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PvP population


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I left the game 1 year ago. I was playing only PvP for 2 years. But I left, because very low PvP population (it happened fairly often that I played with the same ppl...), which was main reason, why I decided to take a break.

How is PvP population now? It it somehow better? Would you recommend returning back to the game only for PvP? I am totally not interested in PvE.



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> @"Happy Yes.1453" said:

> A year ago was heaven compared to the current situation.


wow. Is that seriously so bad? I dont understand that... I ve played a lot mmorpgs and gw2 has one of the best PvP.... its really pitty that pvp population is so declining... or is it the whole population of gw2 declining or only pvp population?

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Look at pve maps, even more empty.


I have never went to a pvp lobby that was empty, and if i did, it asked me to volunteer to a full one.


If that happens in pve...still empty.


pve is a bunch of people afk in the city and half of them are in these forums.


pvp is like an all night diner, it has it's slow moments but's it always cooking.


AND, that's the case even though they only serve one item


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I just did some ranked games 12-1.30AM CET, every game is me vs same guy that is 1600+ rating as well and then rest of the team gold or even silver. People who have mastered this game are put together with people that stand still on the node and click their skills.

Matchmaking is like this now: oh ur rating is pretty good, lets compensate that by putting a bronze reaper into ur team and roll you into a clownfiesta

it has become tilt wars

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> It didn't improve, let's put it like that.


didn't improve? a year ago there were a ton of streamers and hundreds of viewers every day, now there are no mATs anymore, hell population is so low there isn't even 1 player in legendary tier on the leaderboard. An expansion should have come out by now, but there is nothing, they have destroyed their own game

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Yes it's worse, if you your in Gold 3 and up, trying to place for titles. Buuuutttt.... If you let your mmr slide to Gold 1/ Silver 3. Matches feel super casual, and winnable even with lame/blindfolded builds.


Basically if you even attempt a top 250 status, you will need to hard carry, because you will get low gold and silver players every time.


Also there are a shit ton of bots in Silver 3 / Gold 2 and lower. From what I've seen there win/loss ratio is at 50%, and never climb into Gold 2. So if you play at a skill level Gold 2 or higher, they are easy targets.


So Yes if your super casual about it. No if your looking for a bad time trying to be a top player.

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> @"Arafel.6895" said:


> > @"Happy Yes.1453" said:

> > A year ago was heaven compared to the current situation.


> wow. Is that seriously so bad? I dont understand that... I ve played a lot mmorpgs and gw2 has one of the best PvP.... its really pitty that pvp population is so declining... or is it the whole population of gw2 declining or only pvp population?


It is bc Bnet dont give a kiti on this gamemode

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> @"Arafel.6895" said:


> > @"Happy Yes.1453" said:

> > A year ago was heaven compared to the current situation.


> wow. Is that seriously so bad? I dont understand that... I ve played a lot mmorpgs and gw2 has one of the best PvP.... its really pitty that pvp population is so declining... or is it the whole population of gw2 declining or only pvp population?


Simply put: Anet doesn't give a shit. Like.. really.. You can't imagine anyone bothering less about anything than Anet caring about sPvP and WvW. That's it.

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> @"Happy Yes.1453" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > It didn't improve, let's put it like that.


> didn't improve? a year ago there were a ton of streamers and hundreds of viewers every day, now there are no mATs anymore, hell population is so low there isn't even 1 player in legendary tier on the leaderboard. An expansion should have come out by now, but there is nothing, they have destroyed their own game


It was obviously understatement.

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In high elo you have to get accustomed to facing other duos so make sure to pick a good duo q partner. Low Elo is usually pretty bad skill, but if ur good possibly you won’t see a lot. Make sure not to spam ranked cuz it’s ez rn to have 10 match win streak followed by 10 losses or just high amount of elo per loss in high tiers.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Arafel.6895" said:

> Greetings,

> I left the game 1 year ago. I was playing only PvP for 2 years. But I left, because very low PvP population (it happened fairly often that I played with the same ppl...), which was main reason, why I decided to take a break.

> How is PvP population now? It it somehow better? Would you recommend returning back to the game only for PvP? I am totally not interested in PvE.


> Thanks!


Guild wars has had its ups and downs in population since the start, but it's not dead, alot of people still play every single day and it's still in the top 10 mmorpg, yes some maps you go into are pretty dead but think about how widespread the players are, how many are in different instances of that map your in, how many people are in raids or dungeons and WvW servers, all the players in pvp matches. From a glance the population may seem low but it's really not, I've been playing since day one on two separate accounts and I've never had a problem finding people do play with in all aspects of the game. People who complain about the games population are also the ones who play casually and not frequently. The games population may have decreased since the 8 mil peak at launch but its still extremely active and rolling out content more frequently than other mmorpg. Unless you can provide actual facts that the game is in deed dieing with proper proof, don't say it and keep your mouth shut.

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> @"Happy Yes.1453" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > It didn't improve, let's put it like that.


> didn't improve? a year ago there were a ton of streamers and hundreds of viewers every day, now there are no mATs anymore, hell population is so low there isn't even 1 player in legendary tier on the leaderboard. An expansion should have come out by now, but there is nothing, they have destroyed their own game


Think about it like this? When does Arenanet ever promote the game mode? When is the last time you were watching YouTube and you saw an ad saying something like "PROVE YOURSELF! DOMINANTE THE COMPETITION! THE BATTLE BEGINS TONIGHT! SEASON 19 PLAY FOR FREE!"


I mean heck think about how long it takes a normal player picking up the game to actually find out there IS a PvP game mode they might enjoy, with leaderboards and tournaments and in game rewards they might want? Probably like 100 hours past level 80 when they're getting really into fashion wars.


How long do you think it takes that player to learn PvP basics like how stunbreaks, stability, and condition cleanses are actually a must unlike PvE? What about conquest mechanics like there is no point to double calling a node? Seriously how long does it take without a decent conquest tutoring?


With World of Warcraft, especially WoW Classic, if you join a PvP server odds are you will either gank or get ganked at around level 20 when you push into contested territory. You spend the rest of your leveling experience always aware that PvP can happen whether you are ready or not. And it makes you want to get back when you do see enemy players. And that leads you to battlegrounds and the ladder to Grand Marshall and High Warlord.


PvP gets absolutely no promotion, and the game segregating the three main modes SO COMPLETELY means players aren't organically lead into PvP from PvE.


So yeah, the population is in steady decline.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Look at pve maps, even more empty.

Its kind of funny...


I was going to Dragons Stand last weekend to check if I could buy a collectible and what do you know - like 50+ people in every lane, meta halfway to the door. Just on random, no idea the meta was going. Finished that easy. First time I've been in like half a year.


Then, i decided to jump into sPvP for the first time since 2018/10 (yes I had to check my history lol). Did two placement matches, same 1.5-2m queues its always been. First match we won about 500/300 and second round we won like 500/490 just because I sacrificed myself to keep a cap contested at 90% cap while a DH tried to take it, literally only 1 tick away from loss of the match (with that cap they would have ticked faster than us when they where still leading just below 500).


So same same to me. Maybe some day I'll finish ranking matches lol.

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I'm a PvPer. I'm an average PvPer.


I queue ranked solo with people trying to feed their leaderboard fantasies. Their narcissistic, egotistical fantasies.


Was gonna try to get better ranking, you know with determination and uh PMA.


After a hundred or two throws and hard carries, you know I decided you know I, I had enough.


Then, I get into PvE.


The PUGs take up a lot of um time, so I just decided to go um, you know full master and change my whole entire gameplan into dungeons. Um, dungeon master, you know with full dungeon runs every day, and uh yep it's going really well.

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