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Dead Game? Population decreasing!


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> @"Dante.1763" said:


> Its funny how this has been brought up by other players, and there seems to be a small but overly vocal group who refuse to want to make the metas easier because "Well i just did it and i had plenty of players."


> Alot of the metas through POF,(Hot seems immune to this.) and LS4 + LS3 maps should be looked into for reduction in difficulty from to time as players move on to newer content.


> During off hours especially getting these metas complete becomes a challenge, if not downright impossble. ive watched a group try to grab the few people in Domain Of Vabbi repeatedly(Since 7AM) for the serpents ire meta, and each time its failed to get more than 9-10 people.


I think that the completion of a meta cannot be a paramater to judge the population of a map.

If we think at the HoT maps, what do you need for a meta in VB/AB/TD? Nothing. You should be there at the right time (that means 10-15 min before in TD. No time reserved for the other two). Because even if you do **nothing** the meta event will come. The night will come in VB. The Mordrems will capture Tarir and we can take it back, the Chack Gerent will be there at the same hour. Withoud doing a thing. So, it is not a big deal if these events are completed.


BUT - how many times did you see a Tier4 in Verdant Brink in the last months? For this you should do more than killing the Matriarch for the Amalgamated Gemstone. I think I saw a T5 in Dry Top much more often then a T2 in VB.


How many times per day you see all the outposts completed in AB? How many times per day you see all the events completed for all the lanes in TD?


Again - the completion of an event is not a good indicator of the map population. The fact that the HoT metas are still completed means that the reward is OK. So, instead to reduce the difficulty of the other metas, please ask for a buff of the rewards. To the point the players will play these events.


But this will not solve the situation on the map **between** the two metas. It is not easy to do a map completion and to see another one or two players. Doing the same thing - map completion.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Its funny how this has been brought up by other players, and there seems to be a small but overly vocal group who refuse to want to make the metas easier because "Well i just did it and i had plenty of players."


> Alot of the metas through POF,(Hot seems immune to this.) and LS4 + LS3 maps should be looked into for reduction in difficulty from to time as players move on to newer content.


> During off hours especially getting these metas complete becomes a challenge, if not downright impossble. ive watched a group try to grab the few people in Domain Of Vabbi repeatedly(Since 7AM) for the serpents ire meta, and each time its failed to get more than 9-10 people.


Difficulty isn't the problem with meta events, having too many of them is.

This has been a problem for some time, even before Path of Fire was released there was concern that spreading the community over all those season maps wasn't a good idea. Arenanet needs to think of a way to funnel players towards specific maps, this week it's Bloodstone Fen, next week it's Ember Bay, and so on. Having so many maps creates the problem of getting their unique/exclusive rewards and then going to the highest income/minute map possible, causing the rest to become empty. Heart of Thorns maps are immune to this because of the Amalgamated Gemstones you can acquire there daily per meta event.

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Depends in which way.

Playerwise? No, it still has lots of players that do many fun events etc. It's still a great game and probably won't die any time soon.


Problem is - if there is no expansion announcement soon I'm afraid people will think it is dead and start to leave even more. I love GW2 but all the bad press lately and lack of communication about templates or the future makes me unsure if they want the game to continue much longer.

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Ok. First of all, ANet has said countless times that they will never shut down the servers, neither GW1 nor GW2.


Second. They are professional people who know what they are doing, and if they were panicking over losing players, they would have introduced Henchmen and Mercs, just like they did in GW1.


Third, if it was the case that they had to shut it down, as a last resort they would make a patch, in order for people to make their own private servers, or completely bypass the entire login process and have the entire data in your own computer in order to be able to play the game without even the need of internet to be able to play it fully.


Fourth. Last but not least. In the event of a lack of patch and the server shutdown, the game would have to go freeware, which would allow a lot of itchy -trigger-fingers modders to make the content for the game, and I think ANet are not interested at all in seeing their baby being ripped apart and modified by modders and independent game programmers.


Just take a look at ModDB and check how many people are well more than capable to do something out of discarded games.


So don't panic. Guild Wars is here to stay.

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> @"Jackie.3156" said:

> Why are people quitting the game :( , every time I goto WvW /PVP or do a Big World Boss Event it decreases in waves of people and this is not just the weekdays its the weekends too? what is it that I am not understanding that a lot of people don't play anymore, I can't even do some events because it requires a set amount of people, Heck even the raids it becomes lacking except the organized ones.


Many people have played this game for 5+ years, they crave fresh action, so they take a break from gw2 until new content is offered.


In addition, many are angry about the loss of the template functionality that ARC DPS offered. I think those people are mostly Raid, WvW and PvP players. Perhaps many will come back tomorrow (Nov 19th) to enjoy the next bit of content.



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It's noticeable the decrease in players I notice once they are done crafting a legendary weapon they don't have much to do after that and they dislike wvw or pvp so there's nothing to keep them entertained at least a goal they desire.


I think they should release a legendary weapon outside of the living world schedule it could be a decent experiment to see if it can keep people busy

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> @"Sovari.7246" said:

> It's noticeable the decrease in players I notice once they are done crafting a legendary weapon they don't have much to do after that and they dislike wvw or pvp so there's nothing to keep them entertained at least a goal they desire.


> I think they should release a legendary weapon outside of the living world schedule it could be a decent experiment to see if it can keep people busy


Could do another contest that involved player's own designs and the winners would be made into legendaries.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > Templates were a heck of a stumble. That and no expansion in sight drove away plenty of vets.

> This seems purely subjective. Define "plenty" of vets and where you're getting this information?




Purely anecdotal, as in people I know. I am not claiming the game is dead. Or healthy, for that matter.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> 00:15 Tequatl fight is absolutely deserted.

> Ok ANet, time to introduce Henchmen and Mercenaries, aswell as Aerial Fight for Skyscale.

> Make it spit fireballs and the special attack of multi missiles.

> Also left and right quick dodge.


> Thank you please.


pretty sure you got stuck on an overflow map.

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