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Periodic reminder to please add the option to hide the legendary trinkets


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Asked before (several times) since the addition of Aurora (back on september 2017) could we please have the option to hide our auras both from ourselfs as well from others (similar to backpack, (and if possible all auras period as it is visual clutter).


Its quite something seeing the game shift the people that are drawn and every time restart the animation like explosions of balls in a group of people, just the visual confusion on top of everything else.


Please understand that is annoying to have the same balls moving around the character for what will be over 2 years, and now with build templates they are used more and become more annoying.


Not holding my breath for something that was asked for 2 years and instead gets even more pile down with auras being added to each piece of content, but i also not giving up.


If you have this legendary equipment and made it for the utility it provided (past tense since templates kind of do it as well if not better) and would like to keep using the utility without having the visual clutter pls show your support for this requests in hopes this would be the one that is read.


ty for your time and patience



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As a player who has all their visual settings on low/none, it's really irritating that the trinkets/infusions remain visible even with the minimum setting. Not only does it hinder my own view when playing/doing jumping puzzles, but it's also distracting that the trinkets/infusions remain clearly visible even when I can't see the boss or most other players during an event. I won't ask people to hide their own items, but I wish there was a way for a person to decide what they can or cannot see on their own moniter.

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This. Also, allow trinkets to have a wardrobe slot as well - it sucks that I can't transmute other accessories to my Aurora. I like the skin and I want to have it on all characters. Now, you could argue that legendary trinkets are supposed to be very expensive und luxurious and it shouldn't have the wardrobe function, but the problem is: I can't even get a second Aurora, EVEN IF I WANTED TO. That just means every time I play another character more than 30 minutes I have to swap the trinket itself manually out of my equipment, into my bank, onto my other charakter - which now, with the build templates, is even worse, because it's a nightmare to have all your gear templates messed up and all the infusions taken out and you have to do it all over again, for EACH CHARACTER, EVERY TIME. COME ON ArenaNet it's been YEARS.

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> @"DesiRe.1348" said:

> This. Also, allow trinkets to have a wardrobe slot as well - it sucks that I can't transmute other accessories to my Aurora. I like the skin and I want to have it on all characters. Now, you could argue that legendary trinkets are supposed to be very expensive und luxurious and it shouldn't have the wardrobe function, but the problem is: I can't even get a second Aurora, EVEN IF I WANTED TO. That just means every time I play another character more than 30 minutes I have to swap the trinket itself manually out of my equipment, into my bank, onto my other charakter - which now, with the build templates, is even worse, because it's a nightmare to have all your gear templates messed up and all the infusions taken out and you have to do it all over again, for EACH CHARACTER, EVERY TIME. COME ON ArenaNet it's been YEARS.


Same with the wintersday rebreather I would like that effect on all my characters.

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Periodic reminder that spamming the forums does not further your cause to be heard. It annoys people who don't care, and irritates the people who would have otherwise listened.


If you actually want to be heard, make a stronger case. Rally the people, get involved, unite the factions. Only our voices together will resound.

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> @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> I refuse to craft the legendary trinkets until the effects can be hidden. They are ugly as hell.


I refuse to craft them until they make a version without auras. There is no reason to spend an extra 1500g just to have the aura I don't even want.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> I dont agree people spent alot of gold/time to annoy us with balls in the face man.


i am the owner of a set of legendary trinkets (and ring), and by god (or whatever deity people believe in) i never thought that i was annoying you my good sir with my balls in your face


but i am pleased that you don't mind, always good to know

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> @"Aru.4156" said:

> As a player who has all their visual settings on low/none, it's really irritating that the trinkets/infusions remain visible even with the minimum setting. Not only does it hinder my own view when playing/doing jumping puzzles, but it's also distracting that the trinkets/infusions remain clearly visible even when I can't see the boss or most other players during an event. I won't ask people to hide their own items, but I wish there was a way for a person to decide what they can or cannot see on their own moniter.> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Just equip ascended.

> No eyeburning animations.

> Less than 10% the cost.


like i said before i own all three legendary trinkets (plus ring) and this that you suggested is exactly what i do, besides the occasional exotic build that requires ascended gear i don't feel like having, i just carry around a set of trinkets for most stats i used and put the legendary in the bank


what i would hope is that not to be my only solution

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