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Charr Players: How does your character feel about the alliance with Flame Legion?


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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I doubt it's possible lore wise.

We have the possibility of a Khan-Ur being named, and the possibility of Crecia being one of Flame's descendants (one doesn't just state she has Flame Legion heritage without that leading to something). Have said Khan-Ur decree that only females can be Flame Legion Imperators. That makes Crecia a Flame Imperator, gives the females all the power in the Legion, and basically makes it so men can never rule Flame Legion ever again, unless a Khan-Ur decrees it. It forces them to either go against a decree from the Khan-Ur, which is the biggest taboo a Charr can do, or begrudgingly accept it and the old mindset slowly fades into obscurity.

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There was only one Flame Legion charr that wasn't killed by Kelorth: his father, who was a Flame Legion shaman. Any other Flame Legion scum must die in flames (irony). The Predator is a perfect weapon for this job.

Flame Legion traitors don't deserve any fight. They don't even deserve to know who killed them. All they deserve is _Death Judgement._


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I'm afraid my Blood Legion reaper wasn't much help with this question. His name is Lovecraft Thrall, and for the last two weeks he's been walking around the Black Citadel saying "Bangar? I don't even know her!" and cackling. I suspect all that messing about with dragon magic might have stirred his brains a bit. :)

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I imagine my Ash Legion thief won't have much of a problem. Some of his best friends are mages anyway and he gets along quite well with his father, the former flame shaman. :) As long as they are not causing any obvious trouble and if maybe a useful alliance is in sight, he should be alright with the Flame Legion.


My Blood Legion charr on the other hand... Huh. She's far less tolerant. But maybe all those years fighting elder dragons and a god far away from home put things with the legions conflict a bit into perspective.


(And yes, I know they most likely won't get any dialog choice. Anyway, speculating a bit is fun.)

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> @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> We teamed up with humans... how is this any worse?


This is actually a fairly salient point. At the time, a truce with the Flame Legion was being considered, but Smodur chose to make a truce with humans in part because of the Claw, but probably more because 1) forming a truce with humans opened more doors when it came to the rest of the world, and 2) he considered humans to be at least less untrustworthy.


It's also worth noting that there haven't been any Flame Legion-related problems that I can think of since Scarlet got slapped down. If there was ever an opportunity to bring back the Molten Alliance this is probably it, but it would make sense that after Baelfire and his closest lieutenants got smacked around that someone more moderate might have finally come out on top.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> > We teamed up with humans... how is this any worse?


> This is actually a fairly salient point. At the time, a truce with the Flame Legion was being considered, but Smodur chose to make a truce with humans in part because of the Claw, but probably more because 1) forming a truce with humans opened more doors when it came to the rest of the world, and 2) he considered humans to be at least less untrustworthy.


> It's also worth noting that there haven't been any Flame Legion-related problems that I can think of since Scarlet got slapped down. If there was ever an opportunity to bring back the Molten Alliance this is probably it, but it would make sense that after Baelfire and his closest lieutenants got smacked around that someone more moderate might have finally come out on top.


> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> > We teamed up with humans... how is this any worse?


> This is actually a fairly salient point. At the time, a truce with the Flame Legion was being considered, but Smodur chose to make a truce with humans in part because of the Claw, but probably more because 1) forming a truce with humans opened more doors when it came to the rest of the world, and 2) he considered humans to be at least less untrustworthy.


> It's also worth noting that there haven't been any Flame Legion-related problems that I can think of since Scarlet got slapped down. If there was ever an opportunity to bring back the Molten Alliance this is probably it, but it would make sense that after Baelfire and his closest lieutenants got smacked around that someone more moderate might have finally come out on top.


At the world summit, Smodur brings up flame legion as a point of concern. He was concerned that moving too many troops would present a weakness, one that flame legion would exploit in an attack.


We didn't see any problems, but flame legion has been poking at defenses and rebuilding it's strength.

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Not even going in to that we'll be going from kill-on-sight to ally-on-sight in a pretty short period of time...


My lady cat is a LADY. And they don't exactly have a good relationship with Flame - see being used to pop out cubs, being a maid, getting sacrificed on an altar for complaining, drugged into a feral state, and...pretty much every single interaction ever.


Not even going into the Molten Alliance. There's not even a small guarantee that Flame doesn't want to return to their original position of controlling all of the Legions and letting sexism reign.

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> @"Curennos.9307" said: drugged into a feral state,>


Honestly, that lady was one of the first I thought about when I heard about the whole 'meet with Flame' thing. She and others who experienced similar will probably not be okay with it AT ALL. I could see some going Renegade over an alliance with Flame, the way they did over an alliance with humans.




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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> Terrible.


> Not even going in to that we'll be going from kill-on-sight to ally-on-sight in a pretty short period of time...


> My lady cat is a LADY. And they don't exactly have a good relationship with Flame - see being used to pop out cubs, being a maid, getting sacrificed on an altar for complaining, drugged into a feral state, and...pretty much every single interaction ever.


> Not even going into the Molten Alliance. There's not even a small guarantee that Flame doesn't want to return to their original position of controlling all of the Legions and letting sexism reign.


To be fair, we've had little recent news from Ascalon during path of fire, or even later heart of thorns/season 3.


And the Molten alliance was outcast from flame legion and the dredge. IIRC, both groups hated anybody who joined that faction.

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> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> > > We teamed up with humans... how is this any worse?

> >

> > This is actually a fairly salient point. At the time, a truce with the Flame Legion was being considered, but Smodur chose to make a truce with humans in part because of the Claw, but probably more because 1) forming a truce with humans opened more doors when it came to the rest of the world, and 2) he considered humans to be at least less untrustworthy.

> >

> > It's also worth noting that there haven't been any Flame Legion-related problems that I can think of since Scarlet got slapped down. If there was ever an opportunity to bring back the Molten Alliance this is probably it, but it would make sense that after Baelfire and his closest lieutenants got smacked around that someone more moderate might have finally come out on top.


> > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> > > We teamed up with humans... how is this any worse?

> >

> > This is actually a fairly salient point. At the time, a truce with the Flame Legion was being considered, but Smodur chose to make a truce with humans in part because of the Claw, but probably more because 1) forming a truce with humans opened more doors when it came to the rest of the world, and 2) he considered humans to be at least less untrustworthy.

> >

> > It's also worth noting that there haven't been any Flame Legion-related problems that I can think of since Scarlet got slapped down. If there was ever an opportunity to bring back the Molten Alliance this is probably it, but it would make sense that after Baelfire and his closest lieutenants got smacked around that someone more moderate might have finally come out on top.


> At the world summit, Smodur brings up flame legion as a point of concern. He was concerned that moving too many troops would present a weakness, one that flame legion would exploit in an attack.


> We didn't see any problems, but flame legion has been poking at defenses and rebuilding it's strength.


he was also the only one offering help to the poor sylvari. Seems the guy has a soft spot somewhere and some inbuilt decency.

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I have... a LOT of charr characters, and most of them would have different reactions. But here's a few:


Nemesis Brassclaw: "I betrayed them, stole a HUGE treasure trove out from under their noses, and left. I bought myself some forgiveness with everyone else, but if everyone else makes good with Flame, does that mean I'm in even bigger trouble?"


Loupica Moonmoon: "I don't care if they declare peace or not. I see my Ex in their ranks, I'm killing him. By preference, slowly, but I'll settle for fast if I have to."


Polybius Mindbreak: "Well, of course some of them want peace! Tyria just got a shiny, new, crystalline dragon god! They want to make friends with it. At least one faction does, expect other factions to cause problems."


Heylel the Mute: _*She holds up her leather gauntlets, which she personally made from a lava shaman she killed with her bare hands. She makes a slashing motion across her throat, and grins.*_


Baron Blastcrater: "Speaking as a historian, this was going to happen eventually. Speaking as someone with a brain, I don't trust it at all. They see something to gain from this, this isn't being done because they regret their past choices. Give them a chance, but expect betrayal. ...on both sides."

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> I have... a LOT of charr characters, and most of them would have different reactions. But here's a few:


> Nemesis Brassclaw: "I betrayed them, stole a HUGE treasure trove out from under their noses, and left. I bought myself some forgiveness with everyone else, but if everyone else makes good with Flame, does that mean I'm in even bigger trouble?"


> Loupica Moonmoon: "I don't care if they declare peace or not. I see my Ex in their ranks, I'm killing him. By preference, slowly, but I'll settle for fast if I have to."


> Polybius Mindbreak: "Well, of course some of them want peace! Tyria just got a shiny, new, crystalline dragon god! They want to make friends with it. At least one faction does, expect other factions to cause problems."


> Heylel the Mute: _*She holds up her leather gauntlets, which she personally made from a lava shaman she killed with her bare hands. She makes a slashing motion across her throat, and grins.*_


> Baron Blastcrater: "Speaking as a historian, this was going to happen eventually. Speaking as someone with a brain, I don't trust it at all. They see something to gain from this, this isn't being done because they regret their past choices. Give them a chance, but expect betrayal. ...on both sides."


I can relate... I have 15 charr, and posting all of their reactions would be ridiculous. I can summarize that about 1/2 of them are in one warband, and the Legionnaire, Nyoka Gorefell, won't tolerate anyone picking fights or threatening Flame Legion at the Meet. Nyoka would most definitely kill her soldiers for disobeying orders, and they're aware of it, so Gore Warband will be well-behaved, regardless of the soldiers' personal feelings.


I even created a Flame Shaman character in anticipation of the Meet. Fume Cinderveil is the son of a zealot, but unlike his father, his views are fairly reasonable. Fume survived the civil war and infighting in Flame Legion since Gaheron's death, and all he wants is to save his Legion. He realizes that if the other Shamans can't get over their idiotic entitlement and accept that Flame needs a truce with the other Legions, then Flame will be destroyed. He is very religious, but he views Flame Legion as having failed its duty to the Flame. However, although he is pro-truce and seeking reform for Flame Legion, he has a lot of disdain for the other three Legions and does not hide it.


Your character Heylel the Mute sounds awesome, btw.



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> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > Terrible.

> >

> > Not even going in to that we'll be going from kill-on-sight to ally-on-sight in a pretty short period of time...

> >

> > My lady cat is a LADY. And they don't exactly have a good relationship with Flame - see being used to pop out cubs, being a maid, getting sacrificed on an altar for complaining, drugged into a feral state, and...pretty much every single interaction ever.

> >

> > Not even going into the Molten Alliance. There's not even a small guarantee that Flame doesn't want to return to their original position of controlling all of the Legions and letting sexism reign.


> To be fair, we've had little recent news from Ascalon during path of fire, or even later heart of thorns/season 3.


> And the Molten alliance was outcast from flame legion and the dredge. IIRC, both groups hated anybody who joined that faction.


It would be cool to get some updates there. If nothing else, I'm dying to know how the Charr are gonna deal with the ghosts. They've been there since...ever. Huh, maybe that's partially why they're bringing the Flame Legion back - for the magic to do that xD

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > > Terrible.

> > >

> > > Not even going in to that we'll be going from kill-on-sight to ally-on-sight in a pretty short period of time...

> > >

> > > My lady cat is a LADY. And they don't exactly have a good relationship with Flame - see being used to pop out cubs, being a maid, getting sacrificed on an altar for complaining, drugged into a feral state, and...pretty much every single interaction ever.

> > >

> > > Not even going into the Molten Alliance. There's not even a small guarantee that Flame doesn't want to return to their original position of controlling all of the Legions and letting sexism reign.

> >

> > To be fair, we've had little recent news from Ascalon during path of fire, or even later heart of thorns/season 3.

> >

> > And the Molten alliance was outcast from flame legion and the dredge. IIRC, both groups hated anybody who joined that faction.


> It would be cool to get some updates there. If nothing else, I'm dying to know how the Charr are gonna deal with the ghosts. They've been there since...ever. Huh, maybe that's partially why they're bringing the Flame Legion back - for the magic to do that xD


Well, technically Rytlock does known the anti-foefire spell. It's just the last time it got used it was only in a small area, and it took his sword :P.


On the subject of OP. My two (atm) charr?


The Iron Legion engineer would love the chance to have another enemy taken off the list, allowing greater focus on the remaining foes and/or more of a chance to build agriculture and industry up over focusing on building cannons. She loves the peace with humans, and isn't against the idea of the flame legion rejoining the other three, so long as they behave and don't try to take over again.


My lionguard? Doesn't care at all. He's born and raised in LA and hasn't even stepped within Ascalon.

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>! Well, "Asynda the Harlot," my ex Flame slave, just reunited with the Flame Legion and became "Asynda Cinderlight," female Flame soldier. Also, I never expected the new imperator of Flame Legion to be sweet and kindly, much less a devoted father. He makes himself impossible to hate--the man is adorable.


Seriously, this LS chapter is amazing!

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> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> Well, technically Rytlock does known the anti-foefire spell. It's just the last time it got used it was only in a small area, and it took his sword :P.


Did the spell take his sword, or did it just create an opportunity for a certain someone to summon his sword to the Mists, believing its owner would follow?


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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > Well, technically Rytlock does known the anti-foefire spell. It's just the last time it got used it was only in a small area, and it took his sword :P.


> Did the spell take his sword, or did it just create an opportunity for a certain someone to summon his sword to the Mists, believing its owner would follow?



We don't really know, to be honest. I'm doubtful Balthazar had a direct influence in getting Rytlock over, but the sword originally belonged to The god of fire and maybe it just went homing missile.

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It's an interesting question - my charr is Iron Legion Vigil so have been on the frontlines of the ghost situation and dealing with the humans AND dealing with the Flame Legion. Given all characters are seriously into uniting the races, and the Vigil specifically defend the charr/human peace talks, the charr finding an identity beyond their old enemies is something to be worked too.


Notably with the human peace treaty and adventurers from other races coming in, the Flame Legion has been seriously knocked backwards as a fighting force as one example of what even was accomplished pre-Pact.


Also with # Elder Dragons - Aurene > 0 means much bigger problems to deal with. If the Flame Legion can be reformed as 'the magic Legion' instead of a desperate hunt for something bigger than themselves to believe in, that's a huge benefit to charr and the other Legions, and frees up more forces for the Pact.


Also - commander isn't worried TOO much about the charr having to find an identity that isn't fighting at all, that simply doesn't seem to be a possibility on Tyria.

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This is a good opportunity for me to remake my GW2 D&D character... in game. Faust Everburn, a guardian (paladin) that disapproved of the way Flame was being run, and opted to stay out of the spotlight after Gaheron was (thankfully) killed. Now with this truce coming to fruition, he's stepping back in to start securing his future to make sure his Legion does it _right_ this time.


As for my actual, current in-game characters...


Katra Wavestrike, an elementalist that attempts to specialize in water despite her natural inclination to fire, daughter of an escaped female and a flame legion shaman, finds their sudden involvement suspicious... but she's also hopeful, and willing to work with them because she is interested in her heritage, despite everything else. Thinking about remaking her and name-changing her to reflect this, if she chooses to immerse herself in her birth culture.


Valicca the Dreamweaver, an olmakhan (in the making, going to be name changing my ranger at some point) lifebender is wary at best and distrustful at worst. Her people left the High Legions for a very good reason, and she decided to join the Pact after the Commander saved their home, so she wants to give them the benefit of the doubt... but you won't see her openly helping them. Ever.


Karvax Hollowhaunt is a gladium who runs with a bunch of other misfits that he's adopted, but he is former Blood Legion and is suspicious of the idea. However, if he can make nice with the humans in his new "warband", coming to value and respect them, then he should give the Flame Legion the benefit of the doubt and the chance to repent. Right?

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I like it. Love the More race cultural aproach instead of a globalistic everyone is friends with everyone. More realistic. Its so many years later. Just like in RL world, things change, and things go back to what it was before. Like modern times, in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's there was change and progression, people learned from mistakes in earlier times. But after enough time, that is forgotten. Now its back to the old mistakes. The old black and white thinking, nothing in between. Two sides against each other, not backing one inch. Some call this time progressive, but in reality its regressive. I know because i grew up in the 80's and 90's, which moved forward, and people would listen to other opinions, and respect that, and look how it is now. The Charr remind me humans who first learn from their mistakes, but forget that over the generations, and fall back in the old mistakes, again and again.

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