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What happened to Zojja?


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The latest update on Zojja's current state comes from Linsey Murdock in a [German interview at buffed.de](https://www.buffed.de/Guild-Wars-2-Spiel-17072/Specials/Interview-Alles-oder-Nichts-1274436/) where it was stated that Zojja was still recovering from traumatic brain injuries she received in Maguuma (I'd guess in this case it means injuries from both physical combat as well as the mental probing she suffered from in Mordremoth's pod during the Mordrem "cloning" process). Here's an attempted translation from the original source:


> **Linsey Murdock, Design Lead:** Zojja was badly wounded in the fight against Mordremoth. The blighting pods have attacked the greatest strengths of Logan and Zojja. For Logan it was his physical talent, but for Zojja it was her mind. Traumatic brain injuries can lead to a long healing process and often have ongoing negative effects. I think Zojja's loved ones want to protect her from the ongoing conflict so she can concentrate on her recovery.


With Sandswept Isles we were introduced to [Overseer Kuda](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Overseer_Kuda) who uncannily has a face similar to Zojja and is implied to be Kudu's daughter (as per her dialogue and how she's studying ways to control dragon minions). If Kuda is related to Kudu (Zojja's archenemy) and continues her late father's dangerous research (we even got recent [ambient dialogue in Grothmar Valley](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rusty_Meadows#Ambient_dialogue) where a presumably Priory Researcher wonders out loud if Tyrians should bend Aurene's magic to their will, which veers rather close to Kudu and Kuda's way of thinking), it would make sense to make Zojja return to stop this threat eventually, especially as she was already unavailable to meet with Snaff and Eir and to witness Kralkatorrik's fate:


> **Researcher Dwidd:** Look, I admire Taimi as much as the next asura. Her academic record is spotless.

> **Researcher Dwidd:** But she's missing the bigger picture. For the first time in...ever, we have access to a friendly Elder Dragon!

> **Rancher:** Don't look that friendly, breathing fire all over stuff.

> **Researcher Dwidd:** Exactly! We could weaponize it. Bend its magic to our will, make it do our bidding...

> **Rancher:** You think?

> **Researcher Dwidd:** I know!

> **Researcher Dwidd:** I should talk to Gorrik. Gorrik will understand...


It's curious to me that Dwidd is one of the few unique named NPCs that has ambient dialogue in the map. That kind of attention to detail suggests that we may meet this pondering asura again at some point. Hopefully the Inquest teases from Season 4 and this expanding dragon threat and enslavement plot means that Zojja will rise up to meet the challenge. Perhaps Taimi could place her in the restorative Mordrem fluids she put Spencer in back in Season 3 to speed up Zojja's recovery process. I hope that Zojja at least gets a chance to meet with Snaff's ghost to give proper farewells so she can close that chapter in her life for good and truly move on...

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> @"Ginjow.3462" said:

> I remember that she and logan almost died in HoT events.

> During LS3 they were recovering, but Logan come's back to fight kralk with us, and we never hear from Zojja again


and I sincerely hope the only thing we ever hear is 'sadly she died from complications'. She was utterly unlikeable in the book - and was utterly unlikeable whenever she showed up in the personal story.

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I don’t think we’ll ever see her again. I hope I’m wrong, but the fact they couldn’t work in a DE reunion for War Eternal has permanently tainted my opinion of the writing.


A little faith was restored with how good the prologue for Icebrood was, but even if they knock it out of the park from here on out War Eternal will never not bug me.


It’s hard to reconcile knowing they were dealing with all the lay offs at that point, but... why did they even reintroduce Eir and Snaff if they weren’t going to be a priority for the finale (along with Zojja). Just makes me sad. I didn’t need any spotlight from the PoF characters, or Gwen for that matter. It should’ve been Eir and Snaff leading the ghost camp at the very least.

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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> I don’t think we’ll ever see her again. I hope I’m wrong, but the fact they couldn’t work in a DE reunion for War Eternal has permanently tainted my opinion of the writing.


> A little faith was restored with how good the prologue for Icebrood was, but even if they knock it out of the park from here on out War Eternal will never not bug me.


> It’s hard to reconcile that knowing they were dealing with all the lay offs at that point, but... why did they even reintroduce Eir and Snaff if they weren’t going to be a priority for the finale (along with Zojja). Just makes me sad. I didn’t need any spotlight from the PoF characters, or Gwen for that matter. It should’ve been Eir and Snaff leading the ghost camp at the very least.


why? Eir and Snaff are nothing but some random pugs in the mists. Gwen was way more important than these two will ever be.


Zojja's absence might be really simple: a VA who does not care to come back and anet fearing massive backlash if they change the voice. They got away with Rox, because nobody really cares about her. But Zojja? Despite her abysmal character she has some cult following. Imagine the outcry.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> why? Eir and Snaff are nothing but some random pugs in the mists. Gwen was way more important than these two will ever be.

Eir is a pretty big hero, globally, even if Snaff isn't. She was part of the force that took down Zhaitan, after all. And that's ignoring her feats before that, too. Gwen, counteractively, has zero strong relevance to the plot of GW2, and while a major figure from a political viewpoint, is hardly so on a cosmic scale than Eir.


> Zojja's absence might be really simple: a VA who does not care to come back and anet fearing massive backlash if they change the voice. They got away with Rox, because nobody really cares about her. But Zojja? Despite her abysmal character she has some cult following. Imagine the outcry.


They've changed VAs for Rox and the charr male and female PCs. **Player character** voice actors were changed. And unlike those three situations, Zojja having a voice change actually makes sense given her role, and many of that so-called "cult following" have stated that they'd accept a VA change. Not only that, but the VA has stated she'd like to work with ArenaNet again. So it definitely isn't that the VA is unavailable.


Furthermore, Zojja was originally slated to return for Season 4 Episode 2. But they decided against it as they rewrote the story because they didn't want to have two releases where a female asura was taken hostage (original plot was that Phlunt was secretly Inquest and helped capture Zojja and took her to Rata Primus while working with Joko, or something along those lines; they removed Zojja, Phlunt, and the cooperation from the plot - if only they also took out the "you died so scarabs don't affect you" or the "scarabs only affect a species that came from another world, despite lack of logic for it" or even the gag death of Joko).

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> @"Ports Are Us.4369" said:

> Weird theory, but what if Taimi uses Zojas body to stay alive? Taimi's body is failing and perhaps zoja's mind is too, making the perfect match. Though i wish Taimi would just get better and not succumb to some sort of Frankenstein plot.


If Taimi is to survive her disease, I'd like there to be some repercussion. Either the cure is costly in some form (someone aside from Taimi has to die to get it, or is permanently maimed in its pursuit), or Taimi is affected in some substantial way (she becomes a lich, golem, turns into a choya, idk). Barring that, I feel like she should eventually succumb to her disease. Or if they magic it away, there better be one *heck* of a journey involved to earn it. Really, I just don't want that plot thread to have an easy resolution. I don't like how they've backpedaled in the past on similar hard story moments. I would even say it's fine if she dies and becomes a ghost we can interact with, because at least that tracks with the world-building we've seen recently.


I don't *want* Taimi to die because I think she's a decent character, but if they set up this plot thread I wanna see them explore it fully and satisfactorily.


Edit: That said, I could see them bringing Zojja back to help Taimi find a cure for her disease, if nothing else. And if Zojja were to pay the price for it somehow, so be it, as long as we can get a definitive end to her story instead of her just having scrambled eggs for brains off screen.

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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> > @"Ports Are Us.4369" said:

> > Weird theory, but what if Taimi uses Zojas body to stay alive? Taimi's body is failing and perhaps zoja's mind is too, making the perfect match. Though i wish Taimi would just get better and not succumb to some sort of Frankenstein plot.


> If Taimi is to survive her disease, I'd like there to be some repercussion. Either the cure is costly in some form (someone aside from Taimi has to die to get it, or is permanently maimed in its pursuit), or Taimi is affected in some substantial way (she becomes a lich, golem, turns into a choya, idk). Barring that, I feel like she should eventually succumb to her disease. Or if they magic it away, there better be one *heck* of a journey involved to earn it. Really, I just don't want that plot thread to have an easy resolution. I don't like how they've backpedaled in the past on similar hard story moments. I would even say it's fine if she dies and becomes a ghost we can interact with, because at least that tracks with the world-building we've seen recently.


> I don't *want* Taimi to die because I think she's a decent character, but if they set up this plot thread I wanna see them explore it fully and satisfactorily.


> Edit: That said, I could see them bringing Zojja back to help Taimi find a cure for her disease, if nothing else. And if Zojja were to pay the price for it somehow, so be it, as long as we can get a definitive end to her story instead of her just having scrambled eggs for brains off screen.


Just stuff taimis mind into her golem, those 2 are always together anyways, why not give her that (almost) indestructable body.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Svennis.3852" said:

> > > @"Ports Are Us.4369" said:

> > > Weird theory, but what if Taimi uses Zojas body to stay alive? Taimi's body is failing and perhaps zoja's mind is too, making the perfect match. Though i wish Taimi would just get better and not succumb to some sort of Frankenstein plot.

> >

> > If Taimi is to survive her disease, I'd like there to be some repercussion. Either the cure is costly in some form (someone aside from Taimi has to die to get it, or is permanently maimed in its pursuit), or Taimi is affected in some substantial way (she becomes a lich, golem, turns into a choya, idk). Barring that, I feel like she should eventually succumb to her disease. Or if they magic it away, there better be one *heck* of a journey involved to earn it. Really, I just don't want that plot thread to have an easy resolution. I don't like how they've backpedaled in the past on similar hard story moments. I would even say it's fine if she dies and becomes a ghost we can interact with, because at least that tracks with the world-building we've seen recently.

> >

> > I don't *want* Taimi to die because I think she's a decent character, but if they set up this plot thread I wanna see them explore it fully and satisfactorily.

> >

> > Edit: That said, I could see them bringing Zojja back to help Taimi find a cure for her disease, if nothing else. And if Zojja were to pay the price for it somehow, so be it, as long as we can get a definitive end to her story instead of her just having scrambled eggs for brains off screen.


> Just stuff taimis mind into her golem, those 2 are always together anyways, why not give her that (almost) indestructable body.


Theres already 3 cases in the game's scattered story threads that prove its already possible. The only real question is the level of existential dread she'd have over it. I'm assuming its pretty significant, as the personalities of 2 of the 3 that underwent the process are more pragmatically focused, where as Taimi has avoided obvious augmentations that could alleviate her symptoms.


I can understand from a writer's stand point, since audiences have historically had issues empathizing with character's they can't read as "human-esque". Hence why Blish was carefully crafted to have both a conscience and an implied redemption ark, why Gorrik was purposefully made to be abrasive for contrast, and why we care about those 2 when we take 1 look at Oola and think "Yeah, thats something she would do......".

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > Just stuff taimis mind into her golem, those 2 are always together anyways, why not give her that (almost) indestructable body.


> Theres already 3 cases in the game's scattered story threads that prove its already possible. The only real question is the level of existential dread she'd have over it. I'm assuming its pretty significant, as the personalities of 2 of the 3 that underwent the process are more pragmatically focused, where as Taimi has avoided obvious augmentations that could alleviate her symptoms.


> I can understand from a writer's stand point, since audiences have historically had issues empathizing with character's they can't read as "human-esque". Hence why Blish was carefully crafted to have both a conscience and an implied redemption ark, why Gorrik was purposefully made to be abrasive for contrast, and why we care about those 2 when we take 1 look at Oola and think "Yeah, thats something she would do......".


I don't think Taimi would be that concerned about it. After all, her first reaction when encountering Blish was this:


Taimi: Oh my... You're...

Gorrik: Here we go again. What'll it be: Disgust? Horror? Don't keep us in suspense.

Taimi: Amazing... Beautiful.

Blish: That is...unexpected.

Blish: And likely inaccurate. Life as a machine is incomprehensible to living beings.

Taimi: But you're safe. From life's...frailties.

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> @"Kossage.9072" said:

>... (we even got recent [ambient dialogue in Grothmar Valley](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rusty_Meadows#Ambient_dialogue) where a presumably Priory Researcher wonders out loud if Tyrians should bend Aurene's magic to their will, which veers rather close to Kudu and Kuda's way of thinking), it would make sense to make Zojja return to stop this threat eventually, especially as she was already unavailable to meet with Snaff and Eir and to witness Kralkatorrik's fate:

> It's curious to me that Dwidd is one of the few unique named NPCs that has ambient dialogue in the map. That kind of attention to detail suggests that we may meet this pondering asura again at some point. Hopefully the Inquest teases from Season 4 and this expanding dragon threat and enslavement plot means that Zojja will rise up to meet the challenge.


Just, Dwidd is from Inquest, wear their uniform and knows Gorrik. Not priory. I agree on the fact that is strange that he is named, many time only important npcs are named. As example, during LS1 we got Frizz that guy splatted by its laser wires machine. I think he was at the origin of aetherblade equipments and airships (never been confirmed, or step scrapped). And as you said, we now have Kuda. Daughter of Kudu, no mother known maybe she was born in lab thanks to Kudu? Who knows... I bet that Kuda will come back, with Researcher Dwidd. No news from R3D-RCR, but I suppose she died in the amphitheater because no plans were planned for her.

About Zojia, if it's impossible for them to bring her back, they will just end saying she is dead.

I kinda like that Kuda would be her achenemy. But no needs to be one if they are no protagonist anymore. Maybe the aimed fight is between the Pact and Inquest? They now want to bend Aurene's magic and if I quote them "Weaponize it". Sure they are baddies but their progress is stunning. They can create dragon minions army now I think.





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