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New Shade Mechanic


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> @"Saracen.2691" said:> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > the change is mainly targeting the WvW pirate ship meta, while I agree the meta needs to be nerfed as it makes WvW rather stale, but i feel the dev approached the nerf in the wrong direction, perhaps we scourage mains feels too entitled cos of the existing mechanic since PoF day 1 ?> > What is there to feel entitled about? Nerf after nerf after nerf inflicted unilaterally because of specific issues in WvW? The only people who play Scourge now are the tourists to whom this doesn't matter at all or dedicated players who are used to getting smashed into the dirt because of ANet's balancing and heal Scourges who are already playing the worst build the spec has so what's a little less usefulness to them? None of the other PoF specs have gotten this kind of harsh and destructive treatment applied with the elegance of a mailed fist. Scourge is probably the most newbie casual friendly class design Anet has ever created, i can pretty much go brain-dead mode most of the time on scourage, jump into the middle of a mob pack with a shade beneath and blow everything up without being in dangertagging mobs for events or wvw, throw a shade at a choke, then run around poking everything with F5, and get loads of expsthe change actually makes me think, is the mob going to be static or going to be constantly moving? if constantly moving, can i try to push it into a choke? is the mob so dangerous that i should constantly keep a distance away? where's the place that makes the most sense to throw my shade, and should i stack on top of the shade to get the barriers?

now if you think what if Anet did this the other way around?that this change was there from the very start, and made F skills to both sand shades and necro later on to make things easier? there would a tsunami of praises and calling it a god send to make scourge stupidly easy to play

despite it will be hard for players to change their play style and get used to it, and more backlashes like this post, overall i think the change is good for the players and the community, and encourage players to take their game-play to a higher level

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > @"Saracen.2691" said:> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > > the change is mainly targeting the WvW pirate ship meta, while I agree the meta needs to be nerfed as it makes WvW rather stale, but i feel the dev approached the nerf in the wrong direction, perhaps we scourage mains feels too entitled cos of the existing mechanic since PoF day 1 ?> > > > What is there to feel entitled about? Nerf after nerf after nerf inflicted unilaterally because of specific issues in WvW? The only people who play Scourge now are the tourists to whom this doesn't matter at all or dedicated players who are used to getting smashed into the dirt because of ANet's balancing and heal Scourges who are already playing the worst build the spec has so what's a little less usefulness to them? None of the other PoF specs have gotten this kind of harsh and destructive treatment applied with the elegance of a mailed fist. > > Scourge is probably the most newbie casual friendly class design Anet has ever created, i can pretty much go brain-dead mode most of the time on scourage, jump into the middle of a mob pack with a shade beneath and blow everything up without being in danger> > tagging mobs for events or wvw, throw a shade at a choke, then run around poking everything with F5, and get loads of exps> > the change actually makes me think, is the mob going to be static or going to be constantly moving? if constantly moving, can i try to push it into a choke? > is the mob so dangerous that i should constantly keep a distance away? where's the place that makes the most sense to throw my shade, and should i stack on top of the shade to get the barriers?> >

> > now if you think what if Anet did this the other way around?> that this change was there from the very start, and made F skills to both sand shades and necro later on to make things easier? there would a tsunami of praises and calling it a god send to make scourge stupidly easy to play> >

> > despite it will be hard for players to change their play style and get used to it, and more backlashes like this post, overall i think the change is good for the players and the community, and encourage players to take their game-play to a higher level- Balance probably shouldn't be based around casual open world stuff. Literally any class can do as you describe, jump into a pile of mobs and mow them all down- Nor should it have anything to do with tagging potential.I have...little against this change in pve open world stuff as literally nothing has changed (the vast majority is static anyway). Wvw, I don't really play but a lot of the issues can be mitigated by the presence of allies, which are (insofar as I'm aware for that game mode) are pretty much always around.But this feels disastrous in spvp, and I really feel for people who do pve content that requires any sort of awareness or enemy movement in the slightest. Scourge basically has rifle kneel with none of the upsides. Either ranged or melee can engage you with utter impunity, fractals/raids/w-e with any enemy movement will be hellSpecifically for spvp - what are scourges gonna do? They're already slow, but now they don't benefit from shade skills if they don't stick near the shade or just not use it. The shade circle doesn't even cover the length of a single dodge roll - which class (who have pretty much all been getting mobilitypowercreeped for months) will stay still long enough for you to do anything? It'll go...place down shade. Cling to it for dear life. Place another shade on your opponent - they walk out of it before the shade skill pulses. Your kiting ability is even more limited because if you leave the shade, you're almost defenseless.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> Scourge is probably the most newbie casual friendly class design Anet has ever created, i can pretty much go brain-dead mode most of the time on scourage, jump into the middle of a mob pack with a shade beneath and blow everything up without being in danger


Define your parameters. That's true for literally everything in open world PvE. This mentality in Fractals is the exact one which creates unbearable, oblivious players you hope know to stay in T3s instead of wandering into T4.


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> tagging mobs for events or wvw, throw a shade at a choke, then run around poking everything with F5, and get loads of exps


Worthless. Absolutely worthless example. Tagging doesn't mean anything. Killing power does. Are you going to argue the virtues of Guardian based on its staff 1 before that got nerfed too? This guts the killing and defensive power of Scourge, that's exactly the problem.


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> the change actually makes me think, is the mob going to be static or going to be constantly moving? if constantly moving, can i try to push it into a choke?

> is the mob so dangerous that i should constantly keep a distance away? where's the place that makes the most sense to throw my shade, and should i stack on top of the shade to get the barriers?


Sorry how are you going to do that in boss fights where you're dealing with break bars and mobile mobs? Scenarios where DPS and individual performance actually matters? Please go do a T4 Chaos and realise how irrelevant everything you're saying is. You're talking in idealism and mitigating nonsense, not practicality. You're completely off base and missing the point.


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> now if you think what if Anet did this the other way around?

> that this change was there from the very start, and made F skills to both sand shades and necro later on to make things easier? there would a tsunami of praises and calling it a god send to make scourge stupidly easy to play


Yeah, it would be labelled a 'quality of life' change overdue and Necro players would have something to be happy about for once. That's what going about this the other way would have done. The fact they didn't demonstrates this is a betrayal of the philosophy they built Scourge with leaving us with a disgustingly diminished spec that no number changes hence are ever going to fix.


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> despite it will be hard for players to change their play style and get used to it, and more backlashes like this post, overall i think the change is good for the players and the community, and encourage players to take their game-play to a higher level


If you think this change is good I have a hard time believing Necro is a class you've ever genuinely cared about or invested enough time in to consider your main. There is no playstyle change which fixes this save one - pick a different class. Play Firebrand so you can be useful, they both use condi, basically the same, right? I refuse to agree that that is remotely acceptable. Pretending like this is an improvement is precisely how ANet is going to justify shutting out an entire swath of their playerbase without a care. Just like every other time.





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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> They're already slow, but now they don't benefit from shade skills if they don't stick near the shade or just not use it. The shade circle doesn't even cover the length of a single dodge roll - which class (who have pretty much all been getting mobilitypowercreeped for months) will stay still long enough for you to do anything? It'll go...place down shade. Cling to it for dear life. Place another shade on your opponent - they walk out of it before the shade skill pulses. Your kiting ability is even more limited because if you leave the shade, you're almost defenseless.


I think Anet had always wanted scourage to be a range damage / support from the very beginning, very much like Ritualist of GW1, a back liner, not getting up-close and bash your face type of class


> "https://www.guildwars2.com/en/path-of-fire/#specializations"

> Scourges channel their life force into the desert sands to summon biddable shades that damage enemies and create shields for their allies. They use punishment skills to torment their enemies, and wield torches to light the path to their destruction.


so now the question as scourage players is, do you summon shade and hit from a safe range, or do you go kamikaze into the middle of the pack without shade

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:


> I think Anet had always wanted scourage to be a range damage / support from the very beginning, very much like Ritualist of GW1, a back liner, not getting up-close and bash your face type of class


There is no two ways about it - you're outright wrong. Do you know what Trail of Anguish does? Do you know what Desiccate does? Do you know what Sand Swell does? Do you know what Sand Flare does? Do you know what Ghastly Breach does? Do you know how limited the range of Serpent's Siphon is? All of these abilities are Scourge only, all of these abilities benefit from being close to enemies and allies, who are almost always close to enemies, and none of them interact with your shades. Scourge by design isn't meant to perpetually hide in the back and Scourge certainly isn't meant to cower statically in decaying shades waiting for our turn to do a few seconds of noticeable damage; if ANet has suddenly decided to change their mind on that philosophy it is an unmitigated mistake. Shades have such a limited range their justification as 'backline support' is intolerable.


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > "https://www.guildwars2.com/en/path-of-fire/#specializations"

> > Scourges channel their life force into the desert sands to summon biddable shades that damage enemies and create shields for their allies. They use punishment skills to torment their enemies, and wield torches to light the path to their destruction.


> so now the question as scourage players is, do you summon shade and hit from a safe range, or do you go kamikaze into the middle of the pack without shade


You still aren't understanding the core problem. It doesn't MATTER what you do or think, what matters ALWAYS is what your opponent does and how you can react. You cannot react anymore, you cannot be flexible, you can't mitigate, compensate, blunt or deflect - you are committed instantly and you are always going to lose now if any degree of player competency or mob mobility has a whim against you. And sure, 'just don't use Shades' right? Why do you think it's reasonable to throw out at least one of your traits and likely more just so you can use a weakened version of a major facet of your spec? No other spec has to suffer this kind of an insane restriction and it gives us no beneficial trade-off.

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> @"Saracen.2691" said:

> This change is insane. Please revert it. Scourge is almost consistently kitten in terms of damage potential with every patch but this one is just way too severe specifically because of ruining synergy with Sand Sage and Sadistic Searing. Mobs aren't static in this game, especially in use cases where it remotely matters like T4 Fractals. Having less than as many shades up as possible constantly is hamstringing your DPS as scourge. Now you are punished for trying to pursue that synergy - mob moves out of your shades? Congratulations, you're screwed and a gigantic chunk of your damage just evaporated. We need the ability to act as an additional shade for the purpose of pursuing mobs and even if you want to argue the support focus angle, great, hope you enjoy denying your allies that condi cleanse or little bit of barrier that would've helped them because they're a metre away from your shade.


> It feels like you intrinsically gave the ability for Scourge to deal DPS and now you're trying to hammer it into those of us who like the playstyle that we're wrong. It sucks, taking away the little flexibility we have is excessively punishing. We can't even destroy shades so if we're out of them and the mob runs off we can potentially be waiting twelve or more seconds contributing next to nothing to our teammates. What the hell am I supposed to do in Snowblind now? Shaman leaps so I get to spend a quarter of a minute twiddling my thumbs saying 'sorry I'm dead weight again guys'? Situations like that aren't at all the exception either - that isn't even taking into account how many people obliviously knock mobs out of your shades. This is the most damaging update in a single patch Scourge has ever received, worse than the bug on launch, nerf to compensate or the bug being fixed and nerf never reverted.


Apparently they feel that going down the same broken road that WoW and EQ took with constant nerfs and changes just to jerk the players around somehow makes for good business. Honestly, with all the recent sackings, why couldn't they have fired the geniuses who keep coming up with all these not grand ideas? I thought that if I waited to get PoF the stupidity would have passed me by, but here I haven't even owned it a MONTH and they nerf a core feature of the PoF elite class for necros!


Simply unbelievable.

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> @"Spook.5847" said:

> > @"Saracen.2691" said:

> > This change is insane. Please revert it. Scourge is almost consistently kitten in terms of damage potential with every patch but this one is just way too severe specifically because of ruining synergy with Sand Sage and Sadistic Searing. Mobs aren't static in this game, especially in use cases where it remotely matters like T4 Fractals. Having less than as many shades up as possible constantly is hamstringing your DPS as scourge. Now you are punished for trying to pursue that synergy - mob moves out of your shades? Congratulations, you're screwed and a gigantic chunk of your damage just evaporated. We need the ability to act as an additional shade for the purpose of pursuing mobs and even if you want to argue the support focus angle, great, hope you enjoy denying your allies that condi cleanse or little bit of barrier that would've helped them because they're a metre away from your shade.

> >

> > It feels like you intrinsically gave the ability for Scourge to deal DPS and now you're trying to hammer it into those of us who like the playstyle that we're wrong. It sucks, taking away the little flexibility we have is excessively punishing. We can't even destroy shades so if we're out of them and the mob runs off we can potentially be waiting twelve or more seconds contributing next to nothing to our teammates. What the hell am I supposed to do in Snowblind now? Shaman leaps so I get to spend a quarter of a minute twiddling my thumbs saying 'sorry I'm dead weight again guys'? Situations like that aren't at all the exception either - that isn't even taking into account how many people obliviously knock mobs out of your shades. This is the most damaging update in a single patch Scourge has ever received, worse than the bug on launch, nerf to compensate or the bug being fixed and nerf never reverted.


> Apparently they feel that going down the same broken road that WoW and EQ took with constant nerfs and changes just to jerk the players around somehow makes for good business. Honestly, with all the recent sackings, why couldn't they have fired the geniuses who keep coming up with all these not grand ideas? I thought that if I waited to get PoF the stupidity would have passed me by, but here I haven't even owned it a MONTH and they nerf a core feature of the PoF elite class for necros!


> Simply unbelievable.


At least with eq every class is useful, sure rangers are underpowered in vanilla as are rogues but at least later on they are both good dps.


since I started playing this game 2 years ago necro has struggled to be anything of value to raids and higher rank fractals. and in spvp necros have been free kills.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > They're already slow, but now they don't benefit from shade skills if they don't stick near the shade or just not use it. The shade circle doesn't even cover the length of a single dodge roll - which class (who have pretty much all been getting mobilitypowercreeped for months) will stay still long enough for you to do anything? It'll go...place down shade. Cling to it for dear life. Place another shade on your opponent - they walk out of it before the shade skill pulses. Your kiting ability is even more limited because if you leave the shade, you're almost defenseless.


> I think Anet had always wanted scourage to be a range damage / support from the very beginning, very much like Ritualist of GW1, a back liner, not getting up-close and bash your face type of class

This was about sPvP. It does not matter if the scourge "choses" to stay at range. The opponent will chose to get in melee range as soon as our shade is out. That's the point. They will wait for your shade, then shadowstep / teleport / whatever to you. Dead. And if you're a smart scourge and place a second shade at your position, no problem, they will knock you out of it (because no stability) and then shadowstep. Still dead.

See, you can "want" to play ranged all you want in PvP. As long as we don't have the mobility to outrun teleporting opponents, it doesn't matter.

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It should have worked this way since day 1 with a way to delete your shades. The problem is that they did this after 2 years and after countless nerfs, which would have not been necessary at all if they were willing to fix the core issues of scourge from the start. They also still only fixed one of the core issues. Sand savant is still a cancer trait in WvW and they made it even more broken. I wonder if it will take them another 2 years of scourge nerfs to realize that sand savant needs to either be reworked or removed from the game.


Basically, fixing sand savant and changing the shade mechanic should have been their first balance changes for scourge before touching anything else. It is very likely that scourge would have required no nerfs at all if they had bothered addressing these first. Now they will either waste their time avoiding the sand savant issue and nerfing scourge more, or they will have to fix sand savant and gradually buff scourge to where it should have been 2 years ago. Only, they can't revert any changes. The buffs have to be something completely new, because the balance team never admits mistakes and doesn't revert nerfs.

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Siren's Reef, Molten Furnace and Deepstone exceeded my worst expectations. I am dead weight. I'm worthlessly and selfishly taking up a slot, forced to rely entirely on teammates. Nothing stays in your Shades. GW2's design revolves around mobility and Scourge has had it all plus adaptability taken away, you can't do anything about the massive duration chills and slows applied to you in Siren's Reef without taking even more conditions and straight up damage in the process, or getting blown off the deck of the ship or knocked back or CC'd into the dirt. You can't do anything to keep the dozens of mobs the game throws your way off yourself or your allies and contribute meaningfully to boss DPS at all. With the new emphasis on using minions with Necromancer too there are even more things mobs will chase after out of your shades without using them yourself at all, and that's if you're lucky and an ally doesn't just knock mobs out anyway. I got to enjoy watching the Minotaur in Deepstone jump back and forth between another Necromancer's bone fiend hiding in the corner and the centre of the room as imps crowded and there's nothing I can do about it except refuse to use my shades at all and take such a significant hit to DPS my performance is irredeemable when contrasted to the absolute minimum reasonable expectation for T4s. The Broodmothers move relentlessly and the Brood Queen has a dash built into her attacks. You can't do anything to hold the dredge suits in Molten Furnace in place unless they're aggro'd on you, which is 1/5, outside of relying on the goodwill of an ally. None of the instabilities were bad today and the writing is already painfully clear on the wall. What's the point in bothering to engage with anything in this game as a Scourge when so much of it has just been ripped out from under us?


> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> It should have worked this way since day 1 with a way to delete your shades. The problem is that they did this after 2 years and after countless nerfs, which would have not been necessary at all if they were willing to fix the core issues of scourge from the start. They also still only fixed one of the core issues. Sand savant is still a cancer trait in WvW and they made it even more broken.


Doesn't matter. WvW problems should have WvW solutions. Nerf Sand Savant into the ground in WvW if it truly is necessary but these sweeping changes are irredeemably ill-conceived. This isn't at all how Scourge should have ever worked unless the intention was to make Scourge an unbearable handicap to yourself and to everyone around you. It's absolutely untenable and miserable to experience. Giving shade abilities built-in delay was bad enough. This? Vindictive insanity.

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> @"Saracen.2691" said:

> Siren's Reef, Molten Furnace and Deepstone exceeded my worst expectations. I am dead weight. I'm worthlessly and selfishly taking up a slot, forced to rely entirely on teammates. Nothing stays in your Shades. GW2's design revolves around mobility and Scourge has had it all plus adaptability taken away, you can't do anything about the massive duration chills and slows applied to you in Siren's Reef without taking even more conditions and straight up damage in the process, or getting blown off the deck of the ship or knocked back or CC'd into the dirt. You can't do anything to keep the dozens of mobs the game throws your way off yourself or your allies and contribute meaningfully to boss DPS at all. With the new emphasis on using minions with Necromancer too there are even more things mobs will chase after out of your shades without using them yourself at all, and that's if you're lucky and an ally doesn't just knock mobs out anyway. I got to enjoy watching the Minotaur in Deepstone jump back and forth between another Necromancer's bone fiend hiding in the corner and the centre of the room as imps crowded and there's nothing I can do about it except refuse to use my shades at all and take such a significant hit to DPS my performance is irredeemable when contrasted to the absolute minimum reasonable expectation for T4s. The Broodmothers move relentlessly and the Brood Queen has a dash built into her attacks. You can't do anything to hold the dredge suits in Molten Furnace in place unless they're aggro'd on you, which is 1/5, outside of relying on the goodwill of an ally. None of the instabilities were bad today and the writing is already painfully clear on the wall. What's the point in bothering to engage with anything in this game as a Scourge when so much of it has just been ripped out from under us?


> > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > It should have worked this way since day 1 with a way to delete your shades. The problem is that they did this after 2 years and after countless nerfs, which would have not been necessary at all if they were willing to fix the core issues of scourge from the start. They also still only fixed one of the core issues. Sand savant is still a cancer trait in WvW and they made it even more broken.


> Doesn't matter. WvW problems should have WvW solutions. Nerf Sand Savant into the ground in WvW if it truly is necessary but these sweeping changes are irredeemably ill-conceived. This isn't at all how Scourge should have ever worked unless the intention was to make Scourge an unbearable handicap to yourself and to everyone around you. It's absolutely untenable and miserable to experience. Giving shade abilities built-in delay was bad enough. This? Vindictive insanity.


I did mention that there should be a way to delete shades. If scourge worked like that from the start and it didn't receive the 2 years of nerfs that it did, it would have been fine.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> I did mention that there should be a way to delete shades. If scourge worked like that from the start and it didn't receive the 2 years of nerfs that it did, it would have been fine.


It wouldn't, even right now, people still complains about scourge in WvW. What they changed didn't affect the core of the issue in WvW, it even made this issue even more proheminent. Basically people were complaining that scourge were dealing damage to too many foes, scourge still deal damage to too many foes in the mind of players, it fact they think scourge was buffed in this aspect (which isn't totally wrong).


The change just removed some quality of life out of the scourge leaving it more fragile out of a large group of allies. Nothing more, nothing less. They won't add a way to delete the shades, the best fix one can expect from ANet is for the shade skills effects to proc onto the scourge whether he is close or not of the shades.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> I did mention that there should be a way to delete shades. If scourge worked like that from the start and it didn't receive the 2 years of nerfs that it did, it would have been fine.


Totally disagree. This change is more impactful than two years of number changes could ever be. How good your numbers are doesn't much matter when you can't reliably apply them to anything. I would say play Scourge for a week of Fractal dailies but at this point it's more suffering than I'd want to wish on my worst enemy. ANet's attitude towards Necromancer has been passive disregard for years - this time it's a lot closer to conscious spite. It's engineering failure, the only fix this has is a revert.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> I plan to test the changes sometime later. The first week after a balance patch will be full of players testing professions with the most impactful changes. After a few weeks, the new meta should be mostly sorted out. That is what the dev's are really interested in.


There is no new meta for Necromancer. The meta has only deepened its accents; Necromancer belongs on the bottom of the pile and you should play anything else. A week or month of 'testing' is only going to reveal how unable Necromancer is to keep up with any other class and Scourge any other spec.

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I agree, instead of calling it "meta" build since there will be no meta, we should call it the "lesser evil" build for everyone who still wants to play as a necro. I am still experimenting and playing as one in pvp and oh well, the dmg loss is insane. In pvp in p1 -p2 as a scourge I don't do any dmg anymore. Before the nerf I had an average of 300-400k dmg on blood per match, now I have 100 - 200k. On average of course, always teamfighting.

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I remember when on qT Necromancer didn't even have any listed builds for half a year - the class has been so terrible even the theory crafters deemed it so bad you're better off playing anything else. The class has always been the underdog, repeatedly kicked in the face and this kick? The shade kick? Why, it's like they've put on an iron boot with a spike. Revert this change ANet and stop wasting your time adding chairs to the stupid gemstore. Fire your balance team and hire people who have actually played the game more than five minutes.

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ANet stomped on Necromancers since day one, it has always been this way, was only a matter of time for Scourge to receive the same treatment. They do not care, I doubt they ever even stepped foot in the Necromancer section of the Forum, just like with the Chronomancer butchery. I'm not personally a Scourge player, but I'm still enraged they would dare take the core mechanic of the entire profession and throw it in a dumpster, putting an abomination of a fix in its place.

The worst part of it all? You can shout and kick around all you want, but you won't see a single dev respond to anything we have to say. The community is nothing to them, they didn't, don't, and never will listen.

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I have been running fractals in a duo since last week. At first it went well. Then the patch hit. I didn't get chance to read the patch notes before going into fractals and the difference was huge. I could keep up with my husband's ele before. Now I'm struggling, dying a lot more, and it feels so clunky. I wondered if it was just me. Now I've read the patch notes and I get it. It makes scourge frustrating to play, and I've enjoyed it for a while now. I wish I had suggestions for what to do instead, but whatever happens, this feels like the wrong choice for scourge. I guess I'll dust off my reaper or change class entirely. I used to enjoy mesmer too. Yet another character to park somewhere for farming instead.

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