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Legends have to change.


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Absolutely not. Everyone has the same opportunity to get this stuff - it'll just take longer for some than others. And that is exactly how it should be and is the hallmark of MMO longevity. If you only play for an hour a day, it is not reasonable to expect to get a legendary in any short span if ever. And realistically I would bet most people understand that.


> Legendaries bring together game modes, keep the economy moving and bring life to various aspects of the game as they send players to farm, collect and play in different areas. Adding them in as drops would be harmful to this and none of the aforementioned ideas would counter that. People hated that Legendaries once represented luck since the precursors were exclusive to rng. Returning to the abysmal green weapon drop system GW1 had and applying it to Legendaries would be a reversal of that.


> The current system is fine and doesn't need a change beyond looking at any associated meta events that might need a tweak has populations thin and spreads


No the current system is not fine, they need to be in drops it is that simple the green drop system was fantastic because you did not need to spend months upon months or even years to get a legendary, This game is going to be dead soon and hat people have to realize that keeping it alive the need to change it and change it big time. So first make legends drops able, after the we can talk about other things but not until then give the chances to everyone. Everyone does not have the gold or the time to buy or make the legends, so give them another chance by having them as drops Sorry if you can not see how this will bring the game together, except the ones who make legends like they are normal weapons. Most players can not do that and everyone should have an option to get one.

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> @"Avernus.6817" said:

> Legendaries are in a good place now, super expensive which means you gotta put the effort in so it feels worth it when its done.


> @"Avernus.6817" said:

> Legendaries are in a good place now, super expensive which means you gotta put the effort in so it feels worth it when its done.


Would it feel worth it if you were killing hundreds or thousands of enemies and one dropped for you while you were exploring the world I would think so, and if only if they are limited to say 10 per month or what not how great would that feel that you were able to get one.

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> @"Operator.2590" said:

> > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > If it takes longer for you than me than you do not have the same chance, yes the deciding factor is on the player but that is not the point the point is that you do not have the same chance

> How entitled do you have to be to expect the devs to change how legendaries—cosmetic skins unlocked from dedicated play—are earned, just so __you__ can have one.


> Really?



I have 2 of them thank you, but the trinket one is to long and to pricey for what it does. I made the legendary blade in less than a day because i had saved up a ton of mats years before the weapon even came out and seen it and went i want that one. I made it and was like in the top ten to make it. The fractal backpack is my second one and that one was not even close the price of this floating cotton ball trinket. So from collecting mats for year and just being lucky that i had them on me when it came out to costing a fortune that only the elite can afford to get. That is a slap in the face of all players that can not make it or buy them. That is knocking the majority of your population on their butts and saying you are worthless to us.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> true but for general players who see all these and ask how can i well they cant because of cost time and meta events becoming dead. and unfinishable. it all ties in together and needs to be fixed. making legends drop able fixes this issue except bring the drop rate up so that players can get them


Which meta became "dead and unfinishable"?


> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > I mean sure Aurora May be worth ~1500g, but unless you’re literally not playing the game, a very sizeable amount of that gold cost is going to go away from material drops.

> >

> > And if you ARE a veteran player I’m sure you have a sizeable pile of resources to use on crafting the thing.

> >

> > Most of legendary crafting is just doing a little bit of farming for mats over a few days, you’d be amazed how easy it is to knock out legendaries for “cheap” (low liquid gold price) with a Bit of farming.


> No because i do hot horde my mats i collect them and then sell them, it is the only way to keep gold flowing in.


Sooo... you want to eat the cake and still have it as well? That's not how it works.


> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > @"Avernus.6817" said:

> > Legendaries are in a good place now, super expensive which means you gotta put the effort in so it feels worth it when its done.


> > @"Avernus.6817" said:

> > Legendaries are in a good place now, super expensive which means you gotta put the effort in so it feels worth it when its done.


> Would it feel worth it if you were killing hundreds or thousands of enemies and one dropped for you while you were exploring the world I would think so, and if only if they are limited to say 10 per month or what not how great would that feel that you were able to get one.


Leaving legendaries to low rng drops would feel awful. How many precursor weapons did you get directly from drop? Why do you think you'd get a legendary drop all of the sudden?

You just want all the 'prestige' and none of the work. These items are optional and require work put into them for a reason.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Absolutely not. Everyone has the same opportunity to get this stuff - it'll just take longer for some than others. And that is exactly how it should be and is the hallmark of MMO longevity. If you only play for an hour a day, it is not reasonable to expect to get a legendary in any short span if ever. And realistically I would bet most people understand that.

> >

> > Legendaries bring together game modes, keep the economy moving and bring life to various aspects of the game as they send players to farm, collect and play in different areas. Adding them in as drops would be harmful to this and none of the aforementioned ideas would counter that. People hated that Legendaries once represented luck since the precursors were exclusive to rng. Returning to the abysmal green weapon drop system GW1 had and applying it to Legendaries would be a reversal of that.

> >

> > The current system is fine and doesn't need a change beyond looking at any associated meta events that might need a tweak has populations thin and spreads


> No the current system is not fine, they need to be in drops it is that simple the green drop system was fantastic because you did not need to spend months upon months or even years to get a legendary, This game is going to be dead soon and hat people have to realize that keeping it alive the need to change it and change it big time. So first make legends drops able, after the we can talk about other things but not until then give the chances to everyone. Everyone does not have the gold or the time to buy or make the legends, so give them another chance by having them as drops Sorry if you can not see how this will bring the game together, except the ones who make legends like they are normal weapons. Most players can not do that and everyone should have an option to get one.


It wouldn’t bring the game together at all. Relying on dull tedious rng is the hallmark of a bad reward system, esp when the economy, the gameplay and the crafting system is built round the current


I do not ever want to see a further return to that awful system gw1 had for getting greens. I never got a single weapon I wanted for my time investment. The community is constantly complaining and against rng in this game and was overjoyed when anet added craftable precursors.


The system as it is has worked for 7 years just fine. If I want something, I put the time into it. If I can’t put the hours into it, I’m satisfied I can’t have what I want - and that is how it should be.


At the end of the day, this is a moot discussion. The chances of it happening are thankfully as low as getting a green gw1 weapon drop anyway.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > Absolutely not. Everyone has the same opportunity to get this stuff - it'll just take longer for some than others. And that is exactly how it should be and is the hallmark of MMO longevity. If you only play for an hour a day, it is not reasonable to expect to get a legendary in any short span if ever. And realistically I would bet most people understand that.

> > >

> > > Legendaries bring together game modes, keep the economy moving and bring life to various aspects of the game as they send players to farm, collect and play in different areas. Adding them in as drops would be harmful to this and none of the aforementioned ideas would counter that. People hated that Legendaries once represented luck since the precursors were exclusive to rng. Returning to the abysmal green weapon drop system GW1 had and applying it to Legendaries would be a reversal of that.

> > >

> > > The current system is fine and doesn't need a change beyond looking at any associated meta events that might need a tweak has populations thin and spreads

> >

> > No the current system is not fine, they need to be in drops it is that simple the green drop system was fantastic because you did not need to spend months upon months or even years to get a legendary, This game is going to be dead soon and hat people have to realize that keeping it alive the need to change it and change it big time. So first make legends drops able, after the we can talk about other things but not until then give the chances to everyone. Everyone does not have the gold or the time to buy or make the legends, so give them another chance by having them as drops Sorry if you can not see how this will bring the game together, except the ones who make legends like they are normal weapons. Most players can not do that and everyone should have an option to get one.


> It wouldn’t bring the game together at all. Relying on dull tedious rng is the hallmark of a bad reward system, esp when the economy, the gameplay and the crafting system is built round the current


> I do not ever want to see a further return to that awful system gw1 had for getting greens. I never got a single weapon I wanted for my time investment. The community is constantly complaining and against rng in this game and was overjoyed when anet added craftable precursors.


> The system as it is has worked for 7 years just fine. If I want something, I put the time into it. If I can’t put the hours into it, I’m satisfied I can’t have what I want - and that is how it should be.


> At the end of the day, this is a moot discussion. The chances of it happening are thankfully as low as getting a green gw1 weapon drop anyway.


OP check how the community reacted to the new char helmets in last episode this is exactly what your legendary drop idea is in a nut shell.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> >

> > > The fact is this everyone that plays should have an equal chance to get them if you play one hour a day or 20 hours a day.

> > Everyone already has an equal chance. For some, it might take longer but the requirements are the same for everyone.

> >

> >

> >


> If it takes longer for you than me than you do not have the same chance, yes the deciding factor is on the player but that is not the point the point is that you do not have the same chance


Actually, what is important is that the requirements are similar for everyone. This is given currently. You might disagree with how the requirements are setup, but that does not change the fact that the current system is fair and equal towards all players.


The system is even desgined in a way where the vast majority of the grind can be skipped via the gem-gold exchange since the bulk of most legendaries is the gold cost.


Given your initial post, this is a clear lack of gathering information on your part and thus resulting rage at unexpected costs. Understandable, but certainly not reasonable. This is a 2+ year old item. It's not going to see change and given the latest additions (tier 2.5 leggies, Vision, Coalescence) prices for legendaries are not falling but increasing.

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Funny casual players are being brought up as a reason to have RNG drops when they are actually the ones who dislike the rare drops such as infusions the most. They, the casual players I have met over the years, do not have the coin to outright buy anything very expensive off the TP while not caring enough to grind for ages just for that small chance of a drop or to acquire that amount of gold if they do not enjoy repeating the same content or farm for months.


Thus the legendaries were designed with them in mind. They were always meant to be long term goals to keep people busy with quite a lot of different content and a fun journey without scaring you off from even thinking about taking that route as soon as you notice a crazy price tag. Anyone wishing to know exactly how much gold they would have to sink could still have easily checked google but it is not something that needs to be displayed ingame.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > People often wonder why I hold such disdain for legendary gear in Gw2..

> >

> > Well thats why xD

> >

> > At the end of the day the skin/effect is the only thing about a legendary item that makes them worth the time, effort and resources.. unless you're going to sell it for profit.

> > If you don't want the skin or effect then don't waste your time on them unless you're making to sell, they're not worth it for the cost, they are definitely not prestigious or rare enough to feel special anymore (hell they're more common than dungeon skins these days) and they're definitely not worth it just for the ability to swap stats.

> >

> >


> Theres 2 things I've learned about the modern state of gaming......... Legendary gear in GW2 represents a state of excess that you can easily find in other games in one form or another. Its something thats made for someone with 'too much time' or 'too much gold' on their hands. And if you're decently competent at a game, both of those are inevitable.


> Its those that confuse "want" and "need" that quickly fall into the big monetization trap. GW2 has been far less egregious, even by 2012 standards when it came out. But in a big twist, Legendary weapons were something each player would only realistically make a few over a life time....


Poisons the title though eh.. nothing legendary about something everyone more or less has ;)

But you're right, anyone even casually competent at the game will obtain them, likely several of them over time.. that's part of the problem tbh.

I have 2 myself obtained only for their skins and themes.. and made another 2 to sell just because I had the resources on hand to do so at a small cost and big profit.

The skins themselves, Quip and Kudzu.. hideous, wouldn't have kept them under any circumstances due to the cost, wouldn't have cared so much had they been cheap though but never would have used them either way.


> but the reality of the post 2016 Lootbox/Cosmetics boom finds the entire premise flipped on its head, where Status symbols (whether we pursue them or not) is an integral part of "End Game", because "Expression" is our new premium.



No argument there, simply look at how much anger there was about that space suit looking outfit, forget the name.

I got that myself, ugly looking thing and I didn't want it.

It really made me sour to how much this game needlessly account binds things..


The problem with fashion wars or the cosmetic endgame being expression though is that it's for the most part irrelevant.

Different machines, different settings, view distance, monitor lighting and settings etc.. all these things can effect your visual expression pretty radically.

What may look great to you may not look so great on someone elses screen with different settings etc.. hell those running potatos will likely display that character you put so much work into as a default stand in model, negating everything you've invested into your style lol


> The whole "I don't like legendaries" only holds true until you find a reason to care....... So regardless of your level of active interest, you will always have a major stake in making sure that system stays sane and healthy. Because whether you like it or not, it will affect everything around you. I warn against dismissing things as a "you problem", since that kind of apathy to a situation rings very heavily in the state of Society.... and we can all agree that things are not in a good place there.


Skins and themes are the only reason I'll care about them hence the 2 I have.

Don't see what the situation of society has to do with anything though, games are where we go to get away from all that crap and the real world and it's problems should stay well away from the fantasy worlds we escape into to get away from it.


All I mearly pointed out is the investment requirements not being worth what the OP seems most interested in the legendary for.. the stat swapping ability.

Considering Aurora cannot be sold, gives the same stats as Ascended and Ascended can be swapped out at any time to any character on your account and are absurdly easy to obtain and cheap should you buy them.. there is no real reason for the Aurora to even exist in the game tbh.. let alone cost what it does to obtain.

It's a very expensive cosmetic effect.. nothing more and if that's not why you want it then you're wasting your time and resources going for it.

Specially when the build templates drop at the end of the month and swapping your equipment becomes as simple as clicking a button, that'll really make the legendary stat swapping function irrelevant.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > Absolutely not. Everyone has the same opportunity to get this stuff - it'll just take longer for some than others. And that is exactly how it should be and is the hallmark of MMO longevity. If you only play for an hour a day, it is not reasonable to expect to get a legendary in any short span if ever. And realistically I would bet most people understand that.

> > >

> > > Legendaries bring together game modes, keep the economy moving and bring life to various aspects of the game as they send players to farm, collect and play in different areas. Adding them in as drops would be harmful to this and none of the aforementioned ideas would counter that. People hated that Legendaries once represented luck since the precursors were exclusive to rng. Returning to the abysmal green weapon drop system GW1 had and applying it to Legendaries would be a reversal of that.

> > >

> > > The current system is fine and doesn't need a change beyond looking at any associated meta events that might need a tweak has populations thin and spreads

> >

> > No the current system is not fine, they need to be in drops it is that simple the green drop system was fantastic because you did not need to spend months upon months or even years to get a legendary, This game is going to be dead soon and hat people have to realize that keeping it alive the need to change it and change it big time. So first make legends drops able, after the we can talk about other things but not until then give the chances to everyone. Everyone does not have the gold or the time to buy or make the legends, so give them another chance by having them as drops Sorry if you can not see how this will bring the game together, except the ones who make legends like they are normal weapons. Most players can not do that and everyone should have an option to get one.


> It wouldn’t bring the game together at all. Relying on dull tedious rng is the hallmark of a bad reward system, esp when the economy, the gameplay and the crafting system is built round the current


> I do not ever want to see a further return to that awful system gw1 had for getting greens. I never got a single weapon I wanted for my time investment. The community is constantly complaining and against rng in this game and was overjoyed when anet added craftable precursors.


> The system as it is has worked for 7 years just fine. If I want something, I put the time into it. If I can’t put the hours into it, I’m satisfied I can’t have what I want - and that is how it should be.


> At the end of the day, this is a moot discussion. The chances of it happening are thankfully as low as getting a green gw1 weapon drop anyway.


Your not happy having what you can not make but, you are simply one person that matter exactly 0 there are many others who are tired of having to do giant collections that cost thousands of gold and hundreds of hours if not thousands of hours to make a legendary item. If you did not get the drops from gw1 than you were doing it wrong as i collected every single green set of daggers in the game and it was easy and fun. Collecting lots of trash mobs together and spiking them down is exactly what this game needs and should have. The system has not worked for 7 years it is a delusion that people think that, ectos for example when the game first came out they were 1g + now they are 19 s, legendaries on the TP are still thousands of gold like you think your time is worth something well its not, the mats you collected and turned into worthless gifts to make the item. Make them drop able in high tier enemies world bosses meta bosses only but up the drop rates of everything by like 100% when you do so. This way if you get a pre that drops you cannot get the legend and limit the number of legendaries to like i said 10 a month and who know what boss they will be on.


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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > Absolutely not. Everyone has the same opportunity to get this stuff - it'll just take longer for some than others. And that is exactly how it should be and is the hallmark of MMO longevity. If you only play for an hour a day, it is not reasonable to expect to get a legendary in any short span if ever. And realistically I would bet most people understand that.

> > > >

> > > > Legendaries bring together game modes, keep the economy moving and bring life to various aspects of the game as they send players to farm, collect and play in different areas. Adding them in as drops would be harmful to this and none of the aforementioned ideas would counter that. People hated that Legendaries once represented luck since the precursors were exclusive to rng. Returning to the abysmal green weapon drop system GW1 had and applying it to Legendaries would be a reversal of that.

> > > >

> > > > The current system is fine and doesn't need a change beyond looking at any associated meta events that might need a tweak has populations thin and spreads

> > >

> > > No the current system is not fine, they need to be in drops it is that simple the green drop system was fantastic because you did not need to spend months upon months or even years to get a legendary, This game is going to be dead soon and hat people have to realize that keeping it alive the need to change it and change it big time. So first make legends drops able, after the we can talk about other things but not until then give the chances to everyone. Everyone does not have the gold or the time to buy or make the legends, so give them another chance by having them as drops Sorry if you can not see how this will bring the game together, except the ones who make legends like they are normal weapons. Most players can not do that and everyone should have an option to get one.

> >

> > It wouldn’t bring the game together at all. Relying on dull tedious rng is the hallmark of a bad reward system, esp when the economy, the gameplay and the crafting system is built round the current

> >

> > I do not ever want to see a further return to that awful system gw1 had for getting greens. I never got a single weapon I wanted for my time investment. The community is constantly complaining and against rng in this game and was overjoyed when anet added craftable precursors.

> >

> > The system as it is has worked for 7 years just fine. If I want something, I put the time into it. If I can’t put the hours into it, I’m satisfied I can’t have what I want - and that is how it should be.

> >

> > At the end of the day, this is a moot discussion. The chances of it happening are thankfully as low as getting a green gw1 weapon drop anyway.


> Your not happy having what you can not make but, you are simply one person that matter exactly 0 there are many others who are tired of having to do giant collections that cost thousands of gold and hundreds of hours if not thousands of hours to make a legendary item. If you did not get the drops from gw1 than you were doing it wrong as i collected every single green set of daggers in the game and it was easy and fun. Collecting lots of trash mobs together and spiking them down is exactly what this game needs and should have. The system has not worked for 7 years it is a delusion that people think that, ectos for example when the game first came out they were 1g + now they are 19 s, legendaries on the TP are still thousands of gold like you think your time is worth something well its not, the mats you collected and turned into worthless gifts to make the item. Make them drop able in high tier enemies world bosses meta bosses only but up the drop rates of everything by like 100% when you do so. This way if you get a pre that drops you cannot get the legend and limit the number of legendaries to like i said 10 a month and who know what boss they will be on.



The problem is you are overlooking the fact that as many have said in this thread, rng drops are not popular in GW2. I farmed those GW1 bosses, I farmed those dungeons - no I did not get one weapon I wanted (and I REALLY wanted one of the scythes in Nightfall, right up until I realised I could craft exactly what I wanted later). Not even one of the minis from those dungeons either. The fact that others did and got what they want only reinforces the fact that the system was unfair, wasted players time and guaranteed nothing - that should not happen with prestige items.

Much better was the craftable elite armours and weapons GW1 had. That was a better system. That was the system that was carried over and updated for the GW2 way. You can say my opinion doesn't matter, but it matters as much as anyone elses and the overwhelming opinion across feedback platforms is for less rng, not more.


You don't have to accept or believe the system has worked for 7 years, but it has - although it started off worse when things were more reliant on rng and players begged for change. Of course it has excluded some, but not because of the system, but because people don't wish to put the time and effort in. The control is by and large in the players hands. An rng system takes the fairness and the control out it and Anet themselves realised this when they finally brought in craftable precursors. They didn't want the process relying on rng in such a vital way.


Should everyone get a legendary? Debatable, but they certainly have the opportunity and it is fairer in the current system without question than an rng drop system. Players can work largely at their own pace - whether it is a little a day or blitzing a day. They can make head gains at all times. And this is the key point Anet wanted to establish with the Legendaries and why they made Precursors craftable - everyone can work towards it in their own way and still get there. It may take time, it should take time, but they are guaranteed to get there. An rng system guarantees nothing and usually results in wasting of a persons precious time - the time you yourself advocate for throughout this thread.


I will never accept that an rng system and one that guarantees nothing, is superior to a crafting system which can be chipped away at in stages and ultimately guarantees a result even with time. Players are free to establish their own goals in this game which is one of its hallmarks and a legendary is (usually) a mark of that time and effort, rather than a mark of luck.





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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > Absolutely not. Everyone has the same opportunity to get this stuff - it'll just take longer for some than others. And that is exactly how it should be and is the hallmark of MMO longevity. If you only play for an hour a day, it is not reasonable to expect to get a legendary in any short span if ever. And realistically I would bet most people understand that.

> > > >

> > > > Legendaries bring together game modes, keep the economy moving and bring life to various aspects of the game as they send players to farm, collect and play in different areas. Adding them in as drops would be harmful to this and none of the aforementioned ideas would counter that. People hated that Legendaries once represented luck since the precursors were exclusive to rng. Returning to the abysmal green weapon drop system GW1 had and applying it to Legendaries would be a reversal of that.

> > > >

> > > > The current system is fine and doesn't need a change beyond looking at any associated meta events that might need a tweak has populations thin and spreads

> > >

> > > No the current system is not fine, they need to be in drops it is that simple the green drop system was fantastic because you did not need to spend months upon months or even years to get a legendary, This game is going to be dead soon and hat people have to realize that keeping it alive the need to change it and change it big time. So first make legends drops able, after the we can talk about other things but not until then give the chances to everyone. Everyone does not have the gold or the time to buy or make the legends, so give them another chance by having them as drops Sorry if you can not see how this will bring the game together, except the ones who make legends like they are normal weapons. Most players can not do that and everyone should have an option to get one.

> >

> > It wouldn’t bring the game together at all. Relying on dull tedious rng is the hallmark of a bad reward system, esp when the economy, the gameplay and the crafting system is built round the current

> >

> > I do not ever want to see a further return to that awful system gw1 had for getting greens. I never got a single weapon I wanted for my time investment. The community is constantly complaining and against rng in this game and was overjoyed when anet added craftable precursors.

> >

> > The system as it is has worked for 7 years just fine. If I want something, I put the time into it. If I can’t put the hours into it, I’m satisfied I can’t have what I want - and that is how it should be.

> >

> > At the end of the day, this is a moot discussion. The chances of it happening are thankfully as low as getting a green gw1 weapon drop anyway.


> Your not happy having what you can not make but, you are simply one person that matter exactly 0 there are many others who are tired of having to do giant collections that cost thousands of gold and hundreds of hours if not thousands of hours to make a legendary item. If you did not get the drops from gw1 than you were doing it wrong as i collected every single green set of daggers in the game and it was easy and fun. Collecting lots of trash mobs together and spiking them down is exactly what this game needs and should have. The system has not worked for 7 years it is a delusion that people think that, ectos for example when the game first came out they were 1g + now they are 19 s, legendaries on the TP are still thousands of gold like you think your time is worth something well its not, the mats you collected and turned into worthless gifts to make the item. Make them drop able in high tier enemies world bosses meta bosses only but up the drop rates of everything by like 100% when you do so. This way if you get a pre that drops you cannot get the legend and limit the number of legendaries to like i said 10 a month and who know what boss they will be on.



Yes, ectos are 19s. Meanwhile Mystic Coins are close to 1g60s (they used to be 2s) and desired precursors are hundreds of gold (compared to 60-80 gold at release). Legendary prices have remained very stable over the years.


I'm really not sure what you are trying to accomplish here. You have an opinion, other people have opinions. No one is more or less correct.


The problem for your opinion though is: there is a system in place which has worked for 7 years (no matter if you like it or not, it has worked within a rather stable economy).


You can vent all you want, you are literally wasting your time.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> But you don't need flashy skins to play game?Sure,but community in online games judge others based on achievement points,how many legendary items they have or how many TP skins they got.More of those you have 'better person' you are.

You and I live in very different worlds.

In my world people who judge others based on these criteria are generally fuel for laughter.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> These are way to expensive take way to long and are nothing more than a throw in the face of casual players and semi pro players. I have been working on Aurora and I was able to finally get the first part done in getting the Mastery of Draconis Mons. I than looked up what was next and i kitten near fell out of my chair.

> Having to collect the following

> 1 Spark of Sentience

> 1 Mystic Tribute

> 1 Gift of Sentience

> 1 Gift of Draconic Mastery


> For this trinket is way way way way outrageous Lets break this down and see just how much it will cost shall we. (this is of course at today's prices)

> Spark of Sentience, you need to charge 21 Xunlai Electrim Ingot. Each one is 3g 73s 43c that is 78g 42s 3c


> Mystic Tribute: For this you need to have 2 gifts of magic 2 gifts of might 77 clover and 250 mystic coins

> 250 coins: 385 g 11 2 45 c, The gifts of Might are 250g for 2 and the gifts of magic are 257g for 2. Of course you can not buy these off the trading post so you need the recipe and that will cost you 10 gold each. Clovers can not be bought so you have to gamble in the mystic toilet or you have to wait and wait and wait to get them ( i am not going to calculate the mystic toilet clover burst but if you calculate 100g you should be fine)

> That comes to: 1010g 11s 45c


> Gift of Sentience for this you require The gift of Valor which is a time gated mastery that you have to complete and get druid rune stones to get the backpack this in gold will cost you 16g for runestones you have to give to druids, than there is buying the druid rune stones with karma you need 16 in total and each one cost 1050 karma. now we all know that karma can be converted to gold at about 1g per 100 karma so 16x1050 is 24000/100 =240 (gold valued in karma)

> Icy Runestones 100 at 1g each is 100g

> The gift of energy is next that is 250 Crystalline, Incandescent Luminous, Radiant dust that is 75g 70s 98c


> Gift of the mist is next: you need cube of stabilized dark matter to get this you will need 75 matrix 22g 73s 26c and a ball of dark matter which you have to get from salvaging an ascended item. Gift of war is 250 memory of battle that is 17g 47s 50c a Gift of glory which is 250 shards of glory 1g 35s and last but not least gift of battle which you can only get through a reward track in PvP or WvW


> Last but not least is the Gift of Draconis Mastery for this you will require a Gift of dragon Magic: this means you have to collect 250 petrified wood snowberries and fire orchids, Gift of blood magic 250 blood rubies jade shards and orrian pearls a bloodstone shard 200 spirit shards and a Crystalline Ingot which you will need crystalline ore Augmented gemstone 95s 90c an ecto 19s 90c and Fulgrite which you have to make.


> So all in all Aurora will cost you in gold alone 1497g 6 s 74c


> This is out of hand it should not cost this much to be able to change your stats on the fly or for some floating cottonballs over your head. Lower the prices by making the farming and drop rates better to allow the players who can not be on all the time to farm hour after hour day after day or have deep enough pockets to buy all the mats they could ever want. These players make up the most of your players and I can a sure you if I am frustrated with this than there are others they are just afraid to voice it.


> I have wasted several days not thinking that once i completed the mastery it would be a simple completion to get it, but now I am stuck with useless legendary material that i am not going to use because I 1 do not have the time to farm this much stuff 2 do not have the gold flow to buy them or 3 have deep pockets to get gems to turn to gold to buy the mats.


> Things have to change and I say make legends dropable and raise the drop rate by 200-400% or have magic find effect your drop rates where you get more for higher magic find.


> From one really really mad vet player


You are better off just ignoring Legendaries op.. outside of epeen enhancement they are pointless.. Stick to Ascended imo.. I've ignored legendaries for 7 years now and i continue to until they make them easier for everyone.. Considering its just a purple weapon or gear..


Black Lion skins are far superior in looks as well.

> @"Operator.2590" said:

> > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > If it takes longer for you than me than you do not have the same chance, yes the deciding factor is on the player but that is not the point the point is that you do not have the same chance

> How entitled do you have to be to expect the devs to change how legendaries—cosmetic skins unlocked from dedicated play—are earned, just so __you__ can have one.


> Really?



You are coming across way more entitled imo..

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Here's what ArenaNet has to say about acquiring Legendary Weapons:


> _Obtaining a legendary weapon is a show of effort and commitment to Guild Wars 2, and we don’t want to undercut the value of older weapons that people have or are working toward._


> https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/legendary-weapons/


Do not care what they have to say and if you look at the wording it says weapons, it does not say trinkets or armour so just make them drop able and be done with it, it does not have to be a for sure thing like i said maybe 100-1000 a month after looking at the numbers. That is fine and maybe do it just for a year than pull them back like a special event. Than again in the third year and so on and so on. They need to keep things interesting they need to improve on the interaction of the players. I do fractals all the time and have loads of ascended gear, if you could turn ascended gear into legendary gear without having to craft a full on pre and than the legendary something to allow players that can not be on all the time cannot do raids, and do not WvW or PvP as a second job to get legendary gear. Drops are the easiest way to do this even over the ascended improvement project which could be a very good way to go about it.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:


> if you could turn ascended gear into legendary gear without having to craft a full on pre and than the legendary something to allow players that can not be on all the time cannot do raids, and do not WvW or PvP as a second job to get legendary gear.

Why would such players need legendary gear? From what I understand there is no tangible benefit outside of the modes that you mentioned.


Also, I think it's been stated that pre items can be purchased from the gem store? If true, then one needs only buy them either by purchasing gems or converting gold.





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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> These are way to expensive take way to long and are nothing more than a throw in the face of casual players and semi pro players. I have been working on Aurora and I was able to finally get the first part done in getting the Mastery of Draconis Mons. I than looked up what was next and i kitten near fell out of my chair.

> Having to collect the following

> 1 Spark of Sentience

> 1 Mystic Tribute

> 1 Gift of Sentience

> 1 Gift of Draconic Mastery


> For this trinket is way way way way outrageous Lets break this down and see just how much it will cost shall we. (this is of course at today's prices)

> Spark of Sentience, you need to charge 21 Xunlai Electrim Ingot. Each one is 3g 73s 43c that is 78g 42s 3c


> Mystic Tribute: For this you need to have 2 gifts of magic 2 gifts of might 77 clover and 250 mystic coins

> 250 coins: 385 g 11 2 45 c, The gifts of Might are 250g for 2 and the gifts of magic are 257g for 2. Of course you can not buy these off the trading post so you need the recipe and that will cost you 10 gold each. Clovers can not be bought so you have to gamble in the mystic toilet or you have to wait and wait and wait to get them ( i am not going to calculate the mystic toilet clover burst but if you calculate 100g you should be fine)

> That comes to: 1010g 11s 45c


> Gift of Sentience for this you require The gift of Valor which is a time gated mastery that you have to complete and get druid rune stones to get the backpack this in gold will cost you 16g for runestones you have to give to druids, than there is buying the druid rune stones with karma you need 16 in total and each one cost 1050 karma. now we all know that karma can be converted to gold at about 1g per 100 karma so 16x1050 is 24000/100 =240 (gold valued in karma)

> Icy Runestones 100 at 1g each is 100g

> The gift of energy is next that is 250 Crystalline, Incandescent Luminous, Radiant dust that is 75g 70s 98c


> Gift of the mist is next: you need cube of stabilized dark matter to get this you will need 75 matrix 22g 73s 26c and a ball of dark matter which you have to get from salvaging an ascended item. Gift of war is 250 memory of battle that is 17g 47s 50c a Gift of glory which is 250 shards of glory 1g 35s and last but not least gift of battle which you can only get through a reward track in PvP or WvW


> Last but not least is the Gift of Draconis Mastery for this you will require a Gift of dragon Magic: this means you have to collect 250 petrified wood snowberries and fire orchids, Gift of blood magic 250 blood rubies jade shards and orrian pearls a bloodstone shard 200 spirit shards and a Crystalline Ingot which you will need crystalline ore Augmented gemstone 95s 90c an ecto 19s 90c and Fulgrite which you have to make.


> So all in all Aurora will cost you in gold alone 1497g 6 s 74c


> This is out of hand it should not cost this much to be able to change your stats on the fly or for some floating cottonballs over your head. Lower the prices by making the farming and drop rates better to allow the players who can not be on all the time to farm hour after hour day after day or have deep enough pockets to buy all the mats they could ever want. These players make up the most of your players and I can a sure you if I am frustrated with this than there are others they are just afraid to voice it.


> I have wasted several days not thinking that once i completed the mastery it would be a simple completion to get it, but now I am stuck with useless legendary material that i am not going to use because I 1 do not have the time to farm this much stuff 2 do not have the gold flow to buy them or 3 have deep pockets to get gems to turn to gold to buy the mats.


> Things have to change and I say make legends dropable and raise the drop rate by 200-400% or have magic find effect your drop rates where you get more for higher magic find.


> From one really really mad vet player


They aren't aimed at casuals, they're aimed at long time grinders bascially. You can casually spend a few years collecting everything required depending on play time.


i've gotten bifrost by doing the ach collection for it, and i have 1 more item to acquire for the newer sword out just playing a couple of hours a day each day.


if i grinded out 7-8 hearts across 5+ characters could have what i needed in about a week or two. Do i? No, because i'll take it slower and not put myself into grindmadness.


stop being entitled

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