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Story mode too hard

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You should post whether you mean the core story, a LS season, Heart of Thorns story or Path of Fire story. You should also post if it is a specific story instance that is causing trouble.


The easiest way around this is just to ask someone to help you, if you have friends or a guild, or just mapchat. You can also use the LFG tool in game (I'm not sure how well this works for story content however).

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> @"Spook.5847" said:

> I also despise story. I hate having to do that junk to just open new maps, quests, etc - almost as much as I hate being forced to do JPs for various things.


I enjoy tyria story, hot is just insanely tedious.. and pof while better is just too large with no waypoints.. and those brand areas are just silly.. The living Story is just atrocious all round (not attempted 4 yet)

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And thanks to such complaints the rest of us has to bear with story missions that are a joke now (see last episode) because they pose no challenge whatsoever. :/


Wish ANet would implement levels of difficulty to choose from (and reserve certain story achievements for the hard mode), then everyone would be happy.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> And thanks to such complaints the rest of us has to bear with story missions that are a joke now (see last episode) because they pose no challenge whatsoever. :/


> Wish ANet would implement levels of difficulty to choose from (and reserve certain story achievements for the hard mode), then everyone would be happy.


Not sure how they would implement that - but for instanced stories it would be great! :)

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Alpine Bixar.2094" said:

> >

> > Death is constant

> >


> Have you tried playing better?


This type of comment is not helpful. Pretty sure we'd like to encourage more players, rather than losing more of the game population. Snarky my be funny in guild chat, but not to frustrated players.


To the OP, try a build that can self-sustain better. There are many YouTube vids showing viable builds for PvE and Storyline modes (I like Wooden Potato's builds). There are several great sustainable builds that can make the harder Storyline instances more manageable while soloing. I'm currently running Potato's pistol/pistol Deadeye build for going thru POF Storyline again, and as long as I'm shooting, I'm healing myself. It's quite fun, and only gets hard in those huge instances with lots of mobs. I also used a Minion Master Scourge the first time through, and that was practically easy mode. Point of the matter, perhaps your current build isn't really set up right for Storyline, do a little research, and try something new. It could be fun and interesting, and you could learn a few new things while at it.

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If you can give us some more information we will be able to help you. This game is very dependant on the players skill and knowledge - choosing skills, traits and equipment stats which work together and knowing how to use them effectively. There is a huge difference between playing with a good build and playing with a random assortment of equipment and skills so changing your build may well help a lot. (And doesn't have to be a big change, if you've got skills you really like for example it might be just a matter of making sure you've got the right stats for them.)


There's also a lot of story instances which require you to use specific mechanics, like bosses which are only vulnerable after you hit them with an environmental weapon or which go through phases where they're attacking and you just have to stay out the way and phases when you can attack them, so knowing what it is you're struggling with would be helpful too.


And also don't forget it is a multiplayer game. The story can be done solo, but you can also have up to 5 people in the party, so asking someone to help (a friend, your guild, or someone from this forum) is an option too.

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Put something up in LFG. I know I'm not the only one who checks to see if someone needs help. In fact, yesterday there was 3 of us helping a new person in Victory or Death. Poor Mouth of Zhaitan didn't know what hit him! And I quite often help people through Hearts and Minds. That one can really be a bear to solo, especially if you don't know the mechanics.


If you're not part of a guild, I suggest joining one. A guild is a good place to ask questions about your profession!

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> @"VooDoo.4891" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Alpine Bixar.2094" said:

> > >

> > > Death is constant

> > >

> >

> > Have you tried playing better?


> This type of comment is not helpful. Pretty sure we'd like to encourage more players, rather than losing more of the game population. Snarky my be funny in guild chat, but not to frustrated players.

I actually think it is. You can interpret as "snark" if you like. It isn't.

It's an honest question. I wasn't saying "git gud" I was asking if they had tried to improve their play as way to address the problem.


This player did nothing to explain their problems with the content, what content they found too hard, where they where struggling. They just made a blanket comment that the story mode was too hard.

My question was an honest one and very much in line with the tone of the OP.


But I guess assuming it was snark makes it easier to get on a soapbox and lecture me and cast shade.

Enjoy that.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"VooDoo.4891" said:

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > @"Alpine Bixar.2094" said:

> > > >

> > > > Death is constant

> > > >

> > >

> > > Have you tried playing better?

> >

> > This type of comment is not helpful. Pretty sure we'd like to encourage more players, rather than losing more of the game population. Snarky my be funny in guild chat, but not to frustrated players.

> I actually think it is. You can interpret as "snark" if you like. It isn't.

> It's an honest question. I wasn't saying "git gud" I was asking if they had tried to improve their play as way to address the problem.


> This player did nothing to explain their problems with the content, what content they found too hard, where they where struggling. They just made a blanket comment that the story mode was too hard.

> My question was an honest one and very much in line with the tone of the OP.


> But I guess assuming it was snark makes it easier to get on a soapbox and lecture me and cast shade.

> Enjoy that.


Trouble is "play better" is meaningless unless you already know what you're doing wrong. It's like if someone asks you for directions and you say "go towards your destination". Maybe the place they're going to is straight down the road and if they keep going they'll get there, but unless they already know that it's useless advice.


Yes the OP should have put more information in their post, but responding in kind just wastes more time because then they have to try to figure out what they might be doing wrong when an experienced player could make a decent guess at some likely problems and either provide an answer or the OP can come back and say it's not that and we're closer to narrowing down what the problem actually is.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> And thanks to such complaints the rest of us has to bear with story missions that are a joke now (see last episode) because they pose no challenge whatsoever. :/


> Wish ANet would implement levels of difficulty to choose from (and reserve certain story achievements for the hard mode), then everyone would be happy.


Have to agree, I've run the entireiy of Gw2's content and story so far (with exception to most raids and fractals) on a core Ranger that has never used an elite spec.

Almost nothing has posed much of an actual challenge unless i've gone out of my way to make my own challenges, like soloing dungeons, fractals or group content.


I get we're all on different skill levels etc but still.. how anyone can find the story chaptors in gw2 difficult really makes me scratch my head.

They're designed to be super easy beacuse of how casual friendly the game is and I don't have a problem with that at all.


But I would like the ability to replay all of the story content along with a harder difficulty option that spawns more enemies etc kinda like how Gw1 had harder missions and areas.

Add a few achievements, rewards etc for completing hard modes too and I think many would be happy enough with it.


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As a general game design philosophy - I don't think story should be inaccessible to unskilled players.


I don't mind if you want to add challenge modes or difficulty levels or something for veterans. But you shouldn't have to be "super-gud" in order to defeat Caudecus or Mordremoth or whatever.

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As has been mentioned previously, we can't really help if we don't know the details.

For example - Core Tyria difficultly is vastly different when compared to the expansions - there is a quite a leap in challenge between Core and Heart of Thorns.


There are also synergies between your weapons and your trait lines, so what class are you playing?


My interaction with our community has been largely positive, so if you have any questions, feel free to reach out in /map chat in-game, or expand upon your queries here on the forums.


In game, the forums, snowcrows/metabattle, the wiki - all of these resources are where I get my help - and they are all community driven - so I emphatically recommend them.


Best of luck!

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> Death should be final. Would make a very interesting game...


It can make for an interesting game. Those games exist. However it would not be anything interesting in this game. Especially not with how buggy this game can be. Yesterday I was trying to do a HP(the canid in Desolation) and it just keeps randomly going invulnerable. Then there is the awesome combo of oneshot mechanics and online game.


The leveling experience is passable but not exactly great.

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> @"Alpine Bixar.2094" said:


> Death is constant



when I started, I felt the same. Could not even do Zhaitan alone. Struggled through lw2. Struggled through HoT, needed help with M.


But.. all the time I was improving. Started to THINK about traits, skills and gear.


Now? Now everything is pretty sweet. Some things are still time consuming, but everything the story threw at me after HoT was solo-able.


What I am trying to say, the more you play, the better you get. Do not try to go through lw3 or 4 with fine/master/rare gear. It sucks. Do spend some time on figuring out what style of playing you are actually comfortable with and then get the gear to support that style. Do not listen to people who say 'zerker&scholar or bust'. They are wrong. Do not go with 'omg this build is super OP' if that build is not comfortable for you. You can't do story with an core engi? Mesmer is too hard? Rev is confusing? Try other classes. You die a lot? Slot some gear with vitality and or healing. There is no shame in going tankier - if that is what you can pull off.


Do not try to do lw2,3,4, HOT, POF on raid or fractal builds. Try wvw roaming builds, for example. They are usually a bit tankier/on the sustain&survive side of things. Try stuff. At some point you will find your sweet spot and suddenly EVERYTHING is easy.

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> @"Alpine Bixar.2094" said:


> Death is constant



I carry Mr. Death in my pocket. (It's what I named my Joko mini.)


Anyway, the same advice as applies: Figure out a good build for your play style. Use the meta as a guide and not a gospel. Buy the appropriate exotics on the TP. Avoid veteran smokescales and bristlebacks and mushroom kings even if it means leaping off of a cliff. Keep practicing until you can remember to stop standing in the orange circles.

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> @"Alpine Bixar.2094" said:


> Death is constant


1. Are you using your dodges at the appropriate times, or just trying to face tank hits? What about the AOE fields, are you moving out of them?

2. Are you running with Exotic gear or are you running with Rare, masterwork, or fine gear?

3. Do you have a full set of matching superior runes?

4. Does all of your stat-selectable gear have stats selected?

5. What build are you running?

6. What have you tried to do differently already to try to not die so much?

7. What is causing you to die so much that wasn't covered by the above questions?


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