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What are the skillful profession/specs?

Crab Fear.1624

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Ouk.5914" said:

> > Supper FB ***


> Daddy Ouk, why are you having an FB for supper?


> I would say prot holo is pretty complex to play well, but it's by no means weak either.


Fb Support takes a lot more skill to play and actually play it right. I don't know how often I seen Full support FB go into a node and die in a matter of seconds because they burn through their mantra on no one, However with SageBrand (dps) you don't need to support anyone, Just follow a team zerg and just Blast away on a node to obtain some free kills. Pretty much requires almost no skills other then knowing your rotations around and knowing when to spam the dps.


As for Prot holo I think giving it a 2 star rating is fair IMO, It isn't hard to pick up as long as you know how to rotate around your mortar kit and Holo form properly in order to get the most out of hardlight arena and Sword 2.

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serious not sure how power s/d rated three stars and war rated one star lol.

and how prot holo is rated higher then rifle when all prot holo do is rotate through skills...

really all these builds belong a 2 star, only difference is build effective or not. definitely 3 of my most played classes.


do people misunderstand build effectiveness to skillful or something..

weaver, fb are probably more difficult and takes longer to learn and get a hang on for having more buttons. but that's it..nothing really more "skillful" there's only less skillful build or builds that require less mechanical skill to be effective in 5v5 like thief while side noders rely heavily on mechanical skill, on top of rotation skill.

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Any profession/build that have a straigthforward gameplay tend to be labelled as unskilled.

Any condition build tend to be labelled as unskilled.

Any tank build (be it evade or not) tend to be labelled as unskilled.


Any profession/build that need planing and reactivity tend to be labelled as skilled.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Any profession/build that have a straigthforward gameplay tend to be labelled as unskilled.

> Any condition build tend to be labelled as unskilled.

> Any tank build (be it evade or not) tend to be labelled as unskilled.


> Any profession/build that need planing and reactivity tend to be labelled as skilled.


this man gets it!

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Any profession/build that have a straigthforward gameplay tend to be labelled as unskilled.

> Any condition build tend to be labelled as unskilled.

> Any tank build (be it evade or not) tend to be labelled as unskilled.


> Any profession/build that need planing and reactivity tend to be labelled as skilled.


Although it is not viable at all currently with the amount of condi cleanse in the game, I really like the play of Condi Engi, which features a few medium-cooldown high-damage condition bombs and a few lower cooldown cover conditions.


Unlike some condition builds where the objective is to 'spam' attacks at your opponent and overwhelm their cleanse, Condi engi has a different gameplan:

* First, know your opponent. Know how much cleanse they likely have available to them, and when they are likely to use it.

* Open with cover conditions if you expect them to waste a cleanse early, if not, open with a condi bomb.

* Immediately apply cover conditions after a bomb so that any cleanse hits those first.

* Keep reapplying cover as needed, going for repeating cover like Poison Dart Volley or Glue Shot if the opponent cleanses 1-2 conditions at a time - otherwise try to stack as many different cover conditions on at once to avoid burst cleanse (vuln, weakness, bleed, poison, cripple etc).

* Never reapply burn unless you can cover it and protect its damage with cover.

* Use CC to interrupt a cleanse.

* Try to survive long enough for you conditions to down the opponent.


That, to me takes some skill, and I get annoyed when people suggest "all condi is skilless". Sure, maybe some condi builds work by just constantly and thoughtlessly attacking, but condi engi definitely isn't one.

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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> and how prot holo is rated higher then rifle when all prot holo do is rotate through skills...


You don't actually need to know most of the skills to operate rifle holo. You just push most of the buttons and you generally win. I've observed rifle holos who had no clue what they were doing still win because of this.


With prot holo, you need to know what each skill does, and use them as appropriate, in addition to chaining together combos for the maximum effect. That's not to say a low-skilled prot holo can't be effective, but the difference between "high skill" and "low skill" is much greater on prot holo than it is for rifle holo.


Yes, this is a "skill floor" vs. "skill ceiling" argument. I would say that the difference between those two points matters.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> Guardian


> Valor/Virtues/Dragonhunter


> Teamfighter, occasional side-noder


> Longbow, Sword/Shield _(Focus instead of Shield)_


> Damage Type: Power



> **Own note**: Even though undoubtedly _(in my mind)_ not an OP profession/build nor one on par with stronger meta-builds, I have always found entire Guardian game-play with permanent Retaliation to be extremely skillless and self-carrying, might be because it is coupled with Heavy Armor, absurd amounts of Heals and blocks and boons and a **very** powerful dmg, if some of this was taken away it would be a skillfull profession no matter what is or is not Meta at any given moment. In my opinion it might be skillful now in current Meta, but deep in its core is a cheese.


Skillful Guardian lololol, whats next, skillful holo?

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I agree with this list. Fb is only amazing in the right hands, and a high throw in the wrong. Holo is only OP in the right hands and also still useful with all others who play it. Power mes can be super effective for winning when played ok or well I would say as they take out the lower rated players very quickly making it a more outnumbered game for most of it. And a bad one makes it 4v5 for whole game.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > and how prot holo is rated higher then rifle when all prot holo do is rotate through skills...


> You don't actually need to know most of the skills to operate rifle holo. You just push most of the buttons and you generally win. I've observed rifle holos who had no clue what they were doing still win because of this.


> With prot holo, you need to know what each skill does, and use them as appropriate, in addition to chaining together combos for the maximum effect. That's not to say a low-skilled prot holo can't be effective, but the difference between "high skill" and "low skill" is much greater on prot holo than it is for rifle holo.


> Yes, this is a "skill floor" vs. "skill ceiling" argument. I would say that the difference between those two points matters.


I started playing prot holo after chrono was deleted.. sorry i mean "reworked" and i can't agree with what you say, never lost a match in that class, and im always top stats in either offense or defence and kills

I barely read what skills do, just got into matches and spam, and it's ridiculous the amount of sustain i get without even knowing how to do combos, only the heal rotations, also i almost never get killed unless i start a fight 1v3 on porpouse, that spec completely carries me anytime against any comp, holo is in god mode right now and it should be the next in line for the balance team

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As long as your build does not rely on 1-2 button spamming or same short combo it can be considered as skilled. Some people think that pushing more buttons require more skill, yet I think using the environment, knowing your opponent and using your skills masterfully in any situation is the requirement. Using skills to their absolute limit is the best one :)


I played every profession (really failed at some), engi was the hardest yet the best one before HoT. It required wits, knowledge of your and your enemy's skills, good planning and good execution. Now, although skill floor is really lower than before, most builds require a good skill to play. People get angry at thieves, yet they need good positioning. People get angry at mesmers, yet they need good timing. People will always claim "x is a braindead class" when they cannot counter it.

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necro because its crap, so you have to go ultra instinct and time all your stuff just right and use LOS to stand a chance against OP stuff

OP stuff being everything that isnt a fellow pitiful weak tiny necromancer


i dont consider the amount of buttons you can press difficulty as you can just learn those in less than an hour, i consider the effort necessary to be able to beat others difficulty.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Any profession/build that have a straigthforward gameplay tend to be labelled as unskilled.

> Any condition build tend to be labelled as unskilled.

> Any tank build (be it evade or not) tend to be labelled as unskilled.


> Any profession/build that need planing and reactivity tend to be labelled as skilled.


It's almost like it's satisfying to have a heavy hit with a lot of inherent risk deal heavy damage. It's almost like there's skill in predicting opponents. It's almost as if this is entirely absent from GW2.

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Tempest because you are basically the reflect and protect god, but anything outside of that will kill you if you don't kite/time your cc properly for your team lmao.


On a side note, Idk why people think dagger is bad on ele. For core and tempest that literally has to be their most versatile weapon and probably one of their mobile/strongest. Scepter is just WAY TOO damn clunky and buggy to actually be reliable imo. The recent dagger changes really improved their gameplay in my eyes.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > and how prot holo is rated higher then rifle when all prot holo do is rotate through skills...


> You don't actually need to know most of the skills to operate rifle holo. You just push most of the buttons and you generally win. I've observed rifle holos who had no clue what they were doing still win because of this.


> With prot holo, you need to know what each skill does, and use them as appropriate, in addition to chaining together combos for the maximum effect. That's not to say a low-skilled prot holo can't be effective, but the difference between "high skill" and "low skill" is much greater on prot holo than it is for rifle holo.


> Yes, this is a "skill floor" vs. "skill ceiling" argument. I would say that the difference between those two points matters.


you don't need to know most skills for prot holo either, u just know both arena and light shield reduces damages.

all u have to do is press one of these two skills when u see damage coming, and you damage by spamming forge to 149% while getting 25 might and all your damage skill does shit tons of damage then spam mortar and repeat.

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**Post patch:**


_**God-Tier difficulty:**_


Power Engineer/Kit Engineer

Power Elementalist

Condition Revenant

Condition Berserker



Power Core Thief.

Power Daredevil.

Power Chronomancer

All Weavers.

All Tempests.

Power Necro/Reaper

Condition Ranger


Power and Condition Renegade




Power Warrior/Berserker/Spellbreaker without rampage.

Core Guardian.


Power Revenant/Power Herald

Power Ranger/Druid

Condition SoulBeast

Power Mirage





Any warrior running Rampage.

Condition Thief.

Power Deadeye

Power Soulbeast



**Diet GW2:**


Condition Mirage

Holosmith(Go down one tier if you get rampage in your rotation)


**Degenerate Play**


[None, see above]

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Every build in the game is skillful, except mantra mes and permastealth one-shot melee Deadeye. The reason why is mantra mes/melee DE requires melee distance to be the most effective as a one shot. And one shot is not skillful unless you can kite while being able to do damage. Hence these builds are trash and nobody should play them. If you want to be a "ranged mantra mes" don't bother and play F/A Weaver instead, or choose rifle as one shot for Deadeye.


Skill level: easy = everything can be easy, though your death rate will be higher if you think like this for most builds. Some bunker builds/bruisers are easy to play and effective, such as Sw/F Weaver (easy for me) but I admit I'm not as good on rotations as I should be


Skill level: medium = anything can be medium difficulty. Sometimes when I play S/D Thief I think it's about this level of difficulty (that's when I'm at my best) when I start thinking it's easy to play, I do terribly and mess a bunch of shit up.


Skill level: hard = now this is genuinely reserved for anything that contradicts what role you're used to, or something that requires macro unless you're a keybind god, or something that demands attention to minute detail. F/A Weaver, S/D Thief, a good Power Rev (there's a difference), a good Necro, a good bruiser/side noder (the hardest part about playing a side noder is knowing how to rotate after your fight ends), and Renegade. For me support classes are genuinely impossible since they're such a farcry from what I'm used to playing in Conquest. But to others it's a simple role.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > and how prot holo is rated higher then rifle when all prot holo do is rotate through skills...


> You don't actually need to know most of the skills to operate rifle holo. You just push most of the buttons and you generally win. I've observed rifle holos who had no clue what they were doing still win because of this.


And yet every single thread you are there. Arguing against nerfs that would put holosmith in line with where it should be balance wise.


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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > > and how prot holo is rated higher then rifle when all prot holo do is rotate through skills...

> >

> > You don't actually need to know most of the skills to operate rifle holo. You just push most of the buttons and you generally win. I've observed rifle holos who had no clue what they were doing still win because of this.


> And yet every single thread you are there. Arguing against nerfs that would put holosmith in line with where it should be balance wise.






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