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It's time to end the mixed server links experiment


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The ones who comment about having positive experience with linked national servers dont take couple things into account - the linked national server population and bandwagoning.


First of all you wont feel any impact at all when you get a link with a national server that is on medium population as generally those servers are DEAD. Secondly even national servers bandwagon away to a server where they can be alone and speak their own language without any interference from english speaking community. They just make sure that the server they go to has linking of a very tiny english speak community so they can become the dominant language where ever they go to.


There are ton of germans who flat out refuse to speak english and want to talk only in their mother tongue. This is something ive experienced first hand in a german dominant language server and casually got the same confirmation from my german friends who have transfered away to international servers for that exact reason.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > Who'd have thought 1500 years of grudges don't vanish in 6 months.

> > It's tyrias very own brexit


> it is sad, that brexit fiasco. :/


It's an important lesson our species needs to learn before weapons get too much more powerful.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > Who'd have thought 1500 years of grudges don't vanish in 6 months.

> > > It's tyrias very own brexit

> >

> > it is sad, that brexit fiasco. :/


> It's an important lesson our species needs to learn before weapons get too much more powerful.


it may not be a weapons thing. eu is strong if united. :/

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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> The ones who comment about having positive experience with linked national servers dont take couple things into account - the linked national server population and bandwagoning.


> First of all you wont feel any impact at all when you get a link with a national server that is on medium population as generally those servers are DEAD. Secondly even national servers bandwagon away to a server where they can be alone and speak their own language without any interference from english speaking community. They just make sure that the server they go to has linking of a very tiny english speak community so they can become the dominant language where ever they go to.


> There are ton of germans who flat out refuse to speak english and want to talk only in their mother tongue. This is something ive experienced first hand in a german dominant language server and casually got the same confirmation from my german friends who have transfered away to international servers for that exact reason.


when GH was linked with Dzag, Dzag actually had bandwagoners coming IN.

We are now linked with Kodash and the population seems stable. We have plenty of Kodash players following GH coms. Yes, sometimes someone uses German in tchat - and then we who are able to use two languages have to translate - but that is not a problem. Those who want to stick to german coms only - they can and they neither hurt nor distract the others. Just like on international servers when you have a french/russian/polish/whatever guild doing their stuff. Nobody cares.


So.. no problem at all.

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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> The ones who comment about having positive experience with linked national servers dont take couple things into account - the linked national server population and bandwagoning.


> First of all you wont feel any impact at all when you get a link with a national server that is on medium population as generally those servers are DEAD. Secondly even national servers bandwagon away to a server where they can be alone and speak their own language without any interference from english speaking community. They just make sure that the server they go to has linking of a very tiny english speak community so they can become the dominant language where ever they go to.


> There are ton of germans who flat out refuse to speak english and want to talk only in their mother tongue. This is something ive experienced first hand in a german dominant language server and casually got the same confirmation from my german friends who have transfered away to international servers for that exact reason.


Can confirm, im on a german server, have been since release, im just not transfering to a international server, because i dont care enough for the game anymore to pay for a transfer. Also i already know ppl on that server, im too lazy to find new ppl.


But the amount of ppl on there, that refuse to follow an english speaking commander, is just ridiculous, and their reasoning is aswell.

And at the same time those exact same ppl are crying about the fact, that there are so few commanders tagging up. (because there are only a few german commander left, that know how to fight and not just pvd)

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> But the amount of ppl on there, that refuse to follow an english speaking commander, is just ridiculous, and their reasoning is aswell.

> And at the same time those exact same ppl are crying about the fact, that there are so few commanders tagging up. (because there are only a few german commander left, that know how to fight and not just pvd)

Which, incidently, is exactly how international only servers are too. Because hypocricy is universal.


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Why should it end? So national Servers can stuck in T4 and T5 forever, again and the snowflakes on the International servers are pleased?


Can only work if they reduce f. e the german Servers from 7 to 3-4 because the playerbase is spread over 7 Servers and coz of that none have the manpower and coverage an international server has (maybe Dzago but they suck at ppt or dont care)

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> @"phreeak.1023" said:

> Why should it end? So national Servers can stuck in T4 and T5 forever, again and the snowflakes on the International servers are pleased?


> Can only work if they reduce f. e the german Servers from 7 to 3-4 because the playerbase is spread over 7 Servers and coz of that none have the manpower and coverage an international server has (maybe Dzago but they suck at ppt or dont care)


Because chat has never been so(and I hate this word) toxic as before. People trashing national servers, and vice versa. They do not seem to want it :/

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Tomorrow will be link 3 that ignores server language, if ANet decide to continue this. So that's 4 months in total so far. I'm on Arborstone and mostly play Home Border defence. The Arborstone players that I used to see regularly I haven't seen since month1. I don't know if they transferred (they played a lot, that's why I remember them) or if they just stopped completely. I'd be interested to know the population changes of smaller servers who have been linked to larger, different language ones.

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> @"ziggy.7368" said:

> Tomorrow will be link 3 that ignores server language, if ANet decide to continue this. So that's 4 months in total so far. I'm on Arborstone and mostly play Home Border defence. The Arborstone players that I used to see regularly I haven't seen since month1. I don't know if they transferred (they played a lot, that's why I remember them) or if they just stopped completely. I'd be interested to know the population changes of smaller servers who have been linked to larger, different language ones.

Which has everything to do with the population of the servers themselves, not mixed links. 3 out of 5 FR servers are medium, compared to 2 out of 7 DE servers.


The population simply isnt there. Anets mistake is not **deleting** servers. Arborstone in particular should be absorbed by Ranik or Vizunah.


Presumably many on it realized this as well since month 1.



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well, people have always been 'reluctant' to join the linked servers discord/ts/whatever. That is nothing new. Neither is 'not following the links commander'. Have seen it many times.


That said, neither Dzag nor Kodash were/are problematic in that regard. Enough join GH's channels and speak english. map/teamchat is mostly english as well. So all is good.

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> @"spindom.7865" said:

> I feel that enough time has passed, we had 2 or 3 (can't remember exactly) bi-monthly world linking that have been mixed between the national and international servers.

> The result of it is quite catastrophic, it's easy to see how the majority of national servers have completely depleted and hang about in the bottom tiers, while the international servers are losing activity due to players being stuck on servers they cannot communicate on.

> With the next world linking around the corner, the situation at hand is that there is a 50% chance that me and my guild will be forced to transfer away from our linked server should it reach a national. This is the reality for most guilds that are on linked worlds.

> Having experienced playing on a national server for a few months, the communities are nice and open but yet they serve (as they should) their own community by speaking their native languages in public squads, essentially leaving out a large part of the linked server.

> Ending this will benefit all sides, so please let's get this experiment done and over with.

> :)


Segregation is never the answer. It’s time you and your friends started embracing other nations and cultures.

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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> The ones who comment about having positive experience with linked national servers dont take couple things into account - the linked national server population and bandwagoning.


> First of all you wont feel any impact at all when you get a link with a national server that is on medium population as generally those servers are DEAD. Secondly even national servers bandwagon away to a server where they can be alone and speak their own language without any interference from english speaking community. They just make sure that the server they go to has linking of a very tiny english speak community so they can become the dominant language where ever they go to.


> There are ton of germans who flat out refuse to speak english and want to talk only in their mother tongue. This is something ive experienced first hand in a german dominant language server and casually got the same confirmation from my german friends who have transfered away to international servers for that exact reason.


please don't call it nationalism. In america, on this american game. it's called racism.

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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> Mixed links are the best thing they did for wvw since... a very long time.


it did help to clean up some misconceptions about national servers.


Also Dzag and Kodash has been the most pleasant links in a long time and we got linked to pretty much everyone. Luckily for us, there are many German speaking players on GH and every German learns english in school anyway.

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In every country, there are two kinds of people: 1) those who refuse to adapt to a global world and 2) those who embrace it. I have seen this in every country I have visited/lived in in Europe (7 by my count). Those who adapt are the ones who are happiest and most successful. Learning/speaking/mastering a second language does not "erode" your culture unless you allow it to. Look to Sweden and the Netherlands as prime examples of countries with high bi- and multi-lingual populations. Their nationalist sub-populations are loud but not terribly effective.


The same is true in a microcosm like an MMO. Your server's WvW community will slowly die out if you insist on speaking only one language, and only being linked with same-language servers.


So add my voice to those disagreeing (respectfully, of course) with the OP. Segregation is a dogma of the past.

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> @"Adzekul.3104" said:

> In every country, there are two kinds of people: 1) those who refuse to adapt to a global world and 2) those who embrace it. I have seen this in every country I have visited/lived in in Europe (7 by my count). Those who adapt are the ones who are happiest and most successful. Learning/speaking/mastering a second language does not "erode" your culture unless you allow it to. Look to Sweden and the Netherlands as prime examples of countries with high bi- and multi-lingual populations. Their nationalist sub-populations are loud but not terribly effective.


> The same is true in a microcosm like an MMO. Your server's WvW community will slowly die out if you insist on speaking only one language, and only being linked with same-language servers.


> So add my voice to those disagreeing (respectfully, of course) with the OP.


Dude you calling me nationalist? Sweet irony

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Dzagonur player.. and i loved the link with Gunnars Hold .. at least 95% super friendly players ( maybe more ;) ) a lot of them didn´t care if red map was home bl as many german players do (lots of them don´t like the map and refuse to play there) .. the communication was excellent .. if someone called an inc there would a lot of players come over to help .. since link is gone one can call out for hours sometimes and nobody takes care .. DE Server Problem i guess :disappointed:

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> @"primatos.5413" said:

> Dzagonur player.. and i loved the link with Gunnars Hold .. at least 95% super friendly players ( maybe more ;) ) a lot of them didn´t care if red map was home bl as many german players do (lots of them don´t like the map and refuse to play there) .. the communication was excellent .. if someone called an inc there would a lot of players come over to help .. since link is gone one can call out for hours sometimes and nobody takes care .. DE Server Problem i guess :disappointed:

DE problem? The germans always seem *extremely* efficent on DBL compared to other servers.


Try FSP - 5 enemies (dzagonur for example) siege a T3 tower *with scouting balloon up* while you call for help over 3+ minutes but no one comes... Then you say kitten it I'm leaving this tower and go cap the nearby camp.


In the camp there is 10 friendly players watching the timer expire.


Though it has improved since Arborstone left.

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