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Is 150 Legendary Divinations for Coalescence too much?


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Just wanted to see what everyone’s opinion is regarding requiring 150 LD for Coalescence; I’ve already crafted Aurora and almost done with Vision. For me, it seems that it’s overkill for what you’re getting and I’m tending towards just crafting another set of leggy armour with that much by purchasing LI with LD. I could understand 25 LD because 150 LI gets you an entire set of armour but 150? Hmmm.....



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You are going to get 3 different opinions:


A.) the amount of LD is fine, from players who already built it

B.) the amount of LD is way to much, from players who want it but can't afford it currently or who value legendary armor higher

C.) I don't care from players who are not interested in the legendary ring


and none of the opinions will affect any change because the item is already implemented and has been crafted by many who were waiting for its release.

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Well... there is never enough limit for the rarity. The more rare, the more exclusive the item gets... I on the other hand want the Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Breastplate but it requirise 2000 rank points in WvW. For someone who loves and plays WvW that's not a big problem, for me it is because I struggle trough every single rank I get and I have a bit less than 1500 to go. In your situation it is not that different. You have something that you want really bad but the way of getting it is hard for you because of your playstyle and expirience. The way of dealing with it is try to find a way to enjoy it while grinding it and/or just brute force trough it.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> Well... there is never enough limit for the rarity. The more rare, the more exclusive the item gets... I on the other hand want the Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Breastplate but it requirise 2000 rank points in WvW. For someone who loves and plays WvW that's not a big problem, for me it is because I struggle trough every single rank I get and I have a bit less than 1500 to go. In your situation it is not that different. You have something that you want really bad but the way of getting it is hard for you because of your playstyle and expirience. The way of dealing with it is try to find a way to enjoy it while grinding it and/or just brute force trough it.


Not sure one can compare a legendary ring which has the huge QoL of statswapping endlessly for free with a skin. Dedication, yes, that I can understand, but the 2k wvw armor is just a skin.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> . . . the Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Breastplate but it requirise 2000 rank points in WvW. For someone who loves and plays WvW that's not a big problem, . . .


I was 100% in the same issue. I was at WvW rank 750 or so when I decided that wvw would be my path to legendary armor (tier 3 skin with tentacles and auras on it). I had to do wvw full time gameplay to rack maybe 150 to almost 250 ranks a month. This was ONLY possible at this steady rate when I was in TPA with cloudfly, following him as pug or as it eventually came I joined an active wvw guild fight alliance server. When SoR+IoJ was at its peak was when the most rank gains at a time.


Everyone moved to different places. I dont even know where cloud fly is, or if TPA has fully withdrawn from pugmanding. Point is now its 50 to 100 ranks a month. My point you ask? PvP rank 100 armor I got within months then built out 6 heavy legendary armor pieces in 3 ranked seasons. I ended my wvw escapades as rank 1350. Getting to rank 2000 without groups, pugs or pugmanders you depend on makes it the harder skin to obtain. TBH the tier 3 pvp heavy chest piece looks a tad nicer anyways. People always ask about it because not many go after it.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Not sure one can compare a legendary ring which has the huge QoL of statswapping endlessly for free with a skin. Dedication, yes, that I can understand, but the 2k wvw armor is just a skin.


> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Considering that the rank 2k sets are likely meant as long term rewards for WvW veterans, I don’t see this as an issue.


> If your server lacks commanders then step up and become one.


> Edit: I’m not sure why this discussion is in a thread about the Raid ring.


To respond to this, people that go after full versions of legendary items are after the skins as well. One does not go after wvw/pvp legendary armor and only to have crafted tier 2 of it. Let us not deny we do it for milestone recognition. Many I know that have raid legendary armor dont transmute over it. Its recognized immediately as achievement and legendary. As such, to pull an equivalent stature, for pvp/wvw sets, end up after tier 3 skins as well. No one sits on tier 3 armor precursors for long without forging them into legendary items.


My point is for how it relates to the ring; most likely what's happening to non-raiders (pve'ers with Aurora and vision that are after legendary skins), getting into only wings 5,6,7 as a new raider is not directly welcomed as such. You end up in training groups for weeks or months doing wing 1-4 bosses. Sure I get it gets people to become raiders. I was not under the impression that people feel that wings 1-4 are prerequisites before being worthy of wing 5-7 groups.


I can't find in the wiki, the official status of

who is elidgeable to trade Li for LD's. I still have it because I dabbled with wing 5 before whatever thing occurred. I guess this is posting for the struggles that the community only wants moderate or better w1-4 veteran players to just gain a couple LD a week with later wing training runs. Many of us have to leave guilds and connect with 4 raid guilds just to increase the exposure of w5-7 bosses. Can't solely rely on only one like RA which is a great community but you got to diversify if you want to even come close to 10 LD a week (as an entry level but competent player).


Sure, you can tell me, are person that would match how I'm describing can lfg their own squad. It appears and seems like if you are starting the lfg, sure you may get players in roles but doesnt seem easy to find squad leaders to take over for you if you cannot lead the raid yet.



[Off topic response]

In response to someone else that said I should have commanded if lack of them in wvw. SoR-IoJ regulars only followed people they knew and trust. Many tried to roll tag but would only get 5-10 even in peak times. Sure you can havok roam with that but then the same pugs who didnt want to ppt/fight with you, now crying to come help defend keep. What do we find at the keep? 30+ out of squad who didnt care you been trying to lead for hours throughout the week to make a name for yourself that STILL dont listen to you when you take command of valuable objective defense. Then how would you feel that you try 10-25 hours a week to pugmand to never gain any grounds as a worthy wvw tag to roll with. If you didn't show up as a guild group nor was a popular regular, no one cares about following. Mainly a couple bored regulars to keep their pips up and gift of battle farmers. 20-30 others roaming around smc to scrap around. Essentially, good luck commanding in wvw if no friends, no wvw guildmates nor having any reputation on that server.

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> @"jessiejay.3625" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Not sure one can compare a legendary ring which has the huge QoL of statswapping endlessly for free with a skin. Dedication, yes, that I can understand, but the 2k wvw armor is just a skin.


> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Considering that the rank 2k sets are likely meant as long term rewards for WvW veterans, I don’t see this as an issue.

> >

> > If your server lacks commanders then step up and become one.

> >

> > Edit: I’m not sure why this discussion is in a thread about the Raid ring.


> To respond to this, people that go after full versions of legendary items are after the skins as well. One does not go after wvw/pvp legendary armor and only to have crafted tier 2 of it. Let us not deny we do it for milestone recognition. Many I know that have raid legendary armor dont transmute over it. Its recognized immediately as achievement and legendary. As such, to pull an equivalent stature, for pvp/wvw sets, end up after tier 3 skins as well. No one sits on tier 3 armor precursors for long without forging them into legendary items.


> My point is for how it relates to the ring; most likely what's happening to non-raiders (pve'ers with Aurora and vision that are after legendary skins), getting into only wings 5,6,7 as a new raider is not directly welcomed as such. You end up in training groups for weeks or months doing wing 1-4 bosses. Sure I get it gets people to become raiders. I was not under the impression that people feel that wings 1-4 are prerequisites before being worthy of wing 5-7 groups.


> I can't find in the wiki, the official status of

> who is elidgeable to trade Li for LD's. I still have it because I dabbled with wing 5 before whatever thing occurred. I guess this is posting for the struggles that the community only wants moderate or better w1-4 veteran players to just gain a couple LD a week with later wing training runs. Many of us have to leave guilds and connect with 4 raid guilds just to increase the exposure of w5-7 bosses. Can't solely rely on only one like RA which is a great community but you got to diversify if you want to even come close to 10 LD a week (as an entry level but competent player).


> Sure, you can tell me, are person that would match how I'm describing can lfg their own squad. It appears and seems like if you are starting the lfg, sure you may get players in roles but doesnt seem easy to find squad leaders to take over for you if you cannot lead the raid yet.


> ------‐-----------------------------

> [Off topic response]

> In response to someone else that said I should have commanded if lack of them in wvw. SoR-IoJ regulars only followed people they knew and trust. Many tried to roll tag but would only get 5-10 even in peak times. Sure you can havok roam with that but then the same pugs who didnt want to ppt/fight with you, now crying to come help defend keep. What do we find at the keep? 30+ out of squad who didnt care you been trying to lead for hours throughout the week to make a name for yourself that STILL dont listen to you when you take command of valuable objective defense. Then how would you feel that you try 10-25 hours a week to pugmand to never gain any grounds as a worthy wvw tag to roll with. If you didn't show up as a guild group nor was a popular regular, no one cares about following. Mainly a couple bored regulars to keep their pips up and gift of battle farmers. 20-30 others roaming around smc to scrap around. Essentially, good luck commanding in wvw if no friends, no wvw guildmates nor having any reputation on that server.


I think this is a problem with “new” raiders. And them not trying. First there is a RNT guild. Stands for raiders in training. All you do is make a api, pop it in discord. Then they will let you into any training raid. Which I don’t understand why people do not take that opportunity. If you truly have no one. And starting from 0 friends. RNT is great. Which will lead you to training what is most voted into the raids. Most likely it’s 1 different raid going on every other hour or so.


That being said I don’t believe 150 is a lot. Only because I have 3 sets of legendary envoy armor. But just because it’s not a lot, should it be 150 LD for just 1 piece of legendary? No. I also don’t agree that a ring should cost you 77 mystic clovers + 250 mystic coins when a legendary armor set cost me 90 mystic clovers altogether. But all in all I think it cost that much because 1, it shows you did good commitment within wings 5-7 which not many people should have that ring. Because it symbolizes greatness within the 5-7 wings. A random new raider should not be given this ring so soon. However you can still convert li to ld.



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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> I wouldn’t consider this ring to signify commitment to wings 5-7 as you technically only need to complete each wing once for the collections and can then just convert LI to LD. I’m not sure if it’s known how many people go that route.


Definitely. At first arenanet stopped conversion from li to ld or ld to li. Whichever it was. But then people complained and arenanet put it back. So it doesn’t really matter which wing you do now cause you can convert both ways. If you need armor you can always get it in ether wing. And if you want the ring you can convert to ld


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> @"Melech.4308" said:


> Just wanted to see what everyone’s opinion is regarding requiring 150 LD for Coalescence; I’ve already crafted Aurora and almost done with Vision. For me, it seems that it’s overkill for what you’re getting and I’m tending towards just crafting another set of leggy armour with that much by purchasing LI with LD. I could understand 25 LD because 150 LI gets you an entire set of armour but 150? Hmmm.....


> Thoughts?


It’s excessive and annoying.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:


> That being said I don’t believe 150 is a lot. Only because I have 3 sets of legendary envoy armor. But just because it’s not a lot, should it be 150 LD for just 1 piece of legendary? No. I also don’t agree that a ring should cost you 77 mystic clovers + 250 mystic coins when a legendary armor set cost me 90 mystic clovers altogether. But all in all I think it cost that much because 1, it shows you did good commitment within wings 5-7 which not many people should have that ring. Because it symbolizes greatness within the 5-7 wings. A random new raider should not be given this ring so soon. However you can still convert li to ld.


I guess the point I was trying to make is if you have 150 ld/li, given that you have already crafted one set of legendary armour for one weight class, which would be more "bang for the buck" when spending those - do you go and create another set since you're halfway there already in terms of needed ld/li or do you spend all on just one ring?


Side note: It would have been more reasonable to have a pair of legendary rings though instead of one with 150 LD, even if the mats doubled, but alas that's not the case

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> @"Melech.4308" said:


> Just wanted to see what everyone’s opinion is regarding requiring 150 LD for Coalescence; I’ve already crafted Aurora and almost done with Vision. For me, it seems that it’s overkill for what you’re getting and I’m tending towards just crafting another set of leggy armour with that much by purchasing LI with LD. I could understand 25 LD because 150 LI gets you an entire set of armour but 150? Hmmm.....


> Thoughts?


My only problem with the legendary trinkets is that you can craft only one. ONE. So, no matter the cost, this will not allow me to gear all my toons with legendary trinkets. So, ONE is an incomplete sollution. And being an incomplete sollution, it is too expensive. No matter if it requires 150 LI or 15. No matter if you need 77 Clovers or only 7. No matter. It is not complete. That means (for me at least) you waste resources trying to get something not solving your problem.

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> Its just plain silly a ring requiring 150 same as a full set of legendry armour.Just one of the many reasons i no longer play the game.

> Skyscale collection was another fine example.


2nd set and onwards costs 300 LI plus you can convert LI into LD and you cannot craft 2nd ring so I don't price being a problem here.

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> @"Melech.4308" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:


> > That being said I don’t believe 150 is a lot. Only because I have 3 sets of legendary envoy armor. But just because it’s not a lot, should it be 150 LD for just 1 piece of legendary? No. I also don’t agree that a ring should cost you 77 mystic clovers + 250 mystic coins when a legendary armor set cost me 90 mystic clovers altogether. But all in all I think it cost that much because 1, it shows you did good commitment within wings 5-7 which not many people should have that ring. Because it symbolizes greatness within the 5-7 wings. A random new raider should not be given this ring so soon. However you can still convert li to ld.


> I guess the point I was trying to make is if you have 150 ld/li, given that you have already crafted one set of legendary armour for one weight class, which would be more "bang for the buck" when spending those - do you go and create another set since you're halfway there already in terms of needed ld/li or do you spend all on just one ring?


> Side note: It would have been more reasonable to have a pair of legendary rings though instead of one with 150 LD, even if the mats doubled, but alas that's not the case


Agreed. 150 LD for a ring is yikes compared to 150 for a armor set. Yes the second set is 300 li but people making more then 1 armor set is rare.


150 LD for a ring is same reason why I don’t understand why you need 77 mystic clovers for legendary weapons. The armor set cost 90 mystic clovers altogether but making 1 weapon you need 77? If anything it should be like 15-20 mystic clovers per weapon. Let alone 2nd generation legendary weapons. The grind is just disappointing.



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