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I met like 3 revs in pvp after pof launch


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I only play Herald. There's a few ones out there, the build is still very viable.. But of course there's only a few: most of players are trying to make work their new shinny specializations, and in the case of the Revenant the PoF spec is worthless for PvP/WvW, so most players which mained a Rev in PvP are either playing other classes or not playing PvP at all.

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What do you expect when they kneecapped power revenant the moment it competed with thief for +1 by nerfing the crap out of its damage and cooldowns, and now its teamfight also sucks since all the other melee specs gained far better sustain and the spellbreaker and guardian bring better CC on top of the damage anyways.

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Rev needs damage and sustain buffs.


-Mace skills need bigger coverage areas.

-Sword needs some damage nerfs removed, or given back some of its functionality (sword 2 hitting stealth targets for example)

-Easier access to better stab

-Kalla legend as a whole needs buffs

-Bow is 100% useless as current. Hammer is the same.

-Lower cast on heals or make them more potent

-Better defensive condi management outside of vent


-oh and you guys can't start crying again when you start getting farmed.

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> @DaShi.1368 said:

> Herald is viable if the enemy team doesn't have a Scourge. Scourges can defeat revs by accident.


Sorry guys, you aren't listening. Herald is one of the best classes vs Spellbreakers, and do decent vs Scourges; I'm watching streams from Bryvanent, Balouga, etc. beating those classes all day, and they aren't even the top dogs as Magic Toker, Jonasdon... Rev isn't popular at the moment just because is hard to play it right, but when is played well put to their knees most of the new specs. And the best thing is that does it without the need of a buff: the sooner the nerfs start to hit the current meta the better will be (while still being hard to play).

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Power rev remains as one of the most overtuned (in the right situations) spec ever introduced. I might get some flak by saying this but being weak to condis doesn't mean a class with so many defenses and utility built into their offense is balanced. I hope they never get buffed.

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> @rwolf.9571 said:

> Bunker rev died when Scourge came with their face roll aoes.


you mean when this community demand a nerf to ventari which only could decap noob players without doing any dmg while being weak to condition dmg.

so we got 10 sec icd and a whole build concept of support got deleted.


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> @Buran.3796 said:

> > @DaShi.1368 said:

> > Herald is viable if the enemy team doesn't have a Scourge. Scourges can defeat revs by accident.


> Sorry guys, you aren't listening. Herald is one of the best classes vs Spellbreakers, and do decent vs Scourges; I'm watching streams from Bryvanent, Balouga, etc. beating those classes all day, and they aren't even the top dogs as Magic Toker, Jonasdon... Rev isn't popular at the moment just because is hard to play it right, but when is played well put to their knees most of the new specs. And the best thing is that does it without the need of a buff: the sooner the nerfs start to hit the current meta the better will be (while still being hard to play).


just watch balouga and scourge and spellbreaker easily killed or push him away. even he said rev is meh.... while he played some axe build.

herald is not one of the best class versus spellbreaker and scourge. maybe you mean class who can do nice dmg but hardly kill them or contest the point.

herald is the same team fight dmg. nothing changed.

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> @Buran.3796 said:

> > @DaShi.1368 said:

> > Herald is viable if the enemy team doesn't have a Scourge. Scourges can defeat revs by accident.


> Sorry guys, you aren't listening. Herald is one of the best classes vs Spellbreakers, and do decent vs Scourges; I'm watching streams from Bryvanent, Balouga, etc. beating those classes all day, and they aren't even the top dogs as Magic Toker, Jonasdon... Rev isn't popular at the moment just because is hard to play it right, but when is played well put to their knees most of the new specs. And the best thing is that does it without the need of a buff: the sooner the nerfs start to hit the current meta the better will be (while still being hard to play).


say that to my condi mirage who abslutely delete revs

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> @messiah.1908 said:


> herald is not one of the best class versus spellbreaker and scourge. maybe you mean class who can do nice dmg but hardly kill them or contest the point.

> herald is the same team fight dmg. nothing changed.


I didn't said that Herald is one of the best classes vs Scourge: I said that does decent against them. And I said that is one of the best classes vs Spellbrekers becuse it is: Spellbrekers damage is mediocre compared to both Berserker and core Warrior and only do excell due their huge resistance uptime (in a condi meta environment) and the Full Counter mechanic; but reistance means nothing to Herald (because they use power stats) and FC is almost useless vs Herald, so Spellbreaker ends being a Berserker with less damage, sustain and cc. They do great in the current landscape because most of players are running condi specs which do 0 damage to them and even spam AoEs which procs Full Counter.


> @Amityel.5324

> say that to my condi mirage who abslutely delete revs


Did you won any of the 1 vs 1 hosted by Jebro? Because I saw Heralds winning those events at least two times, facing Reapers and condi Chronos (which, by the way, are stronger that current Mirage builds). I'm not surprised about Herald being stomped by strong condi classes, as variants from Thieves, Necros and Mesmers, because has very limited tools to cleanse, and is very hard to play, but as I said in the right hands Herald still crushes most of classes in 1 vs 1. That's why we saw so many Meditrappers in HoT and now so many Scourges and Spellbreakers: you can do well with those builds while having no idea about how to play the game.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Idk... I've still been playing ventari in ranked ques vs. Scourge comps... Will say seeing 2 of them and i'll swap off. But i havent had much problems facing one scorge in the middle of team fights, just stay back and heal your team. Ventari is still good for bunkering as well... One of few viable builds that can take the 2v1 (including spelbreaker matchups).

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It's fairly simple to understand why and I will explain it as someone who plays Revenant in high gold / low plat.


Problem#1: Renegade is bad. They tried to make it an alternative to Herald by giving it more interesting F2+ abilities instead of just "push button receive boon upkeep". The problem with these abilities though is that they suck. Even if they costed 0 energy they would honestly still be inferior to Facet.


Problem#2: **Scourge exists**. Since we still have to play Herald ( due to Problem#1 ) we rely on boons to be effective. Yet, Anet just released one of the most broken builds ever in the history of both GW1 and GW2 combined and guess what it just so happens to hardcounter? _Melee classes that rely on boons. _ The only way I have found to reliably deal with this nonsense is to spec corruption Mallyx with demonic defiance.


Problem#3 Demonic defiance is a garbage trait setup against everything except scourge, making it unviable since you now die to everything else. This leaves us with Ventari, which got nerfed and is also horribly unfun to play.


Solution for us Rev players: Play thief until anet fixes their game lol.





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I think as long as scourge is a thing there won't be many revs (i did see few in couple matches). Also, rev will probably always suffer from identity crisis. Anet tried to make something like thief/guard/war in one and now the class (rev) struggles to find the niche.

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