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GW1 - Do you miss it and can we bring some part of it back. (invited discussion on how to succeed)


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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> We had some non Human allies in the other campaigns such as the Deldrimor Dwarfs, The Tengu Talon Silverwing and Razah who despite looking like a human male is actually a genderless humanoid creature created by the same protomatter that the mists is made up of.

> He's both human and not human, both demon and not demon, both the mists and not the mists.. a living contradiction with no identity.

> Cool character really, would be very nice and interesting to see him again in Gw2 only now what role he would play is anyones guess.

> Could be an ally with good morals or he could be a monster.. who knows.


i never played GW1, just checked this guy Razah on wiki, by gods, this guy had a very cool looking and concept art


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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > I'd rather they give us for a change something entirely new and original. We've been revisiting old GW1 zones and lore for a long time now and it appears that Icebrood Saga will continue this trend. Tyria is enormous and full of opportunities, why not explore entirely new places and civilizations instead of bringing back places that existed in GW1


> Didn't they just expanded the game to "new places and civilization" in Path of Fire? Rata Novus is a new place in HoT. And what of Tarir, not a new place and civ? Even the Dragon Stand and the Mordred is new place and new civ.


> So, I'm sorry if you left me confused.


Almost all of Path of Fire was also available in GW1. Even the area around Tarir was available in GW1, but now suddenly there is a hidden city there (not to be found in the GW1 version) so I'm not sure what left you confused. The Mordrem were already part of the lore (Sylvari) back in GW1 when the first seed was found in a mystery cave and then planted to form the Pale Tree. The key word in my post above is "entirely".

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> The old vs new argument usually tends to fall on people thinking that going to new places will automatically make them good or interesting even though there's no guarantee of this.


That's what they did, and apparently it worked, in GW1. Factions and Nightfall were entirely new continents from Prophecies, with completely new stories, places, nations, and so on. If it worked so well in GW1 why is it in GW2 we mostly get refreshes of old areas? Did their writers run dry or something? Now, don't get me wrong, I like seeing old areas and see how they turned up after two centuries, but seeing something entirely new would also be great, same reason why Factions and Nightfall felt so unique when they were released.

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The only things I really miss from GW could easily be imported into GW2: my heroes, and my cool starry looking minis (I forget their names). I miss my elementalist too, but I gave on on that ha ha


~Edit~ Oh, and the wintersday of GW is better than almost any holiday in GW2 (the Queens Pavilion is the only one GW2 does right)

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > We had some non Human allies in the other campaigns such as the Deldrimor Dwarfs, The Tengu Talon Silverwing and Razah who despite looking like a human male is actually a genderless humanoid creature created by the same protomatter that the mists is made up of.

> > He's both human and not human, both demon and not demon, both the mists and not the mists.. a living contradiction with no identity.

> > Cool character really, would be very nice and interesting to see him again in Gw2 only now what role he would play is anyones guess.

> > Could be an ally with good morals or he could be a monster.. who knows.


> i never played GW1, just checked this guy Razah on wiki, by gods, this guy had a very cool looking and concept art

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:%22Razah%22_concept_art.jpg


Yeah he did :)


Ritualists were a pretty awesome class in general ^^ hopefully we'll see them again someday in Gw2.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Yeah in many ways Gw1 had a far superior pet system than Gw2..

> > At least in the areas of aquiring/unlocking pets.

> It really, _*really*_ did not.


> Pets not having to be leveled independently from you is the single best change Anet made for GW2.


Some of us liked that feature, easy to see why some didn't though.


Obtaining pets in Gw1 was better though, having to track them down in the wild and charm them via combat was a lot more enjoyable than walking upto them and pressing F in Gw2

Pet's were far more diverse in Gw1 as well, many more species than in Gw2.

Pets also grew as they leveled up which is something they didn't add to Gw2, they also evolved in Gw1 gaining ranks like Elder, Dire, Aggressive, Playful and Hearty.. each of those giving the pet either more hp at the expense of damage or more damage at the expense of hp depending on it's evolution rank.. cept for Elder which balanced them normally.

Beastmastery also had far more skills than in Gw1 giving you far more build diversity than the 6 command skills we get in Gw2.

All classes could use pets in Gw1 providing they were part Ranger allowing you to run entire groups of heroes with pets if you wished allowing you to level up many pets at the same time.

And lastly the menagerie made each and every pet you collected actually feel like it was worth it.. it was your own personal zoo!


Gw2 pets on a mechanical level are a lot more convinient.. that is true.

But they miss out on a lot of cool things that Gw1 had that Gw2 simply doesn't.. for me personally I feel less connected to my Gw2 pets as I did with my Gw1 Animal Companions.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > The old vs new argument usually tends to fall on people thinking that going to new places will automatically make them good or interesting even though there's no guarantee of this.


> That's what they did, and apparently it worked, in GW1. Factions and Nightfall were entirely new continents from Prophecies, with completely new stories, places, nations, and so on. If it worked so well in GW1 why is it in GW2 we mostly get refreshes of old areas? Did their writers run dry or something? Now, don't get me wrong, I like seeing old areas and see how they turned up after two centuries, but seeing something entirely new would also be great, same reason why Factions and Nightfall felt so unique when they were released.


A large number of people who made Gw1 don't work on Gw2, I think the vast majority of devs working on Gw2 now never worked with the first game.


Gw1 was a very different game to Gw2 though, need to keep that in mind.

Factions and Nightfall were not "expansions" or living world updates, they were pure stand alone campaigns.. almost entirely new games in their own right.

Gw2 has absolutely nothing like that and the way the narrative is driven in Gw2 is very different.


I believe that the devs are more than capable of giving us new places in the world to go to, pretty sure everyone agrees on that.

But I don't want those places to come into the world if it's not the right time or we don't have the right reasons to go there.

They'll just feel forced then and they likely won't be as interesting or entertaining to explore.

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**Guild Wars 1 is the First and Last Guild Wars.**

There is nothing to bring back.

**The Legend Lives, stand on its own platform and needs none other**


**All Are Welcome**

![](https://i.imgur.com/sfml3fb.jpg "")


**Heroes Awaits**

![](https://i.imgur.com/KpTUfcL.png "")


**Official Anet**






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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Yeah in many ways Gw1 had a far superior pet system than Gw2..

> > At least in the areas of aquiring/unlocking pets.

> It really, _*really*_ did not.


> Pets not having to be leveled independently from you is the single best change Anet made for GW2.


I disagree it gave people something to do.. And if it wasn't for you you could literally play ranger with no pets at all.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Yeah in many ways Gw1 had a far superior pet system than Gw2..

> > At least in the areas of aquiring/unlocking pets.

> It really, _*really*_ did not.


> Pets not having to be leveled independently from you is the single best change Anet made for GW2.


I just wish we had -all- the pets available to us in GW2 that we did in GW1, id love to see the rainbow pheonix return for example. Really hope anet adds more in future updates for GW2, but i dobut it and it makes me sad :(


I also miss the menagerie, was an awesome place to go.

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I couldn't read through all the comments, but here I go:


As far as locations/art etc goes (in case the bring back Cantha. which is the really big thing left to come to GW2 apart from more Dungeons from EotN):

-I miss my jade Sea. From GW2 release, always hope to see how it looks now after I took down Shiro badass Tagachi.

-If they ever bring back Factions, Tengu could be a playable race with a different Personal Story to adjust core Tyrians. Leveling them in Shing Jea would be awesome, not sure if it creates conflict with lore though. And choosing between luxon and kurzick will improve the role gameplay and character choices a lot.

-Link story with the mysterious Sea Dragon which evetually will make water combat more important.


Mechanically (could write here for hours, to sum up):

-Main problem in GW2 for me compared to GW1: Being able to run hundreds of different builds in GW1 was what made the game best MOBA by far, and right now, everyone plays meta, even for Open World. Yes, there were meta builds back then, but you could do most Hard Mode stuff with interesting teams like all rangers/elementalist/mesmer teams and so on. Possibilities were endless.

-Relay more on your team: as far as I played, I didn't see any scenario (apart from twice I tried Raids and high rank PvP matches) where you actually relay on your team. Everyone just can play without ever communicate to people next to them. I dont want the boring heavy focused trinity Tank-Dps-Healer from other games, but there should be a place for people who want to play more defensive or support builds, which bring the next point to:

-Reduce the power reduce damage skills. Right now, everyone runs Zerker, and base their survibility in Blind, Inmune, Protection or Evade. This, as long as it is fun, reduce most builds to non-existance. Not every class should be able to evade like crazy, or perma blind, have 10 benditions most of the time and so on. There should be more differences between a Mesmer and a Guardian apart from copies and visual in skills.

-Would be great to add new weapons, like Javelin, or even knife+off hand for water combat new maps.


-Make somehow customizable heroes mechanic back. Not with a full 7 party size, but maybe something like one or two, similar to how The Old Republic handle it.

Since GW2 open world zones is not "close instance", these heroes shouldn't be key in the story, but rather some kind of pupil for the Commander, or a bodyguard-friend type, not Main Characters like Rytlock and company. I'd like them to have personality. Your thoughts?


Not from GW1:

-I really liked the idea in Core GW2 that you choose your own path. As far as story is decent enough with Living story, HoT and PoF, it feels very linear and scripted. Does anyone feel the same about it?


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