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Where does your opinion stand on introducing more "Smaller Objectives" into WvW?


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Where does your opinion stand on introducing more smaller objectives into the WvW?

Smaller Objectives as in task that individuals players can do to contribute outside the groups and even when population is low?


Smaller Objectives are like badge running in Old AV, and the old objectives to build Calvary and Griffin bombers. Small task like that which players can do solo and contribute outside the zerg.


I been playing a few nights after recent reset and we the underpowered server and some people quit on us. I still want to play around but getting cooperation was difficult and others didn't want to team up to tackle the big stuff. When down time like this happens, I still would like to do some smaller objectives that can contribute in similar situations.


Things like escorting Doyaks don't feel rewarding since it feel like they would be just as fine escorting themselves since it's nothing I can do to defend them from enemy groups by myself and most of the time they travel just fine on their own.


I started building outpost but again not as rewarding and a waste of time without players to help man the outpost.


This why I believe adding more Smaller Objectives would be a big improvement of the fun factor for WvW for more people.

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From my observations, the majority of the people would probably deem it useless little things that they won't ever bother with, and only a mere few who really care will. It's similar to capping runes for bloodlust, there are only a handful that care to do it, but majority couldn't care less and think it's someone elses job. Now on the other hand, if it was something interesting and interactive with also fight potentials, maybe it might get attention. I guess it all depends on what exactly is being implemented. Are these smaller objectives something for the smaller outnumbered server able to accomplish without being crushed? Are they going to be middle ground of importance between the value of a sentry and a camp? What are the purpose of the smaller objectives and how do they integrate into the current system of things?

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I know the feeling of prime time burning out and not having much to do after wandering around the maps for awhile, but I don't think a number of small press F kind of tasks are going to keep people logged on even giving participation. People are in WvW to to fine tune their builds in large scale combat, there could be objectives that aren't too strong but influence the area or structures around them that one person or a small group can mess around with and funnel some of the action to it. I think apart from "roamers" a lot of people thought WvW would be a sort of open world pvp or some kind of ongoing front line changing on the map all day.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Where does your opinion stand on introducing more smaller objectives into the WvW?

> Smaller Objectives as in task that individuals players can do to contribute outside the groups and even when population is low?


> Smaller Objectives are like badge running in Old AV, and the old objectives to build Calvary and Griffin bombers. Small task like that which players can do solo and contribute outside the zerg.


There are ways I can think of to provide more content, but I have no idea what your examples are.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > aren't camps and towers already smaller objectives?


> Camps can be slowed when RI is not on and depending on build. But Towers require how many trips solo and then have the Champ to deal with. What's that going to do for me solo when server is down and nobody to group with?


I know the feeling, i'm not against it but... meh.

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They could add them in a way that they become important and retroactive. Like, if you're heavily outnumbered on a time zone, in order for the other sides to capture a "primary objective" (towers, keeps), they have to capture and hold smaller objectives around their target until they accomplish their goal. This way, a large group would be forced to tactically disperse their manpower around and the smaller, defending group can take on those dispersed groups.


But what am I blabbering about, Alliances are coming soon™ and that will solve everything!

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big objectives: 13 keeps

mid size: 24 towers

small size: 24 camps, 15 ruins, 9 shrines, ~ 50 flags, ~ 50 Dolyaks


Thats already roundabout 150 small objectives. If you want to fight for objectives 1vs1 or 5vs5, it could even be useful to delete (sic) small objectives from the maps, instead of adding more. There are only few roamers / random small scalers left, and if they are spread among 150 small objectives, the chance to get fights is low.


I would like to see it a little more than a limited event that several ppl join.


Maybe increase the cooldown for dolyaks, so you have like 2 dollies on the map, instead of 12. During prime that would maybe lead to a 10 vs 10, during off time its maybe 1vs1.


Maybe make shrines and ruins uncapable for 10 minutes and let an event pop up for all 5 ruins, or 3 shrines of a specific keep, where it is possible to cap these structures in a 2-minute time window.


Maybe increase the invuln of camp overseers from 5 to 10 mins.


Maybe adjust all these event timers depending on the daytime. E. g. 5 minutes at 19 pm, 15 minutes at 2 am.


I would dislike fortified small objectives, since they would give the defenders enough time to gather lots of ppl until they outnumber that handfull of attackers. But I would like to see more options, aside from marker traps, to get an inc warning for camps etc. (without displaying the number of attackers).

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If done right, adding some smaller objectives would definitely help bring in players. But what would those objectives be?


Perhaps an easy one to implement would be some sort of flag / standard carrying task. Make sure the flag / standard / football gets from point A to B without dying. That sort of thing. Make the person visible on the map with a glowing commander icon (or maybe only in a region of the map). You could even have multiple flags running around at one time. And give a small boost to the war effort for completion. ANET would have to keep it from being hacked though, and they seem to have problems on that end.


Not a very original idea but it probably wouldn't take too many of the dev's time to create.


Any other suggestions?

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> From my observations, the majority of the people would probably deem it useless little things that they won't ever bother with, and only a mere few who really care will. It's similar to capping runes for bloodlust, there are only a handful that care to do it, but majority couldn't care less and think it's someone elses job. Now on the other hand, if it was something interesting and interactive with also fight potentials, maybe it might get attention. I guess it all depends on what exactly is being implemented. Are these smaller objectives something for the smaller outnumbered server able to accomplish without being crushed? Are they going to be middle ground of importance between the value of a sentry and a camp? What are the purpose of the smaller objectives and how do they integrate into the current system of things?


The problem with capping ruins, is they don't count towards pips.

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Edge of the mists is the perfect example of a wonderful map with wonderful Ideas. A shame its not a alternative map for EB; Remove edge of the mists and put it into a ever changing poll where the map changes every reset to spice things up? The objectives and cool monster play there is on point, its unique and feels like it captures the essence of a three way struggle.


Incorporate its mechanics in different flavors into the maps we have; We need more nuance in the maps and the gameplay than just balance. We need cool things to do and stuff that can revitalize the game-mode, I have ideas but I am not ready to fully share them yet. WIll make a thread later on.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> Edge of the mists is the perfect example of a wonderful map with wonderful Ideas. A shame its not a alternative map for EB; Remove edge of the mists and put it into a ever changing poll where the map changes every reset to spice things up? The objectives and cool monster play there is on point, its unique and feels like it captures the essence of a three way struggle.


> Incorporate its mechanics in different flavors into the maps we have; We need more nuance in the maps and the gameplay than just balance. We need cool things to do and stuff that can revitalize the game-mode, I have ideas but I am not ready to fully share them yet. WIll make a thread later on.


I agree with a lot of this. Tag me when you make your thread

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I would like to see expanded assets instead of new ones, like an additional level to sentries

Status Quo (on Alpine):

They slow down dolyaks by crippling them and reveal enemies via orange dots on the map.


New Idea (for Alpine, because DBL already has something extra)

After the sentry spawns, it features a small checkpoint (like in DBL, where you can pick up the med kit). For 10 supply you can give the sentry post an additional feature, like "loot supply" (the first hit of the sentry on a dolyak reduces its supply by 15, cutting it in half for normal dollies); or "claw hunter" (the sentry gets a sniper's rifle that will de-mount enemy warclaw riders after the have been marked for 3 seconds); or "signal horn" (when being attacked, allies within 5000 range will hear the call of a warhorn and get a head's up on the enemy close by; enemy attackers will be revealed for 6 seconds.)

Sentries could have a much bigger impact this way and matter more on the battle field.


Other ideas could be to replace the useless canon above ruins with a version that is powered by an ghost warrior, who only appears when you have killed an enemy in a ruin's circle. What about giving the Skritt and the Centaurs an active role, other than being PvE events. Skritt could build free "scrap golems", when you control their territory, centaurs could recruit messengers that can be deployed to structures, who will make swords appear immediately on the map and not after the usual delay of 20 (?) seconds.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > Edge of the mists is the perfect example of a wonderful map with wonderful Ideas. A shame its not a alternative map for EB; Remove edge of the mists and put it into a ever changing poll where the map changes every reset to spice things up? The objectives and cool monster play there is on point, its unique and feels like it captures the essence of a three way struggle.

> >

> > Incorporate its mechanics in different flavors into the maps we have; We need more nuance in the maps and the gameplay than just balance. We need cool things to do and stuff that can revitalize the game-mode, I have ideas but I am not ready to fully share them yet. WIll make a thread later on.


> I agree with a lot of this. Tag me when you make your thread


Will do it will probably be tomorrow, because I want to make a detailed thread. I work today so I don't have the time to really collect everything I want to say into one cohesive and well written schematic. Perhaps when I get home tonight, Ill give it a go.

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> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> They slow down dolyaks by crippling them and reveal enemies via orange dots on the map.

We should probably use the word "spot/mark" on minimap, because every time the word reveal is used people automatically assume it will also be for stealthed enemies.


Interesting ideas, sentries actually becoming a more useful sentry instead of a static radius map marker, it should probably have some set radius around the sentry flag that it can roam around "keeping watch" and being able to react accordingly to the enemy it faces. It's like those enemies on the desert [sorry I forget what the names were called], but they would "alert" the others by running to some thingy [it's on crystal desert map at Forged Foothold/Crucible of Consecration when you do one of the pve story]. I suppose apart from already marking a player, if the sentry was able to raise the alarm he could "call for reinforcements" or something.



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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > From my observations, the majority of the people would probably deem it useless little things that they won't ever bother with, and only a mere few who really care will. It's similar to capping runes for bloodlust, there are only a handful that care to do it, but majority couldn't care less and think it's someone elses job. Now on the other hand, if it was something interesting and interactive with also fight potentials, maybe it might get attention. I guess it all depends on what exactly is being implemented. Are these smaller objectives something for the smaller outnumbered server able to accomplish without being crushed? Are they going to be middle ground of importance between the value of a sentry and a camp? What are the purpose of the smaller objectives and how do they integrate into the current system of things?


> The problem with capping ruins, is they don't count towards pips.

Nothing you cap count towards pips, its passively generated.


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