathalyzer to watch the bastard get blown up, I would’ve been happy. Give her a chance to see her mentor.


But no. We’ll never get that resolution. And if she shows up again someday, which I doubt at this point, it won’t be quite the same.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> Not sure I will ever get over the fact that Zojja didn’t get to help take down Kralkatorrik.


> They even brought Eir and *Snaff* back from the void, and *they* for some reason weren’t important enough to be included in the final battle against Kralk.


> That was their moment for a satisfying reunion and redemptive moment. Even if Zojja showed up hooked up to a breathalyzer to watch the kitten get blown up, I would’ve been happy. Give her a chance to see her mentor.


> But no. We’ll never get that resolution. And if she shows up again someday, which I doubt at this point, it won’t be quite the same.


Yea, no one needed to see Eir again.

But what was with Snaff's choice of words?

_Taimi: Mister Snaff, sir? Um, can I pick your brain about concave versus convex reflectors in surveyor-golem visual sensors?

Snaff: You're quite precocious, aren't you? What did you say your name was?

Taimi: Taimi. Sir.

Snaff: Ah! Zojja's apprentice. That explains it.

Taimi: Uh...explains what?

Snaff: Oh, I've heard great things.

Taimi: Eeeh!_

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