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Is pvp worth starting now?

DoRi Silvia.4159

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Hi and ho

I've been a pve player doing fracs and raids and always had meant to get into pvp but never really looked at it.

Until recently I have found my self logging in and pretty much having nothing to do so I thought I might see if I can get into pvp


Is 2019 a bad time to get into pvp? Although I have not played I have quietly been reading the state of it or how little attention it gets from anet and makes me wonder if it will be ok for a new(?) Pvp player to start now

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Well pvp is actually not low population, that is kinda of a misinformation, there not many people up in platinum, but most people are in the median g1 g2 g3 cause the system just pulls you there with the 50% ratio and the fact the higher you go the less you get and you lose more points. Also around g2 is kinda way more chill and games are not that blow out prone since you have bigger pool of people to play with. Around the end of g3 p1 the stuff gets wack since it is close to the top 250 and it gets little bit like in politics with the whole ego toxic, fake toxic for manipulating the board by trowing and shifting the blame to someone else, cheesy builds and tactics , it is very interesting but gets old quite fast. For bots they are somewhere in silver, but then again the last time i reached the the top 250 there was a bot above me in the list noticeable by the ridiculous amount of games played, so eh. So all in all for fun best rating is around g2.

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Really it depends on your personal preference, and what you want/expect out of it.


For instance, if you expect the competitive mode to actually be competitive... It pays to listen to the community here with pretty much everyone saying it isn't. Much is the same case with expecting the game to be balanced fairly.


If you expect to be able to play to learn a class in PvP, or do dailies there; I think that's reasonable and doable. I'd highly recommend starting out in unranked and checking out custom 1v1 arenas until you feel you have a solid handle on your class, then it's up to you if you want to try and stomach ranked's cheese and nonsense, or find a team to play ATs with.

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Why you don't just start PvP and look for yourself? In the end no one here will be able to tell you whether you will like it or not. One thing is sure: The more ppl will start PvP the better it will get. At least when the ppl care a little bit for the gamemode and have the will to improve. We don't need more PvE reward farming ppl not carring at all. That only makes ppl more toxic and that for good reasons. Brings me to another point: Start with unranked until you got the basics of conquest, know what the job of your build is and know how to play your class. Normally ranked matchmaking would balance you out by rating but atm even very low rated newbies can get matches with high rated tryhards what will be very unfun for both sides. My advice is to at least know the basics (watch some guides and streams, get experince in unranked) before joining ranked, so you can avoid at least the most stupid mistakes.

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> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> Hi and ho

> I've been a pve player doing fracs and raids and always had meant to get into pvp but never really looked at it.

> Until recently I have found my self logging in and pretty much having nothing to do so I thought I might see if I can get into pvp


> Is 2019 a bad time to get into pvp? Although I have not played I have quietly been reading the state of it or how little attention it gets from anet and makes me wonder if it will be ok for a new(?) Pvp player to start now


if you play holo/warr or other borken spec its arlight. but god forbid you try offmeta against meta.

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> tip:

> block all partymembers at beginning for a silence chat ;)


And miss all important informations, like questions about your build so ppl who are multiclass player like me can relog for a better teamcomp, or kind advices ppl give during the match to improve roations, or coordinating communication... yeah no, bad idea. Communication is important in conquest also when it is only by chat. You will miss more important stuff will help you win the match than flames you can just ignore yourself.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > tip:

> > block all partymembers at beginning for a silence chat ;)


> And miss all important informations, like questions about your build so ppl who are multiclass player like me can relog for a better teamcomp, or kind advices ppl give during the match to improve roations, or coordinating communication... yeah no, bad idea. Communication is important in conquest also when it is only by chat. You will miss more important stuff will help you win the match than flames you can just ignore yourself.


yep, + withstanding flame shapes character, 10 years of league of legends made me immune to insults, + if someone insults me irl i proppably will have niiiice quip to shut them up :D

some people get REALLY immaginative with insults over the internet lol

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > > tip:

> > > block all partymembers at beginning for a silence chat ;)

> >

> > And miss all important informations, like questions about your build so ppl who are multiclass player like me can relog for a better teamcomp, or kind advices ppl give during the match to improve roations, or coordinating communication... yeah no, bad idea. Communication is important in conquest also when it is only by chat. You will miss more important stuff will help you win the match than flames you can just ignore yourself.


> yep, + withstanding flame shapes character, 10 years of league of legends made me immune to insults, + if someone insults me irl i proppably will have niiiice quip to shut them up :D

> some people get REALLY immaginative with insults over the internet lol


True :joy:

Also we all get emotional here and there, sometimes the toxic one is even right. So i either listen and improve or i ignore it. Only persons you see are just stupid, narrowed and rly bad themself only like to blame others i will block after a longer time, when i am sure there will never be something constructive coming from him. Being toxic and being wrong everytime i meet someone is a block at some point. Being toxic and right i don't care too much.

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If youre new, you wont notice lots of things that makes veteran PvPers puke, complain and quit the game. So I guess you should try it, just dont tryhard and learn step by step, and dont be afraid of can**r builds as theyre main part of the game nowadays, just pick your poison.


Also dont expect any big updates coming for this mode, its not PvE. After some time you'll notice that you keep doing same point holding over and over again and playing against/with same people. Quite masochistic in my opinion :+1:

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@"DoRi Silvia.4159"

If you're looking for self-improvement that is based mainly in learning from mistakes, PvP is for you. You will pick up things like:

1. What makes up "meta builds"; everything in the meta is usually pushed to the maximum capabilities of its class, but at roles different from PvE: Roamer, DPS, Duelist, Support.

2. Mastery of your own class; you will learn how to use your CDs to not die, use kiting/positioning to preserve CDs, what are the skills of high value on your class and how you can maximize their usage.

3. Understanding of other classes; you will learn matchup knowledge, which tells you what classes you are strong against and how to fight them, or which ones you are weak against and how to avoid their damage.

4. Mind-games; at higher levels of play, skill efficiency become increasingly important as players attempt to outplay one another with baiting, better cool-down control and usage of dodges.

5. Handling Wins and Losses, mostly losses; this is very similar to any fighting game, in that players don't just go for wins and high rating by following some awesome new OP meta-build. Some players with very deep knowledge of one particular class because of **plain dogged persistence** in trying to improve, and focused on improving will get the wins and rating they won't even want at that point and without trying, because their mastery just puts them there. I'm not good enough (yet), but there is always hope! Never lose hope.


Don't create unrealistic expectations for yourself (about winning), eventually play with the confidence that [you will get the comeback despite all odds](https://imgur.com/H1x5g3G "you will get the comeback despite all odds");

Be aware of the Dunning-Kruger effect (recognize accurately where your competency lies in relation to others, and come to terms with it);

Do boldly ask for help (but figure out specific problems with self-critique, so people can help better);

Try to learn something from each match (admire the good plays and find out how you can adapt them for your use, focus on fixing your own problems and not your teammates' ones);

Manage frustrations with ample breaks, play with and against friends, and in the end just GO AGANE!

You will see that there is much you can learn from handling failure and negativity, in particular the ability to laugh at BMs, flaming teammates and your own botched plays.


[Welcome to PvP. Here's a discord where you can ask coaches of different classes for help, with links to very useful resources to get you started.](https://discord.gg/CYnzbZA "Welcome to PvP. Here's a discord where you can ask coaches of different classes for help, with links to very useful resources to get you started.") There are also memes. Lots of memes.

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If you want to experience frustration and other players blaming you for losing 500-50 because they think it is a good idea to 3v1 a near unkillable tank when the other team has the other 2 caps then sure go ahead. Don't expect serious competitive play though. Some people will deliberately afk and make your team lose for not playing the way they want. I wouldn't actually recommend it to new players. sPvP has changed a lot over the years, for the worse, especially since ANet lost interest in PvP because their eSports idea was a complete failure and all those $$$ slipped out of view,

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Yeah pvp is really fun. Great combat easy to learn conquest and most ques pop under 5 mins. Can level up though it and can also make cash. Also many builds u can use and play also meta builds if u fancy more RP. Pvp is amazing. The matchmaker is not. But don’t worry so much about it. Only the kids do.

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Turn off map chat, maybe queue offline if you're getting angry whispers. They're few but they happen. Then every time you die and everytime you lose a game, think about why. Try and learn from it, Maybe practice the build that killed you and learn what it did so you can know what to counter the next time you see it. This game relies on you having a decent build, playing it well, playing your "role" well, and being in the right places at the right time.


If you're walking into a 1v4 that's bad.

If you're gonna be SUPER late to help a 2v3 and you won't get there in time and aren't super tanky or able to monkey about and stall, it's most likely better to + somewhere else to equalize the advantage they got/to miminize your losses than to go suicide into an already lost fight... but if you can save it, sometimes it worth it.


You're gonna have to feel it out, this game is very not toxic compared to most PvP games, but it is more toxic than it used to be unfortunately.


It is the best combat system of any game imo and it's a tragedy more people don't play PvP.

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If you want to get into PvP, it's absolutely fine to start now.

All of us older players make it seem like it's bad and toxic but most of those issues are caused by said experience.

Your new player experience will probably be vastly different to what we face every day. The things old players are sick and tired of will probably feel fresh and exciting to you. You'll get to feel the full potential of the game's combat system, which is the best in the market. You honestly just don't get to feel that potential in other game modes, other than maybe WvW and even there it's covered by layers of other things like siege, mount tactics, NPC's, etc.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> > Hi and ho

> > I've been a pve player doing fracs and raids and always had meant to get into pvp but never really looked at it.

> > Until recently I have found my self logging in and pretty much having nothing to do so I thought I might see if I can get into pvp

> >

> > Is 2019 a bad time to get into pvp? Although I have not played I have quietly been reading the state of it or how little attention it gets from anet and makes me wonder if it will be ok for a new(?) Pvp player to start now


> if you play holo/warr or other borken spec its arlight. but god forbid you try offmeta against meta.


oh man, i do off meta all the time got myself to p1. But i hate p1 so i just choose to wait for my rank to dip back to iron or even brwonze.

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