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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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Don't be EA, Blizzard or Bethesda please. Those are the kinds of companies we love to hate.

Be like CD Project Red.

Be transparent, be non-scummy.

Then people won't love to hate you, but will love to love you instead.

As for the link equipment suggestion, not bad. Would be nice to be able to select builds and equipment for being the main set for a certain game mode too.

But that all of course depends on templates being made consumer friendly first.

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1. Fix legendary gear, talking about bugs, tedious stat swaping (i prefer- 1 click you can choose any stat for all legendary gear).

2. Make templates account wide, 435 euros to unlock 9 classes fully is beyond greedy and ridiculous. BuT YoU HaVe MOrE iNveNTorY space---- i dont care, i have full legendary gear, and i had over 120 free inv slots before templates, now having 8 more doesnt make sense to me.

3. Make templates, not loadouts. Add 'save', 'discard' buttons.

4. Add more of these, 6 for my main is not enough, i have 5 raid builds and 3 wvw builds, i also had like 3 more yolo builds for open world and fractals, atleast 2 for pvp. Swaping legendary gear runes, sigils, infusions, stats manualy is tedious af

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:


> Seems lots of people think like that. But the kicker is that there isn't any 'artificial inconvenience' here ... there has always been a desire for templates. The opportunity for Anet to offer templates has always been very real in this game.


By artificial inconvenience I mean that they gave us 3 build templates and 2 equipment templates knowing full well that 9/10 times a new build requires different gear.

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Something I have not seen discussed much or at all is also one of the biggest gameplay issues that should have been addressed by templates: the contextual change that occurs when entering water. This is (consciously or not) one of the reasons people tend to avoid underwater content. The change in weapon skills and unavailability of many utility skills alters what is or isn't optimal. The templates don't adequately address this because the underwater selections only modify skills, with no option to change stats or traits to match. It's also unreasonable to expect players to use up an entire template only for underwater use.


At minimum, the build template should be expanded to include an underwater swap for specialization/trait selection. While it might not be feasible to allow an additional equipment loadout for underwater, there could be a compromise such as allowing the underwater slots to equip only gear that is already present in a template; thus it does not add any item storage but still allows for the possibility of a gear swap.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"XatraZaytrax.2601" said:

> > I won't be buying more to experiment with this annoying sounding mechanic.


> It sounds like a constant grind, yes. And like a remake of the Sirens Landing mechanic. I hope you won't have to constantly reskill your build depending on your "attunement", but we'll see very soon.

Seeing how short the durations are for those, they seem do be designed purely for mass mob grinding and nothing else. Which potentially may be great for people farming metaevents, but would probably be quite useless for any more laid-back experience.


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> @"Leablo.2651" said:

> Something I have not seen discussed much or at all is also one of the biggest gameplay issues that should have been addressed by templates: the contextual change that occurs when entering water. This is (consciously or not) one of the reasons people tend to avoid underwater content. The change in weapon skills and unavailability of many utility skills alters what is or isn't optimal. The templates don't adequately address this because the underwater selections only modify skills, with no option to change stats or traits to match. It's also unreasonable to expect players to use up an entire template only for underwater use.


> At minimum, the build template should be expanded to include an underwater swap for specialization/trait selection. While it might not be feasible to allow an additional equipment loadout for underwater, there could be a compromise such as allowing the underwater slots to equip only gear that is already present in a template; thus it does not add any item storage but still allows for the possibility of a gear swap.


Which is just yet another symptom of it being a too limited and too expensive system.


While with Arc you could just press two buttons and swap too your UW build, because why not, you got all the slots you could ever need, now you have to consider a) if having an UW build is worth paying 10€/$, and b) you probably don't have space for it depending on how much different type of content you play with only 6 Slots available.


Fractals like Aquatic Ruins, which I actually somewhat enjoyed the rework of, making it a bit more challenging more in line with other Fractals, became an auto skip, since barely anyone has the time or patience to swap their entire build by hand just for that (and then back, restoring that Loadout slot to what they normally need).


While ArcTemplates encouraged people to pursue endgame goals like acquiring Legendary Gear and encouraged to play a vast array of content, really opening up the game and drastically increasing enjoyment and QoL, Anet's Loadout's achieved the complete opposite.

The more engaged with the game someone is, the more the system fall's apart. Prestige items become a QoL detriment and builds for different content/gamemodes unmanageable with too few slots.


At minimum this system needs a save/load functionality, 12-20 slots, unlocks by account instead of character, at a reduced price.

If they then added checkboxes to swap automatically to certain builds (including gear) for PvP, WvW, PvE, UW etc., that would be great. But the system needs to be fixed and expanded on first to make that viable.

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> @"Leablo.2651" said:

> Something I have not seen discussed much or at all is also one of the biggest gameplay issues that should have been addressed by templates: the contextual change that occurs when entering water. This is (consciously or not) one of the reasons people tend to avoid underwater content. The change in weapon skills and unavailability of many utility skills alters what is or isn't optimal. The templates don't adequately address this because the underwater selections only modify skills, with no option to change stats or traits to match. It's also unreasonable to expect players to use up an entire template only for underwater use.


> At minimum, the build template should be expanded to include an underwater swap for specialization/trait selection. While it might not be feasible to allow an additional equipment loadout for underwater, there could be a compromise such as allowing the underwater slots to equip only gear that is already present in a template; thus it does not add any item storage but still allows for the possibility of a gear swap.


This is another great point that always bothered me somehow. There were traits for underwater combat, yet there is no dedicated "underwater-build" like the former dedicated PvP and WvW builds. I guess now you can "waste" a slot for an underwater build and gear loadout, well...


Another example of so much potential wasted.

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I got nearly max tabs for my main when templates were released... just missing one build template. I had already made a second set of gear for my main to be able to play both condi and power when templates got released. Today, I am giving that second gear set to an alt, and just using those six equipment templates for weapon loadouts. I am still annoyed that Engineer and Elementalist don't at least have an OOC weapon swap... and without that ooc weapon swap, equipment templates are too restrictive for Engineer. So basically I am not using templates to any effect.


1. give Engineer/Elementalist OOC weapon swap to make equipment templates fair across all classes..

2. make each equip template be elite sensitive wrt weapons... meaning a single equipment template could dish out different weapons depending on core, elite 1 or elite 2.

3. make linking build templates with equipment templates possible... so there is no struggle to get the right equipment template for your build.

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> @"Mikuchan.7261" said:

> Don't be EA, Blizzard or Bethesda please. Those are the kinds of companies we love to hate.

> Be like CD Project Red.

> Be transparent, be non-scummy.

> Then people won't love to hate you, but will love to love you instead.


exactly this! and it is not difficult to do! You just give out an infinite amount of template spots for everyone, give everyone their gems back and also gift every player around 500 extra gems. Then you improve the template system, remove the "armor" templates, done.

Everyone loves you

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> @"Harrada.8041" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:


> > Seems lots of people think like that. But the kicker is that there isn't any 'artificial inconvenience' here ... there has always been a desire for templates. The opportunity for Anet to offer templates has always been very real in this game.


> By artificial inconvenience I mean that they gave us 3 build templates and 2 equipment templates knowing full well that 9/10 times a new build requires different gear.


So that's your massive beef? You think you are short an equipment template? That's funny because IIRC, those slots you were given didn't cost anyone anything. So you are right, maybe Anet shouldn't have given you anything for free if you were going to use it to complain that they are imposing an artificial economy on you to force you to buy things.




Here is some reality: That really scummy "got'em" moment you are feeling isn't Anet being greedy; they aren't forcing you to purchase something that's optional. They aren't making things 'inconvenient' for you by giving you access to templates. That thing you are feeling is all about you not wanting to pay for things things you have to pay for ... it's the tinge people get when they realize they aren't entitled to things because they are customers patronizing a service provider.

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> @"Wielder Of Magic.3950" said:

> So...

> What is your official stance Anet?

> You said you were reading our feedback and internalising it, but that was some time ago.

> An official response to said feedback would be appreciated before the next episode goes life.

> Else you might create the impression that you created this thread solely to keep all feedback into a single place while simply staying silent and waiting for the community's anger to blow over.

> A 'we are listening, but not really' sort of situation.

> I think thats not in the best interest of Anet, the players, or the game.

> So any ETA on when we can expect an official response?


Awaiting a response...patiently...though patience is wearing thin...

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1. Make Build Storage infinite - and free. Those are the actual templates. if you'd do this, it would solve a lot of the problems people complained about (e.g. having to "play around" with the actual build without being able to save it beforehand), and make the additional template slots what they should be: Quality of life. (Because, you know, keybound swapping instead of opening the hero window...)

2. Either make buying additional build and gear tabs accountwide or reduce the price, because it is ridiculous. I get it, that "additional gear storage space" costs something, but as many other have already pointed out: if you need hundreds of euros to max it out, there are a lot of people who will decide against it.

3. COMMUNICATE with us! And maybe reflect HOW you communcate things. You told us the templates would bring us so much more than we already had, but to be honest, this one additional gear tab was all we got (besides posting builds - which is pretty much useless without infite build storage). Yeah, 3 builds is nice and all, but with WvW/PvP/PvE Builds before we got nothing new out of it.


I like the idea someone in this thread had before: monetize optical effects, that happen while swapping builds! That's something nobody would complain about.

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> @"amnessa.6154" said:

> Imagine anet lifting a finger to type a letter in this topic. Wow don't give me hope. Now I expect to see more updates like this to forcefully milk players instead of adding content. I hope I am wrong about this.


Legit. Before there were some practices and prices and I just went "eh, that's the MMO genre for you."


The way templates were rolled in are straight up a play by play in mobile freemiums where they make a system incredibly obtuse because they want you to buy your way to happiness. And I expect they think they're clever, and they'll probably thrive like mobile games by milking just enough whales that they won't be able to tell the difference in operations and will assume it's a success.


I fear the trend continuing, especially after the lootbox fiasco. And by the end of LWS5 it might be unbearable.

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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > How this is resolved, will determine my future monetary support for this game.


> If people held their money as tightly as ANET held their information....lights would start flickering at HQ

> Too many people are willing to pay for a poor service.


If we gave money for information, that might actually make sense.

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Think they do as always...wait it out.... they sure will do the following maths: the players which do not bother giving feedback are fine with templates... the ones who buy this kitten either.. so in their eyes it is “only a small amount of players“ complaining so they keep going as always... should stop believing the consultant bullshit ;)

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