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[Idea] Making Stamina Bars Visible For Enemies

K THEN.5162

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> This won’t help anyone except those who watch the UI.


> How often does someone use a CC skill on an enemy with stacks of stability? And you think they’re going to pay attention to an endurance bar?


... And your point is? Ppl who dont even try to look at the buffs of their enemy are mostly low tier anyways and dont deserve to be higher up.


Its part of "having skill" to keep an eye on that and dont smash your cc into stab.


I dont see how it would lower skill to implement stuff like that. There are even ways to capitalize on the fact that your enemies sees it. You can bait them into overcommiting because your dodge bar is empty, and then you refill it with energy or other ways that are in the game and have your enemy open for a counterattack.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > This won’t help anyone except those who watch the UI.

> >

> > How often does someone use a CC skill on an enemy with stacks of stability? And you think they’re going to pay attention to an endurance bar?


> ... And your point is? Ppl who dont even try to look at the buffs of their enemy are mostly low tier anyways and dont deserve to be higher up.


> Its part of "having skill" to keep an eye on that and dont smash your cc into stab.


> I dont see how it would lower skill to implement stuff like that. There are even ways to capitalize on the fact that your enemies sees it. You can bait them into overcommiting because your dodge bar is empty, and then you refill it with energy or other ways that are in the game and have your enemy open for a counterattack.

I thought my point was extremely clear but to clarify. The divide between good players to average/bad players will widen. With the low population (based on matchmaking), the TTK cab in theory be much lower - like you said, bait dodges. But your average/bad players random dodge or don’t dodge at all.


Personally I’d start elsewhere in cleaning up the UI and how buffs/condis are displayed.

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> @"K THEN.5162" said:

> I think making this information available will add a little more depth to the pvp gameplay such as knowing when to time your skills or when you have to bait a dodge instead of just chucking your skills and hoping some of them randomly hit


Basicelly, the idea is not that bad but it comes with a lot of bad ideas in the same path like why stop at stamina bar ?? i beleive also that showing the utility skills in cd of the opponant can help ? no ? weapons skills as well ? why not showing the cd of his passive too ? as you say "it gonna help when to time your skills or when you have to bait a dodge instead of just chucking your skills and hoping some of them randomly hit"

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > This won’t help anyone except those who watch the UI.

> > >

> > > How often does someone use a CC skill on an enemy with stacks of stability? And you think they’re going to pay attention to an endurance bar?

> >

> > ... And your point is? Ppl who dont even try to look at the buffs of their enemy are mostly low tier anyways and dont deserve to be higher up.

> >

> > Its part of "having skill" to keep an eye on that and dont smash your cc into stab.

> >

> > I dont see how it would lower skill to implement stuff like that. There are even ways to capitalize on the fact that your enemies sees it. You can bait them into overcommiting because your dodge bar is empty, and then you refill it with energy or other ways that are in the game and have your enemy open for a counterattack.

> I thought my point was extremely clear but to clarify. The divide between good players to average/bad players will widen. With the low population (based on matchmaking), the TTK cab in theory be much lower - like you said, bait dodges. But your average/bad players random dodge or don’t dodge at all.


> Personally I’d start elsewhere in cleaning up the UI and how buffs/condis are displayed.


A new player who wants to get better and learn will relatively quickly figure out to look at the enemies buffs, and with that on the stamina bar aswell, its faster to learn looking at that stamina bar, than learning the dodge frequenzy of every class and specc from playing it, or against it.


Someone who doesnt want to look at buffs etc is just lazy and deserves to be lowtier and waste his dodges etc.

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I'm kind of on the fence with this being able a good suggestion. On one hand it makes things easier to make combat easier to read out. On the other it takes more skill/knowledge out of the game to just have the amount of enemy endurance presented to you, and that'll tell you immediately who to train down easy. Best middle ground i can think of is maybe show endurance bar after some time, like 10-15s. of enemy players you're in combat with?

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Personally I would like to see the heal skill particle/glow animation tweaked. It gets buried under all the flashy effects that have creeped into the game, making it difficult to seen when to interrupt (and good luck looking for the actual character animation when fighting an Asura or something).

And conversely, maybe a distinct little effect when a character's stamina is full and empty.

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I think this is kinda unnecessary.


If you know the class of the enemy you are fighting against, you should be aware of the amount of blocks/dodges they have, and you should be able to count them down as you see them. Someone serious about PvP should probably make themselves familiar with the common meta builds and classes - once you understand how your enemy works, it is much easier to beat them...


If you're playing vs someone with a large amount of blocks/evades (say, a mirage) then you should be playing around that. At the end of the day, a good player can bait out the skills and will then burst when they know you don't have anything to counter it.


I also don't think it would make the game particularly easier or even help players. Just because someone has no endurance, does not mean they can't block or otherwise evade your attack. People could even use it to "bait" our your burst, if they have a second weapon set with an energy sigil or any skills/traits that refund endurance. Also as noted above about the mesmer clone problem - unless you give your clones an exact copy of your own endurance bar this would be a huge nerf to mesmer.

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If you saw the endurance bar on my warrior you’d think I was hacking or bugged lol


In all seriousness, I definitely agree. In GW1 we were able to see the enemies skills being cast and you could foresee what the opponent was going to do and mentally prepare for it. Dodges didn’t exist but you could time interrupts and KD’s and overall it was useful. I think an endurance bar would also be useful in this regard.


Of course it goes against anets current philosophy which is that they would rather you be in the fight rather than watching bars in the UI, which i respect.

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**_Good idea. Now all we're missing is the option to track their other cooldowns aswell! I mean, not being able to have an addon to keep track of everything and present me with the best decision to make at the moment keeps me from reaching my full potential!

Trying to estimate things, keeping track of recent happenings, counting cooldowns... nothing to do with skill! I'm already pressing buttons, I'm not playing to think, jeez._**


But on a serious note, terrible idea. Currently you can only know enemy cooldowns(yes dodges are basicly cooldowns in this combat system) if you observe the fight. For most builds this means being in said fight. Knowing what defensive cooldowns the enemy has is a serious advantage, and you want to make half of that public information. So being a seasoned veteran(or just a gaming prodigy if you're new) with ability to keep vigor, sigils, and trait procs in mind while fighting would mean nothing, after all there is a number right there on the UI, why bother guessing at this point?

More looking at the UI, dumbed down gameplay... no thank you.

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I still struggle to count dodges although playing in p2 most of the season. But instead of claiming to make stamina bars visible, I try to practice that skill in particular. And it really helps. With your suggestion, the game is even getting more casual and easy. I think it is enough advantage that we see lots of skills in the UI already, no need to add stamina as well. As a necro constantly looking at enemy's UI in order to corrupt boons that are worth it your change would make life very easy for me, but this is not the way pvp should be going, imo.

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In theory I think this could be a great idea. However in practice, I actually just have one issue - this would indirectly buff +1 builds by a crazy margin. Sure you could technically bait a thief's +1 with a weird double-dodge/dodge + cooldown shenanigans, but it basically means the thief doesn't even need you to be visible on his screen to know the perfect time to jump 85% of the time - he'll just wait for that endurance bar under your HP to drop to know when to steal.

Less of an issue in Coordinated teams I guess, but even then I think it makes it much, much more reliable to know when to burst with teleports.


(Also just used thief as an example, applies to any +1 build with ports obviously, before the teeves go for my throat.)

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I'd be open to this. I let my friend, who's visiting, try out my thief and he's been asking a lot of questions (as new players do) about game tells and how to know when someone has dodges up etc. I'd be open to this idea or at least have a test period to properly review player feedback but my only concern which has already been voiced in this thread are mesmers... would the clones have the dodge bar also? Otherwise it's kinda a middle finger to them... dead give away.

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