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Legendary Insights reward in strike missions.


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I wish strike missions gave Legendary Insights and a new legendary armor came out tothe pve mode of the game but I know a lot of raiders are gone get mad because of this. The rewards for this mode are boring and Arenanet are giving the same rewards in all of the PVE events. The rewards are useless but if you give non raiders a way to get a legendary armor(with out animation) the people are gone do strikes more often.

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Anyone has a loot-table for the strike missions? Since we will be getting more of them it would be nice if we get some kind of currency.

Maybe the same one that you get from raids but at a way lower rate.


A Strike mission hub in Vigil keep would be nice with some vendors, rewards and etc.

I really like the idea of this new content, so I really hope Anet will build on this!


Ps: Would be nice see an increase in difficulty overtime as the first Mission was a bit to easy I think even for someone that doesn't bother with raids or T4 fractals.

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> @"Neosayayin.3498" said:

> I wish strike missions gave Legendary Insights and a new legendary armor came out tothe pve mode of the game but I know a lot of raiders are gone get mad because of this. The rewards for this mode are boring and Arenanet are giving the same rewards in all of the PVE events. The rewards are useless but if you give non raiders a way to get a legendary armor(with out animation) the people are gone do strikes more often.


That makes about as much sense as getting skirmish tickets for playing ranked pvp.

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Rewarding Legendary Insights is not an option with the current level of difficulty.

What I could imagine as an additional and more "unique" incentive is an extra 5 Gaeting Crystals in the bonus chest that times out first. This would be a nice way to enable non-raiders to unlock Shiny and Ultra Shiny weapons over time while also encouraging players to really _own_ the encounter.

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> "Kodokuna Akuma.9570" said:

> The point of these is to get people into raiding.

Are we sure that is the point? How exactly would this get people to raid? Even if we assume that raids are too difficult(a questionable assumption), strike missions don't really provide a meaningful midpoint between fractals and raids from what I've read. If we assume the problem is player interaction/communication(somewhat more reasonable), then this also fails to provide a meaningful bridge in that respect. For players like myself that find raiding completely uninteresting, strike missions also change nothing. In what way do strike missions bridge a gap between raiders and non-raiders. At least providing legendary insight would provide these missions with some purpose(though still a questionable use of dev resources).

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The difference in the difficulty is MASSIVE, strike mission is a joke compared to raids at the moment, and if they were to start handing out legendary insights from strike missions it would absolutely kill raids and raiders which would be a shame since raiding is one of the only REAL challenging PvE content


I do however hope that the strike missions do upscale in difficulty with better loot in future updates as the current one as mentioned is a bloody joke


> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > "Kodokuna Akuma.9570" said:

> > The point of these is to get people into raiding.

> Are we sure that is the point? How exactly would this get people to raid? Even if we assume that raids are too difficult(a questionable assumption), strike missions don't really provide a meaningful midpoint between fractals and raids from what I've read. If we assume the problem is player interaction/communication(somewhat more reasonable), then this also fails to provide a meaningful bridge in that respect. For players like myself that find raiding completely uninteresting, strike missions also change nothing. In what way do strike missions bridge a gap between raiders and non-raiders. At least providing legendary insight would provide these missions with some purpose(though still a questionable use of dev resources).


It is a bit too early to judge strike missions as it now, and from my experience of the first strike mission I would say that this is just a testing ground for ANET to get feedback and further improve the strike missions as the new saga rolls out

ANET said that it would be a STEPPING STONE between raids and Im sure the devs know their game better than us, I would say the strike missions will improve and get better mechanics and difficulty. This is the first time they are trying a 'pug' instanced boss so they are bound to run into issues at first


As for your argument about legendary insights - I don't agree at all I can only agree that the current loot is bad but again its too early to judge based off 1 mission

If legendary insights were given out at STRIKE then there is no longer a need for RAIDS and that is not what ANET wants. They wanted this to be the baby steps to raiding not replace it.


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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > "Kodokuna Akuma.9570" said:

> > The point of these is to get people into raiding.

> Are we sure that is the point? How exactly would this get people to raid? Even if we assume that raids are too difficult(a questionable assumption), strike missions don't really provide a meaningful midpoint between fractals and raids from what I've read. If we assume the problem is player interaction/communication(somewhat more reasonable), then this also fails to provide a meaningful bridge in that respect. For players like myself that find raiding completely uninteresting, strike missions also change nothing. In what way do strike missions bridge a gap between raiders and non-raiders. At least providing legendary insight would provide these missions with some purpose(though still a questionable use of dev resources).


Its kind of pointless, since LIs are only good for 2 things.... Envoy armor and Coalescence. Both are Collection based, and both are built around you actually doing all the Raid wings at some point. LIs are only a time gate in that system.... the Collection tasks are full stop if you don't do raids at all.

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Strike missions are significantly easier then raids since the mechanics of the fight can be entirely ignored. As such I do not think that LI or the raid legendary armor should be offered to those who do strike missions. That said, I have no issue if strikes where used as part of a process to get Legendary Armor, so long as the commitment is similar to what is in PVP or WvW.

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I only raided enough to get a very few of the most easily obtained things I wanted from them. My fractaling has been similarly sparse. And though I have no way of knowing I would imagine I am a below average pver, skill-wise. Probably well below average. And while I don't think it's fair to say that raids are 'difficult', I still feel at least this first strike mission is far, far too simple to justify raid equivalent rewards . . .


With that said, it would be nice if there was some sort of currency or mat or something that you could collect and trade to a mission vendor for some type of reward, just to make them repeatable for something other than the rng of it. It is worth noting though that strike missions would always be more limited than raids in that regard, since anet has historically been reluctant to introduce new ls content that requires previous ls content. So the kind of content that requires players to do all the missions or go back to previous missions for a new challenge or mat or something isn't likely . . .

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> @"Neosayayin.3498" said:

> I wish strike missions gave Legendary Insights and a new legendary armor came out tothe pve mode of the game but I know a lot of raiders are gone get mad because of this. The rewards for this mode are boring and Arenanet are giving the same rewards in all of the PVE events. The rewards are useless but if you give non raiders a way to get a legendary armor(with out animation) the people are gone do strikes more often.


The LIs are only half the battle with the armor, you still have to raid for the achievement unlock that gives you the first set. So it really wouldn't matter either way, you're still stepping into raids.

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