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How to increase PvP population?


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I want to hear your ideas on how to help increase the amount of people we can play with and agasint. It frustrates me beyond human understanding that at prime times I hover on rank 50-100 but any other time, I start losing games at literary 15-19 MR loss each (mostly not because of their skills, but rather their attitudes; they give up after literally **ONE** bad fight, usually the first mid fight).


I want the mode to be healthy again. I understand balance is jack-feces and the glacial patch cadence of 3-4 months per patch doesn't help, but what Im asking is ways **WE AS PLAYERS** can help make the mode less hair-pulling frustrating to play outside of prime time. (which is usually the time I can play the most due to my IRL schedule).


Edit: This thread told on pictures (This is solo, the times I queue with my little cousin I lose 7-8/10 games, but I cant say no to him :3 ) :


**Prime time** :

![](https://i.imgur.com/z73S7rt.jpg "")

; ![](https://i.imgur.com/Ph2BnLw.jpg "")

; ![](https://i.imgur.com/jPyL3CL.jpg "")








**Any other time** :

![](https://i.imgur.com/TRlendY.jpg "")

;![]( https://i.imgur.com/UUj2Roh.jpg "")


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Anet needs to make more PR with GW2.



lack of balance.

lack of talking with players.

lack of game mode ( GW1 players wanted 8 vs 8 GvG mode .... and not a 3 cap bullshit )

pvp gear sucks ( at beta and late 2012 it was amulett and rings and not only amulett.


lack of balance

balance was great at january 2015 and hot killed it with the add on.


lack of game mode.... :(

GW1 pvp was perfect GW2 ... is bad :/


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As as a plat 2 player you need 2 accounts, 1 for prime time and 1 for clown fiestas. I add all really good players to my friendslist and sometimes I wait a few mins until their game is finished before I start q.


Some top tier US player on twitch said US server players are better than eu. I got bored and bought an alt for US. I started playing a class I have never played before to do mandatory unranked and then ranked. After 5 days of playing a new class I am on the top 250 leaderboard and I get rolled in games with top 10 players. Truth is there are less players on NA; less good and less bad players. The population is lower so it makes higher tier games even more of a clownfiesta.


If you are bored of carrying new players, I can really recommend the experience of getting an alt and learn a new class scratch.

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I think banning AFK players from ranked games for the season due to repeated infractions might go a long way. I add people that AFK in my games so I can wait out until they get in a match (HUGE list by now....). I report them **REPEATEDLY** yet week after week I see them in my friend list still queueing up, ruining 4-9 other player's games, mostly likely. On the long run, it is better to temporarily ban the bad apples, than letting 4-9 good apples go bad [aka leave PvP] themselves.





Seriously, most of my loses are due to people just giving up 1-2 mins into the game, or when the enemy still needs to score 250+ points to win. Because I add them to my friend list, I can also see their rank.... and "coincidentally" most of them are 2-3 ranks below me, so I guess the MMR system is working, but population is so low that I still get them in my P1-P2 games, which means that their ranks and attitude means nothing, and they will continue their ways, unpunished.

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Gw2 is a dead game pvp wise since the creators have no intrest in improving it at all. My next game I've been waiting for just got announced for release so I can guarantee it will just get worse.


Ahes of creation comes out in 2 days ?.


The ones running the game have ruined pvp to the point where the only ones that are trying are bots, tryhards, and wintraders.


Time to move on sadly after being a dedicated fan since around he start of guild wars 1

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1. Bring balance and remove brainless spam. Experienced players should be able to farm novice players no matter what their builds are. That would force novice players to play pvp to become ... experienced. Instead of taking the first brainless metabattle build to spam photon forge.

2. Sanction toxicity. No one plays a game to be insulted.

3. Fix ranking points loss/gain during off-time. Winning 5 to lose 20 the game after is definitely not a goot incentive to play pvp.

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Just allow team queue before platinum.


Let us pugs play the game with friends at our own discretion and grind out that loot again in a semi-competitive and fun environment... Currently I load into the mists and see several yellow guild dots on the map, all of whom are doing it solo queue because we don't want to offend the odd number who misses out.


Mid population in my opinion is the area you want to grow the most.


it also comes down to numbers too, 5 is higher than 2. Those 5 will also network out for more players out of fear of getting some raging afk player on the team while the duo is the same 2 players most times. 5 mans allow the mode to grow.


Problem is, if the game mode grew attraction again, that would require more effort in PvP on the devs behalf and more focus and I don't think they can afford that man power with this Ice saga thingo which would result in more unhappy customers.


it's a lose - lose for us.

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remove the rating system and throw all titles into AT


however anet would never do anything so how about from player side instead


stop queue dodging ( this happens a lot in NA ) dodging people in the same tier and farming lower tier for rating.


if you already have all titles how about chill it out a little bit like Vallun ? instead of duo queue and smufing lower tier players all day

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Every game mode in gw2 has the same rewards if you think about and balance is an issue in every part of the game.

- Anet has to take a look at all specs: 1 class shouldn't be able to put all boons up nor all conditions and should be limited to a certain amount.

- Some classes have all been gotten nerfs since the beginning of time. (revisit all traits, specs and weapons)

- Add new modes and rotate them

- Rewards: add a pvp only mount as reward to show off, add more armor skins, ... etc

- launch the game on steam, epic game store, ... it is instant increase of players with little PR/Marketing to be done.

- If not launching it on a platform Anet should really increase their marketing! Show off the modes !


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The only thing I see the players themselves can do (but collectively, which is extremely unlikely) is stop being such elitists and stop the flame and toxicity. Ofc not nearly everybody does that but if you have 1 or 2 guys every other match it's more than enough to kill every motivation a new(er - at least to sPvP) player has.

I've played in every division from silver 2 up to plat 2 and especially in gold the salt is real. Most ppl consider gold as elo hell and I honestly think it's because of the toxicity, not because ppl are bad. I mean.. you'll always get some retards but it won't change in plat, the only two things that change are 1) you have WAY less salt in the matches and 2) ppl actually most of the time tryhard.

Two of my friends started around june or july (?) and pretty much solely for sPvP. They were ranked into silver2/3 and played their way to gold 1 and left again. And I can confirm their reasoning, I've played a couple times with them on an alt account and ppl ALWAYS go afk like immediately when they lose the mid fight, it's really obnoxious. If the team is 250:150 behind there's pretty much a 95% chance that at least one straight up goes afk because "dUdE wE cAn'T wIn tHaT, l2P iT's YoUr FaUlT".


But honestly I can't even blame the community for being toxic when Anet cares so little. Anet's lack of interest and care for the game mode is the root of all problems here tbh. The balance sucks and has been pretty bad for ages and nobody cares. Admittedly GW2 doesn't have the worst balance found in MMORPGs on a class-to-class level but everything's just way over the top and you can easily create a build that excels in one specific thing and even tho it's not 100% viable it will fucking annoy everybody who has to play against it, that's bullshit.

The matchmaking and queuing system is not really good and Anet's excuse is always that the population is too low to allow changes. But guess what.. When you have a shitty system everybody's quitting.. maybe the system needs dire changes and people will eventually come back and repopulate the queues. But no, Anet is just SO fucking afraid of losing players it's obnoxious. If we can believe a lot of reports on the forum, reddit, from the community in general - Anet doesn't do shit against wintraders, afk-ers, known hackers, etc... How is the game supposed to be healthy if you're not willing to cut away the cancer that plagues everybody else? Just because Anet need this minority populating the game as well, but at what cost?..

Just look at literally every online shooter. If the developer can't handle the hacker-problem and abuser, the game will crash extremely fast.

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To list some:


1. Change rating gain/loss to take into account streaks and personal performance rather than being totally RNG, one step forward, two steps back every time.

2. Give SoloQ players the option to queue separately to DuoQs/Teams in ranked.

3. Reward players for success, not for participation.

4. Ban repeat offenders who throw games, especially ranked games. Ranked should probably be disabled completely for the players doing that.

5. Add a cap on how far apart two different ranking can queue together in ranked. IE Plat players can only queue with someone as low as G2, Etc. The kind of system that every other competitive game adheres to.

6. Class switching should be disabled in Ranked until DuoQ's are given a separate queue or disabled outright.

7. More Ranked Arenas


The game right now pretty much only appeals to the very top% of players, and that really isn't sustainable. New players; rare as they are, need a way to be able to learn the game and their profession without being exposed to all the ugly.


If they play now, they learn pretty much nothing as the game teaches them that winning doesn't matter when you still get the rewards just for being there.


They often fill in for high-level DuoQ players too, since there's almost never any proper competition to mirror some of the highest level players in the game queuing together. Even if they get placed on the side of the Duo, their first experience with ranked is getting carried by people at a much higher skill level than themselves, and that builds a false sense of security and a sort of expectation that ranked is played that way. This only makes them frustrated and want to quit after a few games when they get put on the receiving end of those Duos later on.


And that all applies to Ranked, not just PvP in general. Unranked and ATs are a totally different story, but overall I think it's Ranked competitive play that's really going to draw the potential average player in... If it wasn't the awful, broken, frustrating mess it is right now.

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> I think banning AFK players from ranked games for the season due to repeated infractions might go a long way. I add people that AFK in my games so I can wait out until they get in a match (HUGE list by now....). I report them **REPEATEDLY** yet week after week I see them in my friend list still queueing up, ruining 4-9 other player's games, mostly likely. On the long run, it is better to temporarily ban the bad apples, than letting 4-9 good apples go bad [aka leave PvP] themselves.





> Seriously, most of my loses are due to people just giving up 1-2 mins into the game, or when the enemy still needs to score 250+ points to win. Because I add them to my friend list, I can also see their rank.... and "coincidentally" most of them are 2-3 ranks below me, so I guess the MMR system is working, but population is so low that I still get them in my P1-P2 games, which means that their ranks and attitude means nothing, and they will continue their ways, unpunished.




I completely agree with you. The problem that i see in all of this is; Gw2 is design with the idea of 'get-out-of-jail-card'', in other word, the entire game is design with having no punishments.


That is why i speak so badly about Toxicity is because the game does not punish. So what do some players do when they see this in the open 'right-in-their-faces'. they take advantage of it and abuse it **OPENLY**.


Yest Openly because I believe, the Guild Wars 2 design system gives it to them freely. Again, i'm not saying that all players does it but to the ones who abuses it.


For years when having to face with these players; eventually many left the game entirely because they got bored abusing it, when asked why they would intentionally and repeatedly throw-up matches' their main reasons is, Anet will not do nothing to us'.


So yeah!! that is the main reason, and it will continue. I really do embrace your vision of a Risk>Punishment system for those abusers but again; I believe that the damage has been done and that the problem is in Guild Wars 2 design.


You say banning them will resolve it? I say, it is too late because it is I believe and is quite evidential openly through Guild Wars 2 8 years; Guild Wars 2 is design around Reward-Risk instead of Risk-Reward.


In other word; 'Reward them first, than worry about Punishing them later' is built in Guild Wars 2 core design


**(My opinion)**


That is all i have to say


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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Gw2 is a dead game pvp wise since the creators have no intrest in improving it at all. My next game I've been waiting for just got announced for release so I can guarantee it will just get worse.


> Ahes of creation comes out in 2 days ?.


> The ones running the game have ruined pvp to the point where the only ones that are trying are bots, tryhards, and wintraders.


> Time to move on sadly after being a dedicated fan since around he start of guild wars 1


What game?

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