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Flame Wars 2


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The constant flaming going on from teammates towards other team members is something that needs reworked ASAP. Many of my matches are being thrown because someone flames my team member, the flamed person either DCs or AFKs (which is super understandable...) and the whole match gets ruined.

The changes would not be hard to implement. Stop allowing members of the same team to target each other. It encourages spamming. Also, members who repeatedly cuss out others, name call, and are hateful need to have their ability to speak in PvP completely revoked while in that game mode.

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Leaving a match or going afk because of getting flamed is absolutely not understandable, there is a block and a report button, use them, go on to play the frickin game.

If you as a third party get irritated by a teammate insulting another one, feel free to use those 2 buttons too.


Seriously, do ppl not know there is a blocklist in the game? Mine is probably 5 times the amount of ppl i have on my friendslist, lel

Most blocks are from wvw tho

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Blocklist and a profanity filter seems like people, and anet dont know or can't remember they exist. I find it funny people getting suspend for profanities when the game has a feature to remove them. If you don't get frustrated with the way some of the players carry on then you just dont care about competitive gaming and are just a reward farmer. Pointing a finger at someone not carrying their weight is how you learn, hell i went through it when i was new to pvp, you didnt hear me coming on the forums complaining about it or reporting them for it.

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> @"gdubze.6015" said:

> Blocklist and a profanity filter seems like people, and anet dont know or can't remember they exist. I find it funny people getting suspend for profanities when the game has a feature to remove them. If you don't get frustrated with the way some of the players carry on then you just dont care about competitive gaming and are just a reward farmer. Pointing a finger at someone not carrying their weight is how you learn, hell i went through it when i was new to pvp, you didnt hear me coming on the forums complaining about it or reporting them for it.


To be fair the UI is useless, people forget about things because there's no obvious way to remember them.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

The odd thing is alot have like 1-3k AP. If you were so much better then us you wouldn't be matched with us.


AP is not an indication of a players skill level, many players do have alt account that have never touched pve or have wanted to even considered trying to get AP


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Even if you block some team mate, they can still target you. It happened seldom to me, but when it happens I block them and we keep passing the mark each other, until I get bored and AFK. Nowadays I go invisible when I start a PvP match, but once I even received a mail from another player that apparently was really pissed off about something and couldn't whisper me. Sadly for him the mail arrives empty if you already blocked him. All this in UNRANKED!

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The entitlement is incredible here. You can already block people, or straight up turn off chat as a whole. If you don't want to do either, there is the kiddie filter to protect you from big mean words. You have pretty much total control over how you socialise with others, and what the system lets you experience from them.


But of course thats not enough, everyone and everything around you should twist to your sensibilites. Players who act in a way I dislike: PERMANENTLY MUTE THEM. People misusing a tool to direct attention: REMOVE THE OPTION FOR EVERYONE TO USE IT AT ALL. Did you even think about what possible consequences these changes could have? Someone flips out in PvP once or twice (seriously who hasn't), and they have to buy a new account if they ever want to use teamchat again. Targeting your own is used to highlight things all the time. X is downed, stack on Y becase he's about to blast stealth, Z is doing a possibly suicidal bad rotation so we target him to make him rethink that... But no, lets erase all that because some random dumbo abused the targeting system while throwing the match.



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> @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > Dont give them the pleasure of salt, ignore what they say, dont answer, and block them. You know the saying, dont feed the troll?

> > Rightclick on their name, click on block player, done.

> > Its that easy. Flamer hate this trick.

> > Seriously you make your day even worse if you lose because you had to answer someone like that.


> Blocking ppl when they talking in team chat dosen't work :s


> The lose of a match isin't a big deal you know (it's a game after all....for me at least) but trying to know why ppl are so upset and mad, making a time we're here to enjoy the game as salty as possible......that make my day worst.


> Maybe you're right, have to ignore them and i try it most of the time but...... some people are calms and can hear insults without flinching and others not....humain's nature i guess.


> The best solution i have when it go too salty is turning off team's chat and making my self invisible.....a bad solution imo but it work.


Uhhh, yes it does work.

Blocked ppl wont show up in any type of chat for you.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> Uhhh, yes it does work.

> Blocked ppl wont show up in any type of chat for you.


This. Use the block feature.


> @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

> The lose of a match isin't a big deal you know (it's a game after all....for me at least) but trying to know why ppl are so upset and mad, making a time we're here to enjoy the game as salty as possible......that make my day worst.


Stop trying to understand people whose aim is to not understand you. Some people aren't here to enjoy themselves, some people are here because they have nothing better to do.


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I strictly play for fun. And every once in awhile ill run into that 'tryhard' that starts attacking either myself or my teammates. With my 3 year experience of gw2, usually when a team gets a toxic player.. The match is done... everybody elses morale is gone and nobody is focused on the match anymore. So lately ill just throw the whole match. idgaf. If somebody is going to cry on my team.. even if we are winning, im gonna give him something to really cry about.

sorry but not sorry.

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all the people in this thread that are saying, if someone starts flaming because they can see a team member is not carrying their own weight and say's "I will give them something to cry about or normally i will just give up" are basically saying they will play idle or throw the match. To me that is far worse than 1 players frustration with a match that they can see getting thrown away by people that have no incentive to play competitively. You have basically admitted to match manipulation

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> @"rowdy.5107" said:

> I strictly play for fun. And every once in awhile ill run into that 'tryhard' that starts attacking either myself or my teammates. With my 3 year experience of gw2, usually when a team gets a **toxic player**.. The match is done... everybody elses morale is gone and nobody is focused on the match anymore. So lately ill just throw the whole match. idgaf. If somebody is going to cry on my team.. even if we are winning, im gonna give him something to really cry about.

> sorry but not sorry.


You realize you are being toxic when you do that? You are punishing three other people for the behavior of a single person. If you want this behavior to stop you have to be part of the solution...not the problem.


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It's an issue with "the cool kids club," where people for whatever reason think that juvenile behavior is "fun" and "cool" because the people they watch on streams do it.


I mean even the devs are taking on the language used by the people who stream this game, "degenerate" gameplay comes to mind.


I M A G I N E for a second, if people chose to emulate the good aspects of their friends instead of calling people monkeys and apes and whatever other "gamer" words they can think of.


It's a hard thing to stop when the "exclusive in-group" of "top players" behave like they are still in high school and the normie brains that watch them act the same.


I'm trying to think of actual REAL professional players in other games, or pro scenes in general from other games, where people behave as childish as GW2 and while there may be a couple outliers, by the overwhelming majority none of them behave this way. It might be because they are the real deal and making money supporting the community and providing content is more fun than crying about the monkas and apes and retards on your team.

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It's the thing that bothers me the most in pvp. Well, ''bother'' is a big word. Let me begin with: I do understand that it's frustrating if your teammates don't meet your standards. Especially if it keeps happening. But at some point you have to realise you're part of the problem aswell. You don't lose several games in a row, just because you're unlucky enough to be matched with ''noobs''. Even if your teammates mess up...it isn't that hard to talk to them in a friendly way; give them tips in a friendly way. Are they not responding, or do they start flaming at you? Just ignore them. At least you tried. Flaming in PVP just destroys the game for A LOT of people. Not because people can't handle criticism (which several people on this page seem to suggest), but because they prefer to flame....instead of just talking to a person. It's also common knowledge that the biggest flamers out there (for example the people who just go afk after losing ONE lost battle at mid, etc) are the people who need to learn the most. True professional players know how to carry their team if he/she is really that much better than his/her teammates. I don't know how many times I've seen it happen....someone in my team flaming and flaming....only to see him/her dying in every 1vs1...often dying at unnecessary times. But ofcourse it's not his/her fault. It's easier to blame teammates and THAT is frustrating as hell. It's also sad if an opponent feels the need to dance on your corpse, or to spam ''ezz'' after every kill. It's just childish. Especially since it's often said by the player who got carried the most. I love PVP and I love to learn, but yeah, I agree, PVP is just one big flamefest these days.

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