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Besides new Maps, what new WvW content do you all want?


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Just remove edge of the mists as a tab, and replace one of our two existing Alpine with it. Then we will have one alpine, one edge and one Desert which would bring edge of the mists and all its assets to use within WvW and would clean up the WvW tab. This would save them, time, effort and would saitiate the player-base for something new because SO FEW of the existing player base probably ever touched Edge of the mists. The players who used to play on it are few and far between, and we remember it was fun but for years its been abandoned. Just bring it into the fold... It has everything to be a good map. (Especially since we have gliding, so falling to your death won't be as prevalent unless CC'd because you can just glide and waypoint.


The mount would also make traversing it faster, but there were good fights on that map and tons of fun mechanics... its an good example of where WvW should of continued to go.




^ Other than that, all of this.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> Just remove edge of the mists as a tab, and replace one of our two existing Alpine with it. Then we will have one alpine, one edge and one Desert which would bring edge of the mists and all its assets to use within WvW and would clean up the WvW tab. This would save them, time, effort and would saitiate the player-base for something new because SO FEW of the existing player base probably ever touched Edge of the mists. The players who used to play on it are few and far between, and we remember it was fun but for years its been abandoned. Just bring it into the fold... It has everything to be a good map. (Especially since we have gliding, so falling to your death won't be as prevalent unless CC'd because you can just glide and waypoint.


> The mount would also make traversing it faster, but there were good fights on that map and tons of fun mechanics... its an good example of where WvW should of continued to go.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/88775/world-vs-world-reborn#latest


> ^ Other than that, all of this.




1 alpine 1 desert 1 edge 1 eb.


as for an over flow map make it so that it is simply king of hill. no structures nothing. just like that pit on pvp where everyone can try killing each other.


no teams even. all is red


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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > a reason to win


> atm is more like a reason to play this game mode, there is no reason at all thats why everybody left.



Yeah, I am with you man. I really haven't touched the game since Aug 30th since there was no expansion in sight.

I was really stretching it to give reasons to come back and play :)

Wish they would totally refocus the game around wvw (or at least fool me that they are trying)...it's the only unique thing they have.

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Content....yes, I want content. Pretty much anything that isn't either being blobbed down because the enemy server has a queue and mine has nothing, or the flipside, where there is absolutely nothing to fight. Blob vs blob, havoc group vs havoc group, etc...those are all content I'd be happy enough with. Unfortunately, reasonably balanced fights that go back and forth are pretty rare in my timezone (Late EU-early NA). To the point where I've been considering a move to an EU server, but I hear they're dead outside of EU prime.

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1) Flying mount with bombs and lasers


2) Each zerg commander after a victory , emits a debuff aura that lowers each player Power by 100 (stack up to 10x , with each win battle) (call it battle sickness or euxhastion) => return to your base to remove the debuff and give a chance the enemies to regroup , or simply move on .

Or step down and allow a different commander to lead ( he can follow the stealthy/stepped down Major commander , but with each win the zerg Power is increased but Toughness is lowered (foolish bloodthirthy commander))


c) The system chooses a player to be the Ringbearer , that player emits an aura that offers +50 stats to the zerg + 15% increase damage to siege weapons . He can trade the ring to other players , but he gets 1 silver every 1 min for keeping it (no1 knows you have the ring) .

If he manages to capture the enemy objective while holding it , he gets rewards and theres a chance to surrender/''loose'' the Ring for the oponents to use .

If he participated and killed 5 opponents in the last 10 min (he was among the zerg ) the enemie team that kills him gets 100 server points.

If the domind server keeps domminated , all the rings soon they will be on the loosers


d) The commander can see each enemy feet sourounded by green/blue/yellow circle .

Green the enemy have used their healing . Red = have used 2 utilities . Yellow =they have eqiped a rnged weapon and havent died for a while and get 3000 k extra damage in the next hit(once) from meele weapons ......CHARGE THAT PIRATESHIP !


Or the commander starts shouting , sucrifising his heal+3 utilities , emitting Vunlubility to the nearby Opponents constantly .And his team8s (after the shout) , can get random boons by sucfrifice their healing slot , yelling ''I WILL DESTROY YA ALL''

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I think it would be cool if they alternated a normal World map with objectives that can be fought over as a bonus map, sorta like edge of the mists. Like say a city or something. World pvp map for fun that doesn't necessarily add to the score. Like you are either an attacker or a defender for Lion's Arch, Divinity's Reach, the Grove etc. The goal is to defend the city from attacks or to take over the city. Would probably be some work to implement it but i think it could be fun as a mode to do while in queue for a full normal wvw map

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> lol why remove edge of the mists? you do realize that does absolutely nothing for anyone? how about suggest improvements for it instead?


get rid of all the bridges crossing oblivion and put up some frikkin guardrails

If I wanted to fall off of something I would play fractals.

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I simply want a WvW where there is exciting action again. I don't know if we are unlucky with our server, but since quite a while now, the enemy guilds we met are either giant blobs simply rolling over everything on their way or smaller groups refusing fights (just ktraining). Where have disappeared the real fight guilds? So of course, we keep running, trying to still get some fun as far as it gets, but size of squad is just reducing more and more... Sad. :'(

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I would not mind new map for green and blue, if people want to take structures they need to comit in siege and field but not with the current unbalance overall.


More variatty of unique siege, like a fire keep charrpanzer unlock for the guild who owns it, castles need to give unique unlocks so guilds feel they have to defend and atack.



There’s a ton of stuff we could talk about but imo it’s to soon and in a bad game momentum.

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Two things I'd like to see.


(1): Fractal Instabilities in WvW. Or rather, something similar. Particularly Social Awkwardness. That'll be a fun weekend.


(2): Extremely strong, wandering legendary mobs. I'm talking about Drytop Sand Giant levels of strength. To make things interesting, chaotic, and also to make some PVE-drawing objectives into the game.

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> @"arenta.2953" said:

> > @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> > > @"arenta.2953" said:

> >

> > > 3. make your WvW's performance affect your world again. like giving your world a bonus to magic find, etc.

> >

> > Thats how daoc works they have strength and power relics, u get world wide message when relic gate is breached and most of pvers put down whatever they are doing to go defend their relics.

> >

> >

> >


> sweet. =D




idk if you guys remember but there was the orb of power in wvw before anet ninja removed it after many speed hackers abused it


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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > Unique looking wvw legendary armor

> > legendary accessories, rings, amulets

> > more stuff to buy with badges

> > more titles/achievements

> > battle royal area

> > a reason to win, maybe a halo or devil horns each week you win

> > I even kinda like some of your ideas about new siege engines

> > anything really


> Battle Royal in a MMO. How does that work without being a shooter?

> Sounds like FFA PvP by a different name. ummm,, that been done many times in the history of MMO, normally never works long term. What would you differently here compared to Darkfall/UO/EvE etc here?


Looooong time ago during beta tests devs actually launched a Battle Royale event in Metrics Province. It was more of a vibe of The Hunger Games rather than PUGB and Fortnite. You picked up items from the ground and it unlocked skills for you. It was such an amazing event it's really sad they never tried it ever after.


There u go https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hunger_Royale

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OOh! OOH! I know!


If only there were some way to be able to change our traits and equipment near instantaneously but for an exorbitant fee. One instance, per character, per purchase because we wouldn't want it to get out of hand. That would sort everything that's wrong with this mode!



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> @"fluffy.6301" said:

> > @"arenta.2953" said:

> > > @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> > > > @"arenta.2953" said:

> > >

> > > > 3. make your WvW's performance affect your world again. like giving your world a bonus to magic find, etc.

> > >

> > > Thats how daoc works they have strength and power relics, u get world wide message when relic gate is breached and most of pvers put down whatever they are doing to go defend their relics.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > sweet. =D

> >

> >


> idk if you guys remember but there was the orb of power in wvw before anet ninja removed it after many speed hackers abused it





yep. fun memories.


once, there was a 3 way fight over the orb in the norht. talking all 3 zergs (and all maps had ques back then)


so the first zerg that lot, took the 3 keeps. Jade Quarry ended up winning the brawl, but had no where to put the orb! so we ran to our spawn(not our home map) and just sat there fighting till it despawned. (we had a team working on the hills keep, but back then, people defended keeps an towers with a vengence. you had to pay for every inch in blood.)


....i miss those days...nowadays people don't really defend like before. they go there, and if the enemy has a bigger zerg, they leave and retake it after. back then, it didn't matter who had more. if you had less, you build more siege. keep the congo line coming from spawn, and kept pushing.

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**J O B S**


It's just what you're thinking. Divide up the things that we already have into various little chores that make the game more varied and alive.


At the moment we're encouraged to just zerg around and build arrow carts. But what if it was more complicated than that? What if you had to build a cannon at the Citadel and then bring it to the keep/tower, for example


Remember when there were no orange dots? That's another "job" that got removed. Sure, it could be seen as a convenience, but it's something that kept players busy. I'm not saying I'd like to see it return - players standing in an objective hoping not to be spotted is a bit weird, but it's an example of how automation makes the game less involved.


**_Think like [sid Meier ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sid_Meier "Sid Meier ") -everything has the potential to be a minigame._**


Remember when players had to pull a lever to upgrade an objective? That was cool, it felt good to be the one pulling the lever (the 2 gold fee wasn't fun though).


The servants were fun. I miss seeing those dweebs running up and down upgrading things... what if they did repairing (slowly) for you? Yes, I just said let us to chores and then said have auto repairs. Is it irony or is it contradiction? Maybe it's hypocrisy, who can tell?

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