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Serpent's Ire?


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I'm yet another person trying to get an achievement and have been stuck on this one for about a week now. I've looked around and read through a few threads to see if there's any organized time to do this but have only found TTS but they only have one on their calendar a week and I went to it just now and couldn't find them. I've also tried just just popping in whenever it's been up and I've been on during the week and haven't even seen an attempt at it. It's pretty much the only thing I need for the Mark Y Golem backpack so I would be rather disappointed if I can't get it because they've locked it behind dead content.

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My information is based on my experience as of this last week so it's hard to be out of date, I have never even seen this event even attempted in game yet by just randoms after checking 1-2 times a day for the last week. I'm not EU though so I don't know maybe it's more active there. I've also tried checking the LFG and haven't seen anything either. I was just waiting in Vabbi starting like 30 minutes before and even did a few bounties with others but nobody was there to do this event.

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If there's no group you can always try and start one, though i understand if you only have mentor tag that it's very hard to organise this in particular.


Should you go down that road, be ready to explain the CC phase (second phase)- it's MUCH easier than it was, but i still see it fail due to low CC. People will need to know what CC is, the sorts of skills that do it, and that they should delay their CC skills for the breakbars even if that skill is part of dps rotation.


As far as TTS is concerned, be there EARLY, look on lfg early- squad + map will likely be full by the time it actually starts.

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Can only say is keep trying, and tag up 20 min in advance. It might be abit harder now that ppl are flocking to the new map.


I needed Branded Shatterer for the collection 3 days after patch. Showing up every hour did nothing. But managed to scrounge up a group after tagging up. Only 2 ppl followed me at first, but after escort events there were 30+ people.

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> @"krklapp.2896" said:

> My information is based on my experience as of this last week so it's hard to be out of date, I have never even seen this event even attempted in game yet by just randoms after checking 1-2 times a day for the last week. I'm not EU though so I don't know maybe it's more active there. I've also tried checking the LFG and haven't seen anything either. I was just waiting in Vabbi starting like 30 minutes before and even did a few bounties with others but nobody was there to do this event.


You mean the last couple of weeks where a new Living story chapter just went live, and a huge chunk of the Casual PvE population (including organized PvE guilds) are pouring all their energy into the new map? This more then anything else is probably why no one is running it right now.


Secondly, you have to be very cognizant of how the Mega server systems works. Because Organized events actively manipulate that to ensure enough people can get into the same map instance to run the event. This is why everyone **very explicitly** states to monitor LFG, and to show up 30 minutes prior to the event's kick off so the organizers can get everything organized.


Just showing up and standing around an event area isn't enough, when its entirely possible (or even likely) that Commanders will seek out a fresh map in order to maximize the number of slots open for event participants. Teq, Anomaly, and the HOT event trains all do this regularly; so theres an assumption that the entire community understands this, or has at least encountered it at some point playing the game, by the time seeking out specific events is even something they'd think about.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ve been trying to do this meta to complete my backpack collection for the redeemed inquest golem, but every time I’ve attempted to complete there are either no people interested in doing it, or there are simply not enough to play hide and seek with the Zealots.


It doesn’t help that Vabbi’s other meta is so much quicker and accessible.


Is there a way to change the backpack requirement to accept either meta in Vabbi, or a way to make Serpent’s Ire more accessible to generate interest?


I’d like to complete this collection but I’ve been stalled for a few weeks now on this one meta.

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They wont change it - that I can nigh on guarantee (that's not discrediting your feedback, it's just they tend not to make such alterations to collections)


I haven't done it for a little while, but I am surprised you are having issues. They nerfed it quite hard just before the summer so it became pretty much a walkover. It was considerably harder and more painful to get that checked off before that point.


Are you using LFG to taxi into a populated map ahead of time for it?


I might try for the one in 20 mins and see what interest is like

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That meta was abandoned shortly after the release of PoF. At least it felt like that. It needs an (semi-)organised attempt to be successful and the rewards aren't enticing enough. You might have a better chance at finding enough people for this event when certain [special Events](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special_event "Special Events") are active. Checking the LFG before the event starts couldn't hurt either. Or set one up yourself.


At any rate, good luck.

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> That meta was abandoned shortly after the release of PoF. At least it felt like that. It needs an (semi-)organised attempt to be successful and the rewards aren't enticing enough. You might have a better chance at finding enough people for this event when certain [special Events](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special_event "Special Events") are active. Checking the LFG before the event starts couldn't hurt either. Or set one up yourself.


> At any rate, good luck.


It no longer needs the organisation since they changed the event and made it pretty much just zergable. The rewards are still naff though I agree

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As it's already been mentioned, I would say scout out LFG and maybe even list yourself in LFG for the meta. Serpent's Ire-- even post nerf-- is difficult because you have to coordinate a bunch of PUGs on CC and other mechanics which...isn't always successful.


If it makes you feel any better, you're by no means the only one that's ever had issues with this meta, and I doubt you'll be the last.

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> @"Bander.5194" said:

> As it's already been mentioned, I would say scout out LFG and maybe even list yourself in LFG for the meta. Serpent's Ire-- even post nerf-- is difficult because you have to coordinate a bunch of PUGs on CC and other mechanics which...isn't always successful.


> If it makes you feel any better, you're by no means the only one that's ever had issues with this meta, and I doubt you'll be the last.


The CC part is pretty easy after the nerf ... but then again you still have people like the one I encountered the other day at vine tooth prime. When told that CC needed to be used for the breakbar their response was that they only had one. Like maybe you should fix that? Pretty much every class can bring more than one. On the other hand we have people who care enough to complain but not enough to actually adjust the loadout they bring.

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[EMP] Guild used to do PoF meta runs during weekdays, around 6am EST they would start at Coin Blitz/Pinata, then head to Serpents Ire, Maw/Worms, etc. I haven't run with them in a while, and their train might have derailed a bit with the new content, but I would imagine they would be getting back to that schedule.

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It's definitely still being done on EU servers. I joined in with it 2 days ago and it was completed successfully, and I saw a group organising for it earlier tonight, but didn't stick around to see what happened.


It's best to try in the evenings and at weekends when more people are likely to be online, and to use the LFG tool. Get to the map at least 10-15 minutes before the event is due to start and if you don't see a group being advertised in LFG start one yourself to attract people to the map. Starting a map taxi group does not mean you're committing to lead people through the event, so don't worry if you don't know it well enough to lead.


Although if you can offer some advice that would certainly help. The main mistakes I see people making is clumping together during the search for Zealots so they don't get found and killed quickly enough, and not knowing to go and kill the branded sparks when Ysshi Hessani goes invulnerable.

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