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GW3 and GWAMM title


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Lets assume for a moment that gw3 will be a thing in the future.

Almost everyone will move to gw3, turning gw2 into a ghost town.

Now lets assume gw3 will have a title similar to God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals, that require you to have X titles from gw2 and Y Achievement Points.


Do you think it will be possible for players that never played gw2 to get such title? Considering gw2 is heavly relied on group content and unlike gw1, doesnt have henchman.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I wonder, since I don't really play any other MMO: are there as many "World of Warcraft 2" and "ESO2" threads on the respective forums as there are GW3 threads on here? It's pretty annoying, I must say. It's like people are deliberately _trying_ to hammer into other people's heads that this game had no future.


There is and not just for MMOs. The Overwatch forums were hideous with it too. Just as there are posts of 'OMG *game killer* for any new game that dares to exist in the genre. A lot of people can't seem to wrap their heads around the saying 'if it isn't broken, don't fix it.' Therefor that's why WoW has been around for 10+ years and GW2 is nearing that as well with this being year 7.


Frankly, most the time I see these posts, I think the person has a fad mentality unfortunately when it comes with games where they consider something that is 'old' not good unless it boasts WoW 'numbers' (which even then aren't what they used to be and are theorized to be around 5-6 million right now, though they stopped posting numbers back during Warlords where there was quite the exodus of players, myself included while GW2 has been theorized to be around 3 million right now and remaining steady) and not realize that basing things on player numbers is a skewed idea in determining if a game is dying or if the game is slated for a sequel.


There's also the fact that GW2 sort of breaks the mold that there isn't a real gear progression system. What you have is usable for most everything cept for maybe raids, and higher tier fractals and prolly some pvp modes (not too sure on the last as I don't pvp). There is no correspondent urge on getting better gear for the average player to do something as simple as a dungeon, fractal or world boss where as there is a gear check in WoW to be able to do heroic dungeons, etc (it's actually built into the lfd system itself, nothing like being 1 number off and having to hunt to get above the gear check to even queue) that a lot of people are used to. So in essence, people who are used to that look at GW2 and just 'assume' nothing is being updated whereas there is updates however they are under the hood updates or tweaking going on with professions and whatnot. That's my take on it at least.

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The vast majority of gw2 content is designed for solo play. Some of the small portion that is designed as group content can be soloed. Some of the small portion that is designed as group content requires no actual coordinated group play and is more like multiple people soloing in the same general vicinity than actual group play.

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@"Ashantara.8731" @"miraude.2107"

You misunderstood me.

I didnt ask why there's no gw3 or when gw3 announced.


This thread is about how hard it will be to get gw2 title like GWAMM, assuming there will be gw3.



When a game X launch game X2 after several years, it is perfectly reasonable to assume there will be game X3 in the future. Personally, I would not want to see gw3, as it makes me feel like all my progress was for nothing. I would much rather see graphic update (not that gw2 graphic is bad) and more content in gw2 than having 3rd game.

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> @"wefal.8426" said:

> @"Ashantara.8731" @"miraude.2107"

> You misunderstood me.

> I didnt ask why there's no gw3 or when gw3 announced.


> This thread is about how hard it will be to get gw2 title like GWAMM, assuming there will be gw3.

Hard (practically impossible without friends). But it won't matter, because most people would no longer care by this point.


> PS

> When a game X launch game X2 after several years, it is perfectly reasonable to assume there will be game X3 in the future.

MMORPGs are not your normal games. They are a long investment venue, and people will generally not want to move to the new title and abandon everything they have worked hard for years to achieve in the old one. Unless of course there's barely anyone playing the old game, but in that case the devs might be hard-pressed to persuate the players that the new title _won't_ bomb as well.


When people choose MMORPGs, longterm stability of the game is their main concern. And you will hardly persuade players their new title will have it, when the old title didn't.

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They should just not make a title. From GW1 for GW2 the most important is the 30/50 in HoM for the main rewards. Then for AP 50/50 but the GWAMM ... nobody except hardcore players cares about that one.


Better make some small stuff. Different things. For example with the pets from GW1 you afaik can get just by earning HoM points (which only are a different "skin" for other pets you can get without HoM) they should have kept it similar to the GWAMM: Getting that pet in GW1 unlocking it in GW2.


So for example getting certain rare stuff that could unlock same/similar stuff (skin only then) in GW3. But not an overall big grind boring title. Lots of different medium sized tasks.




As for GW3: I'd prefer GW2 to continue forever - until it is "finished". Then something totally different in another universe. Or a different type of game set in the same universe in the future ... but not MMORPG. (Similar as from GW1 they changed it from single player MMORPg that could be played with others - to a real MMORPG in GW2.)


A card game would be fun. I mean those professions and special mechanics are really great for that. WoW got Hearthstone and afaik also special mechanics or special cards for each "class". GW could be even stronger here. Bringing back some GW1 mechanics in card game form and the hex and mesmer specific things. (Afaik - I just started with GW1 - the Mesmer has attribute to reduce cooldowns and faster casting. And some card games have cards that give an opportunity to counter with an own card while it is the enemies turn - Magic I think - would be great for different types of spells and stuff.)

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If they were going to do this it would make more sense to tie it to achievements rather than titles. GW1 didn't have anything called achievements (that wasn't a standard system at the time) and titles served a similar function - there was one for almost every aspect of the game and they could be used to track your progress through it. For example the Guardian of Tyria/Cantha/Elona title tracked how many story missions you had completed (along with their bonus objectives).


Whereas in GW2 titles are given for all kinds of random things. Some are related to long achievements, or meta-achievements like the GW1 titles. Others are given for one-off achievements (like the first time you beat the Karka Queen) or for pre-ordering expansions or logging in during a certain time period.


So if they wanted an equivalent to GWAMM it would make sense to use the achievement system, and award titles or other things which carry over to a new game based on how many achievement points you have.


> @"miraude.2107" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > I wonder, since I don't really play any other MMO: are there as many "World of Warcraft 2" and "ESO2" threads on the respective forums as there are GW3 threads on here? It's pretty annoying, I must say. It's like people are deliberately _trying_ to hammer into other people's heads that this game had no future.


> There is and not just for MMOs. The Overwatch forums were hideous with it too. Just as there are posts of 'OMG *game killer* for any new game that dares to exist in the genre. A lot of people can't seem to wrap their heads around the saying 'if it isn't broken, don't fix it.' Therefor that's why WoW has been around for 10+ years and GW2 is nearing that as well with this being year 7.


> Frankly, most the time I see these posts, I think the person has a fad mentality unfortunately when it comes with games where they consider something that is 'old' not good unless it boasts WoW 'numbers' (which even then aren't what they used to be and are theorized to be around 5-6 million right now, though they stopped posting numbers back during Warlords where there was quite the exodus of players, myself included while GW2 has been theorized to be around 3 million right now and remaining steady) and not realize that basing things on player numbers is a skewed idea in determining if a game is dying or if the game is slated for a sequel.


> There's also the fact that GW2 sort of breaks the mold that there isn't a real gear progression system. What you have is usable for most everything cept for maybe raids, and higher tier fractals and prolly some pvp modes (not too sure on the last as I don't pvp). There is no correspondent urge on getting better gear for the average player to do something as simple as a dungeon, fractal or world boss where as there is a gear check in WoW to be able to do heroic dungeons, etc (it's actually built into the lfd system itself, nothing like being 1 number off and having to hunt to get above the gear check to even queue) that a lot of people are used to. So in essence, people who are used to that look at GW2 and just 'assume' nothing is being updated whereas there is updates however they are under the hood updates or tweaking going on with professions and whatnot. That's my take on it at least.


I've found it also happens more often when you have a big influx of people new to MMOs, which makes it unsurprising that we see it often on a forum dedicated to an MMO marketed at people who don't like or haven't played other MMOs. For example it started happening more often on the Elder Scrolls Online forum about a year after the game was released on consoles, which drew in lots of people who never had a gaming PC and couldn't play MMOs before they started to be ported across. Which makes sense, because MMOs are unique in being supported indefinitely. Single player game and even conventional multi-player games will get updates and DLC for a year or two and then it stops. If the demand is still there and the developers want to keep it going they make a sequel (or a prequel or some other spin-off). Or if the demand has dropped off and the developers want to rekindle enthusiasm for the game they do the same thing.


So that's what players would expect - the game is a few years old, time to stop making new content for it and move on to the sequel. Or if they're bored with the current content or unhappy with the mechanics that's the solution to hope for - a sequel which will bring new content and/or address problems with the mechanics. (Especially that one - an offline game revamping the mechanics, something like the trait update before HoT or introducing mounts years into the game is almost unheard of, it would have to be done in a sequel instead.)

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"casualkenny.9817" said:

> > Wait, gw2 has 3m players? For real?

> GW2 has 11m+ *accounts* as of last official note. Many players have multiple accounts though, bought during the $10 sales etc even before it went f2p. Nobody knows the player count.



As far as I know, GW2 has more than 3 million users in China, and only 15,000 actually active users.

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