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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> @"Vicariuz.1605"


> What @"Highlie.7641" is saying is that he/she would be able to kill the staff thief 1v1 way more easily than the 4 stack of Team USA members (3 of which are playing high DPS builds: rev, holo, and power mes) could in a 4v1.


> Oh, and he/she is _also_ saying that the entirety of Team USA is below average because they couldn't hit the staff thief during it's "punish frames."


It wasn't all team USA was it? Unless Malediktus, God of PvP, self professed silver player who has difficulty dodging anything under a 1s cast time has suddenly become skilled enough to qualify being taken seriously on that team.


Though if you have any evidence saying the person behind the account was different to the owner I'm sure CS would love to see it :)

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Vicariuz.1605"

> >

> > What @"Highlie.7641" is saying is that he/she would be able to kill the staff thief 1v1 way more easily than the 4 stack of Team USA members (3 of which are playing high DPS builds: rev, holo, and power mes) could in a 4v1.

> >

> > Oh, and he/she is _also_ saying that the entirety of Team USA is below average because they couldn't hit the staff thief during it's "punish frames."


> It wasn't all team USA was it? Unless Malediktus, God of PvP, self professed silver player who has difficulty dodging anything under a 1s cast time has suddenly become skilled enough to qualify being taken seriously on that team.


> Though if you have any evidence saying the person behind the account was different to the owner I'm sure CS would love to see it :)


I'm pretty sure Malediktus was just memeing. He was a gold 3/plat 1 player till he learned Tools Holo. Definitely not a bad player. He plays inhouses with everyone and is a pretty cool guy. He knows what he's doing so I don't get why people are so hung up over him. He's gotten better by practicing with experienced PvPers. I mean look at Helio. He was a PvEr for the longest time and got good very quickly (much quicker than Male did) even though he didn't even touch the gamemode for the first few years iirc.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Vicariuz.1605"

> > >

> > > What @"Highlie.7641" is saying is that he/she would be able to kill the staff thief 1v1 way more easily than the 4 stack of Team USA members (3 of which are playing high DPS builds: rev, holo, and power mes) could in a 4v1.

> > >

> > > Oh, and he/she is _also_ saying that the entirety of Team USA is below average because they couldn't hit the staff thief during it's "punish frames."

> >

> > It wasn't all team USA was it? Unless Malediktus, God of PvP, self professed silver player who has difficulty dodging anything under a 1s cast time has suddenly become skilled enough to qualify being taken seriously on that team.

> >

> > Though if you have any evidence saying the person behind the account was different to the owner I'm sure CS would love to see it :)


> I'm pretty sure Malediktus was just memeing. He was a gold 3/plat 1 player till he learned Tools Holo. Definitely not a bad player. He plays inhouses with everyone and is a pretty cool guy. He knows what he's doing so I don't get why people are so hung up over him. He's gotten better by practicing with experienced PvPers. I mean look at Helio. He was a PvEr for the longest time and got good very quickly (much quicker than Male did) even though he didn't even touch the gamemode for the first few years iirc.


I believe he is referring to post #7 as well as #17 **https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/members/Malediktus-9250/showposts**


"I disagree, if someone paid a pro league player to duoQ with him and follow his instructions, they could probably get top 250 at any time. I already had someone offer me to help me get rank 1 in a future seasons for 5000g for example.

Even if you do not hire a pro league player, playing with duoQ instead of soloQ can drastically change your win rate for better or worse over night."


"Where did I imply that I would be able to earn those MMR thresholds? After all I am silver 3 currently.

But I think those MMR thresholds would make it more fair and less frustrating since moving goalposts are frustrating. Since the leaderboard currently seems to take decimal MMR into account (making it close to impossible to be tied with someone), imagine how frustrating it would be if you would miss the one of the titles by a fraction of a MMR point or drop out of top 3 or 10 because you got unlucky too often with afkers / people who get paid to throw.

It would also remove the problem of having a hard capped amount of people who are allowed to earn these titles, which would allow for adding the AP back to them."


Respectively. As I'm sure apharma agrees, silver 3 to rank #1 is a very interesting "improvement" especially on a leaderboard that is notoriously camped and "gated."

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> @"Vicariuz.1605" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > Why are people crying?

> >

> > Some ape thief decided to play staff build after hot fix and got popped by me playing cele bunker scrapper LOL.

> >

> > He ran sword/dagger and staff. Stop crying. The build is dead, just like people wanted. This community is just full on cringe when it comes to balance.


> I hope this is a troll, because sword dagger staff is not the build being discussed in this thread. YIKES. LITERAL CRINGE. It's usually a good idea to read what the thread is about before responding.


Y'all were talking about staff/staff and some people were saying staff/shortbow and other variations. So, unless you gonna call other people out nice job for using the typical Chad lingo. A+ on vocab.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> @"Vicariuz.1605"


> What @"Highlie.7641" is saying is that he/she would be able to kill the staff thief 1v1 way more easily than the 4 stack of Team USA members (3 of which are playing high DPS builds: rev, holo, and power mes) could in a 4v1.


> Oh, and he/she is _also_ saying that the entirety of Team USA is below average because they couldn't hit the staff thief during it's "punish frames."


as always, forum players are always better than teams that win mAT

forum players always know how to counter everything even tho top players publicity says its OP on their stream :)


Helseth&Co are lucky that there wasnt a Forum Players Team in the GW2 Worlds back then... they wouldnt stand a chance against these prodigies we got here

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Vicariuz.1605" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > Why are people crying?

> > >

> > > Some ape thief decided to play staff build after hot fix and got popped by me playing cele bunker scrapper LOL.

> > >

> > > He ran sword/dagger and staff. Stop crying. The build is dead, just like people wanted. This community is just full on cringe when it comes to balance.

> >

> > I hope this is a troll, because sword dagger staff is not the build being discussed in this thread. YIKES. LITERAL CRINGE. It's usually a good idea to read what the thread is about before responding.


> Y'all were talking about staff/staff and some people were saying staff/shortbow and other variations. So, unless you gonna call other people out nice job for using the typical Chad lingo. A+ on vocab.


just following in ur wisdom laden footsteps, bro.

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What a circle jerk, no wonder this game is at an all time low for skill level. keep getting carried by shit balance and pretending your good gentlemen. It's surely the reason the population is increasing.


For those of you new to the forum: Shadow pass has been raging about thieves and mesmer for 8 years

Mal : paid for a title

some of the original "Top players" where banned for wintrading , before they cried to get it reverted.

As for the rest, they have made idols out of player's who rarely even play anymore.


Me i guess i'm the best in the world according to them. except i don't even play this game anymore...


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> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> your good gentlemen.


> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> Me i guess i'm the best in the world according to them. except i don't even play this game anymore...


With all due respect for a player of your status, if you don't have a dog in this fight then let the people who do float their concerns while they have this opportunity. As of right now it doesn't matter who has been doing what. What matters is the solidity of their ideas.

Unless the best in the world is planning to make a triumphant return to PVP, in which case roll out the red carpet.


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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > your good gentlemen.


> > @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > Me i guess i'm the best in the world according to them. except i don't even play this game anymore...


> With all due respect for a player of your status, if you don't have a dog in this fight then let the people who do float their concerns while they have this opportunity. As of right now it doesn't matter who has been doing what. What matters is the solidity of their ideas.

> Unless the best in the world is planning to make a triumphant return to PVP, in which case roll out the red carpet.



Nah stepping on you filthy commoner's is what people with status do..

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In other news, just mentioning I saw a group of Anet employees in _The Pit_ on Saturday in HoTM getting blown up by all manner of meme builds. I don't know if that was for Extra Life or not, but if any of you all also keep an eye on this thread, please keep doing that/spectating from the stands. It's not the best indicator of what is broken or not but it is a decent enough place to understand at a very basic level how certain builds interact with each other.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> In other news, just mentioning I saw a group of Anet employees in _The Pit_ on Saturday in HoTM getting blown up by all manner of meme builds. I don't know if that was for Extra Life or not, but if any of you all also keep an eye on this thread, please keep doing that/spectating from the stands. It's not the best indicator of what is broken or not but it is a decent enough place to understand at a very basic level how certain builds interact with each other.


That's great news for sure

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> @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

> The feedback and concerns to the incoming changes are all valid, and I wanted to expand a bit more on why we ended up on the change that we did. Here's the situation that we were looking at:


> 1) There's a clear problem with staff thief based on past tournament games and results

> 2) There's another 'monthly' this weekend. We can expect more of the same comps if nothing changes

> 3) We have a chance to get something into a hotfix.


> We absolutely want to fix the problem for the monthly, but working in a hotfix timeline limits the scope of what we we should do. The correct change in a perfect world is a combination of smaller adjustments to (not necessarily all of these at once) Escapist's Fortitude, Roll for Initiative, Quick Pockets, Staff Master, and Debilitating Arc. But because we're doing this as part of a hotfix, the most important consideration is doing something safe. More changes introduce more risk, so we want to limit ourselves to a single change, in addition to the bug fix. The straight initiative increase to Debilitating Arc looks like the highest impact option so that's what we went with. As for making it 6 vs 5 (or solely doing the bug fix), we have one shot at this change before the monthly and we wanted to err on the side of nerfing too hard instead of risking not actually fixing the problem.


> So yes the change may be too heavy-handed, and yes there are better changes in the grand scheme of things than the one that was made. We will definitely be revisiting >this for the next update, but in the immediate time-frame we had to work with we felt this was the best option available.

I dont know if this has been suggested before but **What about removing the evades from the damaging staff skills?** I found vault and Debilitating Arc being the most unfair aspect with the crazy ammount of damage those skills do while the player is totally immune . Some counter play other than "dodge lol" should be available. With just that change and the increased initiative cost to Devilitating Arc the skills would be at the same level as other classes.


With quick pockets i would apply alacricity to the DD when swap weapon and remove the initiative. It keeps the functionality of allowing more actions without buffing continuous inititative regenration.


Increase the icd to 5s in Escapist's Fortitude. It should be available when its needed but DDs wont be able to spamm it.


All the other skills are fine IMO. Roll and staff master would be fine after those changes. The DD would lose the eternal evade and also it most damaging skills would get some counterplay.


And do please apply all the PvP traits and skills actual state in every class to wvw as well. There is also roaming scene in that game which is pretty close to the pvp experience.


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